C++ Web-framework with cookie and SQL support - wt

Good Evening,
I'm building a website which will will look something like this:
So probably a widget-centred web-framework would be best...
Which C++ web-framework supports cookies (for user-login [session] storage+config storage) and SQL (MySQL or SQLite)?
My information about Wt was outdated, it looks like they now have full-support for cookies (http://redmine.webtoolkit.eu/boards/1/topics/2111)
CppCMS however has a vibrant community, and there product seems to scale better.
I will do the diplomatic thing, create a project using both frameworks.
It will be a cutdown version with only:
User registration
User login/logout (including redirect if deauthed and trying to access auth-req page)
Some basic argument passing of results across screen (see initial wireframe for ref)
Should be an interesting project... I wonder if any have done this in the past?!

Cookie support and SQL backend support are basic things, so I guess all web frameworks support them.
I am a very happy user of cppcms and I can assure you it can do all the things you ask for.
Cppcms' SQL backend uses cppdb, created by the same developer, which supports MySQL, SQLite, Postgres, and others, in addition to supporting connection pooling and other nice features.
Config storage is easy, using a json format. The cppcms also has a nice caching framework, as well as a nice API to create forms, asynchronous requests, long pulling, etc. The templating engine is both simple and very powerful, allowing for a separation of the interface and the application logic.
What's more, probably the thing I like the most about cppcms, the support is very good. Subscribe to the official cppcms mailing list: Artyom, the cppcms creator, is always very patiently replying to requests. Personally, I wished the people asking for support were contributing more to the cppcms wiki, so remember that when you join us.
[Edit: Actually, I noticed you asked the very same question on the cppcms mailing list in April this year, posting the very same screenshot. Myself and other kindly took the time to answer you, but you never replied nor thanked us for our time and advice. You may continue asking the same question all over the place, but please try to be more appreciative of the people who are giving a bit of their time to answer you. Good social manners never hurt.]

I recognise these Wt (http://webtoolkit.eu/wt) widgets you can use for your app:
charts: WCartesianChart
dropdown boxes: WComboBox
models and filter proxy models: WSortFilterProxyModel, WAbstractItemModel
the lists (views): WTableView
layout managers with draggable splitters: WHBoxLayout
tabs: WTabWidget
panel on the right: WPanel
suggestion popup on the left: WSuggestionPopup
database access: Wt::Dbo (an ORM), or anything else you prefer
cookies are well supported in Wt, see cookie related methods in WEnvironment and WApplication
Simply combine them for your application...

BinaryTiers provides a complete web development environment, including all the tools that make common web development tasks easier out of the box. Some of the fundamental tools and features built-in BinaryTiers include:
Forms validation system architecture
Abstract Publishing Architecture with built-in categorization and content translation
User account registration and maintenance
Menu management and friendly URLs
RSS-feed aggregation and syndication
System administration and web interface for the GNU C++ compilers
Coherent programming interface for No-SQL data stores as well as relational databases with Redis and MySQL
Template System and easy page layout customization
Modular design that provides high extensibility
High Speed HTTP Communication (Get, Post, Cookies, Files)
Built-in Encoding and Encryption functions
Multiplatform: Linux, BSD, OSX and Windows

Have look at ffead-cpp, it probably does what you need and provides a lot more...


Laravel Livewire application without POST forms

I'm building a new Laravel 8 application and given the reactivity features available with Livewire package, that essentially turn a backend developer into a full-stack developer (no advanced Javascript knowledge needed), I don't use any POST actions or request handling logic in my scripts. Every CRUD operation is handled with modal windows and AJAX requests. So my question is: Are there some drawbacks in this approach? Are there some limitation that will emerge in the future from the fact that my scripts don't directly handle HTTP request?
Thanks for your opinions.
FYI I'm not familiar with Laravel or Livewire. I'll use the term "platform" below as a general word to encapsulate technologies and libraries, etc, such as what you describe.
Platforms tend to focus on the high-value scenarios that most people need - so as long as what you need the platform to do aligns with what it can do, you're fine (e.g. simple CRUD). But, if you need to do something that pushes the boundaries of what the platform can do then you'll run into issues: it may not be possible; it's possible but really inefficient / a pig to work on; distorts your architecture and decision making.
Platforms like this are good in that they hide complexity, which is great until you need to access it and look under the hood. This applies to everything from debugging to developing features using approaches that the platform / platform designers haven't allowed for.
As a new developer, learning how to do things "the long way" (e.g. hand-code AJAX calls) is great as a learning experience. By doing that you can better appreciate how platforms like the ones you mention work - because you understand the underlying principles. So, a disadvantage is that new developers won't get that experience through working on this solution - they'll have to do that as a side project (which is not "evil", but it is a consideration).

Modern reporting solutions for distributed data systems

We've built a SAAS solution, which has a Frontend in PHP/MySQL. The solution uses our in-house "Backend" API to manage user transactions (financial-ish type of stuff). So basically, some of our data is in the "Frontend" database, while all transactional data is in the "Backend" database.
When it comes to reporting, the Frontend requests transactional reports from the Backend, augments it with Frontend data (user attributes, etc), and draws the report. Usually it's slow and cumbersome to create a new report, and they lack robust features like sorting & filtering. This is partially because there is no single data-source for all the info. Also, we are constantly being asked to provide "adhoc" reporting capabilities - the type of thing that is complex, and has the potential to bring a server to its knees if you aren't careful.
I think we're at the point where we need to invest in a Reporting system, which would be responsible for combining data dumps from Frontend/Backend, and would allow a non-developer to create new reports. One thing that would be important to us is to provide as seamless of an interface as possible to the reports via our Frontend. That might mean the Reporting system exposes web widgets, or perhaps has a web interface that can be accessed with SSO between our system and the Reporting system. In a nutshell, we aren't looking for a dinosaur, we need something modern. Hosted solutions are preferred, but we'd consider something we need to run ourselves. Looking for advice. Thanks!
EDIT: A hosted solution might not work for us. We are located in Canada, and many customers have policies about having data reside in the US (Patriot Act).
Have a look at myDBR reporting solution. Reports are built using stored procedures, so anyone familiar with SQL will be able to create reports. There is also a built in wizard to get you started quickly. It is also very easy to link reports to each other allowing for easy drill-down style reports.
The solution is very reasonably priced at 129 EUR (~ 170 USD) and can be installed in minutes on any standard web server (PHP being to only requirement).
myDBR can be easily integrated into your existing web-pages via the built-in SSO and styled via CSS to match your sites overall look and feel.

Implementing Real-Time Collaboration On A Page?

I would like to create a web page which would allow multiple users to work together on a page, Imagine a web based editor that allowed to users to change the documents as an example of this type of feature.
How would more experienced programmers go about implementing this as i really cant seem to formulate any way to even begin going about this task. Would there be any programming librarys that make implementing this feature easier or is it just too complex to even think about?
I am creating this webapp primarily using GWT and SmartGWT if that helps.
Thanks for any input you may have.
There is indeed a cometd-like library for gwt - http://code.google.com/p/gwteventservice/
In web development, Comet is a neologism to describe a web application model in which a long-held HTTP request allows a web server to push data to a browser, without the browser explicitly requesting it. Comet is an umbrella term for multiple techniques for achieving this interaction. All these methods rely on features included by default in browsers, such as JavaScript, rather than on non-default plugins.
In practice:
In normal way client can receive resources by request->responce. It is no possible to send data directly to client without request. With comet you can hold realtime connection between client and server and exchange data in realtime.
Check out: docs.google.com. They are using comet.
Etherpad.com is a service that used to do this. It has been since bought by Google, and the code released as open-source. You can see several links on the etherpad.com page for the source download and related information.

simple user-feedback collection service

Short: I am looking for a very simple (configuration/maintenance wise) solution, that would allow to collect user-feedback/bug-reports from my apps/web-sites over the internet.
Right now I have very simple web-app written using ASP.NET MVC that receives http-post requests at http://localhost/feedback and saves them as c:\temp\{guid}-feedback.txt. I used UltiDev HttpVpn (BTW it's very cool) to expose this page to the internet without having to put my app in DMZ. I collect following information (through a feedback form in the app, or a web-site's feedback page): user name, e-mail, type of the message (feature request, bug report, comment), application name (hard-coded in the app that sends the feedback), and message-text/comment.
About E-mail:
E-mail is not good enough, since there will be no e-mail client on most of the computers my apps are running at (also, it takes too many clicks to send an e-mail).
About JIRA:
IMHO JIRA is too heavy for what I need. I might be wrong, since I have never installed/configured it myself. Does it have a http-post interface (so I can put my own interface on)?
.NET on Windows solution preferred
FREE is a requirement
To my opinion http://www.useresponse.com is a nice alternative to SaaS services (will be once released on December 2011) you can install on your site and customize up to your satisfaction (both look and functionality).
Commercial, though. Don't think you'll have enough functionality from free scripts (neither support and new features).
Worth checking out FogBugz. I used it many versions ago and it has changed a lot since then.
But it allows you to report app crashes / bugs, etc. through a number of mechanisms (see link for details): http://www.fogcreek.com/FogBUGZ/LearnMore.html?section=NewPlatform#hist_PullCases

How can I integrate Oracle BI into an existing application?

I have an existing application written in Perl. Now I need to integrate this application with OBI. The plan is having a button the user can click on to open OBI in an iframe. OBI resides on a different server from the running application.
Has anyone done this before, know what is the best practice for doing this, and what is the effort of doing this?
Another question is is it possible to add customizations to the OBI displayed in the iframe.?
There are two ways to address the problem that I know of and tried out. According to your needs, one or the other might be more appropriate (or both, they're not mutually exclusive). In both cases, the documentation is good and readily available.
The "Go URL"
The Go URL is documented more thoroughly in the Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Services Administration Guide. It provides a quick and easy interface to the reports you've already defined, in the form of a URL. All that's needed to get it running is to fill in a few query parameters to direct to the report you want. You might need to include authentication tokens too.
Pros: very easy to try out.
Cons: harder to get security right.
The web services
The presentation server comes with a series of web services that enable a more programmatic way of querying your repository. The functionality offered through this channel goes further: for example most catalog management, including report creation and editing is possible. The full list fills a guide of its own: the Oracle Business Intelligence Web Services Guide.
Pros: better integration (i.e., no need for an IFRAME); easier to get the security right.
Cons: harder to setup; lots of XML; more advanced features (e.g. in-place drilldown) need an HTTP bridge that was a bitch to get right in my case. The generated HTML might clash a bit with yours and require cleaning up, notably in the CSS.
Embedding OBIEE reports inside a non-ADF web app is tough. If you have an option to re-write your web application in ADF, your life will be a lot easier. Just drag and drop reports and visualizations into your web application. Oracle's own Fusion Applications also follow this approach. If your app is analytics heavy, it might be a good option to explore. Here's a link to the Oracle doc.
