Modern reporting solutions for distributed data systems - reporting

We've built a SAAS solution, which has a Frontend in PHP/MySQL. The solution uses our in-house "Backend" API to manage user transactions (financial-ish type of stuff). So basically, some of our data is in the "Frontend" database, while all transactional data is in the "Backend" database.
When it comes to reporting, the Frontend requests transactional reports from the Backend, augments it with Frontend data (user attributes, etc), and draws the report. Usually it's slow and cumbersome to create a new report, and they lack robust features like sorting & filtering. This is partially because there is no single data-source for all the info. Also, we are constantly being asked to provide "adhoc" reporting capabilities - the type of thing that is complex, and has the potential to bring a server to its knees if you aren't careful.
I think we're at the point where we need to invest in a Reporting system, which would be responsible for combining data dumps from Frontend/Backend, and would allow a non-developer to create new reports. One thing that would be important to us is to provide as seamless of an interface as possible to the reports via our Frontend. That might mean the Reporting system exposes web widgets, or perhaps has a web interface that can be accessed with SSO between our system and the Reporting system. In a nutshell, we aren't looking for a dinosaur, we need something modern. Hosted solutions are preferred, but we'd consider something we need to run ourselves. Looking for advice. Thanks!
EDIT: A hosted solution might not work for us. We are located in Canada, and many customers have policies about having data reside in the US (Patriot Act).

Have a look at myDBR reporting solution. Reports are built using stored procedures, so anyone familiar with SQL will be able to create reports. There is also a built in wizard to get you started quickly. It is also very easy to link reports to each other allowing for easy drill-down style reports.
The solution is very reasonably priced at 129 EUR (~ 170 USD) and can be installed in minutes on any standard web server (PHP being to only requirement).
myDBR can be easily integrated into your existing web-pages via the built-in SSO and styled via CSS to match your sites overall look and feel.


Should event driven architecture be targeted for all data & analytics platforms?

For example,
You have an IT estate where a mix of batch and real-time data sources exists from multiple systems, e.g. ERP, Project management, asset, website, monitoring etc.
The aim is to integrate the datasources into a cloud environment (agnostic).
There is a need for reporting and analytics on combinations of all data sources.
Inevitably, some source systems are not capable of streaming, hence batch loading is required.
Potential use-cases for performing functionality/changes/updates based on the ingested data.
Given a steer for creating a future-proofed platform, architecturally, how would you look to design it?
It's a very open-end question, but there are some good principles you can adopt to help direct you in the right direction:
Avoid point-to-point integration, and get everything going through a few common points - ideally one. Using an API Gateway can be a good place to start, the big players (Azure, AWS, GCP) all have their own options, plus there's lots of decent independent ones like Tyk or Kong.
Batches and event-streams are totally different, but even then you can still potentially route them all through the gateway so that you get the centralised observability (reporting, analytics, alerting, etc).
Use standards-based API specifications where possible. A good REST based API, based off a proper resource model is a non-trivial undertaking, not sure if it fits with what you are doing if you are dealing with lots of disparate legacy integration. If you are going to adopt REST, use OpenAPI to specify the API's. Using this standard not only makes it easier for consumers, but also helps you with better tooling as many design, build and test tools support OpenAPI. There's also AsyncAPI for event/async API's
Do some architecture. Moving sh*t to cloud doesn't remove the sh*t - it just moves it to the cloud. Don't recreate old problems in a new place.
Work out the logical components in your new solution: what does each of them do (what's it's reason to exist)? Don't forget ancillary components like API catalogues, etc.
Think about layering the integration (usually depending on how they will be consumed and what role they need to play, e.g. system interface, orchestration, experience APIs, etc).
Want to handle data in a consistent way regardless of source (your 'agnostic' comment)? You'll need to think through how data is ingested and processed. This might lead you into more data / ETL centric considerations rather than integration ones.
Co-design. Is the integration mainly data coming in or going out? Is the integration with 3rd parties or strictly internal?
If you are designing for external / 3rd party consumers then a co-design process is advised, since you're essentially designing the API for them.
If the API's are for internal use, consider designing them for external use so that when/if you decide to do that later it's not so hard.
Taker a step back:
Continually ask yourselves "what problem are we trying to solve?". Usually, a technology initiate is successful if there's a well understood reason for doing it, which has solid buy-in from the business (non-IT).
Who wants the reporting, and why - what problem are they trying to solve?
As you mentioned its an IT estate aka enterprise level solution mix of batch and real time so first you have to identify what is end goal of this migration. You can think of refactoring applications. If you are trying to make it event driven then assess the refactoring efforts and cost. Separation of responsibility is the key factor for refactoring and migration.
If you are thinking about future proofing your solution then consider Cloud for storing and processing your data. Not necessary it will be cheap but mix of Cloud and on-prem could be a way. There are services available by cloud providers to move your data in minimal cost. Cloud native solutions are there for performing analysis on your data. Database migration service in AWS or Azure can move data and then capture on-going changes. So you can keep using on-prem db & apps and perform analysis for reporting on cloud. It will ease out load on your transactional DB. Most data sync from on-prem to cloud is near real time.

Passively Logging React App Performance in Production

I'm wondering if there are any utilities/patterns/paradigms/standards for monitoring React applications in production.
I've seen a lot of documentation about React performance debugging that recommends the Chrome Dev Tools (which are great, but aren't a passive way to monitor end user performance)
How could I log data to know how long users are waiting for components to mount or render?
The only thing I've thought of so far is creating a Loggable[Pure]Component that extends React.[Pure]Component whose constructor, componentWillMount/Update, and componentDidMount/Update methods log render/mount times to a server. Then, components I want to monitor can extend these components and, if need be, call super() in the lifecycle methods before doing their own work. To specifically know which components these metrics go to, I'd have to expose a method in the Loggable[Pure]Component class that does something silly like setUniqueId and then each derived class would have to call it in the constructor.
This all seems terrible and I'm very much hoping there are some things people out there have implemented, but I haven't found anything thus far.
I would have a look at some APM tools, they handle the frontend monitoring, and the backend monitoring as well. They all support react, and folks use these all the time for that use case. It really depends on your goals in the monitoring, are you doing this for fun? Do you have a startup? Are you working for a large enterprise? There are 3 major players in this market.
AppDynamics - Enterprise APM, handles the most complex apps. Unified product offering delivered SaaS or on-premises. Has deep database, server, and other monitoring.
Dynatrace - Enterprise APM, handles complex apps well. Fragmented portfolio, but the SaaS product is good. The SaaS product has limited depth in some ways. Handles server and cloud infrastructure monitoring well.
New Relic - Easy and cheap(er than others), not as in-depth as some other options. Tends to be popular with small companies. Does a good job monitoring cloud infrastructure services.
These products all do what you are looking for, but it depends on your goals with the data and how you plan to analyze it.
If you want something free and less functional there are ways to do this with open source, but you'll have to stand up and manage a pretty complex stack. Here is one option.
Check out boomerang, which can log/extract the metrics you are looking for, it doesn't "understand" react, but it should work. This data can be posted to many different systems. The best suited is likely the ELK stack (open source log analytics, and more). Here is one of several examples which marries these two together to provide analysis of the browser performance

C++ Web-framework with cookie and SQL support

Good Evening,
I'm building a website which will will look something like this:
So probably a widget-centred web-framework would be best...
Which C++ web-framework supports cookies (for user-login [session] storage+config storage) and SQL (MySQL or SQLite)?
My information about Wt was outdated, it looks like they now have full-support for cookies (
CppCMS however has a vibrant community, and there product seems to scale better.
I will do the diplomatic thing, create a project using both frameworks.
It will be a cutdown version with only:
User registration
User login/logout (including redirect if deauthed and trying to access auth-req page)
Some basic argument passing of results across screen (see initial wireframe for ref)
Should be an interesting project... I wonder if any have done this in the past?!
Cookie support and SQL backend support are basic things, so I guess all web frameworks support them.
I am a very happy user of cppcms and I can assure you it can do all the things you ask for.
Cppcms' SQL backend uses cppdb, created by the same developer, which supports MySQL, SQLite, Postgres, and others, in addition to supporting connection pooling and other nice features.
Config storage is easy, using a json format. The cppcms also has a nice caching framework, as well as a nice API to create forms, asynchronous requests, long pulling, etc. The templating engine is both simple and very powerful, allowing for a separation of the interface and the application logic.
What's more, probably the thing I like the most about cppcms, the support is very good. Subscribe to the official cppcms mailing list: Artyom, the cppcms creator, is always very patiently replying to requests. Personally, I wished the people asking for support were contributing more to the cppcms wiki, so remember that when you join us.
[Edit: Actually, I noticed you asked the very same question on the cppcms mailing list in April this year, posting the very same screenshot. Myself and other kindly took the time to answer you, but you never replied nor thanked us for our time and advice. You may continue asking the same question all over the place, but please try to be more appreciative of the people who are giving a bit of their time to answer you. Good social manners never hurt.]
I recognise these Wt ( widgets you can use for your app:
charts: WCartesianChart
dropdown boxes: WComboBox
models and filter proxy models: WSortFilterProxyModel, WAbstractItemModel
the lists (views): WTableView
layout managers with draggable splitters: WHBoxLayout
tabs: WTabWidget
panel on the right: WPanel
suggestion popup on the left: WSuggestionPopup
database access: Wt::Dbo (an ORM), or anything else you prefer
cookies are well supported in Wt, see cookie related methods in WEnvironment and WApplication
Simply combine them for your application...
BinaryTiers provides a complete web development environment, including all the tools that make common web development tasks easier out of the box. Some of the fundamental tools and features built-in BinaryTiers include:
Forms validation system architecture
Abstract Publishing Architecture with built-in categorization and content translation
User account registration and maintenance
Menu management and friendly URLs
RSS-feed aggregation and syndication
System administration and web interface for the GNU C++ compilers
Coherent programming interface for No-SQL data stores as well as relational databases with Redis and MySQL
Template System and easy page layout customization
Modular design that provides high extensibility
High Speed HTTP Communication (Get, Post, Cookies, Files)
Built-in Encoding and Encryption functions
Multiplatform: Linux, BSD, OSX and Windows
Have look at ffead-cpp, it probably does what you need and provides a lot more...

Reporting vs. Coding - thoughts?

Recently I had a project in which I had to get some data from particular software system to a portlet. The software used a database, and I spent a fair bit of time modeling the data I wanted and then creating a web service so that my portlet could grab the information.
Then it suddenly struck me that I was wasting my time. I grabbed BIRT, tossed it into a portlet, and then just wrote some reports that directly grabbed the necessary data from the database. I was done in an afternoon.
I understand that reporting is a one way street, but this got me thinking. Reporting tools can be very effective for creating reports (duh) from your actual data, but when you're doing this you're bypassing your model which except in simple cases is not a direct representation of your data as it exists in your database.
If you're writing a data-intensive application and require the ability to perform non-trivial reporting, do you bypass your application and use something like BIRT or Crystal Reports? How do you manage these tools as part of your overall process? Do you consider the reports you write as being part of your application and treat them as such? A report is a view and a model and a controller (if you will) all in one big mess, how do you deal with and interpret and plan for that?
Revised question: it's possible and even common that a report will perform some business calculations that in a perfect world you would like to have contained in your application. This can lead to a mismatch of information given back to the user. On the other hand, reporting tools make it so easy to gather and display information that it's hard to take a purist's approach and do everything from within the application. Are there any good techniques for ensuring that the data in your reports matches the data that you might be showing in the regular GUI?
I see reporting as simply another view on the data, not a view/model/controller in one (well, maybe a view and controller in one).
We have our reports (built in sql 2008 reporting services) consume a service in our application layer to get data (keeping with our standard, that data access is in a repository). These functions could do a simple query or handle very complex processing that would be a nightmare in your reporting evironment or a stored procedure. In practice, we find this takes no longer than coding up some one-off stored procedure that will, as your system grows and grows, become a nightmare to maintain.
Treating reporting as simply a one-off or not integrating into your application design is a huge mistake.
Reporting is crucial. Reporting is mostly crucial to share values collected in one system to external users, e.g. users not directly using the system (eg management for sales figures). So reporting is a lot more than just displaying facts and figures and is something central to almost every system that drives a commercial.
At least the more advanced systems allow you to enhance them: with your own reusable "controls". Even a way back can be implemented - if you just use the correct plugins. Once I wrote a system to send emails out of a report, because the system did not allow for change. It worked - though it was not meant to be used that way ;)
Reports make a good part of the application, and you gain a lot freedom if you make reports changeable for your customers. Sometimes you come up with more possibilities than you thought of when you built the system in the first place.
So yes, for me reporting is part of the system.
Reports are part of your app but because they are generally something a user will have strong ideas about than, say, your data capture UI, I'd sacrifice purity for convenience/speed of delivery and get back to "real" coding... :-)
As soon as you've done a report, users want another one or change the colour or optional grouping or more filtering or... something that takes you away from whizzier stuff... so I don't bust a gut maintaining purity.
This is a fine line indeed. You don't want to spend too much time building reports (that users want you to change all the time anyway) but you don't want to duplicate logic by putting business logic into your reports! With our reporting products at Data Dynamimcs I think we have reached a happy medium between these two tradeoffs.
By using the ObjectDataProvider (see links below for more info) you can bind the report directly to business objects (plain old objects) so you don't have to bypass your business layer for getting data. At the same time we provide a way to reference and use functions from other libraries in your report. This way if you have some code configured already to do some business logic calculations you can reuse those functions directly within your report. You can see an example of this in the links below too.
Binding to Objects for your Data (see "Object Provider" section):
Adding Custom Code to your reports Walkthrough:
Using Custom Assemblies (referencing shared libraries/dlls from your report):, and
Scott Willeke
Data Dynamics / GrapeCity
The way I've always worked with reports is to consider part reports as part of the code-base, and stored in the source along with the application. In some contexts, reports are more important than the application, in that management makes business decisions off of report data, having the wrong information can cause them to cancel a product line, cancel a campaign, or fire a sales person. Obviously, this depends highly on your management and your application.
Regarding keeping your model consistent, this is a bit trickier question. One way to ensure consistent model between reports and your application is to use stored procedures (or views) to retrieve data, depending on your application's architecture.

How can I integrate Oracle BI into an existing application?

I have an existing application written in Perl. Now I need to integrate this application with OBI. The plan is having a button the user can click on to open OBI in an iframe. OBI resides on a different server from the running application.
Has anyone done this before, know what is the best practice for doing this, and what is the effort of doing this?
Another question is is it possible to add customizations to the OBI displayed in the iframe.?
There are two ways to address the problem that I know of and tried out. According to your needs, one or the other might be more appropriate (or both, they're not mutually exclusive). In both cases, the documentation is good and readily available.
The "Go URL"
The Go URL is documented more thoroughly in the Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Services Administration Guide. It provides a quick and easy interface to the reports you've already defined, in the form of a URL. All that's needed to get it running is to fill in a few query parameters to direct to the report you want. You might need to include authentication tokens too.
Pros: very easy to try out.
Cons: harder to get security right.
The web services
The presentation server comes with a series of web services that enable a more programmatic way of querying your repository. The functionality offered through this channel goes further: for example most catalog management, including report creation and editing is possible. The full list fills a guide of its own: the Oracle Business Intelligence Web Services Guide.
Pros: better integration (i.e., no need for an IFRAME); easier to get the security right.
Cons: harder to setup; lots of XML; more advanced features (e.g. in-place drilldown) need an HTTP bridge that was a bitch to get right in my case. The generated HTML might clash a bit with yours and require cleaning up, notably in the CSS.
Embedding OBIEE reports inside a non-ADF web app is tough. If you have an option to re-write your web application in ADF, your life will be a lot easier. Just drag and drop reports and visualizations into your web application. Oracle's own Fusion Applications also follow this approach. If your app is analytics heavy, it might be a good option to explore. Here's a link to the Oracle doc.
