SQL to LINQ query asp.net - linq

I am currently trying to get some statistics for my website but i cant seem to create the query for my database to get the username that if found most frequent in all the rows.
The sql query should look something like this:
How do i make that query in my controller?

var username = db.Views.GroupBy(v => v.username).OrderByDescending(g => g.Count()).First().Key

(from a in Views
group a by a.username into b
let c = b.count()
orderby c descending
select a.username).take(1);
Your query conversion .....

This is how you do that query using LINQ:
var temp = (from a in Views
group a.username by a.username into b
orderby b.Count() descending
select b.Key).Take(1);

You can't do LIMIT 1 (mysql), since LinqToSql only generates TSql from MSSqlServer.


How to get TOP 1 result from a LINQ left join without APPLY

I have a master table and I intend to use a left join with LINQ.
Unfortunately the left join multiplies the result (I need only a top 1 result from that).
Here comes the problem: my query should have SQL 8 conformance.
So when I use the following query:
var query = from user in context.User
join group in context.Groups on user.ID equals group.GroupID into groupJoin
from subGroup in groupJoin.Take(1).DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
Name = user.Name,
GroupName = subGroup!=null ? subGroup.Name : null
I get this exception:
The execution of this query requires the APPLY operator, which is not
supported in versions of SQL Server earlier than SQL Server 2005.
How could I replace my query to have SQL8 conformance?
Unfortunately I have no EF4 to test (it does the trick in the latest EF6), but you can try to force usage of a SQL subquery expression(s) like this:
var query = from user in context.User
select new
Name = user.Name,
GroupName = (from g in context.Groups where g.GroupId == user.Id select g.Name).FirstOrDefault()
Used your linq-query without take(1) and after that use next code:
query = query.Take(1);

how to write this oracle query in jpa?

select *
from easquestionsinfo
where questionname in(select questionname
from easresponseinfo
where isconflict = 'yes')
This query works fine and returns me the records from table 'easquestioninfo' when questionname is equal to the one returned by the inner query which returns set of questionname where isconflict='yes'.
JPA supports JPQL, SQL, and Criteria.
You can execute this SQL directly using createNativeQuery().
For JPQL, it depends on your object model, perhaps something like,
Select q fom QuestionInfo q where q.name in (Select r.name from ResponseInfo q2 where r.isConflict = 'yes')

How this linq execute?

Data = _db.ALLOCATION_D.OrderBy(a => a.ALLO_ID)
Let say I have 100000 rows in ALLOCATION_D table. I want to select first 10 row. Now I want to know how the above statement executes. I don't know but I think it executes in the following way...
first it select the 100000 rows
then ordered by ALLO_ID
then Skip 10
finally select the 10 rows.
Is it right? I want to know more details.
This Linq produce a SQL query via Entity Framework. Then it depends on your DBMS, but for SQL Server 2008, here is the query produces:
SELECT TOP (10) [Extent1].[ALLO_ID] AS [ALLO_ID],
, row_number() OVER (ORDER BY [Extent1].[ALLO_ID] ASC) AS [row_number]
FROM [dbo].[ALLOCATION_D] AS [Extent1]
) AS [Extent1]
WHERE [Extent1].[row_number] > 10
You can run this in your C# for retrieve the query:
var linqQuery = _db.ALLOCATION_D
.OrderBy(a => a.ALLO_ID)
var sqlQuery = ((System.Data.Objects.ObjectQuery)linqQuery).ToTraceString();
Data = linqQuery.ToList();
Second option with Linq To SQL
var linqQuery = _db.ALLOCATION_D
.OrderBy(a => a.ALLO_ID)
var sqlQuery = _db.GetCommand(linqQuery).CommandText;
Data = linqQuery.ToList();
How do I view the SQL generated by the entity framework?
How to: Display Generated SQL
How to view LINQ Generated SQL statements?
Your statement reads as follows:
Select all rows (overwritten by skip/take)
Order by Allo_ID
Order by Allo_ID again
Skip first 10 rows
Take next 10 rows
If you want it to select the first ten rows, you simply do this:
Data = _db.ALLOCATION_D // You don't need to order twice
.OrderBy(a => a.ALLO_ID)
Up to the ToList call, the calls only generates expressions. That means that the OrderBy, Skip and Take calls are bundled up as an expression that is then sent to the entity framework to be executed in the database.
Entity framework will make an SQL query from that expression, which returns the ten rows from the table, which the ToList methods reads and places in a List<T> where T is the type of the items in the ALLOCATION_D collection.

Linq query 'Id in query' how to?

Is there any tweek to use IN like query in lambda?
for example i have a query
Select * from Users where Id in ( 1,45,67, 89)
can i write the same in linq?
for example i have list of user say
List<Users> oUserList= new List<Users>();
and i have int list
List<Int32> Ids
and i want to write query like
var data= select all users from 'oUserList' where id not in 'Ids'
can any body tell me how to write this?
Issue solved
var data = oUserInfolist.Where(x => (!oo.Contains(x.ID)));
from u in oUserList where !Ids.Contains(u.UserID) select u

Linq To Entity Framework selecting whole tables

I have the following Linq statement:
(from order in Orders.AsEnumerable()
join component in Components.AsEnumerable()
on order.ORDER_ID equals component.ORDER_ID
join detail in Detailss.AsEnumerable()
on component.RESULT_ID equals detail.RESULT_ID
where orderRestrict.ORDER_MNEMONIC == "MyOrderText"
select new
Mnemonic = detail.TEST_MNEMONIC,
OrderID = component.ORDER_ID,
SeqNumber = component.SEQ_NUM
I expect this to put out the following query:
select *
from Orders ord (NoLock)
join Component comp (NoLock)
on ord .ORDER_ID = comp.ORDER_ID
join Details detail (NoLock)
where res.ORDER_MNEMONIC = 'MyOrderText'
but instead I get 3 seperate queries that select all rows from the tables. I am guessing that Linq is then filtering the values because I do get the correct values in the end.
The problem is that it takes WAY WAY too long because it is pulling down all the rows from all three tables.
Any ideas how I can fix that?
Remove the .AsEnumerable()s from the query as these are preventing the entire query being evaluated on the server.
