How to set up private git server on linux - windows

I have tried following how-set-up-your-own-private-git-server-linux and private-remote-git-repositories-ubuntu-linode but I am still having problems.
My local environment is windows and my remote linux. I have a couple of questions:
In the first article it describes setting up a public ssh key for the server - I've never done this before and I'm not sure where to type the commands (not even sure whether local or remote!!): ssh mkdir .ssh and scp ~/.ssh/
On my local dev machine should I be running msysgit? Is there an alternative because the version I installed is taking up 1.4 GB! I installed msysGit-netinstall-1.7.4-preview20110204.exe from
I tried skipping making the git user and public key, created the repositories on the remote machine but then when I try git remote add origin ssh://[username]#[domain/ip/hostname]/srv/git/[project-name] as root user it says: fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

I'm not sure if this should be here or if it would be best migrated over to a different site, but since I might be able to help I'll go ahead and answer.
I just skimmed the articles you linked. It looks like they both deal with accessing a git server over ssh, which you mention, so that's what I'll focus on.
First, on your server:
You need to set up an account on the server so that you can log in. This can be either a generic git account, or your own personal account. For the moment we'll assume that you are setting it up to work with a personal account. What you want to do is create your account, then somewhere accessible to that account (say, in your home directory), create the git repository.
mkdir myrepo.git
cd myrepo.git
git --bare init --shared=all
So now you have a git repository up on the server. Depending on the git client you are using, you might not need to mess with keys right now. If SSH is configured on your server to allow password login then you can probably just connect and enter your password when you need to interact with the server. If you want to set up keys, what you need to do is to generate an ssh public key. I don't know off hand how to do this in windows, but in linux you'd do something like:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 1024
That command will generate two files, "id_rsa" and ""; whatever tool you use should also generate two files, a public key and a private key. They might have different names, but assume for now that "" is the name of your public key file.
You want to copy the public key to the server, you can use scp, ftp, or just move it over using a thumbdrive. Either way, once you get it onto the server, and it's accessible by your user, log in as your user on the server. You want to add the public key to your "authorized_hosts" file, so after logging in to your account on the server, do this:
mkdir .ssh
cat >> .ssh/authorized_hosts
Now, from your workstation you need to configure your ssh client to use the private key your generated. Again, I don't know how to do this on Windows and it will probably vary depending on what ssh client you are using, so you'll need to get that information somewhere else.
Next, you need to create your local repository, add some files, and make a commit. Note that you can't clone the remote repository you made yet because there's nothing in there. Once you have some commits made locally, you need to set the remote server in your repository.
If you are using the git command line tools, you can run:
git remote add origin user#yourserver:myrepo.git
If you put the repository somewhere other than your home directory, use the full path:
git remote add origin user#yourserver:/path/to/repo.git
Note that you need the ".git" in there, since your directory name has ".git" as part of the name.
If you are using a GUI tool, then you instead just edit the configuration file for the repository. This will be in the top level of your repository under ".git/config". You'll want to add something like
[remote "origin"]
url = user#yourserver:/path/to/repo.git
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
Now that your remote is configured, and you have some commits locally, you can push your master branch up to the server. If you're using the command line use:
git push origin master
Or, if you're working on a different branch:
git push origin mybranch
If you are using a GUI frontend for get then you'll need to look up the documentation for that tool on how to push.

I would like to recommend to use Gitolite that allows to setup git hosting on central srever with great features like access control and creating/managin repositories etc.
And for windows, the tool called git-scm can be used for setting up git client and also have GUI panel for git repositories. After installation of this git tool, you will get a git bash tool and a git GUI.
Gitolite makes settting up of a git hosting server and client very simple.
I hope this may help new people who are looking for an efficient solution for settting up git hosting server and clients in some easy to understand simple steps.

I followed the most voted answer and I didnt get it to work. I found this tutorial:
and I got it working. I think the problem was that, in the server, the public key is to be copied to a file "authorized_keys" and not "authorized_hosts".

I had been trying to generate the key pairs using putty but couldn't get it to work. In the end I realised that I could generate the keys via the msysgit command line using ssh-keygen -C "" -t rsa. Copy the public key to the server using nano /home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys and hey presto!
I had downloaded the full source code hence the size! The non-source app, Git-1.7.4-preview20110204.exe was just 13MB via


Git configuration on windows for ssh access to Github

I have a Github account with multiple projects.
I have cloned these projects to my windows 10 computer using ssh key.
some time later, it appear my ssh keys were compromise so i delete my ssh on Github and locally, then regenerate new ones :
4096 bits
saved the pub as ~/.ssh/
add the pub key to my Github ssh keys
saved the priv as ~/.ssh/git/git_id_rsa.ppk
converted to Openssh format as ~/.ssh/git_id_rsa
the fact is I want different ssh keys for my different web tools (one for GitHub, one for DigitalOcean, one for OVH cloud, etc...) and I want to specify witch key to use when connecting to each host. thats why I change the default name for the ssh generated with PuttyGen (and converted with the same).
I don't have passphrase on the git_id_rsa.ppk (nor git_id_rsa) keys, as it seems that GitHub dont like them (saw long time ago).
I've configure my (projecytdir)/.git/config like bellow :
[remote "origin"]
url =
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
identityfile= ~/.ssh/git_id_rsa
But when I try a Git Pull, I've got the following error : Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
Following the following answers I've created the ~/.ssh/config file with the following (using OpenSSH key for GitHub), and it works :
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/git_id_rsa
The fact is that if I need the ~/.ssh/config file, why would I need to configure my local git with (projecytdir)/.git/config as I describe it above ?
I would like to configure my local git to use the right ssh key for Github, without having to explain it in my ~/.ssh/config file.
I'm sure it is (again) a configuration problem and I miss something somewhere, but I can't find where.
Please help :)
As previously, I answer my own question :D
After some more research, I found this post that explain how to specify in Git local config file, the ssh key to use for git sh connection.
The command is simply, in the above explained case, the following while in project directory :
git config core.sshCommand "ssh -i ~/.ssh/git_id_rsa -F /dev/null"
This way, the git_id-rsa will be used by git for ssh connections on this particular project (as it is a local configuration).
Thank-you for reading.

Git how to access repository Windows local machine?

I installed Git for Windows in order to clone and pull a project hosted on a remote Linux server.
In my repository (D:/repositories/my-project) I launch the following commands
git clone server#
git pull origin master
So far so good. I pull the project files whenever modifications are applied on the server.
But now I'd like to pull or push from the remote server to my local repository.
I tried many things but I can't figure out how to access the repository located on my local machine.
Things like:
git pull duddy#my-pc:/d/repositories/my-project/.git master
just doesn't work, Git says:
ssh: Could not resolve hostname my-pc: Name or service not known
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Can someone helps me ?
First things first, I would recommend you try simply running git pull.
If this doesn't work, try running git remote -v and check to make sure that the URL for your server is listed as an origin (server#
Your issue is that you are inputting the URL for your local repository in your attempt to git pull.
I suggest reading the git-pull documentation to learn more about how pull works.
Basically, you need to have some service at your workstation which serves the requests. There are following options (I did not try most of them myself, just making it up from what I know):
use the windows file access. This is the easiest to setup at the windows workstation - just share the repository folder. The Linux side should somehow be able to mount windows shares (like described, for example, here: If you manage to mount your \\my-pc\repo to some /mount/my-pc-repo, then you can access it as file:///mount/my-pc-repo.
run git daemon at windows. Set up instructions are available at SO (for example, and it pretty straightforward, but it does not have any authentication and in most cases it is reasonable to use it only for reading, so you will not be able to push to the workstation, only fetch.
set up ssh daemon and access through ssh authentication with read-write access. Git for windows installation contains the needed software (the sshd.exe binary, it is there at least for Git for Windows 2.6.0), probably there is a way to utilize it but I could not find it quickly.
set up HTTP(S) service at your workstation. I don't know if it is possible to do only with Git for Windows (it might be, with some perl module which happen to be included with it), or you should use some other software.

Need help setting up a git server on windows

i'm trying to set up a git server on Windows, but i'm having some issues getting it all to work.
I have locally created a normal repository, and remotely i created a bare repository. On the local repository i added a single text file and committed it, but when I try to push it into the remote repository I always get the following message:
fatal: protocol error: bad line length character: fata
I searched SO and other sources, and most of them suggest it's an issue regarding command echos. I'm using freeSSHd as a SSH solution (remote repository is hosted on a windows server), and I tried to use both the git bash and the windows CMD as a command shell.
I start CMD with /Q to disable echoing and /K to change directory to a directory where repositories are located, so I don't think that would be a problem.
Using the remote desktop, i can clone the repository to a folder next to it, and using the git bash locally i can access the SSH shell and also clone the repository in the same way. But using git clone ssh://<address>:/myRepo.git I always get the above message (The SSH's working folder is the same where the repository is located). Does anyone have any idea what's going on? How can I see what command is triggering the error, and how can I see the full error message?
I also met the same error using freeSSHd as a ssh solution for git server on Windows. I couldn't find a solution for a whole day and gave up. :(
Later I found another powerful ssh server from Bitvise called WinSSHD worked well. It has free version for personal use. I suggest you to switch to it. Though I'd also like to know if there's a fix to the error we both met.
To setup ssh server with WinSSHD is quite simple, and you can add virtual accounts with private/public key access.
The key part is to setup the ssh access for git server. Please follow the steps of the blog here.
It should work well for Windows git client. For Mac, you may meet an error as follows. No such file or directory
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
To fix it, you need to create the two files and in your git bin directory (GIT_PATH/bin or GIT_PATH/libexec/git-core configured in system environment variable PATH) in your git server.
The content of
git-upload-pack.exe $*
The content of
git-receive-pack.exe $*

Source Tree for Windows doesn't seem to work with valid SSH key

I have created an ssh key pair using putty within Source Tree on Windows, and then added that to my repo client (I use Gitlab on a personal server).
This works fine from gitbash (cloning and pushing etc) and via SourceTree for OSX but after adding the .ppk key to pageant, which is actively running and seems to have loaded the key correctly, I cannot seem to clone via SourceTree. I get a "This is not a valid source Path/URL" when adding the repo path with details stating:
fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you
have the correct access rights and repository exists.
If I add an existing repo that I have cloned using the same ssh key pair via git bash (by just drag dropping the folder into Source Tree for Windows) that seems to work up to a point - I can commit and see history etc. When I try to Push, however, it fails with much the same message (I've altered the repo path):
git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false push -v
--tags origin master:master Pushing to
fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you
have the correct access rights and the repository exists.
Completed with errors, see above.
As far as I can tell Pageant is up and running with the correct (well only) ssh key on my machine.
Any help is very welcomed.
Ok so this is a little embarrasing/confusing.
It would seem that I did not copy the correct public key onto my repo management web interface. The thing is, I copied the public key from git bash using the command:
clip < ~/.ssh/
But that seems to give me a different public key from what I actually get opening in a text editor...
Is that normal? Why is it different? Why does it work within gitbash and not in SourceTree (via pageant).
Anyway, copying the contents of my public key in directly from the file when opened in notepad got things to work with SourceTree and Pageant etc.

How to git clone a repo in windows from other pc within the LAN?

I have this git repo "c:/xampp/htdocs/**" in my main PC and its IP address is Now I want to git clone this repo from ubuntu-server which running on a Vmware Player in my main PC.
I did
git clone \\\c:\xampp\htdocs\****
git clone //****
from ubuntu-server and neither worked.
fatal: could not create work tree dir '****'.: Permission denied
What did I wrong?
what should I do?
You should use the command git daemon to host your repo, like this:
In your computer that will act as a server:
git daemon --base-path=<path_to_folder_containing_project_folder> --export-all
(please note that path_to_folder_containing_project is the folder containing your projects folders, it will provide all projects under that folder)
In your client:
git clone git://<local ip>/<project name>
The cloned repo will have its origin pointing to the server in your LAN, so you may want to use git remote set-url origin to point it to the original origin.
You may want to run git daemon with the --verbose option to get more details in case you run into problems.
Make sure that your c:/xampp/htdocs folder (or sub folders of it) is shared in windows, so you can navigate on the network by this address:
Then you clone by using file:////. Note that there are four slashes:
git clone file:////
To access the repo, you must either share it on or must be the same domain user as the one that owns the file on
If you share the directory on (e.g. with share name myrepo), you access it with //
If you are logged in on your box with a user accout that is known on, you could try accessing the repo through the administrative shares:
Always use forward slashes.
Another alternative would be using SSH to access the remote machine.
Using explorer (smb) to mount the remote repository as a network share is the easiest way. I'm not entirely sure, but I think you paths might be wrong. Try file:///\c:\xampp... instead.
There are two things that might have gone wrong for you:
You don't have read permission on the remote repository
You don't have write permission in the location you want to create your repository ( the current working directory or the directory you specify as second argument to git clone)
And also check if your samba server works for normal file access.
To make git repo on Windows local network you'd need to do the following:
Create new repo
git init --bare projectName.git
Share this folder (projectName.git) with the users you need
Find your PC ip with ipconfig command (e.g.
Run this command from some user's machine
git clone //
Note: open \\ in finder to see the correct path to the projectName.git (e.g. //
I recently ran into this error while trying to clone a repository in a remote pc to a local pc within the same LAN network.
The solution was to first make sure the drive location in the remote pc had the correct access rights for the local PC(Read/Write-which can be set using windows sharing options)
Copy the path of the remote repository. In your local pc paste the path in a windows explorer window. Then copy its directory address and paste it into any browser.
Now you should get a link with the hostname and the correct cloning URL format.
Use this link to clone the repository in the local pc.
Hope this helps.
"I have a few different computers that I use at home and I wanted to set up GIT that I can access my code from any of them. It took me a bit because I was too used to working with a client-server model where I designate one machine as the "server" that holds the repository and everything else was a client. Instead, GIT seems to operate more like a merge tool and every local copy is its own "master." Once I understood that, it turns out that setting up GIT is very simple and just needs GIT itself and SSH".
To read more you can check this link:
