I have two TextBlocks, each with a different font size, and am trying to align them vertically so that their baselines match up.
I know how to do this by creating multiple Run elements within a single TextBlock, but in this case my TextBlocks are not directly adjacent, so that won't work. Here's a simplified example of my layout:
<ColumnDefinition Width="100"></ColumnDefinition>
<ColumnDefinition Width="200"></ColumnDefinition>
<RowDefinition Height="100"></RowDefinition>
<TextBlock Grid.Column="0"
<TextBlock Grid.Column="1"
If I could find a way to calculate the baseline of the font in code, that would be good enough - I could do the alignment in code, using a Canvas or custom Panel - but I haven't been able to find any WP7 APIs for finding font metrics.
I have found a very similar question here, but the solution involves the FormattedText class, and unfortunately this is not available on WP7.
I would really like to be able to do this without hardcoding any margins/offsets, if possible.
Whilst I agree with Matt's answer, if you actually need to solve the problem without manually setting margins, etc, then you can align them "properly" by setting the LineHeight to the tallest line, and then setting LineStackingStrategy to BlockLineHeight.
In that you are hardcoding the fontsizes in XAML, what's so bad about hardcoding margins to create the effect you are looking for?
This will also mean that you only need to do the calcuation once, rather than forcing the app to do it every time the page is laid out.
I want to fill a space in a Grid with a View which got scaled down (Scale="0.5"). Assume I have a Grid with three rows and two columns, and the scaled down View should fill Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" like this (outlined in red):
The problem I'm running into is that the View will get scaled down, but it doesn't re-position itself in the grid. The former size is still dominant for how big the cells of the grid actually is:
Seeing this result, I see two problems:
HorizontalOptions are not executed after the scaling happens
Grid Cell height is not being updated to fit the new height of the scaled view
As you can see in the first image, I achieved to scale it down and respect the Grid size. However, this is in a very hacky way by translating the View with hard coded values to the right position. So as soon as I add any new views to this Page, the positioning of the scaled down View will be wrong.
This is my (simplified) code:
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
<!--Other Views...-->
IsVisible="{Binding HasTermine}">
<!--Other Views...-->
I'm using ColumnSpan="2" so that I have a width of exactly one column after using Scale="0.5", but this might already be a wrong approach and I would definitely prefer to not do it this way. Also tried changing the HeightRequest to 120 after the scaling happens, but this will also shorten the height of MyCustomView.
What is the optimal approach to fill a Grid Cell with a scaled down View?
Sample Repository:
I did some test and can't a way to fill a Grid Cell with a scaled down View.
You can open a free Xamarin support case here: supportforXamarin to get more help and find if there is any solution to it.
Instead of use a scaled down View, I use a View with grid layout to achieve the similar requirement as yours and I upload a sample(based on you) here: resizeView-xamarin.forms. You can have a look at it and maybe you can find some idea from it. Hope it make sense to you.
In Xamarin Forms i have the following listview:
<ListView x:Name="StudentView" RowHeight="55" SeparatorVisibility="None" CachingStrategy="RecycleElement">
<RowDefinition Height="55"></RowDefinition>
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"></ColumnDefinition>
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"></ColumnDefinition>
<Image Source="{Binding Image}" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" Aspect="AspectFill"></Image>
<Image Source="{Binding Image}" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" Aspect="AspectFill"></Image>
In the code behind i have declared an array of 1000 items.
The problem is that if i scroll up and down the listview, everytime i see in the xamarin profile that the memory usage increase and seems that CachingStrategy="RecycleElement" not work properly (tested on real android device).
After scroll some times, the program crash with out of memory.
What's the problem? How can i resolve it?
Not sure how you are setting the ItemSource of the list view, or what it is. It would be useful to also show some of the code-behind file for this.
As a blind guess there can be performance issues with the recycling if your source is not indexable. The recommendation from Xamarin is to use an IList for the itemsource, using something like an IEnumerable will cause performance issues for a large array because it essentially has to keep looping through the data to find the right item for display.
1000 Image items are a lot! I bet this is Android, I suggest to use different solutions like:
1.- Pagging strategies (Load 10, the load another 10 and so).
2.- Reduce the images sizes.
3.- Use a cacheable image like:
4.- Implement a View custom renderer with a Recycler view.
And then the topic gets bigger and bigger on how you can improve your ListView performance, here are some useful links:
I had the same issue , large list of images or images with large resolution causes this problem, I solved this by using FFImageLoading found here, also available on nuget , Also try to bind thumbnails instead of the actual Image if possible.
<ContentPage xmlns:ci="clr-namespace:FFImageLoading.Forms;assembly=FFImageLoading.Forms">
<ci:CachedImage Source="{Binding ActualImageThumbnail}" Aspect="Fill"/>
I am using pivot control to display full sizes multiple image on the screen as a flip view. But the problem with pivot is that it is taking empty space between two pivot items. How to eliminate this space?
If any other solution is available to display images as Flip view,please share.
I used FlipView control by Kinnara fork's as a datatemplate of ListBox:
<ListBox Background="AntiqueWhite" x:Name="FlipViewList" ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Visible" ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource DataTemplate2}"/>
<DataTemplate x:Key="DataTemplate2">
<Grid Height="200">
<toolkit:FlipView x:Name="ImagePivot" Height="200" ItemsSource="{Binding imageCollection}" Tag="{Binding}" IsLocked="False" Grid.ColumnSpan="1" Grid.RowSpan="1">
<Grid HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="200" Width="480">
<Image Stretch="Fill" Source="{Binding images}" Height="200" Width="480"/>
Everything works fine but the vertical scrool is not working for listbox. How to resolve this scrool issue?
The problem here is there's no FlipView provided by msdn for the WP8 platform where as it's been added to the 8.1 version:
How to add a flip view
There are two options or even could be more, but i'm mentioning here two of them:
1) You could try out the Telerik SlideView control:
WinRT FlipView like control in WP8
Sample has been given here.
2) Or else you could go for the FlipView provided by Kinnara's fork.
I had a similar problem, so I decided to use my own custom XAML control. Basically, you can have a StackPanel that holds the images, and house that StackPanel within a Horizontally Scrolling ScrollViewer, and can modify the scrolling so that it scrolls 1 item at a time. the Images can be given a margin before adding them to the StackPanel, and that's how you can achieve the spacing between them. Check this out for instructions and a sample - https://quirkd.wordpress.com/2015/01/18/make-your-own-swipe-carousel-control/
I have an usercontrol in wpf window. In usercontrol, I have put all the controls inside the viewbox so that if the user resize the window it does not effect the scaling of the usercontrol.
<Viewbox >
In the first image, when the window is not maximized the usercontrols controls are coming as below i.e. small and blurry. Size of the controls are not constant.
if the user maximized the window, the usercontrol is coming fine as below:
Kindly suggest how to solve this issue?
Check this out:
TextBlock inside a Viewbox - strange rendering
And try playing with TextOptions.TextFormattingMode values on Viewbox (assuming the controls n the screenshot are rendered as text with fonts, not bitmapimages.
I have done localization of my app. The problem that I'm facing is that, a single line of text may be 2 lines in chinese or some other language. It would be easier if the text blocks or buttons would increase the size according to the size of the text.
Is there any way out for this? Else I would have to fix the length and width to the maximum used by the language, but then some languages may not use up so much space and it will look odd.
Rather than using fixed width / height, it is better to create a layout which allows the TextBlock to adjust its width. For example, if you have a two column layout, setting the column widths to Auto will cause the column to grow to accomodate its widest element:
<Grid Width="200">
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>
<TextBlock Text="This is a label:"/>
<TextBox Text="This is a value" Grid.Column="1"/>