What register is used instead of FP (Frame Pointer) in 8086 assembly? - x86-16

What register is used in 8086 assembly instead of FP?
I think it is SP or ESP. Am I right?

Where is FP from? What is it mnemonic for?
If it's a mnemonic for "Frame Pointer" than *BP is more likely the register equivalent in the x86 family. If it's for the push-down stack then *SP is the equivalent in the x86 family.


What is the purpose of the 40h REX opcode in ASM x64?

I've been trying to understand the purpose of the 0x40 REX opcode for ASM x64 instructions. Like for instance, in this function prologue from Kernel32.dll:
As you see they use push rbx as:
40 53 push rbx
But using just the 53h opcode (without the prefix) also produces the same result:
According to this site, the layout for the REX prefix is as follows:
So 40h opcode seems to be not doing anything. Can someone explain its purpose?
the 04xh bytes (i.e. 040h, 041h... 04fh) are indeed REX bytes. Each bit in the lower nibble has a meaning, as you listed in your question. The value 040h means that REX.W, REX.R, REX.X and REX.B are all 0. That means that adding this byte doesn't do anything to this instruction, because you're not overriding any default REX bits, and it's not an 8-bit instruction with AH/BH/CH/DH as an operand.
Moreover, the X, R and B bits all correspond to some operands. If your instruction doesn't consume these operands, then the corresponding REX bit is ignored.
I call this a dummy REX prefix, because it does nothing before a push or pop. I wondered whether it is allowed and your experience show that it is.
It is there because the people at Microsoft apparently generated the above code. I'd speculate that for the extra registers it is needed, so they generate it always and didn't bother to remove it when it is not needed. Another possibility is that the lengthening of the instruction has a subtle effect on scheduling and or aligning and can make the code faster. This of course requires detailed knowledge of the particular processor.
I'm working at an optimiser that looks at machine code. Dummy prefixes are helpful because they make the code more uniform; there are less cases to consider. Then as a last step superfluous prefixes can be removed among other things.

GCC extended Asm - Understanding clobbers and scratch registers usage

From GCC documentation regarding Extended ASM - Clobbers and Scratch Registers I find it difficult to understand the following explanation and example:
Here is a fictitious sum of squares instruction, that takes two
pointers to floating point values in memory and produces a floating
point register output. Notice that x, and y both appear twice in the
asm parameters, once to specify memory accessed, and once to specify a
base register used by the asm.
Ok, first part understood, now the sentence continues:
You won’t normally be wasting a
register by doing this as GCC can use the same register for both
purposes. However, it would be foolish to use both %1 and %3 for x in
this asm and expect them to be the same. In fact, %3 may well not be a
register. It might be a symbolic memory reference to the object
pointed to by x.
Lost me.
The example:
asm ("sumsq %0, %1, %2"
: "+f" (result)
: "r" (x), "r" (y), "m" (*x), "m" (*y));
What does the example and the second part of the sentence tells us? whats is the added value of this code in compare to another? does this code will result in a more efficient memory flush (as explained earlier in the chapter)?
Whats is the added value of this code in compare to another?
Which "another"? The way I see it, if you have this kind of instruction, you pretty much have to use this code (the only alternative being a generic memory clobber).
The situation is, you need to pass in registers to the instruction but the actual operands are in memory. Hence you need to ensure two separate things, namely:
That your instruction gets the operands in registers. This is what the r constraints do.
That the compiler knows your asm block reads memory so the values of *x and *y have to be flushed prior to the block. This is what the m constraints are used for.
You can't use %3 instead of %1, because the m constraint uses memory reference syntax. E.g. while %1 may be something like %r0 or %eax, %3 may be (%r0), (%eax) or even just some_symbol. Unfortunately your hypothetical instruction doesn't accept these kinds of operands.

Why do x86-64 Linux system calls work with 6 registers set?

I'm writing a freestanding program in C that depends only on the Linux kernel.
I studied the relevant manual pages and learned that on x86-64 the Linux system call entry point receives the system call number and six arguments through the seven registers rax, rdi, rsi, rdx, r10, r8, and r9.
Does this mean that every system call accepts six arguments?
I researched the source code of several libc implementations in order to find out how they perform system calls. Interestingly, musl contains two distinct approaches to system calls:
This assembly source file defines one __syscall function that moves the system call number and exactly six arguments to the registers defined in the ABI. The generic name of the function hints that it can be used with any system call, despite the fact it always passes six arguments to the kernel.
This C header file defines seven separate __syscallN functions, with N specifying their arity. This suggests that the benefit of passing only the exact number of arguments that the system call requires surpasses the cost of having and maintaining seven nearly identical functions.
So I tried it myself:
system_call(long number,
long _1, long _2, long _3, long _4, long _5, long _6)
long value;
register long r10 __asm__ ("r10") = _4;
register long r8 __asm__ ("r8") = _5;
register long r9 __asm__ ("r9") = _6;
__asm__ volatile ( "syscall"
: "=a" (value)
: "a" (number), "D" (_1), "S" (_2), "d" (_3), "r" (r10), "r" (r8), "r" (r9)
: "rcx", "r11", "cc", "memory");
return value;
int main(void) {
static const char message[] = "It works!" "\n";
/* system_call(write, standard_output, ...); */
system_call(1, 1, message, sizeof message, 0, 0, 0);
return 0;
I ran this program and verified that it does write It works!\n to standard output. This left me with the following questions:
Why can I pass more parameters than the system call takes?
Is this reasonable, documented behavior?
What am I supposed to set the unused registers to?
Is 0 okay?
What will the kernel do with the registers it doesn't use?
Will it ignore them?
Is the seven function approach faster by virtue of having less instructions?
What happens to the other registers in those functions?
System calls accept up to 6 arguments, passed in registers (almost the same registers as the SysV x64 C ABI, with r10 replacing rcx but they are callee preserved in the syscall case), and "extra" arguments are simply ignored.
Some specific answers to your questions below.
The src/internal/x86_64/syscall.s is just a "thunk" which shifts all the all the arguments into the right place. That is, it converts from a C-ABI function which takes the syscall number and 6 more arguments, into a "syscall ABI" function with the same 6 arguments and the syscall number in rax. It works "just fine" for any number of arguments - the additional register movement will simply be ignored by the syscall if those arguments aren't used.
Since in the C-ABI all the argument registers are considered scratch (i.e., caller-save), clobbering them is harmless if you assume this __syscall method is called from C. In fact the kernel makes stronger guarantees about clobbered registers, clobbering only rcx and r11 so assuming the C calling convention is safe but pessimistic. In particular, the code calling __syscall as implemented here will unnecessarily save any argument and scratch registers per the C ABI, despite the kernel's promise to preserve them.
The arch/x86_64/syscall_arch.h file is pretty much the same thing, but in a C header file. Here, you want all seven versions (for zero to six arguments) because modern C compilers will warn or error if you call a function with the wrong number of arguments. So there is no real option to have "one function to rule them all" as in the assembly case. This also has the advantage of doing less work syscalls that take less than 6 arguments.
Your listed questions, answered:
Why can I pass more parameters than the system call takes?
Because the calling convention is mostly register-based and caller cleanup. You can always pass more arguments in this situation (including in the C ABI) and the other arguments will simply be ignored by the callee. Since the syscall mechanism is generic at the C and .asm level, there is no real way the compiler can ensure you are passing the right number of arguments - you need to pass the right syscall id and the right number of arguments. If you pass less, the kernel will see garbage, and if you pass more, they will be ignored.
Is this reasonable, documented behavior?
Yes, sure - because the whole syscall mechanism is a "generic gate" into the kernel. 99% of the time you aren't going to use that: glibc wraps the vast majority of interesting syscalls in C ABI wrappers with the correct signature so you don't have to worry about. Those are the ways that syscall access happens safely.
What am I supposed to set the unused registers to?
You don't set them to anything. If you use the C prototypes arch/x86_64/syscall_arch.h the compiler just takes care of it for you (it doesn't set them to anything) and if you are writing your own asm, you don't set them to anything (and you should assume they are clobbered after the syscall).
What will the kernel do with the registers it doesn't use?
It is free to use all the registers it wants, but will adhere to the kernel calling convention which is that on x86-64 all registers other than rax, rcx and r11 are preserved (which is why you see rcx and r11 in the clobber list in the C inline asm).
Is the seven function approach faster by virtue of having less instructions?
Yes, but the difference is very small since the reg-reg mov instructions are usually have zero latency and have high throughput (up to 4/cycle) on recent Intel architectures. So moving an extra 6 registers perhaps takes something like 1.5 cycles for a syscall that is usually going to take at least 50 cycles even if it does nothing. So the impact is small, but probably measurable (if you measure very carefully!).
What happens to the other registers in those functions?
I'm not sure what you mean exactly, but the other registers can be used just like all GP registers, if the kernel wants to preserve their values (e.g., by pushing them on the stack and then poping them later).

Does ARM GCC have a builtin function for the assembly 'REV' instruction?

It's pretty common for compilers to have builtin intrinsic functions for processor features, but I'm having trouble finding them. Is there one to get at the 'REV' (reverse byte order of a word) instruction in ARM?
Where can I find the list of builtin functions?
Is there one to get at the 'REV' (reverse byte order of a word) instruction in ARM?
There is a more 'portable' form that is available on all architectures. It is __builtin_bswap32. For example the compiler explorer has,
unsigned int foo(unsigned int a)
return __builtin_bswap32(a);
foo(unsigned int):
rev r0, r0
bx lr
This is better than __builtin_rev would be as it will only be available on certain ARM targets (and certainly only ARM CPUs). You can use __builtin_bswap32 even on PowerPC, x86, etc.

Data type compatibility with NEON intrinsics

I am working on ARM optimizations using the NEON intrinsics, from C++ code. I understand and master most of the typing issues, but I am stuck on this one:
The instruction vzip_u8 returns a uint8x8x2_t value (in fact an array of two uint8x8_t). I want to assign the returned value to a plain uint16x8_t. I see no appropriate vreinterpretq intrinsic to achieve that, and simple casts are rejected.
Some definitions to answer clearly...
NEON has 32 registers, 64-bits wide (dual view as 16 registers, 128-bits wide).
The NEON unit can view the same register bank as:
sixteen 128-bit quadword registers, Q0-Q15
thirty-two 64-bit doubleword registers, D0-D31.
uint16x8_t is a type which requires 128-bit storage thus it needs to be in an quadword register.
ARM NEON Intrinsics has a definition called vector array data type in ARM® C Language Extensions:
... for use in load and store operations, in
table-lookup operations, and as the result type of operations that return a pair of vectors.
vzip instruction
... interleaves the elements of two vectors.
vzip Dd, Dm
and has an intrinsic like
uint8x8x2_t vzip_u8 (uint8x8_t, uint8x8_t)
from these we can conclude that uint8x8x2_t is actually a list of two random numbered doubleword registers, because vzip instructions doesn't have any requirement on order of input registers.
Now the answer is...
uint8x8x2_t can contain non-consecutive two dualword registers while uint16x8_t is a data structure consisting of two consecutive dualword registers which first one has an even index (D0-D31 -> Q0-Q15).
Because of this you can't cast vector array data type with two double word registers to a quadword register... easily.
Compiler may be smart enough to assist you, or you can just force conversion however I would check the resulting assembly for correctness as well as performance.
You can construct a 128 bit vector from two 64 bit vectors using the vcombine_* intrinsics. Thus, you can achieve what you want like this.
#include <arm_neon.h>
uint8x16_t f(uint8x8_t a, uint8x8_t b)
uint8x8x2_t tmp = vzip_u8(a,b);
uint8x16_t result;
result = vcombine_u8(tmp.val[0], tmp.val[1]);
return result;
I have found a workaround: given that the val member of the uint8x8x2_t type is an array, it is therefore seen as a pointer. Casting and deferencing the pointer works ! [Whereas taking the address of the data raises an "address of temporary" warning.]
uint16x8_t Value= *(uint16x8_t*)vzip_u8(arg0, arg1).val;
It turns out that this compiles and executes as should (at least in the case I have tried). I haven't looked at the assembly code so I cannot grant it is implemented properly (I mean just keeping the value in a register instead of writing/read to/from memory.)
I was facing the same kind of problem, so I introduced a flexible data type.
I can now therefore define the following:
typedef NeonVectorType<uint8x16_t> uint_128bit_t; //suitable for uint8x16_t, uint8x8x2_t, uint32x4_t, etc.
typedef NeonVectorType<uint8x8_t> uint_64bit_t; //suitable for uint8x8_t, uint32x2_t, etc.
Its a bug in GCC(now fixed) on 4.5 and 4.6 series.
Bugzilla link http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=48252
Please take the fix from this bug and apply to gcc source and rebuild it.
