Data type compatibility with NEON intrinsics - gcc

I am working on ARM optimizations using the NEON intrinsics, from C++ code. I understand and master most of the typing issues, but I am stuck on this one:
The instruction vzip_u8 returns a uint8x8x2_t value (in fact an array of two uint8x8_t). I want to assign the returned value to a plain uint16x8_t. I see no appropriate vreinterpretq intrinsic to achieve that, and simple casts are rejected.

Some definitions to answer clearly...
NEON has 32 registers, 64-bits wide (dual view as 16 registers, 128-bits wide).
The NEON unit can view the same register bank as:
sixteen 128-bit quadword registers, Q0-Q15
thirty-two 64-bit doubleword registers, D0-D31.
uint16x8_t is a type which requires 128-bit storage thus it needs to be in an quadword register.
ARM NEON Intrinsics has a definition called vector array data type in ARMĀ® C Language Extensions:
... for use in load and store operations, in
table-lookup operations, and as the result type of operations that return a pair of vectors.
vzip instruction
... interleaves the elements of two vectors.
vzip Dd, Dm
and has an intrinsic like
uint8x8x2_t vzip_u8 (uint8x8_t, uint8x8_t)
from these we can conclude that uint8x8x2_t is actually a list of two random numbered doubleword registers, because vzip instructions doesn't have any requirement on order of input registers.
Now the answer is...
uint8x8x2_t can contain non-consecutive two dualword registers while uint16x8_t is a data structure consisting of two consecutive dualword registers which first one has an even index (D0-D31 -> Q0-Q15).
Because of this you can't cast vector array data type with two double word registers to a quadword register... easily.
Compiler may be smart enough to assist you, or you can just force conversion however I would check the resulting assembly for correctness as well as performance.

You can construct a 128 bit vector from two 64 bit vectors using the vcombine_* intrinsics. Thus, you can achieve what you want like this.
#include <arm_neon.h>
uint8x16_t f(uint8x8_t a, uint8x8_t b)
uint8x8x2_t tmp = vzip_u8(a,b);
uint8x16_t result;
result = vcombine_u8(tmp.val[0], tmp.val[1]);
return result;

I have found a workaround: given that the val member of the uint8x8x2_t type is an array, it is therefore seen as a pointer. Casting and deferencing the pointer works ! [Whereas taking the address of the data raises an "address of temporary" warning.]
uint16x8_t Value= *(uint16x8_t*)vzip_u8(arg0, arg1).val;
It turns out that this compiles and executes as should (at least in the case I have tried). I haven't looked at the assembly code so I cannot grant it is implemented properly (I mean just keeping the value in a register instead of writing/read to/from memory.)

I was facing the same kind of problem, so I introduced a flexible data type.
I can now therefore define the following:
typedef NeonVectorType<uint8x16_t> uint_128bit_t; //suitable for uint8x16_t, uint8x8x2_t, uint32x4_t, etc.
typedef NeonVectorType<uint8x8_t> uint_64bit_t; //suitable for uint8x8_t, uint32x2_t, etc.

Its a bug in GCC(now fixed) on 4.5 and 4.6 series.
Bugzilla link
Please take the fix from this bug and apply to gcc source and rebuild it.


how can i further understand the compilation process used by gcc?

I was trying to reverse engineer some psp programs developed using the free
I noticed that i created a function to see how MIPS handles more than 4 arguments (a0-a4).
Everyone i know has told me that they get passed onto the stack.
To my surprise, that 5th argument was actually passed to register t0 and to compiler didn't even use the stack!
it also inlined a function without even having used a jal or jump to it. (obvious optimization).
Altough there was indeed a space a memory and you could double check by using print with function pointer argument. That actual code that was executed was automatically inlined without the need of a function call instruction.
^^ but that doesn't really benefit me for a reverse engineer attempt...
there is a man page for this version of gcc. and it takes seconds to install if anyone is able to provide it's man for compilation if there is one.
It's so long i don't even know how to reference information reliably
How arguments are passed is specified by the ABI (application binary interface). So you have to find respective documents.
Moreover, there is more than one such ABI, namely n32 and n64. In the case of mips-gcc, some of the decisions are commented in the GCC sources like in ./gcc/config/mips/mips.h
/* This structure has to cope with two different argument allocation
schemes. Most MIPS ABIs view the arguments as a structure, of which
the first N words go in registers and the rest go on the stack. If I
< N, the Ith word might go in Ith integer argument register or in a
floating-point register. For these ABIs, we only need to remember
the offset of the current argument into the structure.
The EABI instead allocates the integer and floating-point arguments
separately. The first N words of FP arguments go in FP registers,
the rest go on the stack. Likewise, the first N words of the other
arguments go in integer registers, and the rest go on the stack. We
need to maintain three counts: the number of integer registers used,
the number of floating-point registers used, and the number of words
passed on the stack.
We could keep separate information for the two ABIs (a word count for
the standard ABIs, and three separate counts for the EABI). But it
seems simpler to view the standard ABIs as forms of EABI that do not
allocate floating-point registers.
So for the standard ABIs, the first N words are allocated to integer
registers, and mips_function_arg decides on an argument-by-argument
basis whether that argument should really go in an integer register,
or in a floating-point one. */
There are more such comments in the mips backend. Search for "cumulative" or "CUMULATIVE" in mips.c and mips.h.

x86 decoding instruction opcode byte

I'm creating an x86 decoder and I'm struggling on understanding and finding an efficient way to calculate the mnemonic of an instruction.
I know that the opcode 6 MSBs are the opcode bits, but I can't find anywhere that use those 6 bits in a mnemonic table. The only mnemonic table I find is for the whole opcode byte itself and not just the 6 MSBs.
I wanted to ask what are some efficient ways I can go on decoding the mnemonics encoded in the opcode byte, and if there're any table references using the 6 MSBs and not the whole opcode byte.
But isn't there an efficient way to store a table for the mnemonics without duplicates?
This has become an algorithms and data structures question.
As you point out, many of the opcode table entries (at least for the table without a 0f escape byte: do repeat in groups of 4 or 2, i.e. with the same 6 or 7-bit prefix selecting the same mnemonic.
Obviously a 256-entry table of structs is simple, but duplicates things. It's very fast and easy to use, since it's probably still small enough not to cache-miss very often. (Especially since the common entries will stay hot in cache; x86 code uses the same opcodes a lot.)
You can trade simplicity / performance for space.
You could have a 64-entry table of structs where one member is a pointer to a secondary table to be indexed with the low 2 bits. If the pointer is NULL, it means the instruction follows the pattern of add / and / xor / etc. where the low 2 bits tell you 8 bit vs. whatever the operand-size is and direction (r/m,reg or reg,r/m).
Your struct would also need entries for turning into other instructions when certain prefixes are present (e.g. rep nop is pause). Also, AVX VEX prefixes use what used to be an invalid encoding of another instruction. x86 is pretty crazy to decode if you want to do a complete job for all the current extensions.
Actually, it might be simplest (and also efficient) to just use a table of function pointers. Or a struct with a const char* mnemonic and a int (*decode)(const char*mnemonic, const char *insn_bytes, unsigned prefix_bitmap) function, so lots of opcodes can point to the same decode-function but still get different mnemonics. Sometimes the function will ignore the passed mnemonic, but other times that's all it needs. You'd have a common function for decoding addressing modes that many of the decode functions would call.
This is fairly similar to how you might implement an x86 emulator that interprets, instead of doing dynamic recompilation. A common decode loop and then dispatching through function pointers.
An even more complicated data structure you might use is a radix trie aka prefix tree. See also
This is getting into silly season, because the density is so high that a lookup table makes much more sense. (There are very few undefined opcode).

Efficient Algorithm for Parsing OpCodes

Let's say I'm writing a virtual machine. I read in the program data into an array of bytes. Now I need to loop through those bytes (instructions are two bytes) and instantiate a little class representing each instruction and it's arguments.
What would be a fast parsing approach? Here are the two way's I've thought of:
Logically branching by inspecting each bit from the left to the right until I narrowed it down to a particular op code. This would be like a binary search.
Inspecting some programs to come up with a list of opcodes ordered by frequency of use, and then checking the for the full opcode in that order.
Note: I will be using bit shifting and masking in C to check, not regexes or string comps or anything high-level like that.
You don't need to parse anything. If this is in C, you make a table of function pointers which has 256 entries in it, one for each possible byte value, then jump to the appropriate function based on the first byte value. If the second byte is significant then a switch statement can be used within the function to handle the second byte. This is how the original Visual Basic interpreter (versions 1-6) worked.

Am I using _mm_srl_epi32 wrong?

In this small code example:
__m128i twos = _mm_set_epi32(2,3,1,2);
__m128i foo = _mm_set_epi32(128,128,128,128);
__m128i shifted = _mm_srl_epi32(foo,twos);
"shifted" is full of zeroes, while I expect it two be full of four 32-bit integers with the values 32,16,64, and 32, respectively. Am I using the intrinsic wrong?
Yes, you are using it incorrectly. The second argument to _mm_srl_epi32() specifies the amount of bits to shift the first argument by, but it isn't a vectored argument as you might expect, allowing you to shift each 32-bit integer by a different number of bits. Instead, the 128-bit argument is truncated to 64 bits, and the resulting count is used to determine the number of bits to shift; the same shift amount is used for all 4 integers in the first argument. In your case, the lower 64 bits are 0x0000000100000010, which evaluates to a very large positive number. This results in all of the elements of foo getting flushed to zero as all of the bits are shifted out.
A good place to find all of the little details on every instruction out there is Intel's AVX Programmer's Reference. While the title may be somewhat of a misnomer, the document contains descriptions of all SSE/SSE2/.../AVX/AVX2 instructions and descriptions of their intrinsics available in Intel's C++ compiler (which are typically also available in gcc and others). Searching for _mm_srl_epi32 in the document yields a clear explanation on exactly what the instruction does.

C18 compiler typedef enum data size

I'm trying to port code over to compile using Microchip's C18 compiler for a PIC microcontroller. The code includes enums with large values assigned (>8-bit). They are not working properly, indicating that, for example, 0x02 is the same as 0x2002.
How can I force the enumerated values to be referenced as 16-bit values?
In the DirectX headers, every enum has a FORCE_DWORD value in it with a value of 0xffffffff. I guess that's basically what you want, it forces to compiler to let the enum have at least 32 bits. So try adding a FORCE_WORD with a value of 0xffff.
This won't solve your problem, of course, if that compiler just does not support enums greater than 8 bits.
I found the problem.
For future reference, the C18 compiler will NOT promote variables OR constants when performing a math operation, even though it is ANSI C standard. This is to increase speed while running on 8-bit processors.
To force ANSI compliance, use the "-Oi" compiler option.
See page 92 of the C18 manual.
