Are there any ready-to-use map controls for wp7? - windows-phone-7

I know microsoft provides a bing map control.
And ESRI has a map control for wp7.
Are there any other map controls?

What other sort of Map control do you want? The Bing Maps control is highly extensible allowing you to create tile sources for all sorts of other mapping data. For example you can use it to render Google Sky tiles:

I know that ThinkGeo are planning on releasing their mapping control for Windows Phone but I'm not sure when.
I also need something that can display tiles link Bing but also shape files from ESRI.
Have a look at the bottom of this thread


Highlight buildings in a map

I have a requirement where I need to highlight the buildings around my current location on a map. I am using Xamarin and was wondering if anyone can point me to a correct library or control that can fulfill my requirement.
I am currently using Mapsui for Xamarin but I don't think it has the feature I am looking for.
If you have access to the geometries of the buildings there are many ways you could implement highlighting.
One way that comes to mind. Create a layer on top of your background layer with the same geometries as data source. Use a ThemeStyle to show only the selected geometry. The ThemeStyle class is created with a callback method which determines the style. In that method you should return no style unless the feature id is the same as selected feature id.
You can take a look at the ThemeStyle sample for a more general use of themes (no highlighting).
Also you could look at Mapsui.Sample.Wpf.Editing. Here is a screenshot of that sample:

Saving Leaflet.js maps as a static image

I'm trying to find a good method for allowing end users to save Leaflet.js maps as a static image (e.g. PNG, JPG, etc.). Mapbox.js (built on top of Leaflet.js) provides a nice method, but I assume this requires having your maps hosted on Mapbox so that they have a Map ID through their API. Does anyone know how I can do this with a Leaflet.js map that cannot be called through an API? Such as my example here?
Thank you all!
This thread is a bit dated, at the time of this answer, but there are a few leaflet plugins that appear to tackle this now.
Leaflet Print Plugins

How can I draw images, lines, etc. on google maps

I'm investigating how I might best create an app that allows drawing of arbitrary shapes, images, etc. on google maps, based on lat/lon coords of the shapes or coords/rotations for images. Surprisingly I haven't found anything out there that offers much in the way of flexibility. Scribble-maps has created something close to what I'd aim for, but they're using flash. I'd ideally like to build something that draws on the google maps html map.
I suppose I could build a div, lay it on top of the map, and if I can listen on the map scroll/zoom events I should be able to figure out how to do everything myself. Thoughts?
You need to use overlays, check the Google API documentation.
There's an example of mouse interaction to draw lines in the Polyline Arrays section. To show images have a look at the Ground Overlays section.
I know this is a very a late response, but we have launched an API for Scribble Maps. You can check it out at

3D on Bing maps

Are there ways to get a 3D model
(maybe made by a tool like 3DVIA at)
into a 3D Bing map.
I tried following the steps at
under the heading 3DVIA and I can't find the options mentioned.
If there is a way to import 3D models on the fly it would be great?
I'm trying to do this using the SDK at
The Bing Maps 3d Control has been retired so there is currently no supported 3d mode at all in Bing Maps

Creating custom GPS maps for WP7

So basically I am trying to create a custom GPS map for my WP7 application. I did find a great website with step by step instructions.
But in this example they used a program called OziExplorer. I tried to get this program and now i have 3versions of it. which are(I don't know which to use):
oziexplorer 3d
oziexplorer ce
oziexplorer pc
What i figured was that oziexplorer can only be used for windows pocket pc meaning winmo6.5 so i dont know if this is compatible with WP7.
I did find another website where an actual wp7 app has been released that allows a user to take a picture of a map and calibrate it with 2 points of location and the image can then be used as a gps map.
If anyone could possibly point me in the right direction as to how to begin creating a custom map to use in a wp7 app I would be ever so grateful. The map is supposed to be a map of a park.
Thanks in advance for everyones help and sorry if i sound like a noob..its just google has finally failed me..
One approach I've seen for making map tiles is to use Microsoft MapCruncher - see and - this enables you to build custom tiles for an overlay.
This blog - - tells you how to show custom tiles within the Bing Maps Silverlight viewer.
I would guess (don't know) that OziExplorer tiles could be used in this way - you just need to find a way to map the tile co-ordinates to a custom tile layer.
Another option for you is to use OpenStreetMap data:
You can use CloudMade's services - - to produce map tiles with customised look-and-feel.
You can produce your own tiles using MapNik - but (as I'm sure you are already aware) the processing and storage size needed for map tiles is large
