How Connect to remote host from Aptana Studio 3 - ftp

I am using CODA from a long time .. now i use aptana studio 3
my Question
How Connect to remote host from Aptana Studio 3?

From the Project Explorer, expand the project you want to hook up to a remote site (or just right click and create a new Web project that's empty if you just want to explore a remote site from there). There's a "Connections" node, right click it and select "Add New connection...". A dialog will appear, at bottom you can select the destination as Remote and then click the "New..." button. There you can set up an FTP/FTPS/SFTP connection.
That's how you set up a connection that's tied to a project, typically for upload/download/sync between it and a project.
You can also do Window > Show View > Remote. From that view, you can click the globe icon in the upper right to add connections and in this view you can just browse your remote connections.

Window -> Show View -> Other -> Studio/Remote
(Drag this tabbed window wherever)
Click the add FTP button (see below); #profit

There's also an option to Auto Sync built-in in Aptana.


Visual Studio - Web Development and Debugging

I'm doing some web development and when I push the debug button it starts off with the selected tab and it is really annoying because it will throw errors because those pages are not meant to be ran at first. Is there a way to have visual studio always run a default page first?
Right click the page you want to be the start page and select "Set As Start Page:"
Check out the Web Application's Properties Window, Web Tab. It has a box where you can enter the URL to load upon starting debugging.
That is; Right-click on the project item in the Solution Explorer, choose 'Properties', then click the Web tab, and select the proper option for your needs.
You can also right-click on your desired start page and select Set as Start Page.

Is there a way to show the current TFS workspace in Visual Studio?

I'm looking for a way to have the current TFS workspace displayed in Visual Studio.
It's visible when I open the Source Control Explorer (or Pending Changes), but I want it to be visible too when I'm editing code. So for example showing it in the toolbar, or in the window titlebar, or in the bottom status bar, doesn't matter as long as I can see it with a single glance.
Any tips?
You can use the "Rename Visual Studio Window Title" extension and use the [workspaceName] attribute. Hope it helps.
There is a add on that shows this info, you can dock it somewhere :
There are a couple of options to do this without an additional plugin.
Use the Properties view
Select the solution, a project, or any file in Solution Explorer
Press F4 to go to the Properties view. The full path to your solution will be shown.
Note that right-clicking the solution or project and selecting Properties (Alt-Enter) will take you to the Properties Pages which doesn't have the information you want.
Use the Source Control Explorer
Opening Source Control Explorer will show you the last accessed workspace. Most of the time, this will be the workspace for the solution you are working on. However, if you have had two Visual Studio sessions open for different workspaces, I have seen the first VS session switch to the workspace of the other VS session.
Use the Pending Changes view
Pending Changes will show the workspace just under the header for the view.
You can get to Pending Changes through:
Team Explorer => Pending Changes
View => Other Windows => Pending Changes
Hover the mouse over an open file, the tooltip will show the full path to the file.

'Property pages' tab is missing in VS2010

On the right of VS2010, there is normally a group of tabs, like the solution explorer and the property pages tab. It seems that the tab to access the property pages is missing.. How can I get it back? This must be easy.
The tabs will only appear if more than one window is docked at the same spot. If you don't see them then you either have undocked the window or closed them. Closing be the more likely case here, use the View menu to get them back. Or Windows + Reset Window Layout if you're completely lost.
Click on the Project name in the Solution Explorer and then press F4. The Properties window/tab should now appear.
Note that this Properties tab is different than the one shown if you right click the project name and then click "Properties."
Under View Dropdown menu, should be there.
Or right click on the app in design mode and click properties.
Close your visual studio and open the Visual Studio Command Prompt (from window Start -> Programs -> Visual Studio XXXX -> Visual Studio XXXX Tools) and enter "devenv /setup".
If you want to dock one below the other it's a two step operation. You need to start with the two windows not connected together at all.
1) dock the first window on the right hand side of the application. This should fill all of the vertical space available.
2) make sure the second window is floating then drag it towards the first. When the arrows appear move the mouse over the down arrow and the second window should snap below the first.

subversion server name change with ankhsvn

IT has moved the location of the svn server to a different box. As a result all the source control paths need changed. I can't find where to do it in VS2010+AnkSvn. The change source control dialog (File-Subversion-Change Source Control) lists the SCC binding URL, but as a read-only value and doesn't appear to provide any way to change it.
I think it's the "Switch solution" button on the Pending Changes toolbar. Press it, enter the new URL and press OK.
Right click on project in VS, goto subversion and select 'switch project'. here you can change your svn server.

Debugging Web Apps in Visual Studio 2010 Is Annoying

I just starting working with Visual Studio and I find that debugging web apps is rather annoying. After making a change and clicking f5 it sends you to localhost:port/ however many times you are not editing localhost:port/ but you are editing localhost:port/someOtherFile, so you can see how this can be pretty annoying.
I am hoping that there is a way to optimize this. Ideally I would want to be able to hit f5 and have it just refresh whatever tab in my browser has localhost:port/whatever/youGetThePoint If this is possible it would make for some really nice debugging because many times you would never even have to click the browser.
Also, why do we have to hit shift+f5 to stop debugging. Why not just f5...
EDIT: I am using MVC2
In Visual Studio, right click on the file (Mypage.aspx -?) you want to start debugging with and select "Set As Start Page."
This will automatically open that page instead of root.
Click on your application in the solution manager
View -> Property Pages
Select the 'Web' tab on the left
Set 'Start Action' to a specific page.
You can select any page in the web project to be the startup page - once you click F5, the browser will start at that page.
Two things you can do:
You can set your web application to use your local IIS for debugging. I'm assuming you're using the standard settings that get setup whenever you create a new web app project.
To set your project to use IIS first make sure you have IIS installed on your dev machine. Select the web application project from the Solution Explorer and then right click. Hit the properties selection. The first tab on the right (build), should allow you to configure IIS to have an application for your project. It will eliminate the port number part and should be a bit easier to navigate around in.
Second thing you can do is find the page you want to go directly to and right click on it and set it as the start page ("Set As Start Page").
Also, you can Google for a Visual Studio macro that will attach to the IIS worker proc so you don't have to refresh what the browser is currently doing. You can also go to the debug menu item and select "Attach to Process..." and then find the worker proc and attach to it.
I believe Start Options might do the trick for you.
Right-click on the project, and select "Start Options..."
On the Start Options dialog under "Start action" heading, you may specify a page or start URL.
