How do I create and process dynamic forms in ASP.NET MVC 3? -

In an upcoming project, we will be creating forms for citizen's to fill out to start the process of applying for the requested license or permit. As one can imagine, a form tends to change often. I would prefer to plan this into the application to avoid making changes on a yearly/monthly/"the big boss want's it yesterday" basis.
My searching has shown me some examples based on the object passed to the view, but those would require coding changes. Others use XML, but never seems to go through the entire process from creating the from to storing the inputted data into the database. It isn't that I need hand holding the entire way; it's that this is something completely different for me and I want some guidance to get me in the right direction. I am thinking along the lines of how these survey sites (like SurveyMonkey) create dynamic polls.
Is there any tools, utilities, tutorials, or books that may cover this quite well?

I would imagine you would probably want to take advantage of Display / EditorTemplates. You would define an interface IQuestion or something, and then have a bunch of different form options that implement that interface. So your model would have a List<IQuestion>, and then for each question in the list, Html.EditorFor(item) or so.
Then some kind of standardized way of storing the answers into a table (perhaps a unique save / load method on IQuestion. That's my take anyways. You could define the questions via DB and then your models could have varying counts (and elements) in the List<IQuestion>. Just run a DB script (or some kind of admin page) and you could dynamically change the form displayed.


Generating Navigation for different user types, MVC, PHP

I have this idea of generating an array of user-links that will depend on user-roles.
The user can be a student or an admin.
What I have in mind is use a foreach loop to generate a list of links that is only available for certain users.
My problem is, I created a helper class called Navigation, but I am so certain that I MUST NOT hard-code the links in there, instead I want that helper class to just read an object sent from somewhere, and then will return the desired navigation array to a page.
Follow up questions, where do you think should i keep the links that will only be available for students, for admins. Should i just keep them in a text-file?
or if it is possible to create a controller that passes an array of links, for example
a method in nav_controller class -> studentLinks(){} that will send an array of links to the helper class, the the helper class will then send it to the view..
Sorry if I'm quite crazy at explaining. Do you have any related resources?
From your description it seems that you are building some education-related system. It would make sense to create implementation in such way, that you can later expand the project. Seems reasonable to expect addition of "lectors" as a role later.
Then again .. I am not sure how extensive your knowledge about MVC design pattern is.
That said, in this situation I would consider two ways to solve this:
View requests current user's status from model layer and, based on the response, requests additional data. Then view uses either admin or user templates and creates the response.
You can either hardcode the specific navigation items in the templates, from which you build the response, or the lit of available navigation items can be a part of the additional information that you requested from model layer.
The downside for this method is, that every time you need, when you need to add another group, you will have to rewrite some (if not all) view classes.
Wrap the structures from model layer in a containment object (the basis of implementation available in this post), which would let you restrict, what data is returned.
When using this approach, the views aways request all the available information from model layer, but some of it will return null, in which case the template would not be applied. To implement this, the list of available navigation items would have to be provided by model layer.
P.S. As you might have noticed from this description, view is not a template and model is not a class.
It really depends on what you're already using and the scale of your project. If you're using a db - stick it there. If you're using xml/json/yaml/whatever - store it in a file with corresponding format. If you have neither - hardcode it. What I mean - avoid using multiple technologies to store data. Also, if the links won't be updated frequently and the users won't be able to customize them I'd hardcode them. There's no point in creating something very complex for the sake of dynamics if the app will be mostly static.
Note that this question doesn't quite fit in stackoverflow. would probably be a better fit

Where does language translation fit in the MVC pattern?

I'm building a multi-lingual web application using the MVC pattern as the starting position. The application has a number of forms that users will be interacting with and many of these forms will have fields that do a lookup from a database table, 'Province' for example.
If I need the options in these lists to be displayed in the users' language on the screen, I can see a couple of ways to do this:
In the model. When querying the model, I can provide the language that I desire the results to be returned in. This would allow translations to be used everywhere that data from the model is displayed without changes. However, this also means that the Province model in my example (plus all other application models) now need to know how to do language translations.
In the controller. I can query the model in the controller action as usual and then create a 'Translator' object that I can pass the results into before completing the action. This would imply that each controller action would potentially be duplicating the same translation code, violating the DRY principle.
In the view. Since the presentation of the application is generally expected to exist in the views, and the language of the user doesn't impact the business logic of the system, an argument could be made that language translations belong here. Especially considering that a page could also contain static content that will need to be translated. The downside to this is that it would complicate the views somewhat, especially for the front-end designers who will have to work around the new translation code.
Is there an accepted best-practice for where text translations belong in the MCV pattern for web applications? Does this change at all if I were to be loading the select list options via an AJAX call instead of at page load time?
Thanks for the help!
The best place to handle it is in the view. Your question only references dynamic data from the database, but you also have to handle the static information in your views as well. Best to handle both of those in the same place. A common practice in MVC for handling multiple language is resource strings, separate views for each language, or a combination of both. For information from the database resource strings would work well. You would store a token in the database for the options in the list (that token could be the English translation) and the view would get the appropriate translation from a resource for the specified country/locale. There is a good detailed explanation on this approach in this blog post.
If you need to translate part of your UI, then I would create a helper method that would read a resource file and output a translated string for that resources. E.g.
So regarding the UI, it makes sense to handle this in the UI.
If the data that you are going to translate at some point might be shown in a Flash client, or a mobile app, then it should be translated by a server and it should have nothing to do with your MVC application.
Honestly, any interaction with a database should be handled in the model, and that's the only thing handled in the model. Interpreting/organizing that data should be handled in the controller. I guess more information would be need as to where this translation is coming from and how that works to really give a solid answer.
The view will just display strings from a resource file. Including the correct resource file for the locale should do it. In Web applications, it's often a single language JS file defining the UI strings per locale, e.g, strings.en-us.js, and so on.
Some strings do come from the server dynamically, the controller doesn't need to know about it, the model should just grab the localized strings and return is as part of the data request.
So it's either in the view (if it's static) or in the model, (if it's dynamic). Controllers should just translate data from the view to the model and from the model to the view
Another very important thing to consider is WHEN to Translate. Using a once-per-each-translation method like #Translate("NewUserHeading") is fine if you only have 100 translations on your page, but what if you have more?
Because think about it, translation is based upon language choice and that only happens once-per-page or even once-per-session. The way that the Kendo UI people do it in their demo is that way, when the User clicks a new language a new set of server files is loaded. That would mean having something like:
Check it out at
It's a trade off of more work for better performance. The ultimate use-case of translation right now is with over 900 languages!

How to store/serve user-customizable HTML templates?

I want to offer a tumblr-like functionality where you can select a template, and optionally customize the HTML of your template in the browser and save it.
Current stack: Mongo, Sinatra (for REST API) for prototype. Will likely be moving to a compiled, statically-typed language later.
Wondering how best to accomplish this. Options I've considered:
Store the HTML in mongo, and duplicate it for all user accounts. So the HTML for the template you choose gets written into your account. Obvious cons of space inefficiency and need to update all users that use that template (if un-customized - you customize it it becomes your own and I won't ever touch it) if the template changes.
Store the templates in templates collection, and put custom templates either into this same collection or into the user collection with the owner of the template. User references a template id. This is quite clearly better than 1 I believe. Especially because I won't need to pull the template every time the user object is pulled.
Some third party library? Open to suggestions here.
File system.
I will need to package up these templates (insert js and stuff the user shouldn't be exposed to) and then serve them. Any advice on how best to approach this is greatly appreciated.
Your approach will depend on how often you foresee people customizing the template versus just going with a standard. How about a hybrid approach?
That is, have a field in the user document that is created lazily (on use) that either stores the custom template, or maybe a diff from one of the standards (not sure about the level of customization you are planning to allow).
Then you can have the template field you describe in 2 above, with a "special" setting for custom templates. While you still have the concern about pulling a template each time, you do have the advantage of knowing that these are some of your more dedicated users - saving a trip to the DB might be advantageous, or you might not care.
If you don't care about 2 trips to the DB for every user, then you take approach 2, add the custom templates to the templates collection and simply reference the new ID for each user that customizes.
It's a balancing act - is the extra data overhead in terms of pulling the template each time worth saving a round trip to the DB or do you want efficiency in terms of the data you get each time at the cost of multiple queries to the DB - only you can answer that one based on how you design your app and how people use it.
For the linked approach you might want to take a look at Database References and Schema Design in the MongoDB docs.

Application interface templating

I am creating a front-end for a data collection web application. Operators using the data collection application will log data for a dozen different projects, with each project requiring different fields. There are some common fields (like name, address... etc) but then each project also has custom fields for extra data that needs to be collected. Some projects require dozens of extra fields, while some projects require only 1 or 2 fields. Can anyone think of a "clean" way to handle this situation? I don't want to create an input page for each project, and some people are tossing around the idea of doing UI templates in XML. Any guidance would be much appreciated.
XML would provide a neat solution to your problem. Depending on the user choice, ask the user to fill more fields. From your problem statement its looking that you know how many projects need extra fields and which do not. If you know this data then feed this data into a database and then accordingly generate your form page. However even if the data is available dynamically with the use of an interactive javascript and ajax you can easily achieve a neat solution.

Which one do you prefer for Searching/Reporting DataTable or DTO or Domain Class?

The project currently I am working in requires a lot of searhing/filtering pages. For example I have a comlex search page to get Issues by data,category,unit,...
Issue Domain Class is complex and contains lots of value objects and child objects.
.I am wondering how people deal with Searching/Filtering/Reporting for UI. As far As I know I have 3 options but none of them make me happier.
1.) Send parameters to Repository/DAO to Get DataTable and Bind DataTable to UI Controls.For Example to ASP.NET GridView
DataTable dataTable =issueReportRepository.FindBy(specs);
In this option I can simply by pass the Domain Layer and query database for given specs. And I dont have to get fully constructed complex Domain Object. No need for value objects,child objects,.. Get data to displayed in UI in DataTable directly from database and show in the UI.
But If have have to show a calculated field in UI like method return value I have to do this in the DataBase because I don't have fully domain object. I have to duplicate logic and DataTable problems like no intellisense etc...
2.)Send parameters to Repository/DAO to Get DTO and Bind DTO to UI Controls.
IList<IssueDTO> issueDTOs =issueReportRepository.FindBy(specs);
In this option is same as like above but I have to create anemic DTO objects for every search page. Also For different Issue search pages I have to show different parts of the Issue Objects.IssueSearchDTO, CompanyIssueTO,MyIssueDTO....
3.) Send parameters to Real Repository class to get fully constructed Domain Objects.
IList<Issue> issues =issueRepository.FindBy(specs);
//Bind to grid...
I like Domain Driven Design and Patterns. There is no DTO or duplication logic in this option.but in this option I have to create lot's of child and value object that will not shown in the UI.Also it requires lot's ob join to get full domain object and performance cost for needles child objects and value objects.
I don't use any ORM tool Maybe I can implement Lazy Loading by hand for this version but It seems a bit overkill.
Which one do you prefer?Or Am I doing it wrong? Are there any suggestions or better way to do this?
I have a few suggestions, but of course the overall answer is "it depends".
First, you should be using an ORM tool or you should have a very good reason not to be doing so.
Second, implementing Lazy Loading by hand is relatively simple so in the event that you're not going to use an ORM tool, you can simply create properties on your objects that say something like:
private Foo _foo;
public Foo Foo
get {
if(_foo == null)
_foo = _repository.Get(id);
return _foo;
Third, performance is something that should be considered initially but should not drive you away from an elegant design. I would argue that you should use (3) initially and only deviate from it if its performance is insufficient. This results in writing the least amount of code and having the least duplication in your design.
If performance suffers you can address it easily in the UI layer using Caching and/or in your Domain layer using Lazy Loading. If these both fail to provide acceptable performance, then you can fall back to a DTO approach where you only pass back a lightweight collection of value objects needed.
This is a great question and I wanted to provide my answer as well. I think the technically best answer is to go with option #3. It provides the ability to best describe and organize the data along with scalability for future enhancements to reporting/searching requests.
However while this might be the overall best option, there is a huge cost IMO vs. the other (2) options which are the additional design time for all the classes and relationships needed to support the reporting needs (again under the premise that there is no ORM tool being used).
I struggle with this in a lot of my applications as well and the reality is that #2 is the best compromise between time and design. Now if you were asking about your busniess objects and all their needs there is no question that a fully laid out and properly designed model is important and there is no substitute. However when it comes to reporting and searching this to me is a different animal. #2 provides strongly typed data in the anemic classes and is not as primitive as hardcoded values in DataSets like #1, and still reduces greatly the amount of time needed to complete the design compared to #3.
Ideally I would love to extend my object model to encompass all reporting needs, but sometimes the effort required to do this is so extensive, that creating a separate set of classes just for reporting needs is an easier but still viable option. I actually asked almost this identical question a few years back and was also told that creating another set of classes (essentially DTOs) for reporting needs was not a bad option.
So to wrap it up, #3 is technically the best option, but #2 is probably the most realistic and viable option when considering time and quality together for complex reporting and searching needs.
