Where does language translation fit in the MVC pattern? - model-view-controller

I'm building a multi-lingual web application using the MVC pattern as the starting position. The application has a number of forms that users will be interacting with and many of these forms will have fields that do a lookup from a database table, 'Province' for example.
If I need the options in these lists to be displayed in the users' language on the screen, I can see a couple of ways to do this:
In the model. When querying the model, I can provide the language that I desire the results to be returned in. This would allow translations to be used everywhere that data from the model is displayed without changes. However, this also means that the Province model in my example (plus all other application models) now need to know how to do language translations.
In the controller. I can query the model in the controller action as usual and then create a 'Translator' object that I can pass the results into before completing the action. This would imply that each controller action would potentially be duplicating the same translation code, violating the DRY principle.
In the view. Since the presentation of the application is generally expected to exist in the views, and the language of the user doesn't impact the business logic of the system, an argument could be made that language translations belong here. Especially considering that a page could also contain static content that will need to be translated. The downside to this is that it would complicate the views somewhat, especially for the front-end designers who will have to work around the new translation code.
Is there an accepted best-practice for where text translations belong in the MCV pattern for web applications? Does this change at all if I were to be loading the select list options via an AJAX call instead of at page load time?
Thanks for the help!

The best place to handle it is in the view. Your question only references dynamic data from the database, but you also have to handle the static information in your views as well. Best to handle both of those in the same place. A common practice in MVC for handling multiple language is resource strings, separate views for each language, or a combination of both. For information from the database resource strings would work well. You would store a token in the database for the options in the list (that token could be the English translation) and the view would get the appropriate translation from a resource for the specified country/locale. There is a good detailed explanation on this approach in this blog post.

If you need to translate part of your UI, then I would create a helper method that would read a resource file and output a translated string for that resources. E.g.
So regarding the UI, it makes sense to handle this in the UI.
If the data that you are going to translate at some point might be shown in a Flash client, or a mobile app, then it should be translated by a server and it should have nothing to do with your MVC application.

Honestly, any interaction with a database should be handled in the model, and that's the only thing handled in the model. Interpreting/organizing that data should be handled in the controller. I guess more information would be need as to where this translation is coming from and how that works to really give a solid answer.

The view will just display strings from a resource file. Including the correct resource file for the locale should do it. In Web applications, it's often a single language JS file defining the UI strings per locale, e.g, strings.en-us.js, strings.pt-br.js and so on.
Some strings do come from the server dynamically, the controller doesn't need to know about it, the model should just grab the localized strings and return is as part of the data request.
So it's either in the view (if it's static) or in the model, (if it's dynamic). Controllers should just translate data from the view to the model and from the model to the view

Another very important thing to consider is WHEN to Translate. Using a once-per-each-translation method like #Translate("NewUserHeading") is fine if you only have 100 translations on your page, but what if you have more?
Because think about it, translation is based upon language choice and that only happens once-per-page or even once-per-session. The way that the Kendo UI people do it in their demo is that way, when the User clicks a new language a new set of server files is loaded. That would mean having something like:
Check it out at https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/grid/localization
It's a trade off of more work for better performance. The ultimate use-case of translation right now is https://www.jw.org/ with over 900 languages!


Am I needlessly duplicating models in MVC ASP.NET?

I have just started an MVC project for the first time, and I have encountered a problem that I really wasn't expecting: Too many models.
Not too many different models, but too many which are subtly different, but almost exactly the same.
I have a fairly complex page, with several combo boxes, a list of detail objects and some other extraneous unrelated things that I need to keep track of. More information goes to the view than I get back (which is fine).
I have a domain model, which has remained constant throughout. (1 model)
I have a single use view model, which is the domain model and some extra information wrapped round it. (1 model)
I have a single use form model, which is a copy of the view model with an empty shell copy of the domain model inside it with validation stuff on it. (2 models)
I needed to change the type of a property this afternoon, and I had three separate places to change it in. It seems that I have too many models which are single use. It seems so much work for something that was supposed to be much easier than classic ASP.NET.
My question is: Am I doing it right? Are there supposed to be a multitude of models, or am I missing something obvious?
Not entirely sure what the form model in your example is for - are you using that to limit the post-able fields from the client or using that to map in to your domain?
In my own MVC websites I will have a domain model (which may just be a local domain or come from a remote WCF service) which I map one to one in to my individual ViewModels in order to render on screen and receive the post back. These also contain my validation (be it annotations or fluent etc).
Any property name changes would then be restricted to just the relevant page's ViewModel and the domain.
If you're in a situation where you're replicating properties between domain models then some sort of base view model structure would serve you well for common entities but on the whole it's not something I find to be a massive overhead personally.

Generating Navigation for different user types, MVC, PHP

I have this idea of generating an array of user-links that will depend on user-roles.
The user can be a student or an admin.
What I have in mind is use a foreach loop to generate a list of links that is only available for certain users.
My problem is, I created a helper class called Navigation, but I am so certain that I MUST NOT hard-code the links in there, instead I want that helper class to just read an object sent from somewhere, and then will return the desired navigation array to a page.
Follow up questions, where do you think should i keep the links that will only be available for students, for admins. Should i just keep them in a text-file?
or if it is possible to create a controller that passes an array of links, for example
a method in nav_controller class -> studentLinks(){} that will send an array of links to the helper class, the the helper class will then send it to the view..
Sorry if I'm quite crazy at explaining. Do you have any related resources?
From your description it seems that you are building some education-related system. It would make sense to create implementation in such way, that you can later expand the project. Seems reasonable to expect addition of "lectors" as a role later.
Then again .. I am not sure how extensive your knowledge about MVC design pattern is.
That said, in this situation I would consider two ways to solve this:
View requests current user's status from model layer and, based on the response, requests additional data. Then view uses either admin or user templates and creates the response.
You can either hardcode the specific navigation items in the templates, from which you build the response, or the lit of available navigation items can be a part of the additional information that you requested from model layer.
The downside for this method is, that every time you need, when you need to add another group, you will have to rewrite some (if not all) view classes.
Wrap the structures from model layer in a containment object (the basis of implementation available in this post), which would let you restrict, what data is returned.
When using this approach, the views aways request all the available information from model layer, but some of it will return null, in which case the template would not be applied. To implement this, the list of available navigation items would have to be provided by model layer.
P.S. As you might have noticed from this description, view is not a template and model is not a class.
It really depends on what you're already using and the scale of your project. If you're using a db - stick it there. If you're using xml/json/yaml/whatever - store it in a file with corresponding format. If you have neither - hardcode it. What I mean - avoid using multiple technologies to store data. Also, if the links won't be updated frequently and the users won't be able to customize them I'd hardcode them. There's no point in creating something very complex for the sake of dynamics if the app will be mostly static.
Note that this question doesn't quite fit in stackoverflow. programmers.stackexchange.com would probably be a better fit

What should not be inside an MVC view?

From the limited amount of people that I've talked to regarding MVC web frameworks, I've heard people say that, forgetting about forms, a view file should ideally contain HTML markup, string manipulation and a few for each loops. I've also been told that if statements in views should be avoided if at all possible. Is this generally agreed?
The situation that has inspired this question is writing a navigation, I'm finding myself writing:
if secondary_navigation_item has children
I'm thinking, ideally, does this qualify as logic (that should not be here)?
Generally speaking, the View should not contain any server-side business logic. But it can still contain logic that directly pertains to rendering the view.
An example would be a view containing some sort of variant record, whose display depends on the setting of a particular field. For example, a record that displays different information depending on a sex field being set to male or female. Which, of course, would require an if statement.
To say that your views should not contain any conditional logic is just silly. How else would you generate UI elements like "new message" icons or flash messages—use a different view template for every possible interface state? It's like saying that your controller should not contain any variable assignments because data manipulation belongs in the model.
It's perfectly alright to have logic in your view as long as it's view-related logic. You shouldn't get caught up in absolutes or pedantic interpretations of the model-view-controller definitions. As long as you understand and apply the underlying concepts of MVC, you're on the right track.
Every rule has an exception, and there are cases where you would do string manipulating in a controller or even implement application flow in the view. Sometimes you just have to evaluate it on a case-by-case basis and apply a little common sense.
A view should basically contain:
HTML Markup
Minimum of server-side code you may need to put into view
So, a View should typically contain the layout elements. The main processing logic should go in Controller.
More Info:

Getting started with software design using MVC, OO, and Design patterns [closed]

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I just want to say thank you to everyone who responded. I'm still pretty much in the dark on what design pattern would work best for the Widget. Perhaps one of the Factory or Builder patterns?
I am just getting started on a new project and need to use MVC, OO and design patterns.
Here's the idea: Imagine a page that displays a set of widgets. These widgets are (usually) charts that are based off of data contained in several separate tables in the database. I use a running example of page that reports on a student's performance.
High Level Requirements
a page that displays a set of (HTML only) widgets.
widget's data will be based off a database query.
the page can be used to view separate datasets containing similarly laid out data. For example, a single page will display widgets that report on various aspects of a single student's performance.
want to see another student's performance, pull up another page. Displaying different widgets for different students is not needed (though it may be nice to have later).
There may be many students, but data contained in the database is similarly laid out for all students.
the way a widget is displayed may be changed easily (say changing a widget from displaying as a pie chart to display as a bar chart).
widgets should be able to be created quickly.
Low Level Requirements
Currently data does not change so widgets will not need to automatically update themselves.
Widgets may represent a ratio of two things (eg. a ratio of failed tests to successful tests as a pie chart), a series of points, or sometimes a single numeric value.
Development of new widgets should be a breeze, existing code need not be modified.
Framework to be used: Zend Framework, based on MVC.
There are (minimally) three things to define a widget: the dataset to report on (in the example above, the student ID), the query that describes the metric being reported, and a render mode (barchart, timeseries etc).
Here is a pass at breaking down the responsibilities of each layer of the MVC:
View: Zend views are HTML templates with PHP injected. They will contain one of several types of widgets. Widgets are of various forms including: static JPEG images (loaded from a remote site ie: <img src="http://widgetssite.com?x=2&y=3"/>, JSON based javascript widgets, or charts of various kinds (piechart, bar chart etc.)
Controller: Creates the widgets, assigns them to the view afterwards. The set of widgets that is to be displayed on a page needs to be maintained somewhere. Since I can't think of a good way to do this in the view, I'll add this to the controllers responsibilities for now. If there's a better place for this please shout. The controller will also have to handle any other input parameters and passing them to the widget. For example, the data_set id which may be passed at the url line as http:/.../report/?student_id=42
Model: The model, in the Zend Framework, is responsible for pulling the data and as such will most likely contain a class for each widget for accessing the database.
Some points:
The model here, represents the data for a particular widget. So necessarily, it will need to know what the query is going to be, in order to pull together the tables necessary to fetch that data.
There's an additional processing step that will most likely be necessary before the widget can present the data. This is dependant upon which renderer will be used. Sometimes it may require forming a url out of the data returned. Other times, a JSON array. Other times perhaps creating some markup. This can go either in the model or the controller or the view. Unless anyone can think of a good reason to move it to the controller or view, it is probably best to let this live in the model and keep the view and controller thin.
Likewise, a widget will be made up of 3 things, its parameters, its data, and its renderer.
One big part of the question is: What's a good way to represent the widget in an Object Oriented design? I already asked this once, couldn't get an answer. Is there a design pattern that can be applied to the Widgets that makes the most sense for this project?
Here's a first pass at a rather simple class for the Widget:
class Widget{
//method called by the view
render() {//output the markup based on the widget Type and interleaved the processed data}
//methods called by the controller:
public function __construct() {//recieve arguments for widget type (query and renderer), call create()}
public function create() {//tell the widget to build the query, execute it, and filter the data}
public function process_data() {//transform into JSON, an html entity etc}
//methods called by the model:
public function build_query() {...};
public function execute_query() {...};
public function filter_data() {...};
Looking at it, I can already see some problems.
For example, it is straightforward to pass the widget that was created in the controller to the View to render.
But when it comes to implementing the model it seems not so straight forward. Table Gateway Pattern is simpler to implement than ORM. But since table gateway pattern has one class for each model/table it doesn't seem to fit the bill. I could create a model for a particular table, and then within that, instantiate any other models needed. But that doesn't seem so to fit the Table Gateway Pattern, but rather ORM pattern. Can Table Gateway Pattern be implemented with multiple tables? What alternatives are there? Does it make sense that the controller creates the widget and the widget creates the Model?
Another issue that arises is that this design does not enable ease of widget creation. ie. Say I wanted to create a PiechartWidget, how much code can be reused? Would it not make more sense to use some OO ideas such as an interface or abstract classes/methods and inheritance?
Let's say I abstract the Widget class so only the shared methods are defined concretely, and the rest are declared as abstract methods. Revising the Widget class to make it abstract (second pass):
abstract class Widget{
private $_type;
private $_renderer;
//methods called by the controller:
//receive arguments for widget type (query and renderer),
protected function __construct($type, $renderer) {
$this->_type = $type;
$this->_render = $renderer;
//tell the widget to build the query, execute it, and filter the data
private function create() {
//methods called by the model:
abstract protected function build_query();
protected function execute_query() {
//common method
abstract protected function filter_data();
//method called by controller to tranform data for view
//transform into JSON, an html entity etc
abstract protected function process_data();
//method called by the view
//output the markup based on the widget Type and interleave the processed data
abstract protected function render();
Is this a good design? How could it be improved?
I assume writing a new widget will require at least some new code to build the query, and maybe filter the data, but it should be able to use preexisting code for almost all of the rest of its functionality, including the renderers that already exist.
I am hoping anyone could provide at least some feedback on this design. Validate it?
Tear it apart. Call me an idiot. That's fine too. I could use any forward traction.
A few specific questions:
Q1. What's the best way to implement the renderers, as part of the Widget class or as a separate class? 1a. If separate, how would it interact with the widget class(es)?
Q2. How could I improve this design to simplify creation of new kinds of widgets?
Q3. And lastly, I feel like I am missing something here with regards to data encapsulation. How does data encapsulation relate to the requirements and play out in this scenario?
For #2, if you are using WPF on windows, or Silverlight in general, consider using MVVM pattern (Model-View-ViewModel), here is explanation with a WPF implementation:
MVVM at msdn
For #1 (comments not answer): For exact implementations (and minor variations) of MVC, it really depends on what language you are using.
Another alternative to MVC is MVP Model View Presenter
Remember the goal of OO is not to cram design patterns into your code, but to create maintainable code with less bugs/increased readability.
High Requirements
- a page that displays a set of widgets. widgets are based off of data contained in several separate tables in the database.
- widget's data will be based off a database query. widget display its data in a particular way.
- widgets should be able to be created quickly.
Low Level Requirements
- Data changes, multiple charts need to change, push model (from data to ui)
- Development of new widgets should be a breeze, existing code need not be modified
Advice from design patterns basics
- MVC supports one to many notification pattern, so yes, once your widget is initialized, created and connected to the web page, it should wait for notifications from the database.
- Strategy pattern, your entire code should develop to a interface. New widgets should be added to a parametrized LinkedList (or some other data structure). That way new widget developers just implement the interface and your framework picks up these notifications without change to existing code.
The purpose behind all of these ideas -- MVC, patterns, etc. -- is essentially the same: every class should do one thing, and every distinct responsibility in your application should be separated into distinct layers. Your views (page and widgets) should be thin and make few if any decisions other than to present data gathered from the models. The models should operate on a data layer agnostically, which is to say they should not know whether the source of their data is a specific kind of data source. The controllers should be thin as well, acting basically as a routing layer between the views and models. Controllers take input from the users and perform the relevant actions on the models. The application of this concept varies depending on your target environment -- web, rich client, etc.
The architecture of the model alone is no trivial problem. You have many patterns to choose from and many frameworks, and choosing the right one -- pattern or framework -- will depend entirely on the particulars of your domain, which we have far too few of here to give you more specific advice. Suffice it to say it is recommended you spend some time getting to know a few Object-Relational Mapping frameworks for your particular technology stack (be it Java, .NET, etc.) and the respective patterns they were built on.
Also make yourself familiar with the difference between MVP and MVC -- Martin Fowler's work is essential here.
As for design patterns, the application of most of the standard GOF patterns could easily come into play in some form or another, and it is recommended you spend time in Design Patterns or one of the many introductory texts on the subject. No one here can give specific answers as to how MVC applies to your domain -- that can only be answered by experienced engineers in cooperation with a Product Owner who has the authority to make workflow and UI decisions that will greatly affect such decisions in their particulars.
In short, the very nature of your question suggests you are in need of an experienced OOP architect or senior developer who has done this before. Alternatively give yourself a good deal of time in intensive study before moving forward. The scope of your project encompasses a vast amount of learning that many coders take years to fully grasp. This is not to say your project is doomed -- in fact you may be able to accomplish quite a lot if you choose the right technology stack, framework, etc., and assuming you are reasonably bright and focused on the task at hand. But getting concepts as broad as "MVC" or "OO" right is not something I think can be done on a first try and under time constraints.
EDIT: I just caught your edit re: Zend. Having a framework in place is good, that takes care of a lot of architectural decisions. I'm not familiar with Zend, but I would stick to its defaults. Much more depends here on your ultimate UI delivery -- are you in a RIA environment like Flash or Silverlight, or are you in a strict HTML/JavaScript environment? In either case the controllers should still be thin and operate as routers taking user requests from HTTP gets and posts, and immediately handing off to the models. The views should remain thin as well and make as few decisions as possible. The concept of MVC applied in a web environment has been pretty well established by Rails and the frameworks that followed, and I'm assuming Zend is similar to something like CakePHP in this regard: the application server has a routing system that maps HTTP calls to controller actions that respond with specific views. The request/response cycle is basically this:
User request posted through a URL
Router hands control to a controller class
Controller makes a call to a model with the given params
The model operates on the data, posts back to the controller
The framework maps the finished data into a view, with some kind of code-behind that puts the results of the request in the view's scope.
The framework creates html (or xml or whatever) and posts back to the caller.
It sounds like you want to use MVC and other patterns because they are the new buzz words. Splitting your design among model view and controller should tell you how to spread the functionality of your application. Although I totally agree that using MVC is the correct approach, I suggest you research the pattern and look at some source code that implements it. As a start to your question though, the widgets that will be displayed will be your views, that much should be obvious. Input from the user, such as changing a parameter of some widget or requesting other information will come into your application and should be handled by a controller. A concrete example of this is a Java-based HttpServlet. The controller servlet receives the user request and asks the lower layers of your app (Service, Persistence, etc) for an updated representation of your model. The model includes all of your domain-specific objects (i.e the data from your databases, etc). This data (the updated model) comes back to the controller, which in turn pushes out a new view for the user. Hopefully that is enough to get you started about designing your app.
As further help, you could consider using a framework to assist in the development of your app. I like Spring a lot, and it has a first class MVC implementation that really helps guide you to designing a correct MVC web app.
You may consider using Subject Observer Pattern
Have your class, named DataReader as single Subject. Your multiple widgets will act as Observers. Once your DataReader receives data from server, it (Subject) will inform multiple widgets (Observer).
Your individual widgets may have different presentation to present to same set of data from DataReader.
In the message where subject notify observer, you may include the message type information as well. Widgets will only process message type, which is within their own interest, and ignore rest of the message.
NOTE: This is my new answer based on new the updated question.
Here is a proposed class diagram. I'm going to work on a sequence diagram.
My old answer is here:
Based on the requirements you describe, your model is your database or data warehouse and your views are your pie charts, bar graphs, etc. I don't see the need for a controller, because it sounds like you have a one page dashboard with widgets.
You need to spend your time on the database model. Since you're doing all selects and no updates, go for a de-normalized data model that makes these queries efficient. You should put the results of these queries in a table type object (e.g. 2-dimensional array) or 3-dimensional array based on the amount of dimensions. You are limited to 3 dimensions unless you use animation.

MVC - Who formats the model?

Before rendering into a view model should be formatted:
multilingual data localized;
date, time values formatted;
numbers formatted.
Who performs all this formatting - Controller or View?
Am I right that all the formatting is performed by the Controller which creates so called ViewModel containing only formatted values and sends this ViewModel to the View?
Thanks in advance!
Eric Petroelje is right, but I would build helper a class(es) to get localised content/dates etc, because localisation isn't always in the views, e.g. sending emails with localised content. I would have something like LocalisationHelper.GetString("MyKey"), or LocalisationHelper.GetDate(Date.Now), where the LocalisationHelper knows the users current locale (maybe from Session).
Then use this directly in the views where possible:
<%= Html.Encode(LocalisationHelper.GetDate(Date.Now)) %>
Design Patterns 101.
Model is for storing data (usually database-backed).
View is for presenting the data (not manipulating it).
Controller is for manipulating the model and passing that to the view (choosing the right locale for instance would go here).
MVC doesn't necessarily mean you have 3 distinct classes, but rather 3 components or layers. These are abstract and don't necessarily have to be tied to one physical class. Inside your Controller layer, that can consist of any number of helper classes or whatever.
I agree with part of what cartoonfox is saying, everything is intertwined. For instance, if you develop a view for a shopping cart, but the model is containing birthday information, then it isn't going to work. It is simply a design pattern to help remove duplication of effort. When you have fewer variables and less noise, it is much easier to focus on what needs to be done and understand it very well.
I had a discussion with our team about using annotations to render forms on a web page. These annotations were placed in the model or entity class. You will often work directly with entity classes, so it eliminates quite a bit of overhead and duplication of effort if you put your annotations here. Because your annotations are placed directly on the model class, you cannot end up with a view for birthday information, it just isn't possible. In addition, by following patterns, you strip out the junk that doesn't add value to the end result. You simply write the business logic and close to nothing else.
Although the annotations were in the same class as the model layer, the presentation or view layer consisted of the annotations and the helper classes. It doesn't need to necessarily be distinct classes or boundaries.
Another example would be. I've worked on some PHP web "applications" in the past. I use applications because they were a monolithic block of code, more or less a single main method with all the logic in there (which is hardly a functional application).
If you don't abstract code into functions and simply use a single method, you will end up with a lot of duplication of effort. If you tried to understand that monolithic code block, you would be in for a heap of trouble (as was I, it was hard to learn what was going on, then I would find a similar block of code somewhere else and be dumbfounded why a few things were tweaked the way they were).
It can be done any way you want, but design patterns such as MVC help you simplify what you write in order to get it to work as well as more easily wrap your head around the solution. Another popular design pattern or approach is divide and conquer.
To answer your original questions:
In Java, localized data would be done transparently by the application. For instance, if you wanted US English locale support, you would create a properties file:
and then place all your US English content in there. Depending on how much content this may be, you might want to use a different approach.
For my application I have whole pages in a different language so what I do is this. My controller determines the client's locale or a best match. Then it chooses which view to display and passes the model (data) to the view.
If you need dynamic formatting for your date/times, then your controller is responsible for determining which one will be used. Then, your view is responsible for using that converter to format the value.
I'm using JBoss Seam so the MVC design pattern is still used, but more abstractly. I don't have actual 'controllers', but an interceptor which is responsible for handling a specific piece of functionality (determining the client's locale, then another for their date/time preference). My controllers that would be the equivalent of a Spring Controller are action components responsible for handling page actions.
The view is responsible for this not the controller.
To explain I need to elaborate a bit about what the "view" is:
In both web-based and traditional GUI MVC patterns, the View is responsible for the external representation of whatever parts of the model that are shown. If that means "formatting" data from the model then so be it.
The controller shouldn't format the data - because the controller is responsible for doing things to the model based on events/commands coming in from the outside world. The controller doesn't have anything to do with rendering the output.
I want to display a shopping cart with several order lines:
Adding things to the cart causes the controller to change what's in the cart model.
Changing my locale causes the controller to change a setting in the user model to indicate preferred locale.
Whenever the cart is displayed, the view has to ask the model for the order lines and decide how to display that - maybe doing locale-sensitive work.
The same customer could ask to see the shopping cart in multiple different currencies. That just means changing what it looks like in the view. It's still the same shopping cart for the same customer with the same things in it.
If this is a web-app made from web template pages, you might embed code to pull in localized messages e.g. <%= message_renderer.text(:insufficient_funds) %>. In this case the "message_renderer" and the template file are both part of the view.
Views aren't necessarily just web-based templates. In some Java-based frameworks for example, we put "view objects" into a velocity template. Those view objects are linked back to objects in the model, but they also perform on-demand rendering and formatting behaviour. Those are part of the view although they're not just a template.
It's a bit confusing with frameworks like ruby on rails and groovy on grails where they call the template the "view" - when a view is really more than just a template. Traditionally (in Smalltalk MVC and in Java's Swing) views are just code that can perform formatting, rendering and any other display-related behaviour.
All that stuff seems like presentation layer logic, so personally I think it should go in the view.
I wouldn't advocate for having the view call service layer objects in the general sense, but for localization I think it makes sense.
For example, lets say you have lots of static text on your pages that you have tokenized and stored in a database in various localized forms. I don't think it would make sense for the controller to have to lookup and put all those text tokens in the model. Even though a text token lookup is technically a "service layer" operation, I still think it makes sense for the view to call that service directly via some utility class rather than having the controller do it.
