Why use Uploadify? - uploadify

Could somebody mention the advantages of Uploadify file upload plugin over other options that are availabe e.g. swfupload, fancyupload etc.

Uploadify provides a very good jQuery wrapper around swfobject. If you're using jQuery and want to customise the look and feel of your uploads, its a great component to use.


How to implement summernote using jquery

Where to Declare the pluggin.
How to customize the options.
Working Examples.
This is the concept which can replace a regular text-area
Please refer to Summernote api for customization.
Changes made in js pluggin will reflect the changes in UI.
We can Create Many things under one roof.
MarkitDown Api
summernote api
There are other replacements too, try to use markitdown editor, which gives to variegated themes and custom styles.

Multiple files upload in grails

I am trying to implement a comment mechanism in which a user can post a comment and also upload multiple files with it. I am using a g:formRemote for the comment part but I learned that ajax request does not supports file uploads. SO how do I do this? I found few plugins but they did not work for me as I have to save comments as well and these plugins did not support that. I found a way on internet by using iframes, but I am not sure how to do that. Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks
Try to use jQuery Form plugin, it supports ajax file uploads as well so you don't need to implement this by yourself. It also allows to track upload progress.

What is the best way to do ajax file uploads in Rails 3.x

What is the best way to achieve ajax file uploads in Rails. I did alot of research, did some testing with remote forms and searched for some jquery plugins. All the plugins i found seemed outdated and i don't know which one will play nice with rails 3.x. Do you guys have any advice on this topic?
AFAIK you'll have to be browser specific at the moment. The various browsers are implementing file APIs that allow javascript to read files from the machine. Previously, there was no real way to achieve AJAX file uploading (I think it was for security reasons, but I'm not sure on all the details). I've implemented drag/drop AJAX file uploading before; I can't remember the exact details, but here are some of the resources I used. If I get a chance, I'll see if I can find my code and how I implemented it.
https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Using_files_from_web_applications (best - Mozilla docs)
The Mozilla docs are very useful and got me most of the way there.

Javascript file upload mechanism

I need for users to upload files (mostly images) without leaving the current webpage. What's the best tool, library or mechanism for doing this? I'm using the latest jQuery and Spring webmvc (with JSP), so if there's already a mechanism within them then that's ideal.
It would also be really great to have some kind of progress bar. Does that mean it requires coordination with the server to read the progress (where Spring would have to come into play)? Or is there a mechanism within JavaScript for this?
You should check out Plupload.
Plupload offers a cross-browser
JavaScript File uploading API that
handles multiple file uploads,
client-side progress meters, type
filtering and even client-side image
resizing and drag-and-drop from the
desktop. It achieves all of this by
providing backends for Flash,
Silverlight, Google Gears, HTML5 and
Browserplus and picking the most
capable available option.
Its really neat! Here's a link to some of their Demos...
... and a screenshot of the jQuery UI queue widget (it has a progress bar!):
I hope this helps.
I use uploadify pretty regularly: http://www.uploadify.com/
However it does use flash for the upload mechanism and as a result may create some issues if the user is authenticated.
You should use AJAX on the client side
http://www.webtoolkit.info/ajax-file-upload.html This tutorial covers all client side.
Om the server side
This tutorlal covers most of this issue:
Yopu can use jquery as well or any other JS framework.
But the mist important thing is the fact You need to remember that your tag on client side should have.
property. it means that your request contains muultipart data.
Uploadify does that trick > http://www.uploadify.com/
All samples are php but you should be able to convert it to your platform.

how to integrate ajax to my project

What do i need to do for putting ajax functionality to my project.
What tool kit do i need to download or how can i integrate that .
and do i really need to do something for putting update panel for my project?
One method for AJAX enabling your ASP sites is using the AJAX control toolkit (http://www.asp.net/ajax/ajaxcontroltoolkit/samples/) which provides some AJAX functionality using ASP controls that should be familiar to a novice Dot Net developer. AJAX Control Toolkit is a DLL you add to your solution just like other controls. There is then markup for use in the ASP.NET pages.
For more customized and advanced AJAX features, your best bet is using JQuery (http://jquery.com/) and create *.asmx Web Services. JQuery includes a $.ajax() call that will communicate to ASP.NET Web Services using JSON. This SO page may help - Calling ASMX from jQuery and this Encosia blog entry may help - http://encosia.com/2008/03/27/using-jquery-to-consume-aspnet-json-web-services/. JQuery is a library of JavaScript files that you download, include in your page, and call into using your own JavaScript files.
I would also recommend that you read the wikipedia entry for AJAX (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ajax_(programming)) and familiarize yourself with the related technologies.
I think you need to provide a lot more information before we can give youa definitive answer.
Ajax is simply using Javascript to request a webpage - same as a user clicking on a link - except that JavaScript gets the contents of the page requested instead of showing it to the user.
This allows you to request data within JavaScript without refreshing the page.
As you mentioned UpdatePanel, I'm assuming you're using ASP.Net - In which case, .Net 2.0 didn't include AJAX and you needed to get some additional installs to make it work. 3.5 and later includes it natively.
If you're just starting to get into the whole area, I suggest you do some reading about how AJAX works behind the scenes before trying to use it - Understanding what its doing will save you a LOT of headaches later.
FWIW you don't actually need ANYTHING special to make AJAX work - you can write it yourself entirely in JavaScript (I've done this far too many times). As mentioned in Doug's answer, JQuery is fantastic and is worth using even without the AJAX functionality.
If, however, you want to use UpdatePanels and AJAX, the easiest option is .Net 3.5 or later (Visual Studio 2008 or later)
In my opinion, jQuery has the best AJAX functionality and is easy to learn and use. It's got great documentation and there are lots of tutorials and examples -- I love it.
