How to implement summernote using jquery - summernote

Where to Declare the pluggin.
How to customize the options.
Working Examples.
This is the concept which can replace a regular text-area

Please refer to Summernote api for customization.
Changes made in js pluggin will reflect the changes in UI.
We can Create Many things under one roof.
MarkitDown Api
summernote api

There are other replacements too, try to use markitdown editor, which gives to variegated themes and custom styles.


CKEditor: How to manually trigger ACF(Advanced Content Filter)

With older version of CKEditor, I use following code to manually trigger Advanced Content Filter before submitting the content to server, but this stopped working for Version 4.4. I wonder is there a way to manually trigger the ACF and/or other kinds of content validation in CKEditor?
Your solution actually worked for me! To be more precise, I used CKEDITOR.instances['instance_name'].setData( CKEDITOR.instances['instance_name'].getData() ) and it worked!
To other people asking: this can be very useful even if you have ACF turned ON; in our app there's a number of situations that we manipulate the DOM inside CKEditor directly using jQuery for some very custom features we have (we actually create some UI inside the editor area), but we don't want that forbidden HTML going to the server and this solution works perfectly.
(Of course we always sanitize on the server as well)
For us this
CKEDITOR.instances['instance_name'].setData( CKEDITOR.instances['instance_name'].getData() )
didn't work, but getting the data with 1 in the arguments worked.
CKEDITOR.instances['instance_name'].setData( CKEDITOR.instances['instance_name'].getData(1) )

Joomla : Want to build custom form with my own back hand code

I just want to create custom html with good css form with my own php as backhand code and javascript for validation.. Is there any extension for this?
I have seen few extensions but none of them allows me to add my own php backhand code.
If you are not going to use Joomla's framework, then you may as well build the form outside of joomla and insert it into the article via an iframe (you may need to change the editor's permissions to allow you to do this).
It is worth looking into using the framework properly, however, as it does have easy-to-use mail classes and actually makes things easier when you get your head around it.
(Though to answer your actual question - this module appears to allow you to add raw php )

Best jQuery Carousel for Boootstrap?

We are working with Twitter Bootstrap in a new site.
For this site we need a Carousel that works with thumbnails and also that we can add html content (as Flash Movies).
Someone has a recommendation for us? Is there a recommended jQuery Carousel to extend the actual Bootstrap Carousel?
Thanks a lot of.
I actually found an awesome Pure CSS carousel; this one here. If you really want to use jquery, I would say Bootstrap is fine for what you need - but you could also try this one here. Good luck!

Implement drag-and-drop using AJAX in CakePHP

I wish to create a drag and drop feature for adding profile picture using CakePHP. Are there any samples which I can follow or a step by step guide?
I sourced many samples online but none of them cater for CakePHP.
I basically need a simple drag n drop for users to drag their profile image and the URL of the image is reflected in the database. The user will be able to edit another profile image. What approach should I use for this?
what you want to do is mostly about front-end, the back-end is generic server handling (in this case, PHP upload handling) and has little to do with Cake. That's why you don't see a specific cake tutorial for this. So, look up jquery drag drop and ajax upload. You'll also need to understand Cake rather well (well enough to adapt those online sample code to your Cake app).
I recommend you to use jQuery UI's draggable and droppable interactions.
Integrating them in CakePHP is quite easy, just follow the manual instructions to include Javascript files in a CakePHP application.
Finally, updating the database to reflect the URL of the image can be easily done with jQuery as well, using the AJAX related methods (e.g. post).

Why use Uploadify?

Could somebody mention the advantages of Uploadify file upload plugin over other options that are availabe e.g. swfupload, fancyupload etc.
Uploadify provides a very good jQuery wrapper around swfobject. If you're using jQuery and want to customise the look and feel of your uploads, its a great component to use.
