Windows 7 right click "Send to" file context menu - windows

When I right click a file (in any folder) I see an option "Send to" and inside
and a bunch of other locations.
How can I add my own location, ie "C:\stuff" to this context menu?

Open file explorer and navigate to: %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo
Once in the SendTo folder, right click -> New -> Shortcut

In addition to the default shortcuts in the SendTo menu, there are hidden options that are exposed if you hold down shift while right clicking the targeted icon.
(This is Windows 7 only)
The easiest way to add your own is to type "shell:sendto" in a file explorer, ( or start -> run -> sendto ) and place whatever shortcut you deem useful. As mentioned before you can add shortcuts to programs as well as directories.
(This is more universal)
HERE is a nice article with a picture instructions.

in addition to shortcuts to folders, you can add shortcuts to apps. for example, add a shortcut to "send to notepad" to open a file in the notepad app. a useful function for a developer.


How to run a keyboard shortcut via a file?

Certain programs for Windows have specific keyboard shortcuts that execute specific functions. I was wondering if there is a way to create a small file that can activate any shortcut by clicking on it?
Example: Win+C opens up the charms bar in Windows 8. Can I create a file to click on that opens this function for me?
(I want this file to activate a different keyboard shortcut, not the one mentioned above in my example.)
It looks like you are trying to create a desktop shortcut.
To do so:
Use My Computer or Windows Explorer to locate the object to which
you want to create a shortcut.
Right-click the object, and then
click Create shortcut.
Drag the new shortcut to an open area on the
You can also create a keyboard shortcut that will open or do whatever that shortcut would do if you opened it. See properties.
Reference: (page no longer available since Windows 10)

How to save a file path in Windows 7

How do I save a file path in Windows 7 similar to using favourites in Internet Explorer?
Windows server 2003 has this function but I can't find the same thing in Windows 7.
For example: When I visit a long and complex path like:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Hearts\A\B\X\xy\xyz\xyzq\xyzqwer
I want save the 'shortcut' or 'handle' in Windows 7 like favourites on a browser. So that the next time I can visit the 'shortcut' or 'handle' or anything else, instead of typing the long complex path in window 7.
How about creating a shortcut?
Here you find how to do this.
I Agree with Chancho, Your explanation should be clearer.
To offer a few options
it seems to me that your best option would be a Shortcut
Since you know how to access FAVOURITES
1.Open Internet Explorer
2.Go to the Favourites
right click on the one you want and select "Copy"
then Right click on your desktop (for example) and select "Paste"
this will create that same link on your desktop
You Can Manually Create a Shortcut, Like this
(Let's say you want get to this "Hidden File" Location but can't remember the path
Find the location you want to make a shortcut for
in the address bar, Select the Entire Path (or you can Just Use Ctrl A)
right click on it and select "Copy" (or just use Ctrl C)
Right click on your desktop
Select "New"
Select "Shortcut"
a window will pop up prompting you to type the location of the path, At this stage.. Right click and "Paste" or (Ctrl V), or you can of course Browse to the location
Click Next
Type a Name for your Shortcut (absolutely anything will be just fine)
click "Finish"
and Presto, You have created a new shortcut to any Path Location you wish to get to
Does that Answer your question and achieves your goal,
or were you after something else, Please be clear

Xcode - open current file in a NEW window (a real challenge !)

Say you have File.m showing in the blue area above.
I want File.m to open in a new separate window.
How to do this??
Note that - of course - IF you have the ProjectNavigator showing and IF you can see the filename "File.m", then double-click on the filename and it will open in a new window.
What I want to do is open ANOTHER copy of the "CURRENT" file (the one in the primaryEditor) in a NEW WINDOW - without touching the ProjectNavigator.
Any ideas? Cheers
Note that ... (an excellent page here)
if you click on whatever file is in the current primaryEditor, then shift option apple comma that will indeed open the following "freaky little-known Xcode popup" ...
you can then, indeed, choose to open a new window. (So to be clear, that is exactly what I want to do.)
So, I want to be able to do that in one step. Cheers!
In XCode's Preferences you can change the following:
And then right-click within the primary editor and click "Open in Separate Window"
Instead of right clicking in the primary editor you can simply type command+option+, (comma)
Open the file what you want to open in the NEW window.
Command + Shift + t
Open the file what you want to open in the separated window.
Command + Option + ,
I wrote a new automator service that does the following steps in Xcode:
Execute the default shortcut for the "Open in..." menu item (Command-O)
(if this isn't your current "Open in" shortcut, the workflow will not work. If you still want to test it, just changed your default shortcut :) )
Go all the way to the left in the weird "Open in" view
hit Enter
Current file opened in new window
The only thing you need to do is install the service on osx and map a shortcut to it.
Here a download to the service:
1.Place Service file in folder ~/Library/Services
2. Open "System preferences"
3. > Keyboard
4. > Tab "ShortCuts" > "Service" > "General"
5. > Set your own shortcut for the service
6. Go to XCode and test the service by using your very own shortcut
Tested on OS X Mavericks, Xcode 5.0.1
In XCode 4 you can have a split window via View -> Show Assistant Editor. Then choose the same file which you have already opened in the Primary editor by the small right arrows on top of Assistant Editor.
in the ProjectNavigator. If you see the file name: Double click on the file name. It will open in a new window.

How to change file associations in Mac OS X

So I used Xcode and all. Now, whenever I open my text files it opens automatically with Xcode. How do I undo this?
RightClick on the file name -> Open With -> Choose the editor you wish to open with this kind of file. And that sets to be default editor for opening files with that particular file extension ( i.e., .txt ) when opened in future.
Edit: The above procedure is not a permanent one. Try this -
Right click on the file name.
Choose Get Info
Choose one from the Open With drop down. This will be set as default application and is used in future if opened the .txt file.
Right-click any text-file an select "Get-info", then choose your preferred Text-editor under "Open with" and click "Change all..."
You can change program association by right clicking on your file and clicking on "Get Info". This will bring up another dialog in which you can change the program associated with that file type.
You can find visual instructions here:

.net .vdproj - application shortcut

I'm creating a .vdproj setup for a simple Windows form. I have added a shortcut to the user's program menu (in a folder), but when I click the shortcut, it just opens the install folder. How do I set it up to run the .exe program?
I just tried putting the .exe name in the "Argument" for the shortcut - no luck yet. I thought it might be more intuitive than that. It also seems like "Target" might be the property to set - but it gives me a pick list - and my .exe is not in the list of things to pick.
Neal Walters
Update 1:
I'm using VS2008 SP1.
I added a folder under "User's Program menu" called "RCT" (that's my application name). I right click on that folder and I see "Add" with an arrow to submenu and "Create shortcut to RCT". The first thing I tried was the "Create shortcut to RCT", which is what lead me to post this question. Once the shortcut is there, it looks like the Properties Windows is the only way to configure it.
I set the "Target", and "Working Folder" (all 3 properties) to "Application Folder".
Now when I click the shortcut, it opens disk directory: C:\Users\uxnxw01\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\RCT
If I right click on "User's Program Menu" I see a link "Add shortcut to user's program menu". I really want a shortcut "in" the user's program menu, not "to" the user's program menu.
The "Add" submenu has four options: Folder, Project Output, File, Assembly.
SOLUTION - based on Heinzi's response:
I think I got it now - you right-click on the white space (under "name ... type..."- not on the folder. Then I see "create new shortcut". What a confusing design on the part of Microsoft! Seems like you would click on the folder and "add new shortcut". Instead they give you "Add shortcut to..." the item you click on.
After clicking on Create New Shortcut, instead of selecting the application folder, double-click on the application folder. Then Primary output from <YourApplication> should be selectable.
