How to save a file path in Windows 7 - windows-7

How do I save a file path in Windows 7 similar to using favourites in Internet Explorer?
Windows server 2003 has this function but I can't find the same thing in Windows 7.
For example: When I visit a long and complex path like:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Hearts\A\B\X\xy\xyz\xyzq\xyzqwer
I want save the 'shortcut' or 'handle' in Windows 7 like favourites on a browser. So that the next time I can visit the 'shortcut' or 'handle' or anything else, instead of typing the long complex path in window 7.

How about creating a shortcut?
Here you find how to do this.

I Agree with Chancho, Your explanation should be clearer.
To offer a few options
it seems to me that your best option would be a Shortcut
Since you know how to access FAVOURITES
1.Open Internet Explorer
2.Go to the Favourites
right click on the one you want and select "Copy"
then Right click on your desktop (for example) and select "Paste"
this will create that same link on your desktop
You Can Manually Create a Shortcut, Like this
(Let's say you want get to this "Hidden File" Location but can't remember the path
Find the location you want to make a shortcut for
in the address bar, Select the Entire Path (or you can Just Use Ctrl A)
right click on it and select "Copy" (or just use Ctrl C)
Right click on your desktop
Select "New"
Select "Shortcut"
a window will pop up prompting you to type the location of the path, At this stage.. Right click and "Paste" or (Ctrl V), or you can of course Browse to the location
Click Next
Type a Name for your Shortcut (absolutely anything will be just fine)
click "Finish"
and Presto, You have created a new shortcut to any Path Location you wish to get to
Does that Answer your question and achieves your goal,
or were you after something else, Please be clear


Windows Shell Desktop Preview

I've installed Rainmeter with Honeycomb and want only a simple Icon, which will act like the Windows "Show Desktop" Button in the right corner.
Well so far so good, I've got it working, that when I click on the Icon my Desktop will show up and the rest will be minimized:
Well now I want that when I hover over it, the preview will be shown:
MouseOverAction=[" Insert Magic --> Here <-- "]
Well this is my Problem, if anybody knows which Shell Command this is, or how it could be achieved, pls share your ideas with me.
It might not be a good way, but you can do this:
Open up the folder where the ini file of the skin is.
Right click anywhere on the blank portion of the window and select New>Shortcut.
A dialog box will appear, asking you to locate the file the shortcut should point to.
Inside the text box, paste this:
C:\Windows\explorer.exe shell:::{3080F90D-D7AD-11D9-BD98-0000947B0257}
Click next. The dialog box will ask you to put a name for the shortcut. Put any name you like and press Finish to create the shortcut.
Replace the LeftMouseUpAction line with this:
LeftMouseUpAction=!Execute ["#CURRENTPATH#"name of your shortcut".lnk"]
For example, if your shortcut's name is launch, then the line should be
LeftMouseUpAction=!Execute ["#CURRENTPATH#launch.lnk"]
You're good to go!

How to associate an extension with a program if the extension is not in the "Default Programs" list in Windows Seven?

In Windows Seven, I'm aware of the "Default Programs" dialog in Control Panel, which lets me associate pre-defined extensions with programs. However, I need to add an association for a file extension that isn't in the list. In WinXP, I'm pretty sure I could add entries to the list, but that doesn't appear to be immediately available in Windows Seven.
If you select a file with the desired extension in Explorer and click on it, a dialog box pops up that lets you select a program from a list. Click that. Then you can CLick on "Browse..." and select the program you want the file to be opened with. I have not tried, but you might be able to change it through the Default Programs afterwards.

Windows 7 right click "Send to" file context menu

When I right click a file (in any folder) I see an option "Send to" and inside
and a bunch of other locations.
How can I add my own location, ie "C:\stuff" to this context menu?
Open file explorer and navigate to: %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo
Once in the SendTo folder, right click -> New -> Shortcut
In addition to the default shortcuts in the SendTo menu, there are hidden options that are exposed if you hold down shift while right clicking the targeted icon.
(This is Windows 7 only)
The easiest way to add your own is to type "shell:sendto" in a file explorer, ( or start -> run -> sendto ) and place whatever shortcut you deem useful. As mentioned before you can add shortcuts to programs as well as directories.
(This is more universal)
HERE is a nice article with a picture instructions.
in addition to shortcuts to folders, you can add shortcuts to apps. for example, add a shortcut to "send to notepad" to open a file in the notepad app. a useful function for a developer.

Setting up Tortoise SVN Windows 7 hotkeys

How would one go about setting up some hotkeys for commonly used SVN actions such as diff?
Currently to view diff, I have to select file(s), then right click, navigate to TortoiseSVN and then select Diff action. Quite a few steps for something used often.
Instead, I would like to select file and use hotkey(for example Ctrl-Alt-F) to do the same Diff action.
Searching for solutions, I have found some people running AutoHotKey scripts to do similar things, but it seems like an overkill.
I made a hotkey shortcut(using standard Win 7 method of creating a shortcut then adjusting its properties) to run TortoiseMerge, which is the tool that displays the diff, but such a shortcut ignores current file selection and brings up a blank TortoiseMerge.
Any ideas to try?
You can modify the TortoiseSVN context menu and place your favorite commands at the root of the context menu. This way you have only to click twice for a diff. Not that much, I think.
Another option would be to use an advanced file manager (like Total Commander or FreeCommander) which enables you to define custom menu commands with custom hot keys.
In Total Commander this would be "Change Start Menu":
Command: C:\Program Files (x86)\TortoiseSVN\bin\TortoiseProc.exe
Parameters: /command:diff /path:%P\%N
Shortcut Key: CRTL+ALT+F1
Whether shell context menu or hotkey, you need at least 2 steps to run a TortoiseSVN command:
Select the file (selecting and right clicking to open the context menu is a single action)
Run the command (click on the context menu item or press the shortcut key)
From this point of view it's just a question of your personal preference: should I click twice or should I click once and leave the mouse for pressing a key? ;-)
Autohotkey is overkill for a single key, but you can collect the hotkeys for actions you might perform in any window type all in a single script. As a result, you can have hotkeys perform fairly complex actions in one class of windows, and the same hotkeys perform different actions in another window type using the '#IfWinActive' directive.
For example, this URL mentions adding hotkeys for commit and update; you could add a key for your diff need, and perhaps one for log or some other svn option you perform frequently.
For some reason, bringing up the explorer context menu is slow for me in Windows 7. Adding these hotkeys really improved my workflow.
Note: you can also prefix that URL's example code with the following:
GroupAdd explorers, ahk_class ExploreWClass
GroupAdd explorers, ahk_class CabinetWClass
#IfWinActive ahk_group explorers
And suffix it with:
And those specific hotkeys will execute the TortoiseSVN-specific commands when Windows Explorer has focus, and be passed through in all other cases.
You could try directly calling the process with the correct parameters instead of worrying about right-click context menus.
For example, I was able to set up a shortcut directly to the following item:
"C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\TortoiseProc.exe" /command:update /path:"c:\Source"
From there, you can call this shortcut from your hotkey program, or if you prefer a out-of-the-box solution, map a folder directly to the task bar (I labeled mine "o" for aesthetics) and stick that shortcut in this folder.
Theoretically, you could have one shortcut per operation, per repository.
Looking at the problem more generally, I'd say that this is a workflow issue. Presumably the reason you want to find a quicker way of finding diffs is because you want to do it for a number of files. In that case, go to the root of your working copy and choose TortoiseSVN -> Check for modifications. That will show you a list of changed files. Do get the diffs, just double click on each.
Install the StExBar, then add commands for diff/update/commit/... and specify the corresponding TortoiseProc.exe command.
And of course assign a hotkey for the command.
You can use context menu shortcuts.
Just open code folder in explorer and use below:
Commit: alt + F + C
update: alt + F + U
Check for updates: alt + F + T + F
So you can press above keyboard shortcuts to commit instead of having to right click directory then click commit.

.net .vdproj - application shortcut

I'm creating a .vdproj setup for a simple Windows form. I have added a shortcut to the user's program menu (in a folder), but when I click the shortcut, it just opens the install folder. How do I set it up to run the .exe program?
I just tried putting the .exe name in the "Argument" for the shortcut - no luck yet. I thought it might be more intuitive than that. It also seems like "Target" might be the property to set - but it gives me a pick list - and my .exe is not in the list of things to pick.
Neal Walters
Update 1:
I'm using VS2008 SP1.
I added a folder under "User's Program menu" called "RCT" (that's my application name). I right click on that folder and I see "Add" with an arrow to submenu and "Create shortcut to RCT". The first thing I tried was the "Create shortcut to RCT", which is what lead me to post this question. Once the shortcut is there, it looks like the Properties Windows is the only way to configure it.
I set the "Target", and "Working Folder" (all 3 properties) to "Application Folder".
Now when I click the shortcut, it opens disk directory: C:\Users\uxnxw01\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\RCT
If I right click on "User's Program Menu" I see a link "Add shortcut to user's program menu". I really want a shortcut "in" the user's program menu, not "to" the user's program menu.
The "Add" submenu has four options: Folder, Project Output, File, Assembly.
SOLUTION - based on Heinzi's response:
I think I got it now - you right-click on the white space (under "name ... type..."- not on the folder. Then I see "create new shortcut". What a confusing design on the part of Microsoft! Seems like you would click on the folder and "add new shortcut". Instead they give you "Add shortcut to..." the item you click on.
After clicking on Create New Shortcut, instead of selecting the application folder, double-click on the application folder. Then Primary output from <YourApplication> should be selectable.
