Parse Variables Using DCG - prolog

I am having trouble parsing sequences that begin with capital letters into variables using Prolog's DCG notation. For instance, if I have the string
f a X y Z X
and a DCG that parses this string, is there any way to parse each capitalized letter into a unique Prolog variable. E.g., parse Y to a variable and each X to a variable? The intended application would be to build the functor
T = f(a,X,y,Z,X)
via a DCG rule ending with the statement
{T =.. [Head|Args]}

Maybe you are looking for term_to_atom/3:
?- term_to_atom(Term, 'f(a,X,y,Z,X)').
Term = f(a, _G304, y, _G306, _G304).

If you are using capital letters as an atom, you have to surround them between single quotes. E.g. 'X' and 'Z'.
Otherwise, they will be considered as prolog variables.


SWI-Prolog: Write predicate union(A,B,C) in form C = A ∪ B

Is their some way in SWI-Prolog to write predicates with three variables for example union(A,B,C) in the following form C = A ∪ B. For predicates with two variables I know their are operators to do that, but I am not sure if their is something similar in that case.
Not directly. Prolog only supports defining unary operators (prefix/suffix operators such as -- 32 or 32 ++, both of which correspond to '--'/1 or '++'/1) and infix operators (e.g. X is Y which corresponds to is/2).
If you look at the operator definitions and precedences, you would need to define your union operator as an infix operator with a precedence of less than 700.
Then, reading a term like x = y ∪ z would yield '='( x , '∪'(y,z) ).
Another way to do it would be to write a DCG (definite clause grammar) to parse the text as desired. See this tutorial:

Using a univ operator in Prolog

I am trying to develop a prolog procedure that will convert numbers in any given list to a list of their square roots, using the univ (=..). So far I have
convert(X,Y): number(X), Y is X^2.
L =..[convert,X,Y].
This evaluates false, what could be wrong in my logic or execution?
You could also use maplist/3 to define use/2 with convert/2 as defined in your post:
use(X,Y) :- maplist(convert, X, Y).
?- use([1,2,3],L).
L = [1,4,9]
Note that use/2 is simply failing for lists that contain anything but numbers:
?- use([1,2,3,a],L).
There are multiple errors:
why passing the name of the predicate convert/2?
Most important I see no recursive call!!
You ignore head element of the list by writing [_|X] which means a list with a head element and a tail X.
You try to use convert on X which is a list and assign the atom convert(X,Y) to L. Note that prolog is not a procedural language, convert(X,Y) will work only by just calling convert(X,Y) and the result will be in Y, you can't make assignments like: L = convert(X,Y) this will only assign the atom convert(X,Y) to L.
You don't need the operator =.., as a simple solution would be:
convert(X,Y):- number(X), Y is X^2.

swi-prolog truth assignment?

So I have this exercise that I'm stuck on:
A formula is:
variable(V) iff V is an atom.
or(Flist) iff every element in the list is a formula
there are implies, and, neg too. the form looks similar.
We can represent a truth assignment (an assignment of values to variables) by a Prolog list of the form [Var1/Value1, Var2/Value2,...VarN/ValueN]. Write a predicate sub(?F,?Asst,?G) which succeeds iff G is a formula which is a result of substituting the variables of F with corresponding values from the assignment Asst. (You can assume that the truth assignment A is at least partially instantiated).
sub(variable(x), [x/tru], tru).
sub(or([variable(a),variable(b)]), [a/tru,b/fls], G).
G = or(tru,fls)
I've tried
G = variable(value).
But it just returns false.
Edit: Sorry I didn't make the question clear, Can someone explain to me if there's a way to assign values associated with variables in a list to another variable? I think it has something to do with unification.
Variables are placeholders.
Beware of case sensitivity: Prolog variable names start with an uppercase character or underscore, atoms with a lowercase character.
Your code snippet of sub/3 assumes that the list of
key-value pairs has exactly a length of one ([x/value]).
By using member/2 the lists can have arbitrary length.
When handling n-ary logical connectives like and / or, you probably want a short-circuit implementation that returns as soon as possible. Like so:
sub(variable(X),Assoc,Value) :-
sub(or([X|Xs]),Assoc,V) :-
( T = tru, V = tru % short-circuit logical-or
; T = fls, sub(or(Xs),Assoc,V)

About Prolog syntax

Sometimes I see terms like:
X = a:b
X = a-b
I can do requests like
X = Y:Z
and the compiler unifies Y with a and Z with b, as expected.
Now my answer:
Which characters (or sequence of characters) am I allowed to use to combine two Prolog atoms?!
Maybe you can give me some links with further informations about this issue.
Thanks for your help and kind regards from Germany
Which characters (or sequence of characters) am I allowed to use to combine two Prolog atoms?!
What you are asking here for, is the entire operator syntax definition of Prolog. To get the very full answer to this, please refer to the tag iso-prolog for full information how to obtain the Prolog standard ISO/IEC 13211-1.
But as a short answer to start with:
Prolog syntax consists of
functional notation, like +(a,b), plus
a dynamically redefinable operator syntax, plus
some extra.
It seems you want to know which "characters" can be used as operators.
The short answer is that you can use all atoms Op that succeed for current_op(Pri,Fix,Op). So you can ask dynamically, which operators are present:
?- current_op(Pri, Fix, Op).
Pri = 1, Fix = fx, Op = ($)
; Pri = 1150, Fix = fx, Op = (module_transparent)
; Pri = 700, Fix = xfx, Op = (=#=)
; Pri = 700, Fix = xfx, Op = (#>=)
; Pri = 700, Fix = xfx, Op = (>=)
; ... .
All those operators can be used in the specified manner, as pre-, in-, or postfix with the indicated priorities. Some of these operators are specific to SWI, and some are defined by the standard. Above, only #>= and >= are standard operators.
Most of the operators consist of the graphic characters #$&*+-./:<=>?#^~ only or of letters, digits and underscores starting with a lower case letter. There are two solo characters !; and then there are ,| which are even more special. Operator names that are different to above need quoting - you rarely will encounter them.
To see how operators nest, use write_canonical(Term).
The long answer is that you are also able to define such operators yourself. However, be aware that changing the operator syntax has often many implications that are very difficult to fathom. Even more so, since many systems differ in some rarely used configurations. For example, the system you mentioned, SWI differs in several ways.
I'd suggest to avoid defining new operators until you have learned more about the Prolog language.
let's see what's inside X = Y:Z
?- display( X = Y:Z ).
then we have a nested structure, where functors are operators.
An operator is an atom, and the rule for atom syntax says that we have 3 kind to consider:
a sequence of any printable character enclosed in single quote
a sequence of special characters only, where a special character is one of `.=:-+*/><##~? (I hope I have found all of them, from this page you can check if I forgot someone !)
a sequence of lowercase/uppercase characters or the underscore, starting with a lowercase character
A functor (shorthand for function constructor, I think, but function is misleading in Prolog context) it's the symbol that 'ties' several arguments. The number of arguments is named arity. In Prolog a term is an atomic literal (like a number, or an atom), or a recursive structure, composed of a functor and a number of arguments, each being a term itself (at least 1).
Given the appropriate declaration, i.e. op/3, unary and binary terms can be represented as expressions, like that one you show.
An example of operator, using the : special char, is ':-'
member(X,[_|T]) :- member(X, T).
The O.P., said (and I quote):
Sometimes I see terms like: X = a:b or X = a-b
I can do requests like X = Y:Z and the compiler unifies Y with a and Z with b, as expected.
Now my answer: Which characters (or sequence of characters) am I allowed
to use to combine two Prolog atoms?!
The short answer is Pretty much whatever you want (provided it is an atom).
The longer answer is this:
What are seeing are infix (x infix_op b), prefix (pfx_op b) and suffix (b sfx_op ) operators. Any structure with an arity of 2 can be an infix operator. Any structure with an arity of 1 can be a prefix or suffix operator. As a result, any atom may be an operator.
Prolog is parsed via a precedence driven, recursive descent parser (written in Prolog, naturally). Operators are defined and enumerated, along with their precedence and associativity in the operator/3 predicate. Associativity has to do with how the parse tree is constructed. An expression like a - b - c could be parsed as ( a - ( b - c ) ) (right-associative), or ( ( a - b ) - c ) (left-associative).
Precedence has to do with how tightly operators bind. An expression like a + b * c binds as ( a + ( b * c ) not because of associativity, but because '*'/2 (multiplication) has higher precedence that '+'/2 (addition).
You can add, remove and change operators to your heart's content. Not that this gives you a lot of room to shoot yourself in the foot by breaking prolog's syntax.
It should be noted, however, that any operator expression can also be written via ordinary notation:
a + b * c
is exactly identical to
'+'( a , '*'(b,c) )

what is the syntax for char* in prolog

I want to know the syntax for char* in prolog which i want to use for a list of a characters. I have used list=integer* for a list of integers but i dont know sysntax for characters list in prolog.
In SWI-Prolog, you must use _string_to_list /2 to create strings :
?- A = "ABCD".
A = [65,66,67,68].
?- string_to_list(A, "ABCD"). A = "ABCD".
I guess you are using Turbo Prolog.
In that case, there is already a predefined domain string used for strings.
Here goes a usage example:
test(string, string).
test(X, Z):- concat("Hello ", X, Z).
Sample output:
Goal: test("World",Z).
Z=Hello World
1 Solution
