Using a univ operator in Prolog - prolog

I am trying to develop a prolog procedure that will convert numbers in any given list to a list of their square roots, using the univ (=..). So far I have
convert(X,Y): number(X), Y is X^2.
L =..[convert,X,Y].
This evaluates false, what could be wrong in my logic or execution?

You could also use maplist/3 to define use/2 with convert/2 as defined in your post:
use(X,Y) :- maplist(convert, X, Y).
?- use([1,2,3],L).
L = [1,4,9]
Note that use/2 is simply failing for lists that contain anything but numbers:
?- use([1,2,3,a],L).

There are multiple errors:
why passing the name of the predicate convert/2?
Most important I see no recursive call!!
You ignore head element of the list by writing [_|X] which means a list with a head element and a tail X.
You try to use convert on X which is a list and assign the atom convert(X,Y) to L. Note that prolog is not a procedural language, convert(X,Y) will work only by just calling convert(X,Y) and the result will be in Y, you can't make assignments like: L = convert(X,Y) this will only assign the atom convert(X,Y) to L.
You don't need the operator =.., as a simple solution would be:
convert(X,Y):- number(X), Y is X^2.


List with if - plus and minus

I should create a list with integer.It should be ziga_arnitika(L,ML).Which take L list (+) integer and will return the list ML only (-) integer the even numbers of list L.
Warning:The X mod Y calculates X:Y.
Example: ziga_arnitika([3,6,-18,2,9,36,31,-40,25,-12,-5,-15,1],ML).
ML =[-18,-40,-12]
i know for example with not list to use if but not with lists,what i did is..:
something(12) :-
write('Go to L).
something(10) :-
write('Go to Ml).
something(other) :-
Go is other -10,
format('Go to list ~w',[ML]).
You want to compute a list with elements satisfying some properties from a given list. Lists in Prolog have a very simple representation. The empty list is represent by []. A non-empty list is a sequence of elements separated by a comma. E.g. [1,2,3]. Prolog also provides handy notation to split a list between its head (or first element) and its tail (a list with the remaining arguments):
?- [1,2,3] = [Head| Tail].
Head = 1,
Tail = [2, 3].
Walking a list (from its first element to its last element) can be done easily using a simple recursive predicate. The trivial case is when a list is empty:
If a list is not empty, we move to the list tail:
walk([Head| Tail]) :- walk(Tail).
However, if you try this predicate definition in virtually any Prolog system, it will warn you that Head is a singleton variable. That means that the variable appears once in a predicate clause. You can solve the warning by replacing the variable Head with an anonymous variable (which we can interpret as "don't care" variable). Thus, currently we have:
walk([_| Tail]) :- walk(Tail).
We can try it with our example list:
?- walk([1,2,3]).
Prolog being a relational language, what happens if we call the walk/1 predicate with a variable instead?
?- walk(List).
List = [] ;
List = [_4594] ;
List = [_4594, _4600] ;
List = [_4594, _4600, _4606]
Now back to the original problem: constructing a list from elements of other list. We want to process each element of the input list and, if it satisfies some property, adding it to the output list. We need two arguments. The simple case (or base case) is again when the input list is empty:
process([], []).
The general case (or recursive case) will be:
process([Head| Tail], [Head| Tail2]) :-
process(Tail, Tail2).
assuming a predicate property/1 that is true when its argument satisfies some property. In your case, being a even, negative integer. But not all elements will satisfy the property. To handle that case, we need a third clause that will skip an element that doesn't satisfy the property:
process([Head| Tail], List) :-
\+ property(Head),
process(Tail, List).
The \+/1 predicate is Prolog standard negation predicate: it's true when its argument is false.
Let's try our process/2 predicate it by defining a property/1 predicate that is true if the argument is the integer zero:
A sample call would then be:
?- process([1,0,2,0,0,3,4,5], List).
List = [0, 0, 0] ;
We have successfully written a predicate that extracts all the zeros from a list. Note that our query have a single solution. If we type a ; to ask for the next solution at the prompt, the Prolog top-level interpreter will tell us that there are no more solutions (the exact printout depends on the chosen Prolog system; some will print e.g. no instead of falsebut the meaning is the same).
Can you now solve your original question by defining a suitable property/1 predicate?
You can combine the two recursive clauses in one by writing for example:
process([Head| Tail], List) :-
( % condition
property(Head) ->
% then
List = [Head| Tail2],
process(Tail, Tail2)
; % else
process(Tail, List)
In this case, we use the Prolog standard if-then-else control construct. Note, however, that this construct does an implicit cut in the condition. I.e. we only take the first solution for the property/1 predicate and discard any other potential solutions. The use of this control construct also prevents using the process/2 predicate in reverse (e.g. calling it with an unbound first argument and a bound second argument) or using it to generate pairs of terms that satisfy the relation (e.g. calling it with both arguments unbound). These issues may or may not be significant depending on the property that you're using to filter the list and on the details of the practical problem that you're solving. More sophisticated alternatives are possible but out of scope for this introductory answer.

CLP Prolog - Logic Programming

we have a list of list think an example ?- solve([[40,A,B],[30,B],[60,A,B,C]]),label([A,B,C]). will succeed with replacing B=30,A=10 and C=20.
The constraint with this example is A+B=40, A+B+C=60 and generally every variable are in between 0 and 100. Every list must begin with a constant and it includes at least one variable.
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
sum([],0). % if the list is empty.
sum([X|XS],Z) :-
X in 0..100,
Z #= X+Z1.
solveOne([Const|Var]) :-
solve([]). % if the list of list is also empty
solve([First|Others]) :-
I am a bit skeptic the idea of base case,facts. Because every list must include at list one variable according to constraints, on the other hand we think about the "empty list" situation.?
First, the obvious problem: you define both a solve/2 and a solve/1 predicate (solve([],0)). The ",0" is probably unwanted.
Apart from that, if you have only a constant, like [X], then solveOne succeeds only if X is zero; otherwise, it fails according to sum([],0). So, in a sense, you indirectly check that you can have at least one variable if you assume your sum is always strictly positive.
In order to explicitely check that there is effectively at least one variable, then you can modify solveOne as follows:
solveOne([Const,V1|Vars]) :-
sum([V1|Vars], Const).
#coredump answer should put you on right track. If you are interested in writing lean code, consider this more succint definition (tested in SWI-Prolog)
solve(L) :- maplist(solveOne, L).
solveOne([C|Vs]) :- Vs ins 0..100, sum(Vs, #=, C).
?- solve([[40,A,B],[30,B],[60,A,B,C]]).
A = 10,
B = 30,
C = 20.

Does any version of Prolog support higher order abstraction of accumulators?

I was wondering about a Prolog that could include a built-in call like this:
accum(generator, filter, accumulator)
Calculates all solutions to generator.
For each one, if filter can be proved, accumulator is proved.
Backtracks to find all solutions to filter and generator.
Accumulator may backtrack internally, but multiple proofs of accumulator are
conjoined, not backtracked.
So, for example, to sum a list without using recursion you could write:
X is 0, accum(member(Val,List), True, X is X + Val).
Is there any Prolog with this construct or an equivalent? Bear in mind that I am a bit of a newbie at Prolog and may be missing something obvious.
SWI-Prolog library(aggregate) has a powerful interface, for instance
aggregate_all(sum(Val), member(Val,List), Sum)
the (apparently simple) sharing of the variables among aggregation and generation is obtained with a predicate, foreach/2, that could interest you.
In SWI-Prolog you can do ?- edit(library(aggregate)). to study the internals...
library(aggregate) is relatively inefficient, but coupled with SWI-Prolog nb_ (non backtrackable) data structures should do its job very well...
About non backtrackable data structures: here is an example of my 'self built' accumulator, implemented by means of nb_setarg/3.
I assume you mean without explicit recursion? If so, you can use an implementation of the high-order predicate list fold left, together with a lambda expression to avoid the need of an auxiliary predicate. Using Logtalk as an example you can write:
?- Sum0 is 0, meta::fold_left([X,Y,Z]>>(Z is Y+X), Sum0, [1,2,3], Sum).
Sum0 = 0,
Sum = 6.
Logtalk can use as a backend compiler most Prolog implementations ( You can also use Ulrich's lambda library ( with a supported Prolog compiler together with a Prolog library providing the fold left predicate for the same result. Using now YAP as an example:
$ yap
?- use_module(library(lambda)).
?- use_module(library(maplist)).
?- Sum0 is 0, foldl(\X^Y^Z^(Z is Y+X), [1,2,3], Sum0, Sum).
Sum = 6,
Sum0 = 0.
Briefly, the fold left predicate iterates over a list, recursively applying the closure in its first argument to a list element and the accumulator, returning the final accumulator value.
In Mercury's standard library the "solutions" module provides functionality like this.
Note that X is X + Val does not assign a new value to X. It is a statement that is true if Val is zero, and false if it is any other number, which is probably not what you mean. Accumulators like this are typically expressed as a relation between the initial and final value.
In Mercury, your example could be written as:
:- import_module solutions.
sumlist(List, Sum) :-
Generator = (pred(Val::out) is nondet :- member(Val, List), true),
Accumulator = (pred(X::in, Y::in, Z::out) is det :- Z = X + Y),
aggregate(Generator, Accumulator, 0, Sum).
There is no need for a separate filter argument, as it can be included as part of the generator.

Prolog - how to understand lists

I don't know much, how to understand that fact p([H|T], H, T). I know C/C++/Java etc.. but this looks diferrent. So when i pass first argument to "function" p, it separates it into H and T and makes it accessible through this vars? I don't know how to logically understand this.
p([H|T], H, T).
Lets see what happens when we ask some simple queries.
?- p([a,b,c], X, Y).
In Prolog we have relations, in a way similar to relationals DBs.
Then p/3 it's a relation among a list (first argument), its head H and its tail T.
Appropriately the tutorial' author used descriptive and synthetic symbols as Variables.
Syntactically, variables are symbols starting Uppercase and can get any value, but only one time (that is, cannot be 'reassigned').
The page you refer to says, "Consider the following fact.
p([H|T], H, T)."
So we must treat this as a fact. That means, it's like having a predicate
p([H|T], H, T):- true. % or, p(L,H,T) :- L=[H|T].
Now, when you query p([a,b,c], X, Y)., one is put besides the other:
p([a,b,c], X, Y). % a query
p([H|T], H, T) :- true. % a rule's clause: _head_ :- _body_.
the equivalences are noted: [a,b,c] = [H|T], X = H, Y = T and treated as unification equations. The first gets further translated into
a = H % list's head element
[b,c] = T % list's tail
because [A|B] stands for a list with A the head element of the list, and B the list's tail, i.e. all the rest of its elements, besides the head. H and T are common mnemonic names for these logical variables.
So on the whole, we get X = H = a, Y = T = [b,c].
This process is what's known as unification of a query and a rule's head (the two things starting with a p "functor", and both having the 3 "arguments").
Since the query and the head of a rule's "clause" matched (had same functor and same number of arguments), and their arguments were all successfully unified, pairwise, using the above substitution, we only need to prove the body of that rule's clause (that was thus selected).
Since it is true, we immediately succeed, with the successful substitution as our result.
That's how Prolog works.
TL;DR: yes, when you call p(L,H,T) with a given list L, it will be destructured into its head H and tail T. But you may call it with a given list T, a value H, and a variable L, and then a new list will be constructed from the head and the tail. And if L is given as well, it will be checked whether its head is H, and its tail is T.
This is because Prolog's unification is bi-directional: A = B is the same as B = A. Unification with a variable is like setting that variable, and unification with a value is like checking the (structural) equality with that value.
Calling p(L,H,T) is really equivalent to the unification L = [H|T].

Prolog "or" operator, query

I'm working on some prolog that I'm new to.
I'm looking for an "or" operator
registered(X, Y), Y=ct101, Y=ct102, Y=ct103.
Here's my query. What I want to write is code that will:
"return X, given that Y is equal to value Z OR value Q OR value P"
I'm asking it to return X if Y is equal to all 3 though. What's the or operator here? Is there one?
Just another viewpoint. Performing an "or" in Prolog can also be done with the "disjunct" operator or semi-colon:
registered(X, Y) :-
X = ct101; X = ct102; X = ct103.
For a fuller explanation:
Predicate control in Prolog
you can 'invoke' alternative bindings on Y this way:
...registered(X, Y), (Y=ct101; Y=ct102; Y=ct103).
Note the parenthesis are required to keep the correct execution control flow. The ;/2 it's the general or operator. For your restricted use you could as well choice the more idiomatic
...registered(X, Y), member(Y, [ct101,ct102,ct103]).
that on backtracking binds Y to each member of the list.
edit I understood with a delay your last requirement. If you want that Y match all 3 values the or is inappropriate, use instead
...registered(X, ct101), registered(X, ct102), registered(X, ct103).
or the more compact
...findall(Y, registered(X, Y), L), sort(L, [ct101,ct102,ct103]).
findall/3 build the list in the very same order that registered/2 succeeds. Then I use sort to ensure the matching.
...setof(Y, registered(X, Y), [ct101,ct102,ct103]).
setof/3 also sorts the result list
