xpath-locator plugin in firefox - xpath

Is xpath-locator plug-in for Firefox can help in locating the elements in selenium script.
Any limitation using this plug-in in script?

It's always better to create your own xpath using firebug, firepath (a firebug extension) , webdeveloper or any other tool. You will learn to create xpaths which are not brittle. :)

Your question is very generic. It is not possible to cover all or at least the most variants of dynamically generated HTML source code to find elements by just using Xpath or CSS selectors. You will need a more "intelligent" logic.
If you tell us what your exact task is, we may help you with a solution for your problem.


Can anyone suggest nice Jquery Decision maker plug-in or demo

Can anyone suggest nice Jquery Decision maker plug-in or demo, I have the one below, but its not that good http://listui.com/?p=84
My Google-fu brings up jQuery Option Tree and another SO question which leads to the more common name of "cascading dropdowns" or "cascading selects", for which there are a few plugins in the jQuery plugin directory and I'm sure more via Google

Code Highlighting for Joomla

I need syntax highlighting of source code from various languages (PHP, C#, VB, etc) within articles I have in Joomla. I have tried enabling the Geshi plugin, updating the language files and putting the code into my Joomla article - however I can't seem to get it to work.
I have also tried CodeCitation from JED but again, the problem seems to be the same - I don't know how to tell Joomla to process it as code. I placed {codecitation} and {/codecitation} around my code (as well as including the brush value) but it doesn't work. I am unsure if these tags should be placed on the source or the wysiwug
Could someone please assist with an alternative method or work out what I am doing wrong?
With CodeCitation: if you already wrote the article using the tags (i.e. {codecitation} code {/codecitation}), it should work. Did you check if you enable the mambot?
As of Joomla 3.4 Geshi has been removed - but you can still get Geshi+ (geshi repackaged with all the additional languages) - & see the tips here on how to configure geshi.
An example of Geshi+ working is here.
There are now Joomla plugins using highlightjs & google's prettify library to highlight syntax but I found geshi+ worked much better
I am not certain if you can use it in Joomla or not. I use the syntax highlighter by Alex Gorbatchev. I have used it in a couple of blogs (wordpress for instance) and in some stand alone web pages. Not hard to intergrate. It uses the 'pre' tags. You need to be sure the code is already escaped. It may be worth a look. Here is a link.
Hope this helps.

npapi - javascript doesnt load the content of a plugin

I wrote a firefox plugin using C++ and used the <EMBED> to load it to html.
In javascript I got the embedded plugin by using document.getElementByID,
but when I tried to call a plugin function, the function was undefined. Moreover,
plugins constructors did not run while loading the page.
The same html file and plugin seems to work on some computers, while it doesnt work on others.
Does anyone have an idea what might by wrong?
How can I debug such an issue?
Can you reproduce it on your computer at first? If not, then try to figure out what systems, browsers, architecture, versions, they are using.
I recall, there are many GECKOSDK's, and each one has a specific version it works for. https://developer.mozilla.org/en/gecko_sdk For example, different SDK's for Firefox 1.5-2.0, FireFox 3.0, Firefox 3.5, and Firefox 3.5
For different browers, make sure you are exposing the right DLL Exports, browsers can vary: http://git.webvm.net/?p=npsimple is a good starting point. You can use firebreath.googlecode.com too as an alternative.
My suggestion would be to use an object tag instead of <embed>. In my experience, doesn't seem to work as reliably.
If I had more information on how your plugin is structured (are you using XPCOM or npruntime?), I might be able to help more.

xHTML markup checker integrated in Selenium

Recently, I thought about how can I improve the quality of the projects, by using Continuous checking of xHTML source at Continuous Integration machine.
Look, we have a project
http://sourceforge.net/projects/jtidy - jTidy
JTidy is a Java port of HTML Tidy, a HTML syntax checker and pretty printer.
It can validate the xHTML through a command-line interface. Or this tool can be extended in the way we need, because all source code are open.
We can overwrite every Selenium validation method, such as assertTextPresent, or any other, so it will be calling the jTidy(by providing current state's HTML source), and if some errors or warnings will occur - it can be saved to Continuous Integration machine build's logs - so any project's related can see this info.
We can not to rewrite all the Selenium methods, to integrate this call on every step, but to make this calls where we want(after DOM manupulations).
Yes, we can use W3C markup validators for our sites, but there isn't any possibility to validate not initial state of page's source with this validators. After page creation, there might be lots of DOM manipulations which can produce markup errors/warnings - we can find it immediately with this scheme.
One of the benefits of using Continuous integration is that you have quick feedback from code - how it integrates with existing code base, test whether unit and functional tests pass. Why not to get an additional useful info, such as instant xHTML markup validation status. The earlier we identify the problem, the easier to fix it.
I haven't found anything on this theme in google yet.
And want to know, what do you think about this idea?
Seems like a worthwhile idea.
I've done two similar things with CI before:
I've used Ant's XMLValidate task to validate static xhtml files as part of the build process
I've used httpunit to pull pages that I then parsed as xml
But the idea of tying into Selenium to validate the content inherently during a functional test run is novel to me.
I think, that idea is brilliant but it is very hard to implement it from scratch.
But this idea is like evolution of build/quality validation process, so it will be released as ready-to-use tool with documentation someday.
Good idea! - in fact I just had exactly the same idea and was just checking to see if anyone had done it before - argh! Looks like you beat me to it :)
I was thinking along the lines of capturing and auto-submitting each page hit by selenium to the w3c HTML and CSS validtors (by file rather than link so state is held) - failing on any errors. I like the jtidy idea though.
Great in principle, but I'm not quite sure how to call it from Selenium. I'd love to see documentation explaining how to run it from Selenese, or from PHPUnit.

Code syntax formatter for posting code on webpages

Is there a utility that will generate html or css for blocks of code (.net c#) when you post it on a website?
I have seen several websites with very nicely formatted code and I dont believe they do this manually.
Google prettify -
I prefer Syntax Highlighter implementations (I'm using Wordpress plugin implementation for my blog).
It is based on JavaScript and does
not care about what you have on the
Posts with this formatting display
properly on different RSS feeds and
can be copied to clipboard.
It is trivial to extend syntax
rules. I'm using that to highlight
custom operators in Boo-based DSL (see sample post)
Multiple languages are supported
(source: googlecode.com)
You can get JavaScript syntax-highlighting scripts, such as this one by Dean Edwards.
This is also a jQuery version apparently based on it which looks good.
CopySourceAsHtml is an add-in for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 that allows you to copy source code, syntax highlighting, and line numbers as HTML.
It's highly configurable, and works much better than the download page would make you expect! Don't know if there is something similar for VS 2008
If you don't have the ability to add the google prettifier CSS reference, this would be a better way to go, as what you get is a complete HTML with the required style. I use it all the time on our developers wiki, and loving it.
An even better solution, if you don't want to bother installing anything, is to just use the little web app I wrote called BlogTrog CodeWindow:
It's easy to use. Just paste your code and embed the results.
