Formatting usage messages - wolfram-mathematica
If you take a look at the Combinatorica package in Mathematica8 in (mathematicapath)/AddOns/LegacyPackages/DiscreteMath/Combinatorica.m you will find the definitions of functions. What I'm interested to know is how Mathematica knows how to format the usage messages. Something tells me that I'm not looking at the right file. In any case, lets try the following:
Cofactor::usage = "Cofactor[m, {i, j}] calculates the (i, j)th cofactor of matrix m."
This line is the 682 line in the file mentioned above. Now if we run it in a mathematica notebook and we use ?Cofactor we will see the exact same message. But if we get the package then the message is formatted. Here is a screenshot:
Notice how the m, i and j inside the function changed and a double arrow was added to the message. I think the arrow was added to the message because there exists documentation for it. Can someone explain this behavior?
This is a screenshot of my notebook file that autosaves to an m file.
As you can see, the L and M are in italic times new roman. Now I will load the package and see the usage.
So far so good. Now lets look at the Documentation center. I will look for the function LineDistance.
As you can see, it shows a weird message. In this case we only want to display the message without any styles. I still can't figure out how the Combinatorica package does this.
I followed this to make the index so that the doc center can display the summary. The summary is essentially the usage display. Let me know if I need to be more specific.
OK, here's the explanation.
Digging in the Combinatorica source reveals this:
(* get formatted Combinatorica messages, except for special cases *)
It is loading messages from ToFileName[{System`Private`$MessagesDir,$Language},"Usage.m"], which on my machine is SystemFiles\Kernel\TextResources\English\Usage.m. This is why all usage messages are created conditionally in Combinatorica.m (only if they don't exist yet). If you look in Usage.m you'll see it has all the ugly boxes stuff that #ragfield mentioned.
I guess the simplest way to have formatted messages is to edit them in the front end in a notebook, and create an auto-save package. This way you can use all the front end's formatting tools, and won't need to deal with boxes.
I will answer on how the link in the Message is generated. Tracing Message printing shows a call to undocumented Documentation`CreateMessageLink function which returns the URL to the corresponding Documentation page if this page exists:
Trace[Information[Sin], Documentation`CreateMessageLink]
In[32]:= Documentation`CreateMessageLink["System", "Sin", "argx", "English"]
Out[32]= "paclet:ref/message/General/argx"
In some cases we can also see calls to Internal`MessageButtonHandler which further calls Documentation`CreateMessageLink:
Trace[Message[Sin::argx, 1, 1],
Internal`MessageButtonHandler | Documentation`CreateMessageLink,
TraceInternal -> True]
The way to embed style information in a String expression is to use linear syntax. For a box expression such as:
StyleBox["foo", FontSlant->Italic]
You can embed this inside of a String by adding \* to the front of it and escaping any special characters such as quotes:
"blah \*StyleBox[\"foo\", FontSlant->Italic] blah"
This should work for any box expression, no matter how complicated:
"blah \*RowBox[{SubsuperscriptBox[\"\[Integral]\",\"0\",\"1\"],RowBox[{FractionBox[\"1\",RowBox[{\"x\",\"+\",\"1\"}]],RowBox[{\"\[DifferentialD]\",\"x\"}]}]}] blah"
I am currently working on rewriting your ApplicationMaker for newer Mathematica-Versions with added functionalities and came to the exact same question here.
My answer is simple: Mathematica dont allowes you to use formated summaries for your symbols (or even build in symbols), so we have to unformate the usage-strings for the summaries. The usagestring itself can still have formatting, but one needs to have a function that removes all the formatingboxes from a string.
i have a solution that uses the UndocumentedTestFEParserPacket as described by John Fultz! in this question.
This funny named Tool parses a String Input into the real unchanged Mathematica BoxForm.
This is my example code:
str0 = Sum::usage
str1=StringJoin[ToString[StringReplace[#, "\\\"" -> "\""]]& /#
FrontEnd`UndocumentedTestFEParserPacket[str0, True]]〚1〛
//. RowBox[{seq___}] :> seq /. BoxData -> List, " "]
/. SubscriptBox[a_, b_] :> a<>"_"<>b
/. Except[List, _Symbol][args__] :> Sequence##Riffle[{args}, " "])];
str2 = Fold[StringReplace, str1,
{((WhitespaceCharacter...)~~br:("["|"("|"=") ~~ (WhitespaceCharacter ...)) :> br,
((WhitespaceCharacter ...) ~~ br:("]"|"}"|","|".")) :> br,
(br:("{") ~~ (WhitespaceCharacter ...)) :> br,
". " ~~ Except[EndOfString] -> ". \n"}]
and this is how the Output looks like (first Output formatted fancy str0, second simple flat str2)
Code Explanation:
str0 is the formatted usagestring with all the StyleBoxes and other formatting boxes.
UndocumentedTestFEParserPacket[str0, True] gives Boxes and strips off all StyleBoxes, thats because the second argument is True.
First Replacement removes all RowBoxes. The outer BoxForm changed to a List of strings. Whitespaces are inserted between these strings the by Riffle. SubscriptBox gets a special treatment. The last line replaces every remaining FormatBox such as UnderoverscriptBox and it does that by adding Whitespaces between the arguments, and returning the arguments as a flat Sequence.
ToString[StringReplace[#, "\\\"" -> "\""]]& /#
was added to include more cases such as StringReplace::usage. This cases include string representations "" with Styles inside of a the usage-string, when "args" has to be given as strings.
In this block of code i only remove unwanted WhitespaceCharacter from the string str1 and i add linebreaks "/n" after the ".", because they got lost during the Parsing. There are 3 different cases where WhitespaceCharacter can be removed.
1 removing left-and right sided WithespaceCharacter from a character like "[".
2. and 3. removing WithespaceCharacter from left(2) or right(3) side.
Istead of summary-> mySymbol::usage, use summary -> unformatString[mySymbol::usage] with unformatString being an appropriate function that performes the unformating like descriped above.
Alternatively you can define another usage message manually like
f::usage = "fancy string with formating";
f::usage2 = "flat string without formating";
than use summary -> mySymbol::usage2
How to program faster, (generate code from a pattern?)
I frequently run into problems that could be solved with automating code writing, but aren't long enough to justify it as tediously entering each piece is faster. Here is an example: Putting lists into dictionaries and things like this. Converting A into B. A hotdog HD hamburger HB hat H B def symbolizeType case self.type when "hotdog" return "HD" when "hamburger" return "HB" when "hat" return "H" end Sure I could come up with something to do this automatically, but it would only make sense if the list was 100+ items long. For a list of 10-20 items, is there a better solution than tediously typing? This is a Ruby example, but I typically run into cases like this all the time. Instead of a case statement, maybe it's a dictionary, maybe it's a list, etc. My current solution is a python template with the streaming input and output already in place, and I just have to write the parsing and output code. This is pretty good, but is there better? I feel like this would be something VIM macro would excel at, but I'm that experienced with VIM. Can VIM do this easily?
For vim, it'd be a macro running over a list of space separated pairs of words, inserting the first 'when "' bit, the long form word 'hotdog', the ending quote, a newline and 'return "', and then the abbreviation and then final quote, then going back to the list and repeating. Starting with a register w of: when " register r of: return " an initial list of: hotdog HD hamburger HB hat H and a starting file of: def symbolizeType case self.type "newline here" you can use the following macro at the start of the initial list: ^"ayeeeb"byeo"wp"apa"^Mrb"j where ^M is a newline.
I do this frequently, and I use a single register and a macro, so I'll share. Simply pick a register, record your keystrokes, and then replay your keystrokes from the register. This is a long explanation, but the process is extremely simple and intuitive. Here are the steps that I would take: A. The starting text hotdog HD hamburger HB hat H B. Insert the initial, non-repetitive lines preceding the text to transform def symbolizeType case self.type hotdog HD hamburger HB hat H C. Transform the first line, while recording your keystrokes in a macro This step I'll write out in detailed sub-steps. Place the cursor on the first line to transform ("hotdog") and type qa to begin recording your keystrokes as a macro into register a. Type ^ to move the cursor to the start of the line Type like you normally would to transform the line to what you want, which for me comes out looking like the following macro ^i^Iwhen "^[ea"^[ldwi^M^Ireturn "^[ea"^[j Where ^I is Tab, ^[ is Esc, and ^M is Enter. After the line is transformed to your liking, move your cursor to the next line that you want to transform. You can see this in the macro above with the final j at the end. This will allow you to automatically repeat the macro while it cycles through each repetitive line. Stop recording the macro by typing q again. You can then replay the macro from register a as many times as you like using a standard vim count prefix, in this case two consecutive times starting from the next line to transform. 2#a This gives the following text def symbolizeType case self.type when "hotdog" return "HD" when "hamburger" return "HB" when "hat" return "H" D. Finally, insert the ending non-repetitive text def symbolizeType case self.type when "hotdog" return "HD" when "hamburger" return "HB" when "hat" return "H" end Final Comments This works very quick for any random, repetitive text, and I find it very fluent. Simply pick a register, record your keystrokes, and then replay your keystrokes from the register.
For things like this I have a few ways of making it easier. One is to use an editor like Sublime Text that allows you to multi-edit a number of things at once, so you can throw in markup with a few keystrokes and convert that into a Hash like: NAME_TO_CODE = { hotdog: 'HD', hamburger: 'HB', hat: 'H' } Not really a whole lot changed there. Your function looks like: def symbolize_type(type) NAME_TO_CODE[type.to_sym] end Defining this as a data structure has the bonus of being able to manipulate it: CODE_TO_NAME = NAME_TO_CODE.invert Now you can do this: def unsymbolize_type(symbol) CODE_TO_NAME[symbol.to_s] end You can also get super lazy and just parse it on the fly: NAME_TO_CODE = Hash[%w[ hotdog HD hamburger HB hat H ].each_slice(2).to_a]
snippets are like the built-in :abbreviate on steroids, usually with parameter insertions, mirroring, and multiple stops inside them. One of the first, very famous (and still widely used) Vim plugins is snipMate (inspired by the TextMate editor); unfortunately, it's not maintained any more; though there is a fork. A modern alternative (that requires Python though) is UltiSnips. There are more, see this list on the Vim Tips Wiki. There are three things to evaluate: First, the features of the snippet engine itself, second, the quality and breadth of snippets provided by the author or others; third, how easy it is to add new snippets.
Cleanup data on one long line in Mathematica
I have a file of 12Mb approximately that has the following typology [["1",-154],["2",-100],["3",-28],["4",-66],["5",-222],["6",-309],["7",-196],["8",-50],["9",-53],["10",-209],["11",-355],["12",-350],["13",-269],["14",-264],["15",-392],["16",-513],["17",-515],["18",-434],["19",-418],["20",-505],["21",-592],["22",-559],["23",-422],["24",-384],["25",-539],["26",-716],["27",-713],["28",-593],["29",-534],["30",-647],["31",-813],["32",-857],["33",-711],["34",-582],["35",-594],["36",-700],["37",-721],["38",-600],["39",-487],["40",-490],["41",-589],["42",-630],["43",-502],["44",-365],["45",-340],["46",-403],["47",-420],["48",-291],["49",-136],["50",-98],["51",-218],["52",-285],["53",-198],["54",-52],["55",-58],["56",-213],["57",-334],["58",-301],["59",-195],["60",-195],["61",-324],["62",-470],["63",-465],["64",-378],["65",-381],["66",-546],["67",-734],["68",-767],["69",-695],["70",-683],["71",-804],["72",-991],["73",-1050],["74",-937],["75",-850],["76",-912],["77",-1041],["78",-1065],["79",-972],["80",-931],["81",-1030],["82",-1186],["83",-1233],["84",-1113],["85",-992],["86",-1051],["87",-1206],["88",-1299],["89",-1218],["90",-1112],["91",-1150],["92",-1287],["93",-1345],["94",-1239],["95",-1140],["96",-1147],["97",-1276],["98",-1363],["99",-1312],["100",-1206],["101",-1184],["102",-1297],["103",-1378],["104",-1297],["105",-1141],["106",-1113],["107",-1219],["108",-1325],["109",-1284],["110",-1147],["111",-1103],["112",-1179],["113",-1300],["114",-1262],["115",-1141], I'd like, using Mathematica, to clean it up removing all the symbols and numbers between quotes just leaving them separated by a space in the following format: -154 -100 -28 -66 -222 -309 -196 etc… How could I do this? I am fairly new to Mathematica and the tutorials on "How to clean a HTML file" or "How to clean a ZIP file" didn't clarified my question very much.
You can try importing it as a string, replacing [ with { and ] with }, Evaling it then stripping out the first element of each Tuple with a Last#Tranpose. data = Import["your_data.txt"]; Last#Transpose# ToExpression[StringReplace[data, {"[" -> "{", "]" -> "}"}]] Of course, there are much nicer ways of doing this. Slater's idea works well as well. You'll find there are literally a million ways to do this sort of thing in Mathematica.
Mathematica does have regex support, as well as a general string manipulation package. Something along the lines of: string = "[["1",-154],["2",-100],["3",-28],["4",-66]]" StringSplit[string, "],["] StringReplace[strings, RegularExpression["[\"[0-9]+\"]] -> " "] You might need to play around with that a little, but that's the idea.
Here is another method that avoids ToExpression (which could theoretically run code you did not intend to): Import["data.txt", "Text"]; StringSplit[%, {"[[", "],[", "]]", ","}][[2 ;; ;; 2]]; StringJoin[Riffle[%, " "]] Export["out.dat", %, "Text"]
Dangerous symbol names that begin with a lowercase letter
I am looking for a full list of dangerous symbol names that begin with a lowercase letter in Mathematica. At this moment I know three such names: min, max and lim. These names appear in the LimitsPositioningTokens list and are being treated as operators at least when they are entered in the FrontEnd with a superscript: In[3]:= Options[$FrontEnd,LimitsPositioningTokens] Out[3]= {LimitsPositioningTokens->{\[Sum],\[Product],\[Intersection], \[Union],\[UnionPlus],\[Wedge],\[Vee],lim,max,min,\[CirclePlus], \[CircleMinus],\[CircleTimes],\[CircleDot]}} For example, type in the FrontEnd the following (use Ctrl+^ for making superscript - it is important!): In[1]:= max^n+4 (max^n+4)//HoldComplete//FullForm Out[1]= 4 max^n Out[2]//FullForm= HoldComplete[Times[Power[max,n],Plus[4]]] You see that max^n+4 is interpreted as 4*max^n in this case. Can anyone explain what LimitsPositioningTokens option really does? Are there other dangerous symbols that begin with a lowercase letter in Mathematica?
I cannot confirm the problem you report. Besides, the tokens you've found seem to be strings rather than symbols. This is on win7-64/M8.0.1, my wife's mac lion/M8 doesn't show it either. The fact that they are strings seems to be consistent with the description on the doc page of LimitsPositioning LimitsPositioningTokens is a Cell option which can be set to a list of forms for which LimitsPositioning->True should be used. All examples given there use strings. Update to illustrate the point made in the comments below This is with the standard LimitsPositioningTokens setting in $FrontEnd: and this is with SetOptions[$FrontEnd, LimitsPositioningTokens -> {}]: Please note that the $FrontEnd setting with SetOptions is sticky. It is likely that yours isn't at default anymore. Use the option inspector to return LimitsPositioningTokens to its default value (search for LimitsPositioningTokens with Global Settings on and remove the cross next to the variable if there is any).
How to delete the input cell upon evaluation?
I would like to accomplish the following: upon evaluation of an input cell, it should self-destruct (i.e. delete itself). I tried to hack something together with SelectionMove and NotebookDelete, but didn't quite get what I wanted. Here are potential use cases: the command might be a shorthand for a series of other commands that will be generated dynamically and inserted into the notebook the command might only be used for side effects (e.g. to set a notebook option or to open a new notebook); leaving the command in the notebook after evaluation serves no purpose and creates clutter Edit: As per Mr. Wizard, the answer is SelectionMove[EvaluationNotebook[], Previous, Cell]; NotebookDelete[];. I don't know why it wasn't working for me before. Here is some code that uses this idiom. writeAndEval[nb_, boxExpr_] := (NotebookWrite[nb, CellGroupData[{Cell[BoxData[boxExpr], "Input"]}]]; SelectionMove[nb, Previous, Cell]; SelectionMove[nb, Next, Cell]; SelectionEvaluate[nb]); addTwoAndTwo[] := Module[{boxExpr}, boxExpr = RowBox[{"2", "+", "2"}]; SelectionMove[EvaluationNotebook[], Previous, Cell]; NotebookDelete[]; writeAndEval[EvaluationNotebook[], boxExpr]; ] Now, running addTwoAndTwo[] deletes the original input and makes it look as if you've evaluated "2+2". Of course, you can do all sorts of things instead and not necessarily print to the notebook. Edit 2: Sasha's abstraction is quite elegant. If you are curious about "real-world" usage of this, check out the code I posted in the "what's in your toolbag" question: What is in your Mathematica tool bag?
To affect all Input cells, evaluate this is the notebook: SetOptions[EvaluationNotebook[], CellEvaluationFunction -> ( ( SelectionMove[EvaluationNotebook[], All, EvaluationCell]; NotebookDelete[]; ToExpression## )&) ] If you only want to affect one cell, then select the cell and use the Options Inspector to set CellEvaluationFunction as above.
Or, building on Mr. Wizard's solution, you can create a function SelfDestruct, which will delete the input cell, if you intend to only do this occasionally: SetAttributes[SelfDestruct, HoldAllComplete]; SelfDestruct[e_] := (If[$FrontEnd =!= $Failed, SelectionMove[EvaluationNotebook[], All, EvaluationCell]; NotebookDelete[]]; e) Then evaluating 2+3//SelfDestruct outputs 5 and deletes the input cell. This usage scenario seems more appealing to me.
Input, output and text in one Mathematica cell?
I'd like to be able to mix text and computation. Something like this: blah blah blah ... blah blah ... The average mass is (m1 + m2 + m3)/3 = 23.4 g ... blah blah blah blah blah ... Where the "(m1... )/3" is the input, and the "23.4" is the output. Right now I only know how to show input in one cell, and the output in another cell below it. Is this possible? Update: I want to include these bits of computation in the midst of larger blocks of writing, so I'm not sure how to use a Print statement as Koantig suggested, because it seems I'd have to concatenate an entire paragraph/cell worth of strings and styles. thanks, Rob
I suppose that you have entered your expression in a text cell. If you highlight the expression to evaluate, in your case (m1 + m2 + m3)/3 and hit Shift+Ctrl+Enter (on my Windows box, not sure about your box, but it's option Evaluation | Evaluate in Place if you prefer the menu), then your expression will be replaced by the result of evaluating it. I know that this is not exactly what you want, but it's the closest I have found myself. I copy the expression to the rhs of the = sign and evaluate the copy. I expect that someone will come along soon and tell us the smart way to do this.
Maybe something like this? m1 = 10; m2 = 20; m3 = 50; f = "(m1+m2+m3)/3"; Print[f <> "= " <> ToString#N#ToExpression#f <> " g"] The result: (m1+m2+m3)/3= 26.6667 g
For smaller projects, I have a scratch notebook and a presentation notebook. Calculations are performed in the scratch notebook, then copied into the presentation notebook. For larger projects, I attach the computations to the section headers, then fold the section down to just the header for presentation purposes. There's still cutting and pasting. I have once written a notebook that parsed a pair of scratch/presentation notebooks into a final notebook where specially marked sections of the presentation notebook were replaced with results computed in the context of the scratch notebook. This was sufficiently difficult to maintain that I have never repeated the experience. Which did you want: visible, editable expressions to be evaluated, or dead, fixed results of (past) evaluations?