How to delete the input cell upon evaluation? - wolfram-mathematica

I would like to accomplish the following: upon evaluation of an input cell, it should self-destruct (i.e. delete itself). I tried to hack something together with SelectionMove and NotebookDelete, but didn't quite get what I wanted.
Here are potential use cases:
the command might be a shorthand for a series of other commands that will be generated dynamically and inserted into the notebook
the command might only be used for side effects (e.g. to set a notebook option or to open a new notebook); leaving the command in the notebook after evaluation serves no purpose and creates clutter
Edit: As per Mr. Wizard, the answer is SelectionMove[EvaluationNotebook[], Previous, Cell]; NotebookDelete[];. I don't know why it wasn't working for me before. Here is some code that uses this idiom.
writeAndEval[nb_, boxExpr_] := (NotebookWrite[nb,
CellGroupData[{Cell[BoxData[boxExpr], "Input"]}]];
SelectionMove[nb, Previous, Cell];
SelectionMove[nb, Next, Cell];
addTwoAndTwo[] := Module[{boxExpr},
boxExpr = RowBox[{"2", "+", "2"}];
SelectionMove[EvaluationNotebook[], Previous, Cell];
writeAndEval[EvaluationNotebook[], boxExpr];
Now, running addTwoAndTwo[] deletes the original input and makes it look as if you've evaluated "2+2". Of course, you can do all sorts of things instead and not necessarily print to the notebook.
Edit 2: Sasha's abstraction is quite elegant. If you are curious about "real-world" usage of this, check out the code I posted in the "what's in your toolbag" question: What is in your Mathematica tool bag?

To affect all Input cells, evaluate this is the notebook:
SetOptions[EvaluationNotebook[], CellEvaluationFunction ->
( (
SelectionMove[EvaluationNotebook[], All, EvaluationCell]; NotebookDelete[];
If you only want to affect one cell, then select the cell and use the Options Inspector to set CellEvaluationFunction as above.

Or, building on Mr. Wizard's solution, you can create a function SelfDestruct, which will delete the input cell, if you intend to only do this occasionally:
SetAttributes[SelfDestruct, HoldAllComplete];
SelfDestruct[e_] := (If[$FrontEnd =!= $Failed,
SelectionMove[EvaluationNotebook[], All, EvaluationCell];
NotebookDelete[]]; e)
Then evaluating 2+3//SelfDestruct outputs 5 and deletes the input cell. This usage scenario seems more appealing to me.


"Watch" long array from Julia REPL?

Suppose I have a long array.
> using MakieGallery
> size(database)
If I do
> [d.title for d=database]
it will print it truncated, and if I show it, it will print it into a mess:
> show([d.title for d=database])
I don't know how, but probably I could print values into a column and it would scroll my console far up.
All this is bad. Is it possible to do some sort of simple "watch" of a variable? I.e. open some small widget in separate window with a list control, diplaying an array, which I could scroll as needed?
Internally Julia uses to display the values in the REPL, you can simply extend this function in any way you like (this example is just a really simple implementation to print every element of array in a new line and you probably shouldn't use it):, ::MIME"text/plain", x::Array) = x .|> println
You can then go on and add your function to .julia/config/startup.jl to load this every time you start the REPL. Just make sure to have a really solid implementation to handle various edge cases where it might not function properly.
Pluto.jl has a very nice viewer for tabular data (including arrays). It truncats the output per default, but offers a button to show more.
Furthermore, the view automatically updates when you change the data in another cell.

A "display" that always displays in prolog

I have a predicate check(Data,Res) that checksDats according to some rules and returns Res (a function result on Data, assuming Data answers to several criteria).
I have another function generate(N,Data) which generates a N-size Data.
My main program begins with generating many 1-size Data, then if none answered the criteria, we go on to 2-size Data and so on until we reach a certain M upper limit.
main(M):- next_number(N,M), generate(N,Data), check(Data,Res).
However, the program runs for very long time. I wanted to make sure it does not get stuck. For this, I wanted to print the generated Data each time before its being checked. But adding display did not assist, because it only actually displayed if the entire statement was true.
That's not what I want.
I want to keep track of the progran using display, similarly to System.out.println in Java.
Is there any other function that displays anyway? Or an idea how to use display in a way that will always display, regardless if the Data answered the criteria or not?
I thought to do:
(check(Data,Res) -> display(Data);display(Data)).
But I am not sure. Any ideas?
Your long process is likely to be within check - or more precisely, that check fails for most data, causing the system to backtrack repeatedly.
If you display a result in check, you'll have line upon line of tracing. Instead, you could add a write statement to generate, or even to your number generation:
next_number_and_tick(N,M) :-
write('Tick - now doing '),
Upon backtracking, the program will signal the data size it is now working on, giving you an idea of the volume of work it is doing.
The problem in the way you use display is that the entire statement must be true for it to display. Your idea of using "if-then" is good but not accurate. If you want to use it, you should "trick" prolog the following way:
new_check(Data,Res) :- (check(Data,Res) -> display('Victory!'),!; display('Failed Data: '), display(Data), nl, fail).
This way, if the check fails, you will get a report on which Data failed, and if it succeeded everything stops (assuming you want only 1 solution. If you want more, remoce the ! predicate).

Change the way an object is displayed in debugger/inspector variable-value table

I would like to know if there is a message I can override in Pharo so that my custom classes display more descriptive information in the inspector/debuger much like simple variable types do, like Integers or Strings. For instance:
Instead of that, I would like it to show a more custom and informative description consisting of its internal variales so as to have a tighter/tidier view of the variables instead of having to click on it and open another chart (therefore losing sight of the information on the previous chart). I know you can increase the amount of charts shown below, but that is not the point of the question. I would like to achieve something like this:
I have browsed the pharo forums and found nothing, I have also tried overriding over 30 methods hoping that one of them changed the output. Only the class message seemed to change the output, but I could only return an instance of Metaclass and besides messing with this message would break a lot of stuff. Finally I tried to reverse engineer the debugger and then the inspector to see at which point is the table constructed and what values are used or which messages are sent to build said values, but it was just too much for me, the callstack kept growing and I couldn't even scratch the surface.
Luckily, doing this in any Smalltalk is very easy. Types inherited from Object are expected to answer to the message printString, and ultimately printOn: aStream. Those messages are expected to give a description of the object. So, you should just override printOn: in your class (printString uses printOn:) and all the browsers and inspectors will automatically use it. There other possibilities in Pharo, if you want to provide more complex information in different tabs, but I think printOn: will suffice for you.
An example would be:
MyPoint>>printOn: aStream
aStream nextPut: ${.
x printOn: aStream.
aStream nextPutAll: ', '
y printOn: aStream.
aStream nextPut: $}
In Smalltalk, every time you observe something you don't like or understand, you ask the question: Which message is doing this?
In your case, the question would be: Which message creates the string a MyPoint that I see everywhere?
Next, to answer your question you need to find a good place for inserting a halt and then debug from there until you find the culprit. To do this just find the simplest expression that would reproduce the issue and debug it. In your case the right-click command in the Playground will do. So,
Write and select (MyPoint on: 14 and: -5) halt in a Playground.
Right-click and issue the Print it command (I'm assuming you already checked that this command produces the string 'a MyPoint').
Go over the evaluation of #DoIt, which answers the result
Continue this way alternating between Into and Over to make sure you follow the result to where it's being taken
Eventually you will reach the implementation of Object >> #printString. Bingo!
Now you can open a System Browser and take a look at this method, study how it's been implemented in different classes, etc. Your investigation should show you that the most basic message for printing is #printOn:. You may also want to take a look at other implementors so to better understand what people usually do. (Bear in mind that writing good #printOn:s is a minimalist art)
Overriding printOn: will work for simple cases where you want to just change description.
Pharo allows a lot more than that!
Due the extensible (moldable) nature of our inspector, you do not need to override a method to get your own visualisation of the object.
For example, look this array visualisation:
This is obtained adding this method to Collection:
gtInspectorItemsIn: composite
<gtInspectorPresentationOrder: 0>
^ composite fastList
title: 'Items';
display: [ self asOrderedCollection ];
format: [ :each | GTObjectPrinter asTruncatedTextFrom: each ];
send: [ :result |
ifNil: [ nil ]
ifNotNil: [ result size = 1
ifTrue: [ result anyOne ]
ifFalse: [ self species withAll: result ]
if you browse for senders of gtInspectorPresentationOrder: you will see there are already a lot of special visualisations in the image.
You can take those as an example on how to create your own, adapted exactly to what you need :)

How to program faster, (generate code from a pattern?)

I frequently run into problems that could be solved with automating code writing, but aren't long enough to justify it as tediously entering each piece is faster.
Here is an example:
Putting lists into dictionaries and things like this. Converting A into B.
hotdog HD
hamburger HB
hat H
def symbolizeType
case self.type
when "hotdog"
return "HD"
when "hamburger"
return "HB"
when "hat"
return "H"
Sure I could come up with something to do this automatically, but it would only make sense if the list was 100+ items long. For a list of 10-20 items, is there a better solution than tediously typing? This is a Ruby example, but I typically run into cases like this all the time. Instead of a case statement, maybe it's a dictionary, maybe it's a list, etc.
My current solution is a python template with the streaming input and output already in place, and I just have to write the parsing and output code. This is pretty good, but is there better? I feel like this would be something VIM macro would excel at, but I'm that experienced with VIM. Can VIM do this easily?
For vim, it'd be a macro running over a list of space separated pairs of words, inserting the first 'when "' bit, the long form word 'hotdog', the ending quote, a newline and 'return "', and then the abbreviation and then final quote, then going back to the list and repeating.
Starting with a register w of:
when "
register r of:
return "
an initial list of:
hotdog HD
hamburger HB
hat H
and a starting file of:
def symbolizeType
case self.type
"newline here"
you can use the following macro at the start of the initial list:
where ^M is a newline.
I do this frequently, and I use a single register and a macro, so I'll share.
Simply pick a register, record your keystrokes, and then replay your keystrokes from the register.
This is a long explanation, but the process is extremely simple and intuitive.
Here are the steps that I would take:
A. The starting text
hotdog HD
hamburger HB
hat H
B. Insert the initial, non-repetitive lines preceding the text to transform
def symbolizeType
case self.type
hotdog HD
hamburger HB
hat H
C. Transform the first line, while recording your keystrokes in a macro
This step I'll write out in detailed sub-steps.
Place the cursor on the first line to transform ("hotdog") and type qa to begin recording your keystrokes as a macro into register a.
Type ^ to move the cursor to the start of the line
Type like you normally would to transform the line to what you want, which for me comes out looking like the following macro
^i^Iwhen "^[ea"^[ldwi^M^Ireturn "^[ea"^[j
Where ^I is Tab, ^[ is Esc, and ^M is Enter.
After the line is transformed to your liking, move your cursor to the next line that you want to transform. You can see this in the macro above with the final j at the end.
This will allow you to automatically repeat the macro while it cycles through each repetitive line.
Stop recording the macro by typing q again.
You can then replay the macro from register a as many times as you like using a standard vim count prefix, in this case two consecutive times starting from the next line to transform.
This gives the following text
def symbolizeType
case self.type
when "hotdog"
return "HD"
when "hamburger"
return "HB"
when "hat"
return "H"
D. Finally, insert the ending non-repetitive text
def symbolizeType
case self.type
when "hotdog"
return "HD"
when "hamburger"
return "HB"
when "hat"
return "H"
Final Comments
This works very quick for any random, repetitive text, and I find it very fluent.
Simply pick a register, record your keystrokes, and then replay your keystrokes from the register.
For things like this I have a few ways of making it easier. One is to use an editor like Sublime Text that allows you to multi-edit a number of things at once, so you can throw in markup with a few keystrokes and convert that into a Hash like:
hotdog: 'HD',
hamburger: 'HB',
hat: 'H'
Not really a whole lot changed there. Your function looks like:
def symbolize_type(type)
Defining this as a data structure has the bonus of being able to manipulate it:
Now you can do this:
def unsymbolize_type(symbol)
You can also get super lazy and just parse it on the fly:
NAME_TO_CODE = Hash[%w[
hotdog HD
hamburger HB
hat H
snippets are like the built-in :abbreviate on steroids, usually with parameter insertions, mirroring, and multiple stops inside them. One of the first, very famous (and still widely used) Vim plugins is snipMate (inspired by the TextMate editor); unfortunately, it's not maintained any more; though there is a fork. A modern alternative (that requires Python though) is UltiSnips. There are more, see this list on the Vim Tips Wiki.
There are three things to evaluate: First, the features of the snippet engine itself, second, the quality and breadth of snippets provided by the author or others; third, how easy it is to add new snippets.

confirm conditional statement applies to >0 observations in Stata

This is something that has puzzled me for some time and I have yet to find an answer.
I am in a situation where I am applying a standardized data cleaning process to (supposedly) similarly structured files, one file for each year. I have a statement such as the following:
replace field="Plant" if field=="Plant & Machinery"
Which was a result of the original code-writing based on the data file for year 1. Then I generalize the code to loop through the years of data. The problem becomes if in year 3, the analogous value in that variable was coded as "Plant and MachInery ", such that the code line above would not make the intended change due to the difference in the text string, but not result in an error alerting the change was not made.
What I am after is some sort of confirmation that >0 observations actually satisfied the condition each instance the code is executed in the loop, otherwise return an error. Any combination of trimming, removing spaces, and standardizing the text case are not workaround options. At the same time, I don't want to add a count if and then assert statement before every conditional replace as that becomes quite bulky.
Aside from going to the raw files to ensure the variable values are standardized, is there any way to do this validation "on the fly" as I have tried to describe? Maybe just write a custom program that combines a count if, assert and replace?
The idea has surfaced occasionally that replace should return the number of observations changed, but there are good reasons why not, notably that it is not a r-class or e-class command any way and it's quite important not to change the way it works because that could break innumerable programs and do-files.
So, I think the essence of any answer is that you have to set up your own monitoring process counting how many values have (or would be) changed.
One pattern is -- when working on a current variable:
gen was = .
foreach ... {
replace was = current
replace current = ...
qui count if was != current
<use the result>
