Is it possible to compare other tables within a trigger? - oracle

I have a database with tables that are chained together with foreign keys, and the last one in the chain also has a foreign key to itself. I want to delete them with cascade on, exapt for the last one in the chain. That one should be set null, unless it's parent record has a certain value. I figured i would do that with a trigger: whenever the last table updated, if the foreign key to itself had been set to null, check the field in the parent record, and if it is the value "default", delete the record in the last table.
However, I haven't found any help online indicting that comparing a parent record in another table.
Is this possible?

In general, a row-level trigger on table A cannot query table A. Doing so would generally raise a mutating table exception (ORA-04091). So a trigger is generally not the right solution.
Presumably, you have some sort of API (i.e. a stored procedure) to delete records from the parent table. That API should query this last table before issuing the DELETE against the parent table. It should take care of updating the last table in the chain as well as deleting the data from the parent table.
If you really wanted a trigger-based solution, life would get substantially more complicated. You could work around the mutating table exception by
Creating a package with a collection of primary keys from the parent table
Creating a before statement trigger that initializes this collection
Creating a row-level trigger that populates the collection with the primary keys that were modified by the SQL statement
Creating an after statement trigger that iterates over the collection and issues whatever DML is necessary (unlike row-level triggers, statement-level triggers on table A can query or modify table A).
If you're using 11g, you can simplify this a bit with a compound trigger with before statement, after row, and after statement sections. But you've still got a number of moving pieces to try to coordinate.

AFAIK you won't be able to really delete the record in the last table (mutating table problem), but you could update a status field indicating the record has been logically deleted (untested):
create or replace trigger last_table_trig
before update on last_table
for each row
l_parentField varchar2(100);
if :new.self_ref_fk is null then
select p.parent_field into l_parentField from parent_table p
where = :new.parent_fk;
if l_parentField = 'default' then
:new.status := 'DELETED';
end if;
end if;


Oracle SQL / PLSQL : I need to copy data from one database to another

I have two instances of the same database, but data is only committed to the "original" one. I need to copy inserted data from certain tables and commit them to the same tables in the second DB automatically. How can I do it?
I've already created synonyms for the tables in the second DB on original and within a specially prepared trigger I tried to use INSERT INTO ... statement with :new. but it is causing the data to not be committed anywhere and I receive Oracle Errors like:
ORA-02291: integrity constraint (PRDBSHADOW.FK_ED_PHY_ENT) violated.
Here is my trigger code
create or replace TRIGGER INS_COPY_DATA
insert into COPY_TABLE_A(val1,val2,val3,val4) values (:new.val1, :new.val2, :new.val3, :new.val4);
I think the entry in parent table is missing here. At least the FK ending of constraint is telling me so.
It means you need to insert first all the data into a "parent" table in order to be able to insert records in a "child".
For example the table auto_maker is having 3 rows only: Audi, Peugeot, and Honda.
Another table named "model" has 2 columns "maker" and "model". "maker" is a foreign key referencing to the "auto_maker" table.
It means in the models table are only the records allowed whose "maker" column value exists in "auto_maker" table.
In other words only these are available:
maker model
Audi A4
Peugeot 308
Honda Accord
Of course you can enter every model you wish, but "maker" value has to exist in the auto_maker table.
This is what probably happen - the trigger tries to insert a data in a column which is referencing to a "parent" table and the :new value just doesn't exist.
The following script will let you know what table you need to fill first.
select aic.index_owner, aic.table_name, aic.column_name
from all_constraints uc,
all_ind_columns aic
where aic.INDEX_NAME = uc.r_constraint_name
and uc.table_name = 'TABLE_A'
and uc.constraint_type = 'R';
If the query returns something just create similar triggers on those tables with similar logic you already have

ORA-02291: parent key not found when inserting multiple rows

I having a problem executing an stored procedure that does multiple inserts
I am a copying 30 tables from a instance of a server to another by a DBLINK:
INSERT INTO table#dblink (column1)
SELECT column1
FROM table;
But it results in:
ORA-02291: integrity constraint (string.string) violated - parent key not found
There is only one commit at the end of the procedure.
The 4th table that I'm inserting, has an FK to the first one, and its no recognizing the inserts of the first one (I have tried with deferred constraints and same problem: ORA-02291).
The problem here is you are modifying data (DML) through db-link. This might be ill-managed by Oracle, and cause unexpected behavior. You should do it the other way around: instead of pushing data, drag data through this db-link, and do the inserts locally. Of course, you probably cannot technically do what you want on the destination database...
The solution you have is to deactivate the FK before your inserts, then activate the FK.
However, I am not sure this DDL is possible directly through db-link... You may need to create a procedure to deactivate the FKs on the destination database, and call it via db-link.

Oracle - Deleting row from child table locks parent table

We have deadlock issue in Oracle 11.2g. One potential reason why deadlock occurs is deleting from child table locks parent table. I searched from oracle documentations, and did't find any specification this kind of lock. Any explanation or reference of documentation would be greatly appreciated.
Here is the code.
CREATE TABLE table_child (b NUMBER, a NUMBER,PRIMARY KEY (b), CONSTRAINT fk_relation FOREIGN KEY (a) REFERENCES table_parent(a));
INSERT INTO table_parent VALUES (1);
INSERT INTO table_parent VALUES (2);
INSERT INTO table_child VALUES (1,1);
INSERT INTO table_child VALUES (2,1);
INSERT INTO table_child VALUES (3,1);
INSERT INTO table_child VALUES (4,1);
Then delete 1 record from child table.
DELETE FROM table_child WHERE b=4;
When we look V$LOCK table before executing commit. There is two new lock that 'table_child' and 'table_parent' in type of 'TM'.
Here is the query to look V$LOCK table.
The question is why 'table_parent' has been locked?
For maintaining constraints that 'span multiple rows', which is the case for a foreign key, there are moments when one (ie. the DBMS) needs to serialize transactions. The moments at which serialization is required depend one-on-one on the type of changes that a transaction performs on the involved tables. Theoretically (in a DBMS that offers snapshot isolation, which is what Oracle does), only if the type of change is such that it could potentially violate the multi-row constraint, would the DBMS need to automatically serialize transactions (for instance by acquiring various types of locks).
Now in the case of a foreign key, one needs to ask oneself: when can a foreign key be violated? There are four scenarios.
a parent row is deleted: will violate FK if child-rows still exist.
a parent row's key is updated: will violate FK if child-rows till 'point to' old value of key.
a child row is inserted: will violate FK if row points-to non-existent parent-row.
a child row's fk-column value is updated: will violate FK if new column value points to non-existent parent-row.
All other types of transactions on the (2) tables involved can never violate the FK. So in your case, a child row is deleted, no serialization should be necessary. However Oracle probably has some 'implementation specific' reason, which forces it to do acquire some kind of lock.
I've seen a different scenario where Oracle performs this kind of "unnecessary" locking too: you can find it here
Add an index on the table_child(a) column -- you always index foreign key columns for just this reason.
An answer to this is explained with examples here

INSERT trigger for inserting record in same table

I have a trigger that is fire on inserting a new record in table in that i want to insert new record in the same table.
My trigger is :
create or replace trigger inst_table
after insert on test_table referencing new as new old as old
for each row
df_name varchar2(500);
df_desc varchar2(2000);
df_name :=;
df_desc := :new.description;
if inserting then
FOR item IN (SELECT pid FROM tbl2 where pid not in(1))
insert into test_table (name,description,pid) values(df_name,df_desc,;
end if;
its give a error like
ORA-04091: table TEST_TABLE is mutating, trigger/function may not see it
i think it is preventing me to insert into same table.
so how can i insert this new record in to same table.
Note :- I am using Oracle as database
Mutation happens any time you have a row-level trigger that modifies the table that you're triggering on. The problem, is that Oracle can't know how to behave. You insert a row, the trigger itself inserts a row into the same table, and Oracle gets confused, cause, those inserts into the table due to the trigger, are they subject to the trigger action too?
The solution is a three-step process.
1.) Statement level before trigger that instantiates a package that will keep track of the rows being inserted.
2.) Row-level before or after trigger that saves that row info into the package variables that were instantiated in the previous step.
3.) Statement level after trigger that inserts into the table, all the rows that are saved in the package variable.
An example of this can be found here:
Hope that helps.
I'd say that you should look at any way OTHER than triggers to achieve this. As mentioned in the answer from Mark Bobak, the trigger is inserting a row and then for each row inserted by the trigger, that then needs to call the trigger to insert more rows.
I'd look at either writing a stored procedure to create the insert or just insert via a sub-query rather than by values.
Triggers can be used to solve simple problems but when solving more complicated problems they will just cause headaches.
It would be worth reading through the answers to this duplicate question posted by APC and also these this article from Tom Kyte. BTW, the article is also referenced in the duplicate question but the link is now out of date.
Although after complaining about how bad triggers are, here is another solution.
Maybe you need to look at having two tables. Insert the data into the test_table table as you currently do. But instead of having the trigger insert additional rows into the test_table table, have a detail table with the data. The trigger can then insert all the required rows into the detail table.
You may again encounter the mutating trigger error if you have a delete cascade foreign key relationship between the two tables so it might be best to avoid that.

Oracle checking existence before deletion in a trigger

I have analyzed a hibernate generated oracle database and discovered that a delete of a row from a single table will spawn the firing of 1200+ triggers in order to delete the related rows in child tables. The triggers are all auto-generated the same - an automatic delete of a child row without checking for existence first. As it is impossible to predict which child tables will actually have related rows, I think a viable solution to preventing the firing of the cascaded delete down a deeply branched completely empty limb, would be to check for the existence of a related row before attempting to delete. In other dbms', I could simply state " if exists....." before deleting. Is there a comparable way to do this in oracle?
"delete of a row from a single table will spawn the firing of 1200+ triggers"
Are these statement or row level triggers ?
If the latter, they'll only fire if a row is deleted. Say you have a BEFORE DELETE trigger on customers to delete the customers orders, and a BEFORE DELETE trigger on orders to delete order items. If the customer has no orders, and the orders table trigger is a row level trigger, then it will not fire the delete from order items.
"check for the existence of a related row before attempting to delete"
Probably no benefit. In fact it would do more work having a SELECT followed by a DELETE.
Of course the Hibernate logic is broken. The deleting session will only see (and try to delete) committed transactions. If FRED has inserted an order for the customer, but it is not committed, JOHN's delete (through the trigger) won't see it or try to delete it. It will however still 'succeed' and try to delete the parent customer.
If you have actually got your foreign key constraints enabled in the database, Oracle will kick in. It will wait until FRED commits, then reject the delete as it has a child.
If the foreign key constraints aren't in place, you have an order for a non-existent customer. This is why you should have this sort of business logic enforced in the database.
If possible, modify and setup your DB tables appropriately. - Involve a DBA if you have one at your disposal.
You need to use Foreign Key constraints and cascade deletes.
This eliminates the need for triggers, etc...
You can query the special dba_objects table: 
--Trigger doesn't exist, OK to delete...
select * from Tab where Tname = "TABLENAME"
If this query returns any row then the table exists otherwise it doesn't.
