Oracle - Deleting row from child table locks parent table - oracle

We have deadlock issue in Oracle 11.2g. One potential reason why deadlock occurs is deleting from child table locks parent table. I searched from oracle documentations, and did't find any specification this kind of lock. Any explanation or reference of documentation would be greatly appreciated.
Here is the code.
CREATE TABLE table_child (b NUMBER, a NUMBER,PRIMARY KEY (b), CONSTRAINT fk_relation FOREIGN KEY (a) REFERENCES table_parent(a));
INSERT INTO table_parent VALUES (1);
INSERT INTO table_parent VALUES (2);
INSERT INTO table_child VALUES (1,1);
INSERT INTO table_child VALUES (2,1);
INSERT INTO table_child VALUES (3,1);
INSERT INTO table_child VALUES (4,1);
Then delete 1 record from child table.
DELETE FROM table_child WHERE b=4;
When we look V$LOCK table before executing commit. There is two new lock that 'table_child' and 'table_parent' in type of 'TM'.
Here is the query to look V$LOCK table.
The question is why 'table_parent' has been locked?

For maintaining constraints that 'span multiple rows', which is the case for a foreign key, there are moments when one (ie. the DBMS) needs to serialize transactions. The moments at which serialization is required depend one-on-one on the type of changes that a transaction performs on the involved tables. Theoretically (in a DBMS that offers snapshot isolation, which is what Oracle does), only if the type of change is such that it could potentially violate the multi-row constraint, would the DBMS need to automatically serialize transactions (for instance by acquiring various types of locks).
Now in the case of a foreign key, one needs to ask oneself: when can a foreign key be violated? There are four scenarios.
a parent row is deleted: will violate FK if child-rows still exist.
a parent row's key is updated: will violate FK if child-rows till 'point to' old value of key.
a child row is inserted: will violate FK if row points-to non-existent parent-row.
a child row's fk-column value is updated: will violate FK if new column value points to non-existent parent-row.
All other types of transactions on the (2) tables involved can never violate the FK. So in your case, a child row is deleted, no serialization should be necessary. However Oracle probably has some 'implementation specific' reason, which forces it to do acquire some kind of lock.
I've seen a different scenario where Oracle performs this kind of "unnecessary" locking too: you can find it here

Add an index on the table_child(a) column -- you always index foreign key columns for just this reason.

An answer to this is explained with examples here


Move an Oracle table to being Index Organised

I have an Oracle table in a live production environment and the table is over half a gig in size. Is it possible to change this normal Oracle table from being heap organised to index organised or is this only achievable by moving the data from this table to another new table which is index organised? Either way, I would be grateful if you could you please list the steps involved in this procedure.
There is no way to alter a table to make it index-organized table. Instead you can redefine the table(using DBMS_REDEFINITION)or can create new table using CTAS.
create table t2 (
id number, first_name varchar2(20),
constraint pk_id primary key (id)
organization index
as select * from t1;
I never used DBMS_REDEFINITION but with CTAS it is not only step to create table if it is production.
List all indexes, constraints, foreign keys and so on based on system views
Prepare create index, constraints and alter foreign keys statements. prepare list of triggers, procedures that depend on table.
Create table as select (consider lock before that step if you can)
Create all indexes, constraints with prepared statements from step 2
Swap table names and swap foreign keys (this step may cause some errors if you hit insert on foreign keys (if you expect it on that time you should lock the table and tables referencing by foreign key).
Compile dependent objects from 2 (if you locked tables unlock here)
(if you haven't locked on step 3) Insert into table select * from new minus select * from old; or if you have timstamp of inserting row just insert new rows.
I hope the list is complete.

Oracle lock issue - ORA-00054: resource busy - while creating a foreign key

Initial situation:
A table PARENT_TABLE with a primary key on its column PK_COL.
A table CHILD_TABLE1 with a foreign key on PARENT_TABLE(PK_COL).
I insert a line into CHILD_TABLE1 in a transaction and do not commit.
Then I try to create a table CHILD_TABLE2 symmetrical to CHILD_TABLE1 in another session.
But an ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired is raised when I create the foreign key, because of the ongoing insertion in CHILD_TABLE1.
I don't understand why Oracle is preventing the foreign key creation: there is no modification performed on PARENT_TABLE.
Please help.
To reproduce under sqlplus:
set autocommit off
create table PARENT_TABLE(PK_COL varchar(10));
alter table PARENT_TABLE add constraint PK_CONSTRAINT primary key (PK_COL);
insert into PARENT_TABLE values ('foo');
create table CHILD_TABLE1(CHILD_PK_COL varchar(10), FK_COL varchar(10));
alter table CHILD_TABLE1 add constraint CHILD_TABLE1_CONSTRAINT foreign key (FK_COL) references PARENT_TABLE(PK_COL);
insert into CHILD_TABLE1 values ('bar', 'foo');
In another console:
alter session set ddl_lock_timeout=10;
create table CHILD_TABLE2(CHILD_PK_COL varchar(10), FK_COL varchar(10));
alter table CHILD_TABLE2 add constraint CHILD_TABLE2_CONSTRAINT foreign key (FK_COL) references PARENT_TABLE(PK_COL);
Funny: with NOVALIDATE in CHILD_TABLE2_CONSTRAINT creation, the execution is hanging...
You are not modifying something in the parent table. But you're
actually, trying to refer its primary key in your child table. Before
establishing a relationship or any DDL with table, it has to be free
of locks.
So, before creating this constraint, Oracle do check for existing locks over the referred table(PARENT_TABLE). A lock over a table(Table Level Lock,in this context) is actually for a reason to adhere to the ACID properties.
One best example to understand its importance is ON DELETE CASCADE which means if a record in the parent table is deleted, then the corresponding records in the child table will automatically be deleted.
So, when there's a uncommitted insert/update/delete over the child table referring a parent table. No other referential constraint can be created to the parent. Just to avoid a deadlock or chaos.
To be more crisp, when you have an uncommitted insert in your child table.
There's a lock over your parent table as well. So all other further DDLs referring it will be made wait.
You can use this query to check the same.
SELECT c.owner,
FROM v$locked_object a ,
v$session b,
dba_objects c
WHERE b.sid = a.session_id
AND a.object_id = c.object_id;
I added the LOCKED_MODE explanation in you query:
Here is the result:
------------------------------ ------------------- ----------------------------- ---------- ---------- --------
RX/SX is a table lock so it prevents any DDL operation (That seems to be said in the doc). This lock is used on both parent and child. I suppose that the lock is added on parent to at least prevent it from being deleted so we would lost the pending update on the child table.
That said, I still have no solution. Suppose that the parent table is a manufacturer. There is a child car table and we are inserting plenty of new cars in that table on the fly. There is a foreign key from car to manufacturer. Now there is a new product that we want to manage: "bicycles". So we want to create a bicycle table similar to car. But we cannot create the table as we are performing insertions in car. Seems a very simple use case... How to support it?
There might be no solution. Here is a guy with the same issue.

Oracle Index - full table scan/lock

Found this here:
In general, consider creating an index on a column in any of the following situations:
A referential integrity constraint exists on the indexed column or
columns. The index is a means to avoid a full table lock that would
otherwise be required if you update the parent table primary key,
merge into the parent table, or delete from the parent table.
I don't understand why a full table lock would occurr in such situation. I would've thought that if I tried to delete/update the primary key in the parent table that a full table scan would be performed on the child table.
Where does the lock come from?
Have a look at this Tom Kyte blog entry. In it, he refers to the Oracle documentation, where this explanation is offered:
Prevents a full table lock on the child table. Instead, the database acquires a row lock on the index.
Removes the need for a full table scan of the child table. As an illustration, assume that a user removes the record for department 10 from the departments table. If employees.department_id is not indexed, then the database must scan employees to see if any employees exist in department 10.
In the first scenario, if the column is not indexed, the entire table must be locked because Oracle does not know which rows must be updated in the child table. With an index, Oracle can identify the rows in question and just lock them. Without the full table lock, it would be possible to modify the parent and have another session modify the child to something that violated the constraint.

Is it possible to compare other tables within a trigger?

I have a database with tables that are chained together with foreign keys, and the last one in the chain also has a foreign key to itself. I want to delete them with cascade on, exapt for the last one in the chain. That one should be set null, unless it's parent record has a certain value. I figured i would do that with a trigger: whenever the last table updated, if the foreign key to itself had been set to null, check the field in the parent record, and if it is the value "default", delete the record in the last table.
However, I haven't found any help online indicting that comparing a parent record in another table.
Is this possible?
In general, a row-level trigger on table A cannot query table A. Doing so would generally raise a mutating table exception (ORA-04091). So a trigger is generally not the right solution.
Presumably, you have some sort of API (i.e. a stored procedure) to delete records from the parent table. That API should query this last table before issuing the DELETE against the parent table. It should take care of updating the last table in the chain as well as deleting the data from the parent table.
If you really wanted a trigger-based solution, life would get substantially more complicated. You could work around the mutating table exception by
Creating a package with a collection of primary keys from the parent table
Creating a before statement trigger that initializes this collection
Creating a row-level trigger that populates the collection with the primary keys that were modified by the SQL statement
Creating an after statement trigger that iterates over the collection and issues whatever DML is necessary (unlike row-level triggers, statement-level triggers on table A can query or modify table A).
If you're using 11g, you can simplify this a bit with a compound trigger with before statement, after row, and after statement sections. But you've still got a number of moving pieces to try to coordinate.
AFAIK you won't be able to really delete the record in the last table (mutating table problem), but you could update a status field indicating the record has been logically deleted (untested):
create or replace trigger last_table_trig
before update on last_table
for each row
l_parentField varchar2(100);
if :new.self_ref_fk is null then
select p.parent_field into l_parentField from parent_table p
where = :new.parent_fk;
if l_parentField = 'default' then
:new.status := 'DELETED';
end if;
end if;

Unindexed Foreign Key leads to TM Enqueue Contention

So we've been told that one source of TM Enq contention can be unindexed FK's. My question is which one.
I have an INSERT INTO Table_B that is recording TM Enq Wait.
It contains a PK that is the parent to other tables and it has columns that are FK constrained to other PKs.
So which FKs need indexed: that table's columns or its children?
NB: I know that this isn't the only cause of TM Contention. Can you explain why it couldn't possibly be this if that's the case.
Not sure about Oracle TM Contention, but I'd say normally both sides of a foreign key relation are indexed. Otherwise, the database will have to do table scans.
The index on the parent record is used whenever you insert a new child record, to verify that the parent exists. Often this is a primary key as well, so of course has an index.
The index on the child record is used whenever you change or delete a parent record, to perform cascades (including refusing the update/delete).
The indices on both sides also give the database a good chance of doing fast (indexed) joins, no matter which side its optimizer prefers to come from.
EDIT: Having Googled TM contention, it sounds like you're probably missing the keys on the child records. But make sure to have them on both sides, really.
EDIT 2: Answering the comment,
If you have a OLTP table that has 13 FKs to lookup tables, I'm not
keen on 13 index updates in addition to the table, pk and any other
indexes. An index is important but for specific reasons. If you never
update the parent PK nor delete from the parent, the child index is
not so useful. Or is it?
Depends on the joins and queries you're running, then. E.g., if you run
a query like:
SELECT o.something
FROM oltp_tab o JOIN lookup l ON (o.lookup_no = l.lookup_no)
WHERE l.lookup_name = ?
then the query optimizer would probably like the index on the child
Also, according to you
pretty much need to have the indices if you change the parent tables at
all. Apparently you get them from having concurrent changes to the
parent and child tables, unless you have the index. So this is probably
what you're seeing (assuming you're not doing the obvious things, like
updating the referred to columns or deleting rows)
The parent (referenced) column of an enabled foreign key relationship has to be indexed because it has to have an enabled unique or primary key constraint on it.
What mode of TM Enqueue are you seeing?
