how to make visual studio output window editable - visual-studio

I am using visual studio for compiling java programs via external tool.Visual studio output window shows the results.But i cannot input any data through output window like in cmd.How to make output window editable? If i attempt to give an input, It shows read-only.

I'd say it's read-only by design. You can't change it, you need to fix the tool.


Make Visual Studio Code open files in the already open project window?

I build my project on the terminal using make. When I encounter some compile errors, the output indicates in which files there is an error. I can Ctrl-click the file names to open them (a feature of iTerm). However, this makes Visual Studio Code open a new window with that single file, instead of navigating to that file in the already open project window. Is there a way to change this?
There is an option window.openFilesInNewWindow, but that only works for files opened within VS Code, not from Finder or other apps.
VSCode accepts -r or --reuse-window as a parameter to force opening a file in the active project window.
If you can configure your iTerm feature and add this parameter, it should work as expected.
Reference :

Viewing binary files in MSVS under Windows 10

For ages I've been using MS visual studio 15 to view binary files, simply by doing file|open. My files have a custom extension, 'SQ3', but VS seemed to happily infer that they aren't text, and display them as binary. However, Win10 seems to have stopped that. Now if I do the same thing, a popup appears, asking me whether I want to find an application from the shop, or always use this application (presumably MSVS, the one I'm invoking from). There's a proceed button, but it doesn't respond. There seems to be no way that I can get VS to open and display the file.
Is there a way to stop the OS intervening so VS can do its thing?
Incidentally, having to rename files would be extremely inconvenient in this situation. TIA
Thanks, that's perfect.
In Visual Studio go to Tools/Options/Text Editor/File Extensions.
Add new entry to the list:
Extension: sq3
Editor: Binary Editor
Click Add and then OK to close the dialog. Files with .sq3 extension will now open with the hex editor when opening them or dragging them to Visual Studio.

Change Ctrl+Click Behavior in VS Output Window

Is there a way to change how links are opened from the Output Window (not an Editor)?
Meaning, when the Output Windows detects a link, it's Ctrl+Click-able and opens in an Internet Explorer tab.
I'd like to change the target from IE to the Text Editor and still within Visual Studio.
There are solutions for changing the click behavior in an Editor, but I am asking specifically about the Output Window. I understand the answer might just be no.
There's a Visual Studio Extension that lets you open URIs in the browser (
I've forked it and made some updates so that it will handle file:/// URIs as well, opening them in the Visual Studio editor or an external editor. I've published a debug version that hasn't been very heavily tested here. You can peruse the full source of my fork here, or the original source here.
This makes debugging/working with the BizTalk map/schema tools a lot better...

How to programmatically drop a file on a Windows app?

I'm looking to have a particular running instance of Visual Studio open a file. Is there a way I can fake a drag-drop operation via code from my app to Visual Studio? Same as if I were to drag a file from Explorer into VS.
I realize I could probably do this easier as an add-in or macro but I'm looking to make this work purely from a script.
You could try sending a WM_DROPFILES message to the Visual Studio window.

Visual Studio output window- what goes there and why?

Can someone please explain to me what goes to the Output window in VS? Where do the messages there come from and do they have other use other than for debbuging?
The Output window is a set of text panes that you can write to and read from. Visual Studio defines these built-in panes: Build, through which projects communicate messages about builds, and General, through which Visual Studio communicates messages about the integrated development environment (IDE). Projects receive a reference to the Build pane automatically through the IVsBuildableProjectCfg interface methods, and Visual Studio offers direct access to the General pane through the SVsGeneralOutputWindowPane service. In addition to the built-in panes, you can create and manage your own custom panes.
Output Window (Visual Studio SDK)
This panel shows the actual info, that is spit from your application to the console (no matter debug or run mode). Also building, rebuilding and cleaning your project is described as operations there.
Check F1 for more info ;)
By default it either shows output from the build process, or debugger output. You can use OutputDebugString to display text in the output window while debugging.
There's not much else you can do with it without using an Add-In for Visual Studio.
