Change Ctrl+Click Behavior in VS Output Window - visual-studio

Is there a way to change how links are opened from the Output Window (not an Editor)?
Meaning, when the Output Windows detects a link, it's Ctrl+Click-able and opens in an Internet Explorer tab.
I'd like to change the target from IE to the Text Editor and still within Visual Studio.
There are solutions for changing the click behavior in an Editor, but I am asking specifically about the Output Window. I understand the answer might just be no.

There's a Visual Studio Extension that lets you open URIs in the browser (
I've forked it and made some updates so that it will handle file:/// URIs as well, opening them in the Visual Studio editor or an external editor. I've published a debug version that hasn't been very heavily tested here. You can peruse the full source of my fork here, or the original source here.
This makes debugging/working with the BizTalk map/schema tools a lot better...


how to get color code on my code FOR EXAMPLE (Debug.Log) to be in a color?

I want someone to tell me how to put colors on the code so its easier for me to code.
I think you forgot to select unity c# components when installing visual studio,
try again with visual code
If you are talking about Intellisense / syntax highlighting, you need to make sure that you installed Visual Studio Tools for Unity (Note this is needed for Visual Studio only and you may already have it installed).
Then follow these steps:
Close Visual Studio
In Unity, go to Edit > Preferences > External Tools
Click on the External Script Editor dropdown (this should be on which ever Visual Studio editor you are using or any other supported editor).
Make sure Embedded packages and Local Packages is checked under Generate csproj files for:
Click on Regenerate project files
Open any C# script and check if syntax highlighting is working.
In the worst case, if that does not work, you can close Unity and delete everything except the Assets/ and Project Settings/ folders (as well as anything you explicitly added) in your project's root directory. Unity will regenerate the project folders and files again when you open the project in the editor. It may just be that some of your project files were corrupt.
Also, in case I misinterpreted your question and you are talking about coloring the output in the console window within the editor, you can try using rich text which I believe is supported by Unity's console window in the latest versions.
Debug.Log("<color=red>this is red text</color>");
For more info on that:

Viewing binary files in MSVS under Windows 10

For ages I've been using MS visual studio 15 to view binary files, simply by doing file|open. My files have a custom extension, 'SQ3', but VS seemed to happily infer that they aren't text, and display them as binary. However, Win10 seems to have stopped that. Now if I do the same thing, a popup appears, asking me whether I want to find an application from the shop, or always use this application (presumably MSVS, the one I'm invoking from). There's a proceed button, but it doesn't respond. There seems to be no way that I can get VS to open and display the file.
Is there a way to stop the OS intervening so VS can do its thing?
Incidentally, having to rename files would be extremely inconvenient in this situation. TIA
Thanks, that's perfect.
In Visual Studio go to Tools/Options/Text Editor/File Extensions.
Add new entry to the list:
Extension: sq3
Editor: Binary Editor
Click Add and then OK to close the dialog. Files with .sq3 extension will now open with the hex editor when opening them or dragging them to Visual Studio.

Is there a way to automatically collapse the Script Documents section in solution explorer?

While in debug mode, the solution explorer has a Script Documents section. It is expanded by default. As the debugger runs, new ScriptDocumentxxx poll.txt files are added to this section. As I am navigating the explorer files, the adding of these new line items causes the entire contents of the explorer to shift downward. This is quite annoying if I am trying to find a file or trying to click something. I can collapse the section manually, but I'd rather not have to do this all of the time.
Right click the projects you are interested in working on and click on 'Scope to this'. This will hide everything (Including the scripts folder) except those projects you selected.
I got annoyed enough with this that I turned off JavaScript debugging. If you are willing to go that far, the scripts are gone.
The path for turn of JS debugging is:
Tools -> Options -> Debugging -> General -> Enable JavaScript debugging for ASP.NET (Chrome, Edge and IE) (Visual Studio 2017 and 2019)
Note: This method does not prevent you from stepping though JS in the Chrome inspection tools so you do not lose that ability. You lose both the scripts (of course) and that new Chrome window that pops up when you launch the debugger.
Yes, there is.
IIS Express > Script Debugging > Disabled
Right click then 'Scope to This' to hide everything but the project in the solution you want to view.
Click on the Home/House icon to reverse it.
Yes there is. One way is to create a visual studio add-in or extension which monitors the solution explorer tree and collapses the "script documents" -item if it is expanded.
If you need code samples and/or a fully functional add-in just let me know. You have Visual Studio 2013, ay? Is it the express edition or what?
This is confirmed bug in VS 2019. Just Microsoft is not so fast about fixing it.

Visual Studio 2008 ASMX files

This is not technically a programming question but it does specifically relate to a heavily used programming tool so i think this is the correct place for it.
In Visual Studio 2008 if i have an asmx web service and i double click on the asmx file it opens the asmx.cs file, this is eminently sensible seens as there is just a single line directive in the actual asmx file. However if i click on the asmx.cs file directly, it tries to open it in "design" mode, i.e. the mode for aspx files where it shows you a visual designer rather than the markup. The result is you either get a grey screen saying that this file type cannot be viewed in design mode or you just get a wierd visual studio exception handling page. All i'm doing is double clicking on the asmx.cs page. I can post screen shots if anyone is interested. I have observed this behaviour on my coleagues machines as well so it does not seem to be some wierd quirk on my particular install. Has anyone observed this behaviour? can anyone reproduce it? Is it a bug? Is there a service pack that fixes it? Is it some wierd setting i have been unable to locate. It is not a show stopper becuase double clicking the asmx file opens the relevent code file but I would like to fix it if possible.
The .asmx file is essentially a markup file that points to a code-behind file. Since the markup is never changed, the (pre-VS2008) VS developers thought it was a good idea to display a warning screen instead.
To avoid this warning screen, you can right-click the .asmx file, select Open with... and set the Source Code (Text) editor Editor to be the default. In VS2008 and VS2010, the code-behind will display when you double-click the .asmx file in the future.
If you want to view and/or edit the markup of the .asmx file, simply right-click the .asmx file and choose 'View markup'. Not sure if this works in VS2008 (don't have it here), but it works in VS2010.

Visual studio does not show content of files

Picture says it all, it should currently be showing a file but as you can see its having issues drawing the content of the file.
I have unloaded all addons and restart visual studio.
If it mathers the previus project was a VS 2k8.
New Info:
If i wait a good 5min ( I have a Quad core I7 with 6gb ram, 295gtx. VS is running from a SSD).
It will load the text, but im unable to "edit", as it will have loaded some document (.cs ) but when i select the one i want to edit it not realy open that file.
It can best be described as visual studio having a 5min lag.
I had this precise bug. I would open files from the solution explorer but the editor window would either not appear, only 1-2 lines of 100+ line files would display, or the file would display but I could not scroll or otherwise edit the file. Some parts of VS were working, i.e. little tooltips would appear if I moused over the right part of the (invisible) text but I obviously couldn't do much in this state.
I have a lot of VS stuff installed so I thought it was some sort of plugin or extension that was causing things to go screwy. These installed items include:
Visual Studio 2010 10.0.30319.1
ReSharper 5.1.3000.12 (JetBrains)
DevExpress DXCore 10.1.5 (free community edition)
DX Source Outliner (reason for DXCore, from sbohlen)
Tabs Studio 2.0.6 (
Productivity Power Tools 10.0.11019.3 (Microsoft)
Snippet Designer 1.3.0 (Matt Manela)
I solved it (2/18/2011) by Tools... Extension Manager... disabling the Productivity Power Tools and Snippet Designer. No idea what was going on but this fixed it for me and I was back to work. Probably something in the system drawing and/or display options.
The issue continues. Unfortunately it is intermittent and I have not be able to reproduce it reliably. Now the suspects are the BugShooting and CaptureWiz screen capture tools. I've had the behavior show up and then disappear in and around the time of logging bugs with them.
2nd EDIT
The issue continually continues. I have not yet been able to determine the cause but usually quitting VS and restarting resolves the issue(s). Other parts of the behavior includes the menu options (File, Edit, View, etc.) not operating properly as they show only the highlight but not the actual menu items. The solution will build and run just fine, but things still won't show up properly.
I had a similar issue whereby VS2012 was telling me that I had active (open) files, but the text editor was not displaying them. Clicking on the file(s) in the solution explorer seemingly did nothing. Alt + Tab just cycled through the open files, but still, nothing rendered on screen.
I solved it by clicking on the "WINDOW" menu item and then"Close All Documents". Visual Studio then behaved as expected and opened (and rendered) the files correctly.
This bug was created by mumble 1.2.x, but is fixed in the snapshot versions of 1.3.x. YOu can likely get simular bugs by other software that does DirectX overlay.
I had the same issue in Visual Studio 2012. It was fixed by running a repair of Visual Studio 2012 via Add/ Remove Programs.
The following had no effect:
Closing and reopening a solution
Opening different file types
Restarting Visual Studio
Adding and removing plugins
Resetting options via the 'Reset all Settings' option in Visual Studio's 'Import and Export Settings'
Rebooting windows
I had this problem in Visual Studio 2013. Problem was: extension "Regex Tester". I had to uninstall this extension.
