error in creating include file REPORT/PROGRAM statement missing - include

I do some examples and i need help with one or few errors. I create : sourse file: Type Include , Status test , Aplication system(Local object).
activation (ctrl+F3) passes but if i want check syntax (ctrl+F2) show error:
REPORT/PROGRAM statement missing, or program type is I(INCLUDE)
Pls: Where is problem?

The message is only a warning. If this was an executable program the lack of a "REPORT" statement would be a problem; however for include programs, as soon as I include it in any report, It will compile successfully using CTRL+F2

Include programs can not be executed (activated) as it requires that the include is referanced in a program "REPORT" somewhere. From the code you have pasted I think you want to change the program type to "executable program" in attributes of the source program and then include a "REPORT" statement at the top of your file followed by the source filename.
Might be worth having a look at the following link for a full overview.
Of note this section taken from above link.
Best of luck.
Include Programs
In contrast to all other program types, include programs do not represent stand-alone compilation units with a memory area of their own. Include programs cannot be executed. They merely serve as a library for ABAP source code. They are exclusively used to organize program texts into small editable units which can be inserted at any place in other ABAP programs using the INCLUDE statement. There is no technical relationship between include programs and processing blocks. Includes are more suitable for logical programming units, such as data declarations, or sets of similar processing blocks. The ABAP Workbench has a mechanism for automatically dividing up module pools, function groups and class pools into include programs. You create your own include programs using the ABAP Editor.


Omnet++ - Accessing parameters of a different module in initialization (.ini) file and using for loop

I need to generate Poisson arrival of traffic and thus need to set the start times of applications in clients accordingly. For this I need two things:
1. access parameters of different modules and use them as input for defining a parameter of another module
2. use a for loop to define parameters of modules
For e.g. - the example below demonstrates what I am trying to do.
I have 100 clients and each client has 20 applications. I want to set the start time of the first application of the first client and want to write the rest using a loop.
// iat = interArrivalTime
**.cli[0].app[0].startTime = 1 // define this
**.cli[0].app[1].startTime = <**.cli[0].app[0].startTime> + exponential(<iat>)
**.cli[0].app[2].startTime = <**.cli[0].app[1].startTime> + exponential(<iat>)
**.cli[n].app[m].startTime = <**.cli[n].app[m-1].startTime> + exponential(<iat>)
I looked at the 'ned' functions but could not find any solution.
Of course I can write a script for hardcoding the start times of several clients, but the script would output a huge file which is very hard to manage if the number of clients and applications are too big.
Thank You!
INI files are basically pattern matchers. Each time a module is initialized, the left side of the = sign on each line in the INI file is matched against the actual module path, beginning from the start of the INI file. On the first match from the beginning, the right side of the line is used as the value of the parameter.
In short, these are not assignment operations, rather rules telling each module how to initialize their own parameters. For example it is undefined, in what order these lines will be used during the initialization. Something that is earlier in the INI file is nit necessarily used earlier during module initialization. Of course this prevents you referring an other module's parameter. In fact you may not use any other parameters at all.
In short, INI files are declarative, not procedural constructs so cross references, loops and other procedural constructs cannot be used here.
If you want to create dependencies between module parameters, you can code that in the initialize() method of your module, by explicitly initializing a parameter from the C++ code. You can access any other module's parameter using C++ APIs.
Of course, if you don't want to modify existing applications this is not an optimal solution however you can create a separate module that is responsible for your 'procedural' initialization and that separate module can run through all of you applications and set the required parameters as needed. This approach is used at several places in INET where the initialization data must be computed. One notable example is the calculation of routing table information. e.g. Ipv4FlatNetworkConfigurator
An other approach would be to set up and configure your simulation from a scripting language like python. This is not (yet) supported by OMNeT++ however.
Long story short, write a configurator module and do your initialization there.

How to avoid implicit include statements in Rhapsody code generation

I'm creating code for interfaces specified in IBM Rational Rhapsody. Rhapsody implicitly generates include statements for other data types used in my interfaces. But I would like to have more control over the include statements, so I specify them explicitly as text elements in the source artifacts of the component. Therefore I would like to prevent Rhapsody from generating the include statements itself. Is this possible?
If this can be done, it is mostly likely with Properties. In the feature box click on properties and filter by 'include' to see some likely candidates. Not all of the properties have descriptions of what exactly they do so good luck.
I spent some time looking through the properties as well an could not find any to get what you want. It seems likely you cannot do this with the basic version of Rhapsody. IBM does license an add-on to customize the code generation, called Rules Composer (I think); this would almost certainly allow you to customize the includes but at quite a cost.
There are two other possible approaches. Depending on how you are customizing the include statements you may be able to write a simple shell script, perhaps using sed, and then just run that script to update your code every time Rhapsody generates it.
The other approach would be to use the Rhapsody API to create a plugin/tool that iterates through all the interfaces and changes the source artifacts accordingly. I have not tried this method myself but I know my coworkers have used the API to do similar things.
Finally I found the properties that let Rhapsody produce the required output: GenerateImplicitDependencies for several elements and GenerateDeclarationDependency for Type elements. Disabling these will avoid the generation of implicit include statements.

Run user-submitted code in Go

I am working on an application which allows users to compare the execution of different string comparison algorithms. In addition to several algorithms (including Boyer-Moore, KMP, and other "traditional" ones) that are included, I want to allow users to put in their own algorithms (these could be their own algorithms or modifications to the existing ones) to compare them.
Is there some way in Go to take code from the user (for example, from an HTML textarea) and execute it?
More specifically, I want the following characteristics:
I provide a method signature and they fill in whatever they want in the method.
A crash or a syntax error in their code should not cause my whole program to crash. It should instead allow me to catch the error and display an error message.
(In this case, I am not worried about security against malicious code because users will only be executing my program on their own machines, so security is their own responsibility.)
If it is not possible to do this natively with Go, I am open to embedding one of the following languages to use for the comparison functions (in order of preference): JavaScript, Python, Ruby, C. Is there any way to do any of those?
A clear No.
But you can do fancy stuff: Why not recompile the program including the user provided code?
Split the stuff into two: One driver which collects user code, recompiles the actual code, executes the actual code and reports the outcome.
Including other interpreters for other languages can be done, e.g. Otto is a Javascript interpreter. (C will be hard :-)
Have you considered doing something similar to the gopherjs playground? According to this, the compilation is being done client-side.

Including a Netlogo source file into another

How can I include the procedures from one Netlogo file into another? Basically, I want to separate the code of a genetic algorithm from my (quite complicated) fitness function, but, obviously, I want the fitness reporter, which will reside in "fitness.nlogo", to be available in the genetic algorithm code, probably "genetic.nlogo".
If it can be done, how are the procedures imported, and the code executed? Is it like Python, where importing a module pretty much executes everything in the module, or like C/C++, where the file is blindly "joined"?
This may be a stupid question, but I couldn't find anything on Google. The Netlogo documentation says something about __includes, an experimental keyword that may do the trick, but there's not much explained there. No example either.
Any hints? Should I go with __includes? How does it work?
To include a file you use
After adding this and pressing the “Check” button, a new button will appear next to the Procedures drop-down menu. There you can create and manage multiple source files.
The libfile.nls is just a text file that contains NetLogo code. It is not a netlogo model, which always end in .nlogo, as a NetLogo model contains a lot of other information besides the NetLogo code.
Including a file is the equivalent of just inserting all its contents at that point. In order to make it work in a way like reusable library files, one should create procedures which use agentsets and parameters as input variables to be independent of global definitions or interface settings.
The feature is documented in the NetLogo User Manual at
You can create a file libfile.nls and in the same folder create your main model model.nlogo.
After that, go to your model.nlogo and write:
This file contains your reporters and procedures that you can call in your model.

How can I make an external toolbox available to a MATLAB Parallel Computing Toolbox job?

As a continuation of this question and the subsequent answer, does anyone know how to have a job created using the Parallel Computing Toolbox (using createJob and createTask) access external toolboxes? Is there a configuration parameter I can specify when creating the function to specify toolboxes that should be loaded?
According to this section of the documentation, one way you can do this is to specify either the 'PathDependencies' property or the 'FileDependencies' property of the job object so that it points to the functions you need the job's workers to be able to use.
You should be able to point the way to the KbCheck function in PsychToolbox, along with any other functions or directories needed for KbCheck to work properly. It would look something like this:
obj = createJob('PathDependencies',{'path_to_KbCheck',...
A few comments, based on my work troubleshooting this:
It appears that there are inconsistencies with how well nested functions and anonymous functions work with the Parallel Computation toolkit. I was unable to get them to work, while others have been able to. (Also see here.) As such, I would recommend having each function stored in it's own file, and including those files using the PathDependencies or FileDependencies properties, as described by gnovice above.
It is very hard to troubleshoot the Parallel Computation toolkit, as everything happens outside your view. Use breakpoints liberally in your code, and the inspect command is your friend. Also note that if there is an error, task objects will contain an error parameter, which in turn will contain ErrorMessage string, and possibly the Error.causes MException object. Both of these were immensely useful in debugging.
When including Psychtoolbox, you need to do it as follows. First, create a jobStartup.m file with the following lines:
PTB_path = '/Users/eliezerk/Documents/MATLAB/Psychtoolbox3/';
addpath( PTB_path );
cd( PTB_path );
However, since the Parallel Computation toolkit can't handle any graphics functionality, running SetupPsychtoolbox as-is will actually cause your thread to crash. To avoid this, you need to edit the PsychtoolboxPostInstallRoutine function, which is called at the very end of SetupPsychtoolbox. Specifically, you want to comment out the line AssertOpenGL (line 496, as of the time of this answer; this may change in future releases).
