MVC3 doing Audit trail -

I am doing an Audit trail on a table say Customer Table
Customer c1=new Customer(){name="customer1" ,job="IT",city="USA"};
Say if i am doing an update on customer table and I am updating Customer City to CANADA"CANADA";
So what i have to do is Audit this in a table like,
CustomerID 1
fieldname city
oldvalue USA
Newvalue CANADA
and so on.... whtever field is updated.
My Question is ,say I have more than Fields, How can I implement this?

I wouldn't. Use a database trigger so that whenever an UPDATE is run on the table in question, the state of the row before the update is captured and put into an audit table.

What I have done in the past is used stored procedures to handle data transactions. In the stored procedure I would insert the row being changed to an audit table before updating the target table. The audit table, however, isn't the easiest to read because every time a user clicks the save button it will create an audit record, but it is accurate and far less code/complexity than comparing every single row value to see specifically "what" changed. For the number of times we had to go into the audit trail, it wasn't worth the extra effort of a column-level comparison. Our audit trial was more to capture changed data so we could revert it back if needed, although we captured the who and when also.


get values from another table on a trigger

So, i am a begginer on ORACLE and realy would apreciate your help.
I have 3 tables, EMPLOEES, PERSONAL_DATA and RECORDS. I want to create an UPDATE TRIGGER that when fires takes the old values of EMPLOOES finds the personal data of that updating emplooe on the PERSONAL_DATA table with the OLD id and insert all of that data( the OLD of EMPLOOES and the one fetched from PERSONAL_DATA) into the RECORDS table. I been triying to use the SELECT sentence to fetch information from the table PERSONAL_DATA, but the compiler throws me an error.

PLSQL Daily record of changes on table, then select from day

Oracle PL SQL question: One table should be archived day by day. Table counts about 50.000 records. But only few records during a day are changed. Second table (destination/history table) has one additional field - import_date. Two days = 100.000 records. Should be 50.000 + feq records with informations about changes during a day.
I need one simple solution to copy data from source table to destination like a "LOG" - only changes are copied/registered. But I should have possibility to check dataset of source table from given day.
Is there such mechanism like MERGE or something like that?
Normally you'd have a day_table and a master_table. All records are loaded from the day_table into master and only master is manipulated with the day table used to store the raw data.
You could add a new column to master such as a date_modified and have the app update this field when a record changes, or a flag used to indicate it's changed.
Another way to do this is to have an active/latest flag. Instead of changing the record it is duplicated with a flag set to indicate this is a better/old record. This might be easier for comparison
e.g. select * from master_table where record = 'abcd'
This would show 2 rows - the original loaded at 1pm and the modified active one changed at 2pm.
There's no need to have another table, you could base a view on this flag then
e.g. CHANGED_RECORDS_VIEW = select * from master_table where flag = 'Y'
Once i faced a similar issue. And please find the solution below.
Tables we had :
Master table always has records it and keeps adding up.
One backup table to store all the master records on daily basis.
From morning to evening records are inserted and updated into the master table. The concept of finding out the new records was the timestamp. Whenever a new record is inserted/updated then corresponding timestamp is added and kept.
At night, we had created a job schedule to run a procedure (Create_Job-> please check oracle documentations for further learning) which runs exactly at 10:00 pm to bulk collect all the records available in master table based on today's date and insert into the backup table.
This scenrio which i have explained to you will help you. Please check out the concept of Job scheduling which will help you. Thank you .

Oracle 12c - refreshing the data in my tables based on the data from warehouse tables

I need to update the some tables in my application from some other warehouse tables which would be updating weekly or biweekly. I should update my tables based on those. And these are having foreign keys in another tables. So I cannot just truncate the table and reinsert the whole data every time. So I have to take the delta and update accordingly based on few primary key columns which doesn't change. Need some inputs on how to implement this approach.
My approach:
Check the last updated time of those tables, views.
If it is most recent then compare each row based on the primary key in my table and warehouse table.
update each column if it is different.
Do nothing if there is no change in columns.
insert if there is a new record.
My Question:
How do I implement this? Writing a PL/SQL code is it a good and efficient way? as the expected number of records are around 800K.
Please provide any sample code or links.
I would go for Pl/Sql and bulk collect forall method. You can use minus in your cursor in order to reduce data size and calculating difference.
You can check this site for more information about bulk collect, forall and engines:
There are many parts to your question above and I will answer as best I can:
While it is possible to disable referencing foreign keys, truncate the table, repopulate the table with the updated data then reenable the foreign keys, given your requirements described above I don't believe truncating the table each time to be optimal
Yes, in principle PL/SQL is a good way to achieve what you are wanting to
achieve as this is too complex to deal with in native SQL and PL/SQL is an efficient alternative
Conceptually, the approach I would take is something like as follows:
Initial set up:
create a sequence called activity_seq
Add an "activity_id" column of type number to your source tables with a unique constraint
Add a trigger to the source table/s setting activity_id = activity_seq.nextval for each insert / update of a table row
create some kind of master table to hold the "last processed activity id" value
Then bi/weekly:
retrieve the value of "last processed activity id" from the master
select all rows in the source table/s having activity_id value > "last processed activity id" value
iterate through the selected source rows and update the target if a match is found based on whatever your match criterion is, or if
no match is found then insert a new row into the target (I assume
there is no delete as you do not mention it)
on completion, update the master table "last processed activity id" to the greatest value of activity_id for the source rows
processed in step 3 above.
(please note that, depending on your environment and the number of rows processed, the above process may need to be split and repeated over a number of transactions)
I hope this proves helpful

Change 1:M relationship to M:M in an Oracle database

I have a question about how to change relationships between tales in an Oracle database while preserving existing data.
Let's say I want to represent People and Employers such that each person works for a single employer. I do this with a PERSON table and an EMPLOYER table with a 1:M relationship of EMPLOYER to PERSON. The PERSON table had columns ID, NAME, and EMPLOYER_ID, and the EMPLOYER table had columns ID, NAME, AND LOCATION.
If I wanted to update this schema so a PERSON can work for more than one EMPLOYER, I could add a PERSON_EMPLOYER table with columns for each ID.
Could anyone give some pointers on the most sensible way to do this and move my existing data in? I think I can add a join table, but I'm not sure how to populate it with existing employer:employer data. After that I guess I remove EMPLOYER_ID column from PERSON.
Should I just be backing up the database and doing this operation in a script?
Thank you so much.
Having a backup is always a good idea.
But in my opinion transferring data from one table to another it is quite reliable operation. You do not necessary make a script, just do it step by step and check changes.
Create a new PERSON_EMPLOYER table
Copy existing data to PERSON_EMPLOYER table.
COMMIT data changes.
Check data in PERSON_EMPLOYER table
Drop EMPLOYER_ID column from PERSON table. (No need to remove the column immediately, it can be done later when you will be sure that everything is fine with the your data.)
For transferring data from PERSON table to PERSON_EMPLOYER table you can use simple INSERT
INSERT INTO employer_person (employer_id, person_id)
SELECT employer_id, person_id FROM person;
Do not forget COMMIT this operation!

Creating a record history table - How do I create a record on creation?

For a project, I want to have a "History" table for my records. I have two tables for this (example) system:
When I insert a record into RECORDS, how can I automatically create an associated entry in RECORDS_HISTORY where RECORDS_ID is equal to the newly inserted ID in RECORDS?
I currently have a sequence on the ID in RECORDS to automatically increment when a new row is inserted, but I am unsure how to prepopulate a record in RECORDS_HISTORY that will look like this for each newly created (not updated) record.
How can I create this associated _HISTORY record on creation?
You didn't mention the DB you are working with. I assume its Oracle. The most obvious answer is: Use a "On Insert Trigger". You even can get back the ID (sequence) from the insert statement into table RECORDS. Disadvantages of this solution: Triggers are kinda "hidden" code, can slow down processes on massive inserts and you consume like double diskspace on storing data partially redundant. What if RECORDS got updated or deleted? Can that happen and do you have to take care of that as well? The big question is: What is your goal?
There are proved historisation concepts around. Have a look at this:
