how to monitor memory in a spring + tomcat application? - spring

i have a spring application that i want to optimize , its using much memory, it was fine when few people used it, but numbers scaled a little and i have no idea where to start . Is there a way of knowing which class and methods take what kind of resources ?

I think JMX will be a good start. Using Spring's JMX support, it will be very easy to configure your beans to integrate with JMX.

The best way to start with this is using a profiler. There are a lot of products out there. I personally like YourKit. It's a matter of preference. Using a profiler you can easily find out the number of instantiated classes from where in the code. You might simply have a memory leak.
In general I think it's a good idea to set up your application server/servlet container to expose their internals over JMX. You'll just have to enable the JMX agent by setting JVM startup parameters. You can then connect to your server and monitor CPU and memory consumption using JConsole or VisualVM. VisualVM provides a simple profiling plugin.


How do I run a single JVM with multiple spring boot applications?

Lets say I have 25 spring boot micro-services each of which starts with 1GB JVM in production. At any given time not all are in use and there is no instance when they are using the full 25GB memory at once. In reality many of them will sit idle 90% of the time but any of them might at some point get called and require up to 1GB memory.
In my development environment I would like to run all of them at once but only have 8GB memory. I don't need great performance but I need them all to run at the same time for the entire app to work. I would like to try to run all the applications within a single JVM with 6GB dedicated memory. That should be enough at any given time.
This seems like it would be a common issue as many companies are converting to cloud/microservices. 10 years ago we would have one monolithic app with single JVM (easy to run in dev environment). Now we have dozens of small apps which might not need a ton of memory but they each run in their own JVM so each has a good amount of overhead. This actually makes development more complex rather than simplifying. So Im trying to find a solution for our developers where they can run everything but not kill the memory on their machines.
The spring boot apps need to run without modification aside from
maybe local profiles. Otherwise developers would have to make tons of changes every time they pull the code from git
Each project needs to be able to configure a different port ( setting)
for tomcat.
Each project needs its own classpath entries (for instance one might use version 1.0 of a jar and another might use version 2.0 and without separate classpaths one or the other would break)
I have been trying to follow this post but its not 100% what I want. I feel like a proper solution should respect the / file and use the port set inside the project rather than having to hardcode any configuration outside the project. Essentially his post is starting a separate thread for each microservice and attaching a separate classloader to each thread. Then calling and passing in the classname that would normally be used to start the microservice. I think this is maybe ignoring the auto configuration properties.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
You can manage how much resources your applications are consuming with docker. One spring boot application should be one docker container. You can at runtime change how much resources(in your case memory) container use. Take a look at this
article on how to at runtime change resource allocation in docker. Also, with kubernetes is possible to define minimum and maximum resources that your application needs.

Is it possible to use all camel components using HotSpot

I noticed that there are only a few camel extensions available to use in native mode. I am wondering if it's still possible to use the other camel components if you don't compile to native? And if, is it usefull to go that way, or should we for example stick to spring boot?
Note that all Camel extensions might not need a Quarkus one. Basically, a Quarkus extension is needed if we need to tune the Camel extension for GraalVM (add reflection declarations for instance). The interesting thing is that you can even do the work manually to make your Camel extension work in GraalVM mode and then report back so that we create a proper extension for all future use.
In JVM mode, all Camel extensions should work flawlessly. If you encounter an issue, please open a GitHub issue and we will take a look at it.
About if using Quarkus in JVM mode is worth it, I'm obviously partial but I think the Quarkus approach is beneficial even in JVM mode. You still have some of the benefits of better boot time and reduced memory usage. Obviously, depending on your application, they might not be important to you.

Which JerseyClientBuilder to use?

So I'm developing an application on top of Dropwizard and in one component I have to call an external rest service. I want to do it using JerseyClient.
Now there are 2 implementations available, the one from dropwizard and one from jersey. Using the Builder I have to choose between
Now the former requires Environment as well as JerseyClientConfiguration being passed to it.
Is there a good reason for using the dropwizard implementation over the vanilla one? What's the difference (except the timeout)?
Thank you
After some more digging and asking around, got an answer (below). It seems that it is better to use the JerseyClientBuilder that comes with Dropwizard as it is better integrated:
One can use JerseyClientConfiguration in order to configure the JerseyClientBuilder via the application configuration (service.yml file).
Passing the Environment information enables use of the managed thread pool that is integrated within Dropwizard's lifecycle, so when Dropwizard gets shut down, so does the client.
Dropwizard's Metrics get integrated into each client so you can see the latency and rate of calls for each one, as well as metrics around the thread pool sizes.

Application monitoring performance in scala

I have a web service written in scala and built on top of twitter finagle RPC system. Now we are hitting some performance issues. We have external API components and database layer.
I am planning of installing Zipkin in order to have a service level tracing system. This will allow me to know where the bottleneck is at the service level.
I am wondering though if there are framework out there to monitor the performance inside my application layer. The application is a suite of filters that are applied consecutively to my data and I would like to know which filter take time to compute. I heard about JVM profiling but it seems a little overkill for what I want to do. What would you recommend ? Thanks for your help.
Well before starting digging into JVM stuff or setting up all the infrastructure needed by Zipkin you could simply start by measuring some application-level metrics.
You could try the library metrics via this scala api.
Basically you manually set up counters and gauges at specific points of your application that will help you diagnose your bottleneck problem.

monitor performance with JPA + Spring

What are the tools and approaches you suggest to use for monitoring performance? My app is running on Tomcat, Spring 3, JPA, Hibernate and solr. I've noticed some lag/slow activity on a certain page.
The app does not have any code of cache setup. Or even connection pooling.
Pardon my beginner-style questions, I'm only entering the "performance monitoring" world just now...
I know couple of things to look at is- dabatase calls, connection pooling, indexed tables, caching etc.
You absolutely need connection pooling. It's a no-brainer, there are libraries like Bone CP, Commons DBCP or c3p0 that do this transparently.
You must implemented automated load/stress test. JMeter is pretty easy to use, other tools like that are Gatling and Grinder.
Enable SQL logging and statistics. Most likely too many or too complex queries are slowing down your page.
Use a profiler. Either commercial (JProfiler, YourKit) or the one included in JVisualVM.
You can use this application to monitor your application:
He has a free plan!
