Which JerseyClientBuilder to use? - jersey

So I'm developing an application on top of Dropwizard and in one component I have to call an external rest service. I want to do it using JerseyClient.
Now there are 2 implementations available, the one from dropwizard and one from jersey. Using the Builder I have to choose between
Now the former requires Environment as well as JerseyClientConfiguration being passed to it.
Is there a good reason for using the dropwizard implementation over the vanilla one? What's the difference (except the timeout)?
Thank you

After some more digging and asking around, got an answer (below). It seems that it is better to use the JerseyClientBuilder that comes with Dropwizard as it is better integrated:
One can use JerseyClientConfiguration in order to configure the JerseyClientBuilder via the application configuration (service.yml file).
Passing the Environment information enables use of the managed thread pool that is integrated within Dropwizard's lifecycle, so when Dropwizard gets shut down, so does the client.
Dropwizard's Metrics get integrated into each client so you can see the latency and rate of calls for each one, as well as metrics around the thread pool sizes.


What is the most cost-effective way to run a Java based API back-end (Spring Boot, Micronaut, Quarkus) on GCP?

I have a mobile app where the back-end is currently running as a NodeJS Cloud Function, but I'm nowhere near as comfortable with NodeJS as I am with Java. So, I've re-written the API in Java - however, when it comes to deploying that as a Cloud Function or on Cloud Run the cold-start performance is obviously not very good. I'm seeing roundabouts 15 second cold-start time when I add in the dependencies that I need, which is not going to work. I do have a "warmup" endpoint that I call immediately when a user logs into the mobile app to kick off the initialization of the API back-end, which does help a little.
I've been playing around with GraalVM and generating a native image for a while as well, and while I can get your basic hello-world app and some slightly more elaborate examples working, my app has some dependencies like gRPC and Cloud Firestore, among others, and I have not been successful in generating a native image for that with Micronaut, Quarkus, or Spring Boot.
I considered running on a managed instance group with a minimum of 1 so there's always at least one instance up and running, ready to serve requests, but I would then need a Cloud Loadbalancer in front and I've read some horror stories where the Cloud Loadbalancer wound up costing folks a lot more than they had expected.
Is there a way to front a managed instance group using Cloud Endpoints? I see where you can do it with a single VM instance, but not across a group which leads me to believe that in that case I would need a Cloud Loadbalancer to do what I need?
Cost-effectiveness is important, because my app is super new and is not generating any revenue at all yet, and since it's just me funding it using personal money, my infrastructure budget is not super high :)
TL;DR/ Looking for tips on what the cheapest way would be to host a Java-based API app on a framework like Micronaut, Quarkus, or Spring Boot on GCP while maintaining good performance and elasticity.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
I wrote an article on Java framework cold start on Cloud Run (the results are outdated because after this article release and discussions with Googlers, the team has updated the Cloud Run platform and the way to manage Java containers. Now they start quickly now!)
Anyway, your question seems relevant at the beginning, but finally not really. I will explain why.
Firstly, the cold start is a temporary issue. Your first request is slow, and the dozens, hundreds after are very fast. Does it really a problem?
If so, the min instance feature (only available on CLoud Run for Anthos for now) is coming in the managed version. Like this you never really scale to 0, an instance is kept warm and start instantly (but, as counterpart, it won't be free).
Secondly, if you look for maintainability, I recommend you the framework that you know. You will be more efficient to improve your code, fix your issue and to save your time (and time is money) much more that infrastructure consideration!
All the Java framework are relatively close when optimized (Naive Spring Boot on Cloud Run start in 20s, in 2s after packaging optimizations!). Of course, native compilation (with GraalVM) is the fastest, but it's not really stable for now with several side effect (and I won't recommend it for production).
Personal opinion: I'm a big fan of Spring Boot and its ecosystem. But Micronaut and its AOT compilation, in addition of annotation compliant with Spring Boot idioms, is absolutely awesome. Quarkus is more recent, and I haven't real opinion on it (never used in production/real project)
I would say you need more Micronaut or Quarkus in combination with GraalVM if you target performance. Define your services to be run as
My experience is primary with Micornaut serverless application and it is manageable to have api service running as function/lambda with boot time of 100-500 ms. Cold starts are not a big issue anymore if you enable provisioning (feature is available since 12.2019 in AWS), you could skip the so called warming.
How to make your lambda faster ?
Keep your package size as small a possible (remove all big libraries where a fraction of it is used) - keep package size to max 20 MB. On every cold start this package is fetched and decompressed.
If you use a JVM technology for your services, try to migrate them to Graalvm where the boot-up overhead is reduced to minimum.
micronaut + graalvm
quarkus + graalvm
helidon + graalvm
Use cloud infrastructure configs to reduce the cold starts.
This is what AWS provides, not sure about GPC
Note: IMHO AWS has a better setup for serverless application so far compared to GCP in terms of boot-up and cold starts.

Spring boot 2.1.5, WebFlux, Reactor: How to deal properly with MDC

Spring boot 2.1.5
Project Reactor 3.2.9
I am setting up a bunch of rest reactive APIs using the above-mentioned frameworks and I am running into an annoying problem with MDC (mapped diagnostic context). My applications are in JAVA.
MDC relies on thread locals to store the current query's mapped context to put in the logs. That system, obviously, is not perfect and contradicts the reactive pattern since the different steps of your execution will be executed through different threads.
I have run into the same problem with the Play Reactive framework but found a workaround there by copying the mapped context transparently from one actor to another.
For spring and reactor, I could not find a satisfying solution yet.
Some random examples found on the internet:
First - It works but forces you to use a bunch of utility methods
Same thing
Second - It tries to copy the context during the onNext publisher event but seems to lose some features on the way of doing that. The signal context, for example, is lost.
I am in need of a proper solution to deal with this:
A library which would make the link between MDC and reactor?
A way to tweak reactor/spring to achieve it transparently?
Any advice?
"I could not find a satisfying solution yet."
Working with contexts is the only solution for the moment. Since as you said threadlocals goes against everything that has to do with reactive programming. Using thread local as a storage point during a request is a resource heavy way of solving things and in my opinion poor design. Unless logging frameworks themselves come up with a better solution to the problem we developers must pass the data through the context to accommodate for the logging frameworks blocking nature.
Reactive programming is a paradigm shift in the programming world. Other things like database drivers, that use threadlocal to rollback transactions are also in big trouble. the JDBC database driver spec is defined as blocking in nature, and atm. there has been attempts by spring and the R2DBC project to define a new JDBC driver spec that is inherently non/blocking. This means that all vendors must rewrite ther database driver implementations from scratch.
Reactive program is so new that lots of libraries need to rewrite entire codebases. The logging frameworks as we know it needs to be rewritten from the ground up which is a huge task. And the context in reactive is actually something that should not even be in reactive programming, it was implemented just to accommodate for MDC problems.
It's actually a lot of overhead needing to pass data from thread to thread.
So what can we do?
push on logging frameworks, and/or help logging frameworks to rewrite their codebase
Accept that there is no "tweak" that will magically fix this
use the context and the way suggested in the blogposts
Project reactor context

Application monitoring performance in scala

I have a web service written in scala and built on top of twitter finagle RPC system. Now we are hitting some performance issues. We have external API components and database layer.
I am planning of installing Zipkin in order to have a service level tracing system. This will allow me to know where the bottleneck is at the service level.
I am wondering though if there are framework out there to monitor the performance inside my application layer. The application is a suite of filters that are applied consecutively to my data and I would like to know which filter take time to compute. I heard about JVM profiling but it seems a little overkill for what I want to do. What would you recommend ? Thanks for your help.
Well before starting digging into JVM stuff or setting up all the infrastructure needed by Zipkin you could simply start by measuring some application-level metrics.
You could try the library metrics via this scala api.
Basically you manually set up counters and gauges at specific points of your application that will help you diagnose your bottleneck problem.

OSGI bundle (or service)- how to register for a given time period?

Search did not give me a hint, how can i behave with the following situation:
I'd love to have 2 OSGI implementations of the same interface: one is regular, the other should work (be active/present/whatever) on the given time period (f.e for Christmas weeks :))
The main goal is to call the same interface without specifying any flags/properties/without manual switching of ranking. Application should somehow switch implementation for this special period, doing another/regular job before and after :)
I'm a newbie, maybe i do not completely understand OSGI concept somewhere, sorry for that of give me a hint or link, sorry for my English.
Using Felix/Equinox with Apache Aries.
The publisher of a service can register and unregister that service whenever it likes using the normal API. If it chooses then it can do so according to some regular schedule.
If there is another service instance that is available continuously, then the consumer of the service will sometimes see two instances of the service and sometimes see one. When there is only one instance available then it is trivial to get only that instance. When there are two instances then you need a way to ensure you get your "preferred" instance. The SERVICE_RANKING property is a way to do this. The getService method of a normal ServiceTracker will always return the higher ranked service, so this would appear to satisfy your requirement.
I have yet to see an OSGI container that at a framework level supports date/time based availability of services.
If I were you I would simply drop a proxy service in front of the two interface implementations and put the service invocation based on date logic in there.
I don't believe there is any framework support for what you are asking for.
If you are intent on avoiding service filters, you might try this.
Implement a PolicyService. This service is in charge of deciding which instance of your service should be registered at a given point in time. When its time for the policy service to switch implementations, it just uses the register/unregister apis as usual. You policy service implementation can read in a config file that specifies the date range to service implementation mapping. This will allow you to add new behavior by modifying your config file and installing a new bundle with the new service.
I agree with Neil that a service should only publish itself if it can actually be invoked. My solution to this problem would be to have all service producers be dependent on a "time constraint dependency". Whilst such a dependency is not available in the standard dependency frameworks (like Declarative Services, Blueprint, iPOJO) it is easily implemented with the Apache Felix Dependency Manager, which allows you to create your own types of dependencies. Note that writing such a new dependency once is some work, but if this is a core piece of your application I think it's worth it. Service consumers would not require any special logic, they would simply invoke the service that was there.
Ok, what i have finally done...
Implemented a common dispatcher bundle - and call any of services only thru it (therefore cron is not needed, when call is on-demand)
When dispatcher obtains request - it searches for interface in its own cache and -
When there are >1 service with the same ranking and both are equal (registered) - then
Dispatcher resolves needed service via own written #TimigPolicy annotation with "from" and "to" fields
For the given server new datetime() - dispatcher returns proper service instance
Much work, i should say :) But works nearly perfect :)
Thanks everybody for giving me hints, it was really helpful!!!

Spring Integration as embedded alternative to standalone ESB

Does anybody has an experience with Spring Integration project as embedded ESB?
I'm highly interesting in such use cases as:
Reading files from directory on schedule basis
Getting data from JDBC data source
Modularity and possibility to start/stop/redeploy module on the fly (e.g. one module can scan directory on schedule basis, another call query from jdbc data source etc.)
repeat/retry policy
I found answers on all my questions except "Getting data from JDBC data source". Is it technically possible?
Remember, "ESB" is just a marketing term designed to sell more expensive software, it's not a magic bullet. You need to consider the specific jobs you need your software to do, and pick accordingly. If Spring Integration seems to fit the bill, I wouldn't be too concerned if it doesn't look much like an uber-expensive server installation.
The Spring Integration JDBC adapters are available in 2.0, and we just released GA last week. Here's the relevant section from the reference manual: http://static.springsource.org/spring-integration/docs/latest-ga/reference/htmlsingle/#jdbc
This link describes the FileSucker with Spring Integration. Read up on your Enterprise Integration patterns for more info I think.
I kinda think you need to do a bit more investigation your self, or do a couple of tries on some of your usecases. Then we can discuss whats good and bad
JDBC Adapters appear to be a work in progress.
Even if there is no specific adapter available, remember that Spring Integration is a thin wrapper around POJOs. You'll be able to access JDBC in any component e.g. your service activators.
See here for a solution based on a polling inbound channel adapter too.
