How delete the config in Build Settings in a low level in XCode 4 - xcode

In XCode 4.0.2 there is a good way to configure the program in Build Settings when you click in "Levels" format. Like this screen
The levels are in this way:
Target Settings
Project Settings
iOS Default Settings
So the XCode see if the Target have a config, if not see in project and if not use the iOS default.
The problem here is that when you set a config in a low level and than delete it, it's impossible use the config of a upper level.
Like in image. I set all targets to use Google in Current Project Version, but in this target I want it use stackOverflow and it work. But in the other Generated Versioning ... I first config with stackOverflow but change my mind and want to use the Project Settings. Now is impossible delete the Target Settings and I will have to enter it manually.
How can I delete the target setting to use the project setting?

In xcode 5 it worked right simple for me. I had the same situation as in the picture in the question. Some data in the project setting and an empty but green setting on target level.
You have to select the line e.g. with the mouse that is marked and afterwards press the delete button the green marking is gone from the target level. In my test it and it will never delete the setting on the highes level, so there is no risk.

Click the Combined button and change the build setting value. Now when you click the Levels button, you will see the target and project both have the new value for the build setting.

I just figured this out. It's a little sketchy, but it works, and does not feel dangerous to me (particularly if you're using version control).
In Xcode, delete the text from the target-level configuration. Make sure you still have it defined at the project level.
Look at a diff of the YourProjectName.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj so you can figure out the code-level name of the setting you just changed. For example, in Xcode, I deleted the text from my target-level configuration for "Other C Flags". My diff showed the OTHER_CFLAGS setting changing from OTHER_CFLAGS="mytargetlevelsetting" to OTHER_CFLAGS="". If you're using version control (which you should be), it'll be easy to get this diff.
Quit Xcode.
Open up YourProjectName.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj in a text editor. Find all the lines starting with the setting name you found in step 2. Delete all the ones where the value is an empty string, and keep all the rest. For example, I deleted all the lines that said OTHER_CFLAGS="", but kept all the lines that said OTHER_CFLAGS="settingiwanttokeep". If you don't see any where the value is an empty string, or all their values are empty strings, you probably didn't follow step 1.
When you reopen Xcode and look at your target's build settings again, the setting in question should be using the project-level configuration, not the target.


Where Xcode 8 places build logs?

So, the question describes itself.
I want to edit the log after each build to cut out swift 3 ugly warnings like Result of call to '...' is unused
In Xcode > Preferences > Locations you can define (or automatically accept the default path ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/) the location of the 'DerivedData' folder which is where the build logs are stored.
Go there and tap the -> arrow to see the folder organization. Apple introduces unique folder name extensions which would have to be determined and built into any script that would analyze or process the log.
You could always go to your target settings and set the "Inhibit All Warnings" checkbox to ON.
As for editing the transcript directly, I suspect this is something you can't easily do, as build transcripts can be exported (hold down the control key while clicking on a build log in the Report Navigator in the left side of the Xcode project window) and I think they must be stored in some Apple System Log-like binary format.

How to re-add deleted build settings

XCode 7 has allowed me to delete a couple of project settings. How can I add them back?
Here's a picture of before and after...
The projects settings aren't really gone completely, only your overrides of the default values were deleted.
So if you go to the All tab next to the Basic tab in your screenshots, you will see the Base SDK and Build Active Architecture Only entries. But you will have to set them again to the custom values you like.

Xcode 4.x adding new Project to a Workspace

One would think that adding a project to a Workspace in Xcode would be intuitive.
1) But when you add a new project it is added within the existing project - It must be a bug, or is there actually a reason.
2) How do you add a project then (ctr + right click et.)
You could use the plus (+) button on the lower left corner of Xcode IDE to add a new project to a workspace. You must have first a blank workspace, which you could use the menu (New/Workspaces with short cuts ^%N).
To morning I spend some time doing what you asked to. so here are the steps (you can skip if you already have followed some).
Create a new blank work space
Add a project to it by clicking File->Add new files to "Your workSpace" or "command+option+A"
Choose your project folder Or yourproject.xcodeproj file
Just let the indexing finish properly, and congratulations you have added a new project to your xcode work space successfully.
Note: Make sure that project which you are adding is not already opened, Xcode get lil sensitive about that and doesn't show files tree in workspace in that case.
My answer pertains to XCode 5, but should pertain to XCode 4 as well.
In typical Apple fashion, they have given you multiple ways to do the almost the same thing. Very confusing and annoying. There are three ways, and only one way pertains to the original posters question:
(1) Use File --> Add Files to ...
Problem with this, is that it will only add files to workspace if NO project has been selected.
Problem with THAT, is that once you select a project, there is no way I know of to unselect it.
(2) Use the "+" in the lower-left corner.
Problem with that, it is equivalent to using the pull down menu (#1 above)
(3) Right click in the left pane (in an empty area), and you will see "Add files to "
This is the only right way to do it, as it guarantees that the file will be added to the workspace, and not any selected project.
Try all three methods after selecting an existing project, and you will see what I mean.
Based on my previous experience with XCode, Apple will take about 10 more years to fix this sort of thing.
One would think that adding a project to a Workspace in Xcode would be
Of course not, this is Apple, only usable for certain experts...
1) But when you add a new project it is added within the existing project -
It must be a bug, or is there actually a reason
You did miss the drop down selection list "Add to:" in the last of three dialog pages, the place where the location of the .xcodeproj file is specified. There you can select the Workspace you are currently using. So simply use "File" "New..." "Project...", give it a name and select from templates, and NEVER intuitiveley double click on the directory where to place the project file, but be sure to adjust the selection drop down list to your currently open workspace. Of course this choice is never preselected.

How to delete user-defined build settings in Xcode 4.3.1

I have created several user-defined build settings in Xcode 4.3.1. I no longer need these settings and want to delete them, but there doesn't seem to be a way to delete them!
I am aware that these are stored in the project settings (project.pbxproj) file located within the xcodeproj file. But I don't want to edit these in a text editor as there are all sorts of repetitions and guids which I don't understand.
Any suggestions on how I can do this within Xcode? (or have they forgotten to add a "delete" button)
Just figured this out myself: you need to make sure you're at the right scope to be able to delete the setting. If you defined the setting at the project scope, no amount of key-bashing will remove it if you're looking at the target-scope. Remember, targets inherit settings from project scope. That last bit is what I tripped over :)
Try selecting a user-defined setting that you created then hit "Delete" button on your keyboard. That works for me when I encountered the same problem.
On Xcode 6:
Select the row and hit Fn + Delete.
Follow the steps below:
Select Project
Tap on the Info tab
Select Configurations
Select Configuration to remove
Press the Delete button on the keyboard
Removing User-Defined build settings depends on where those settings have been created.
Lets assume that you've created one already and named it as PROJECT_SETTING. In order to check your PROJECT related User-Defined settings, you have to select your project first on the project and targets list, then you should see something like this:
Here you can see only PROJECT related settings, and here you have the
only ability edit/delete PROJECT_SETTING.
Besides that if you set up a TARGET, so can add new User-Defined settings there, that only affects that TARGET scope.
You can edit/delete TARGET_SETTING_1 and TARGET_SETTING_2 here, but
PROJECT_SETTING is read-only, as it is inherited from your
PROJECT settings.
Here you will notice that your TARGET contains your PROJECT User-Defined settings and also your TARGET related User-Defined settings marked as bold letters. This helps you to know which setting can be edited on this level.
You won't be able to delete your settings here if that was created under PROJECT scope, and also editing a PROJECT related User-Defined settings will result a newly created settings that affects only the selected TARGET.
Also if you prefer more visibility on Build Settings, you can select Levels view instead of Combined view, so you should see it more separated:
Select one of them and press keyboard's delete button.
There's a caveat to these answers: If you're using a Build Configuration File (.xcconfig) it doesn't seem possible to delete the user-defined settings generated from these files directly on either the project or target level in the "Build Settings" GUI. You'll have to delete the flag and its value from the configuration file and rebuild the project. If you're using multiple build configuration files that use the same flag, you'll have to delete them from each file.
Although settings that come from these configuration files are displayed in the User Defined build settings section (just like any other user-defined flag that one would create from the GUI), they are not written to the .xcodeproj file like the settings that one adds from the GUI are (which probably prevents them from being able to be deleted from the GUI). They are also not displayed in bold text like these GUI-added settings are.

How to exclude image files in Xcode project bundle, conditionally for Release version?

I added .png images to the Xcode project for conditional use like making screenshots of a view
However, since this is not needed for the Release version of the app, I would like to find a way to exclude them using some kind of settings for Target. I expect there can be a solution like using #if DEBUG macro for Debug compilation, which can work for lines of source code. But, in case of files included in project bundle, I am having trouble finding the answers.
In Xcode 3, there's a view above the editor that lists the files in the project. There's a checkbox on the right side of that view for each file, and you can uncheck the box to remove the file from the current target.
In Xcode 4, show the Project Navigator on the left side of the window, and show the File Inspector on the right side, in the Utilities area. When you select a file, you'll see a Target Membership area with a list of targets and checkboxes. If you want to exclude the file from a particular target, uncheck the box next to that target. Here's a picture:
This is a bit different from excluding files from only some builds of a single target. Still, I think it's the simplest mechanism to use for the situation that you describe. Simply duplicate your existing target so that you have a copy that you can use for making screenshots. Remove the extra files from your production target but leave them in the screenshot target, as described above.
A target's inputs are the same for all builds, so there's no checkbox that will do it for you.
All that really happens though is that image files like .png or whatever get added to the copy bundle resources phase. You can remove them from that phase and instead create a custom script build phase using a shell script.
It will default to printing out all the environment variables set by xcode, from there you should be able to write a script which only performs the copy when say ${BUILD_STYLE} is 'Debug'.
You probably want ${BUILD_STYLE}, ${CONTENTS_FOLDER_PATH} and ${INPUT_FILE_PATH} for starters.
