Animate b2body in cocos2d box2d? - animation

I want to animate my body from 1 position to another position so how it is possible with b2body not CCSprite?

Only by changing it's linear (and angular if required) velocity by yourself. Changing position instead of velocity will provide incorrect physical behavior in case your body will collide with other bodies. Your body's type should be kinematic in this case too.

Andrew is correct. Take a look in b2Body.h. It tells you everything you need to know.
Most often you use either:
void ApplyForce(const b2Vec2& force, const b2Vec2& point);
void ApplyLinearImpulse(const b2Vec2& impulse, const b2Vec2& point);


How to move a SCNNode in the direction it is pointing at after an rotation is applied

My dilemma is this:
I have a spaceship positioned somewhere in space between stars and planets. The camera is added as a child of the spaceshipNode and you always look at the back of the spaceship (raised a few units above).
I use CoreMotion to rotate the spaceship like this:
func startMonitoringMotion() {
self.motionManager?.startDeviceMotionUpdates(to: OperationQueue.main, withHandler: { (data, error) in
guard let data = data else { return }
let attitude: CMAttitude = data.attitude
self.ship.eulerAngles = SCNVector3Make(Float(attitude.roll - M_PI_2), Float(attitude.yaw), Float(attitude.pitch))
and the rotation works as expected.
Now I want to move the spaceship in the direction it is facing but I have no clue how to do it. I have tried different approaches but I have failed miserably.
I have searched this forum countless times for several days but with no luck.
I hope someone can point me (and my spaceship) in the right direction.
Thank you in advance.
I've found that the easiest way to do this is to grab the third row of the node's worldTransform property, which corresponds to its z-forward axis.
func getZForward(node: SCNNode) -> SCNVector3 {
return SCNVector3(node.worldTransform.m31, node.worldTransform.m32, node.worldTransform.m33)
ship.position += getZForward(ship) * speed // nb scalar multiply requires overload of * func
// if node has a physics body, you might need to use the presentationNode, eg:
// getZForward(ship.presentationNode)
// though you probably don't want to be directly modifying the position of a node with a physics body
See the discussion here Getting direction that SCNNode is facing
iOS 11 update
iOS 11 adds handy convenience functions for getting the orientation of a node. In this case the worldForward property is the one you want. Also, all of the properties on SCNNode that return SCNVector and matrix types now have versions that return simd types. Because simd already has overloads for the arithmetic operators, you no longer need to add sets of arithmetic overrides for the SCNVector and SCNMatrix types.
So we can get rid of out getZForward method above, and just have the line:
ship.simdPosition += ship.simdWorldFront * speed

Make a rigged character's head rotate in sync with a quaternion in Unity

I have a face detection app, and I want a character's head to rotate according to the detected face's pose.
I've managed to get the rotation of the detected face in the form of a quaternion, but I'm unsure about how I'm supposed to translate the data from the quaternion into 3D points for the reference points of the rigged character which I believe will decide the rotation.
Let's say I have this character:
One solution could be to just cut off the head and make it an own object and then set the rotation of that object according to the quaternion, but I don't want that. I want an intact character.
Is it possible to move the reference points in the head with the data from a quaternion? Or have I gotten it wrong how rigged characters turn their heads? I haven't animated before.
You can apply rotation to a single bone. Get that bone in your script. Keep a var in your class to store the last quaternion in and every update, compare it to that and rotate by the different. I don't have the actual editor here but try this psuedocode.
class NeckRotator {
public GameObject Neck;
private Quaternion LastFace;
void Start(){
LastFace = Neck.transform.Rotation;
void Update(){
var DetectedFace = ... // Whatever you do to get this
var Change = Quaternion.Inverse(DetectedFace) * LastFace; // Found this online real quick
LastFace = Neck.transform.Rotation;
I've done something like that before to rotate a neck of an NPC to look at a player. It should work for your deal as well.

Visual C++: Good way to draw and animated fill path to screen?

I want to use Visual C++ to animate fill paths to screen. I have done it with C# before, but now switch to C++ for better perfomance and want do more complex works in the future.
Here is the concept in C#:
In a Canvas I have a number of Path. These paths are closed geometries combine of LineTo and QuadraticBezierTo functions.
Firstly, I fill Silver color for all path.
Then for each path, I fill Green color from one end to other end (up/down/left/right direction) (imagine a progress bar increase its value from min to max). I do it by set the Fill brush of the path to a LinearGradientBrush with two color Green and Silver with same offset, then increase the offset from 0 to 1 by Timer.
When a path is fully green, continue with next path.
When all path is fill with Green, come back first step.
I want to do same thing in Visual C++. I need to know an effective way to:
Create and store paths in a collection to reuse. Because the path is quite lot of point, recreate them repeatly take lots of CPU usage.
Draw all paths to a window.
Do animation fill like step 2, 3, 4 in above concept.
So, what I need is:
A suitable way to create and store closed paths. Note: paths are combine of points connect by functions same with C# LineTo and QuadraticBezierTo function.
Draw and animated fill the paths to screen.
Can you please suggest one way to do above step? (outline what I have to read, then I can study about it myself). I know basic of Visual C++, Win32 GUI and a little about draw context (HDC) and GDI, but only start to learn Graphic/Drawing.
Sorry about my English! If anythings I explain dont clear, please let me know.
how many is quite lot of point ? what is the target framerate? for low enough counts you can use GDI for this otherwise you need HW acceleration like OpenGL,DirectX.
I assume 2D so You need:
store your path as list of segments
for example like this:
struct path_segment
int p0[2],p1[2],p2[2]; // points
int type; // line/bezier
float length; // length in pixels or whatever
const int MAX=1024; // max number of segments
path_segment path[MAX]; // list of segments can use any template like List<path_segment> path; instead
int paths=0; // actual number of segments;
float length=0.0; // while path length in pixels or whatever
write functions to load and render path[]
The render is just for visual check if you load is OK ... for now atlest
rewrite the render so
it take float t=<0,1> as input parameter which will render path below t with one color and the rest with other. something like this:
int i;
float l=0.0,q,l0=t*length; // separation length;
for (i=0;i<paths;i++)
if (q>=l0)
// split/render path[i] to < 0,l-l0> with color1
// split/render path[i] to <l-l0,q-l0> with color2
// if you need split parameter in <0,1> then =(l-l0)/path[i].length;
i++; break;
//render path[i] with color1
for (;i<paths;i++)
//render path[i] with color2
use backbuffer for speedup
so render whole path with color1 to some bitmap. On each animation step just render the newly added color1 stuff. And on each redraw just copy the bitmap to screen instead of rendering the same geometry over and over. Of coarse if you have zoom/pan/resize capabilities you need to redraw the bitmap fully on each of those changes ...

How to give control back to animation in Unity3D once altering objects location

I have a character made of up child objects that are animated using Unity3D's animation system.
While the player is walking, I can programmatically move the hand object up to catch a ball using the following code.
hand.position.y = ball.transform.position.y;
I need the hand object to go back to following the walk animation after it touches the ball, but instead it just stays at the exact position since it was set.
You want to use inverse kinematics and let Unity do the work of figuring out positioning for you. Here's a quick-and-dirty (untested) example for catching a ball (it's in C#, but it should be pretty similar for UnityScript):
// in a script on the same GameObject as your animation controller
bool isCatching;
Transform ball;
void OnAnimatorIK (int layer) {
if (isCatching) {
// set position and rotation weights for your catching hand
animator.SetIKPosition(AvatarIKGoal.RightHand, ball.position);
animator.SetIKRotation(AvatarIKGoal.RightHand, ball.rotation);
} else {
// return your position and rotation weights back to their defaults (probably 0f?)
You'll need to do some work (possibly raycasting or just checking distance and direction) to determine when to set the isCatching flag to true, and you'll want to play with the weights for position and rotation to make it look natural. The IK manual entry has more detailed information.

LibGDX rotation Bodies issue

It is hard to explain the problem so I recorded a video in order to illustrate the issue. [Video here]
I have image in box2d objects (bodies). When user drags an actor the body underneath moves too so that images follow physics. When the body is not fully rotated everything works as expected (drag&drop) but when rotation happens the movement goes crazy making that unwanted effect of infinite rotation.
Here's my approach:
In the constructor:
for(final Brick b : map.list){
Vector3 v = new Vector3(,,0);
b.img.setPosition(v.x-b.img.getWidth()*0.5f, v.y-b.img.getHeight()*0.5f);
b.img.setOrigin(b.img.getWidth()*0.5f, b.img.getHeight()*0.5f);
b.img.setRotation((float) Math.toDegrees(;
b.img.addListener((new DragListener() {
public void touchDragged (InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer) {
float newPosX =b.img.getX() + x;
float newPosY = b.img.getY() + y;
b.img.setPosition(newPosX-b.img.getWidth()*0.5f,newPosY-b.img.getHeight()*0.5f);, newPosY,;
Where map.list is a list containing all bodies that can be dragged.
In the render function:
for(final Brick b : map.list){
b.img.setOrigin(b.img.getWidth()*0.5f, b.img.getHeight()*0.5f);
b.img.setRotation((float) Math.toDegrees(;
Thanks a lot in advance!
I think your problem is that you set the origin for rotation incorrectly.
b.img.setOrigin(b.img.getWidth()*0.5f, b.img.getHeight()*0.5f);
As long as the bodies aren't rotated at all, everything works fine. Assuming that your bodies position is at the center of the bodies, this should actually be
b.img.setOrigin(v.x, v.y);
Try to use the Box2dDebugRenderer to quickly check if the bodies are really moving so weird, or whether you just draw the pictures incorrectly.
