Autowiring doubts in spring? - spring

After going thru autowiring concept
i have got some questions. These are:-
If i need to autowire below class byType or byName , is it mandatory to have setStudent() method in class College?
public class College {
private Student student1;
private String registration1;
<bean id="student1" class="Student"/> - in case of byname it will look into id attribute and in case of bytype it will look for class attribute in above
Stetement. Right? If incase it finds two bean dean tags for the same type it will throw fatal error in case of bytype. Correct?
autodetect Scenario chooses constructor or byType through introspection of the bean class. If a default constructor is found, the byType mode
will be applied.
My question here if default constructor is not found and constructor with argument is found then autowire by constructor
will be applied. Correct?
Do we need to specify #Autowired somewhere in College to apply the autowiring. As i can see this in this example
but nothing is specified here

1), 4) There are two separate ways of autowiring in Spring: XML-based and annotaion-based.
XML-based autowiring is activated from XML config, as described here. In the end, it will call setter method, so setStudent() method is required here.
Annonation-based autowiring, on the other hand, is performed via reflection magic. It attempts to fill everything you mark with #Autowired annotation. In fact, it can set private field with no accessors, as in
public class Foo {
#Autowired private Thingy thing; // No getThing or setThing methods
private void doStuff() {
// thing is usable here
For #Autowired annotaion to work, you will need to define corresponding bean post-processor; it is done by adding the following line to xml config:
Note, that these two autowiring methods are independant, and it is possible(but not recommended) to use them simultaneously. In that case, xml autowiring will override annotations.
2) In general, autowiring will fail, if it cannot find one and only one candidate for injection. So, in your case, it will fail with exception upon container creation. There are some fallback quirks, but in general it works reliably.
3) Yes, documentaion says so.
About byName and byType autowiring. While byName autowiring simply tries to match bean name (can be specified with id attribute), byType is a bit more complex than class attribute lookup. It searches beans by type, and it will match interfaces. Example:
public interface SomeService {
void doStuff();
public class SomeServiceImpl implements SomeService {
#Override public void doStuff() {
// Implementation
public class ServiceUser {
private SomeService someService; // SomeServiceImpl instance goes here
P.S. You are referencing two different versions of Spring in your question, 2.5 and 3.0. Autowiring behavior is same in both.

In Addition if you are using #Autwired annotation you need to mark the classes as candidates for autowiring. It should be done by using one of these annotations:
and of cause you can configure it in different scopes:
public class MovieFinderImpl implements MovieFinder {
// ...
Hope it makes it more clear.


Difference between #Qualifier("beanName") and #Component("beanName")

Is there any difference between using #Qualifier("beanName") and #Component("beanName") ?
If not, is there a preferred approach?
Generally, you use #Component("beanName") on the component, You use #Qualifier("beanName") on a class you are autowiring. Ex
public class MyComponent1 implements MyComponent {
public class MyComponent2 implements MyComponent {
public class SomeService implements MyService {
private MyComponent myComponent;
If there is more than one implementation of a bean/component, spring won't know which bean to select, so you need to use a the qualifier to specify which one is correct.
Additionally, you can use #Primary on one of the components, so it is always selected by default.
They are totally two different things , sound like you are compare apple and orange to me.
#Component is used to declare a class as a Spring bean which you cannot do it with #Qualifier.
#Qualifier is intended to help Spring to determine which bean to inject if there are more than 1 eligible bean for that injection. It is normally used with #Autowired which add more constraint on the injection point such that there are only one bean can be injected in it.

Conditionally auto-wire a bean implementation based on a value?

I have an interface Animal having two implementations Cat and Dog. These two implementations are spring #Component. How do I conditionally wire these two based on a value? I understand that I may have to change the scope of MyTestController from singleton to request.
public class MyTestController {
Animal animal;// how to wire bean of Cat or Dog based on animalName
public #ResponseBody Animal getAnimal(#RequestParam(value = "animalName") String animalName) {
return animal;
Since both MyTestController is a bean the autowiring / initialisation happens before you actually start using the class instance itself. What I mean is that by the time you actually trigger REST requests on your controller, the injected animal bean should be already there!
More specifically if you have two classes that implement the same interface (Animal) without further specification (active Profiles, or #Primary annotation) Spring won't be able to decide which implementation to inject while creating the MyTestController,
What you want to do is return beans from your ApplicationContext based on a parameter / class name. This would look something like this:
private ApplicationContext context;
/* ... */
if(animalName.equals("dog") {
context.getBean(Dog.class) //returning the dog bean
} else if(animalName.equals("cat") {
context.getBean(Cat.class) //returning the cat bean
Edit IMO the question is a bit confusing. You ask for wiring the bean based on a value, but this value only comes at runtime. Hence my answer. However If you want to wire based on some variable at initialisation of your bean I would suggest taking a look at the following sources:
Profiles - With profiles you can tell spring which instance to inject in which configuration. (E.g.: production/development/test configs and for each you want to inject different beans)
Primary - One of your bean takes precedence over the others while injecting it.
Finally I would note that such an inversion on the IoC is considered as a bad practice. (See here)
Well, you're missing the whole point. Don't autowire simple DTO, but autowire AnimalFactory or some kind of AnimalRepository (or better - Service) where you can create or retrieve animals based on animal type.
It would look something like that:
public class AnimalFactory {
public Animal createAnimal(String animalType) {
switch (animalType) {
case "DOG":
return new Dog();
case "CAT":
return new Cat();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("AnimalType is invalid");
Animal Spring Data JPA Repository:
public class AnimalRepository implements JpaRepository<Animal, Long> {
public Optional<Animal> findByAnimalName(String animalName);

What is the magic behind Field #Autowired

I am currently improving my Spring knowledge. I wonder what really happens when I use Spring annotation #Autowire on a field.
Here is a piece of code :
OutputHelper file
public class OutputHelper {
private IOutputGenerator outputGenerator;
public void setOutputGenerator(IOutputGenerator outputGenerator) {
this.outputGenerator = outputGenerator;
// I can focus only on what my code do because my objects are injected
public void generateOutput(){
CsvOutputGenerator file
public class CsvOutputGenerator implements IOutputGenerator {
public void generateOutput(){
System.out.println("Csv Output Generator");
Application file
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create the spring context
ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("META-INF/spring/spring-module.xml");
// Get the configured OutpuHelper from the spring-module.xml
OutputHelper output = (OutputHelper) context.getBean("outputHelper");
// Display output from the output configured
My configuration file just contain <context:component-scan base-package=""/>
When I execute this code all work fine. But what makes me surprised is when I delete the setOutputGenerator in OutPutHelper file, my piece of code keeps working. I tought that with this configuration, the OutputHelper was first created with default constructor and initialized with setter.
I expected an error because the variable outputGenerator was not be able to be initialized.
Is anyone can help me to understand ?
The idea to have fields #Autowired is questionable. It works, but it will difficult other aspects of your implementation (i.e. testing).
There are 3 types of injections:
fields - basically configured applying reflection (Field.set(Object, Object)) directly to the field:
private MyInterface field;
setters - with this approach the configuration of each dependency goes through a property (spring goes through all methods and execute each one annotated with #Autowired using Method.invoke(Object, Object...), thus its value is configured using its setter as follows:
public void setField(MyInterface value) {
this.field = value;
constructors - the last, and my preferable approach, the constructor injection. That one basically annotates an constructor with #Autowired and instead of using methods or fields, you can configure your bean directly on your constructor. For that spring will elect the a constructor to be used to instantiate your #Component, and it will use an #Autowired if existent or a empty params constructor, invoking it using Constructor.newInstance(Object...). Example:
public class Implementation {
private MyInterface field;
public Implementation(MyInterface value) {
Assert.notNull(value, "value should not be null");
this.field = value;
One of the ideas behind Inversion of Control (or Dependence Injection) is to be able to isolate a piece of code in order to provide decent test implementation support.
In order to go deeper, it is necessary to comment that during a unit test you want the class in its isolated form, all you will use with that class are basically mocks for its dependencies (injections).
So, what are the results:
If you do field injection, it will be quite costly to every single time set the beans using some reflection to configure the bean during your tests (another logic needs to be introduced to configure the bean to be tested).
With setter injection approach you will be able to use your own bean to configure it with mocks necessary to isolate your implementation and test its functionality.
And finally, with the constructor injection approach you will have not only the support to configure your bean, but you will be able to require its dependencies. This means that for every new dependency a new parameter on your constructor is added, this brings you come advantages on development time, for example, you will be able to see on development time the unit tests affected with the introduction of that new dependency (once your IDE will point it out for your).
Simple answer
Actually, the setter is useless, since the CDI use java Reflection to access fields.
It means that fields are no longer accessed by method calls.
Reflection allow iterating throught all fields of a class and check if there are annoted with a specific annotation.
In this case, if a field in your class is annoted With #Autowired (or #Inject wich is more J2E complient), the container will iterate throught searching if there is a registered bean that fits the current property.
Going deeper
When you context is starting, the container iterate classes and search all field annoted with #Inject or #Autowired.
For these fields, it search an available bean.
Here is the must simple example :
public class SpringClassInChargeOfDependencyInjection {
public void handdleInjections(T objectWithInjectableField) {
Class<T> clazz = objectWithInjectableField.class;
Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();
for (Field field : fields) {
if (field.isAnnotationPresent(Autowired.class) || field.isAnnotationPresent(Inject.class)) {
//find a bean for the type;
Object injectableBean = getAvailablebean(field.getType());
//inject the value into the class, this line explain why the setter is not necessary
field.set(objectWithInjectableField, injectableBean);
This is a non-working example just to explain how it works.
You might consider using #Inject instead of #Autowired, the later was created by Spring, #Inject is a part of the the JSR-330. Spring does understand #Inject as well, you just need to add the javax.inject jar dependency to your project. If later you want to switch from spring to something else (guice for example) you won't have to change all your #Autowired annotations

Spring Bean: Is autowired attribute initialised before constructor?

public class BeanA {
public class BeanB {
BeanA beanA;
public BeanB() {
// Use beanA
Can we assume BeanA is created and initialized before BeanB constructor is called? (I know we can pass BeanA as constructor arg to BeanB, this is more of curiosity question to understand spring/java initialisation sequence)
Take a look at
Setting properties on bean would happen after it is constructed by means of a constructor or a factory method. By default, beans are autowired by name and values are set using setter methods. So in your case the field will be set after constructor.
This is because
BeanA beanA;
really means that you want to autowire the field of that class instance. beanA in your case is not really a constructor arg.
(Well, here is a quick question, are the constructor argument names retained after compilation? Is there any debug flag related to this?)
As this example from spring documentation says, you can apply #Autowired to constructors and fields:
public class MovieRecommender {
private MovieCatalog movieCatalog;
private CustomerPreferenceDao customerPreferenceDao;
public MovieRecommender(CustomerPreferenceDao customerPreferenceDao) {
this.customerPreferenceDao = customerPreferenceDao;
// ...
Let me know if you need any more help with this.
Oh, and just a minor point. You seem to be calling method() on beanA in your constructor. It is not a good idea, if the method can be overridden. I know it is just an example you jotted down here, but just a word of caution.
No, the autowiring is handled by a BeanPostProcessor that will run after the constructor of the newly created bean. If, for some reason, you need to autowire some fields and then run some initialisation you can use a #PostConstruct annotated method. It will be called after all dependencies are injected. In most cases #Autowiring a constructor (and, perhaps, making the object immutable) is still the best option.
No, spring is very clever, but not that magical ... Internally, spring :
creates an instance
set instances properties
stores eventually the bean in relevant scope (exept for prototype beans) and/or gives it to caller
But the creation uses a constructor and at the time it is called properties have not been set.
In short, you can access #Autowired in your method marked with #PostConstruct.

When autowiring use would be beneficiary with example

I have recently learned concept of autowiring in spring. When I was trying to understand in which particular scenarios spring autowiring can be useful
I came up with the below two reasons from one of the questions asked in our stakoverflow forum.
1.I wanted to read values from a property file and inject them into a bean. Only way I could figure out how to do this at start up of my app was to
wire the bean in XML (and inject the properties.) I ended up using the "byName" attribute (because the bean was also marked as #Component) and then
used #Autowired #Qualifier("nameIChose") when injecting the bean into another class. It's the only bean I've written that I wire with XML.
2.I've found autowiring useful in cases where I've had a factory bean making another bean (whose implementation class name was described in a system
property,so I couldn't define the all wiring in XML). I usually prefer to make my wiring explicit though;
Can any body please give me some code snippet example of the above situations that would make my understanding of autowiring more clearer?
Here is an example of injecting properties into a bean.
Using field injection:
public class YourBean {
private String yourProperty;
Using constructor injection:
public class YourBean2 {
private String yourProperty;
public YourBeans2(#Value("${}") String yourProperty) {
this.yourProperty = yourProperty;
The following is a super simple example of autowiring various beans
public class Foo {
public void doSomething() {
public class Bar {
private Foo foo;
public Bar(Foo foo) { = foo;
public void doSomethingElse() {
In the previous example, no XML configuration of Foo and Bar needs to be done, Spring automatically picks up the beans because of their #Component annotation (assuming of course that component scanning has been enabled)
