Is there any way to convert html template to liferay theme? - themes

Is there any way to convert html template to Liferay 6.2 theme ? Is Alloy UI help me about this ?

There is no "one-click" tool to convert an html template to a liferay theme. You have to implement the theme yourself and use the "diff" folder to configure your own custom templates (.vm), scripts (.js) and styles (.css). Check out the official docs:

+1 for Artem's answer which gives you the correct answer to your question. As a "no" might not be what you were looking for, let me add some reasoning extra - why would such a tool be introducing even more work later in the game?
If you look at the basic structure of Liferay's HTML code - all the nested divs, classes and ids - you'll find that they're quite clean and structured. A lot of Liferay's functionality is implemented with this kind of DOM in mind. If you'd introduce your own, completely unrelated, DOM from your own template, you'd need to find all components in Liferay that assume a certain structure. For example Layout Templates: They define "drop zones" where you can add portlets to the page. You probably don't have them in your existing templates. Another example: Maximized portlets. They'll need a DOM element to go into.
IMHO you're a lot better of to stick very close to the original DOM and just tweak your CSS to address the classes/elements you need. This is, of course, just a very general recommendation - for certain usecases this approach might also be a disadvantage. But most of the standard usecases are covered IMHO


Can I use different themes for WordPress and BuddyPress

Is it possible to use two different themes for BuddyPress and WordPress ? If yes, please tell me how.
WP - 3.8.1
BP- 1.9.2
In general - no.
BuddyPress tightly integrated into WordPress, and uses it's templates, just adding some own html pieces on pages.
Of course, using some hacks you can change that, but that will result to problems in UX and maintaining all that code.
I think it's much better to have 1 theme, but for BuddyPress pages you can add additional styles and change html - BuddyPress allows to do that, you can redefine any template file.

Joomla Discussion - When to create a plugin, when to create a component?

I have been learning to develop my own plugins and components for joomla! 2.5.
After a couple of months of developing features for my site, I am starting to realise that some of the components I have created could have probably been just as effective if I'd developed them as a plugin for com_content or com_user.
My question is what's the best way to decided if a full component is needed and when is it ok to use one or multiple plugins to give the same functionality.
My feeling at the moment is that plugins are a much nicer way to go due to them being self contained. Maybe I've answered my own question, and components are needed when interaction between elements is more complicated, where as plugins can be used for very modular functions.
Anyone else have a view?
Components and Plugins are completely different types of extensions.
Components are applications/systems that will appear in the content area such as VirtueMart and where the articles are shown. Consider them as software for you computer.
Plugins are there to manipulate Joomla and/or there extensions it's using. They contains functions that are associated with trigger events. So in a nutshell, they are there to extend the functionality of an existing extension.
So so answer your question, have a think about what you are creating and if will be an aplication or something to extend functionality.
Hope this helps

Content Management System - PHP - Asp.Net

I am new to open source Content Management System tools. I got a website using Joomla for content management. Now, I am just thinking to Umbraco or Dotnetnuke (any based) frameworks to use. Will it be a complex to do this migration. Can you suggest pros and cons for this idea.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks !
For Umbraco ...
Most of your client-side code like HTML, CSS and JavaScript can just be copied straight over, but as expected it may require some fiddling.
As for the data, it might be worth looking into the CMSImport module for Umbraco. As long as you can convert the source data into one of the formats recognised by the module, you should be able to upload your content with ease. I've had no personal experience with this module, but should be worth a shot.
It really depends on the size of the site and the functionality requirements. For smaller sites, it may be as easy as implementing the skin based on the original design (or, if a custom design isn't needed, selecting a free or 3rd party skin) and then manually migrating the content. For really large sites, you should be able to write scripts to migrate the content. I'm not aware of any products that do this. You'll also probably need to select some modules to use for things like forms.

Joomla: alternative content for an article

I've just started work on an existing Joomla! site, and have a requirement to add an alternative language version of an article. Note that this isn't a full-internationalization effort - we don't need every part of the interface translated - just the need to have another 'version' of an article. Ideally, though, this would include more than just the core content - for example, title. I don't really want to create a second article because, in essence, this really is just a single article, and I don't want things like comments to be split between two separate articles.
Does anyone know if this can be done using joomla core?
If not, can anyone recommend an existing component that will do this?
A good component for manage translations in Joomla 1.5 is Joom!fish. It allows you to do a whole internationalization that, as you said, isn't exactly what you want to do. However I like to think in the long run so, if there's more change, I have not to restructure again and again just because of I haven't thought it before. Hence, if I were you, I would like to use Joom!fish anyway.
Well, as a short fix - Google Translator works and can be installed into your template you're using.
Then you can set it to be hidden unless the users browser is set to use a different language as default - then a small pop-up box drops down and it asks to translate it using google translate.
If that's not the option you're looking for - joom!fish is a good component others rave about but I don't have much experience with personally. Outside of that I'm not really sure.
Hanny had a good idea that would be really easy to implement in an article with the right extension. You can use this extension -
This would allow you to easily create tabs with the translations available anywhere you have them. The page above uses the extension to display the tabs, it would be trivial to implement.

What hosted-commenting tools produce clean markup?

You may be familiar with IntenseDebate, Disqus, and their ilk. These tools produce wretched markup that pollutes my pages significantly and is difficult to style correctly.
I have a site which is statically generated. Are there hosted commenting options that are simple, clean, unobstrusive, and easy to style?
The solution I settled on was using hosted-commenting JSON APIs plus JS templating. You give up the social-media button widgets and you have to roll some of your own comment form, but that's ultimately a small price to pay in my book.
