How to use expect for remote deployment using script - bash

I am trying to automate deployment on the remote server.After doing some investigation I came across two approaches:
1.Using expect
2.Using sshpass
I want to run a script file with deployment steps,without manually entering any password or any other input parameter required by my script from command line.
Please suggest me the right approach.
I went through Ref1 and downloaded expect5.45.tar. Can anyone please let me know what should I do next. I am not able to install as I don't have admin rights.

Would Jenkins not suite this questions. Jenkins will allow for script control as an environmental file as well as control over the remote host (via the publish over ssh plugin).
This would allow you to automated your process.


How to access ssh key file in a Teamcity right in a job without SSH upload

I have a job that ssh into other servers and deploys some configuration with scp, but I can not find any way to access ssh key file used in my project configuration in TeamCity in order to execute shell command in my job - "ssh -I ~/.ssh/password", because TeamCity runs only in job directory. Therefore, I want to ask is there any way to access this SSH private key file that I mentioned in a project settings.
Just to say, I cannot use SSH-EXEC and SSH-UPLOAD as I have Shell script that ssh into many servers one by one reading from a file, therefore it would not be useful to have for each job one separate SSH exec job step in TeamCity project, so I have to somehow access the file without using standard SSH-EXEC and SSH-UPLOAD in a TeamCity
What have I tried?
I only had one idea - somehow to access SSH key that is located outside working directory by a path (I found this in documentation):
<TeamCity Data Directory>/config/projects/<project>/pluginData/ssh_keys
Problem with this, is that I cannot just cd into given path, as job does not want to go outside my working directory where job is executed by TeamCity. Therefore I could not access given directory where ssh_keys for my project is located.
UPD: Find out solution to use build feature SSH, that way you can execute SSH-key right with command line in job

How to upload and run jmeter script from server

There is a need to upload the script from local to server and then run over there. can someone please let me know how to can achieve this.
Just copy it from local machine to the "server" using SCP for Linux or SMB for Windows, once done you can log into the server over SSH or RDP and execute your JMeter test in command-line non-GUI mode
If you want fully unattended/automated execution consider the following:
Setting up a version control system, i.e. use Github to store your script(s)
Configure the Webhook to trigger an action when you commit the file
Install Jenkins on the server
Configure Jenkins to listen to the Github Webhook and when it happens kick off a build running a JMeter test
This way whenever you add new or update existing script it will automatically trigger the job which will execute the test, check out How to Integrate Your GitHub Repository to Your Jenkins Project article for detailed steps if needed.

Using the execute shell command in Jenkins to run git commands on a Windows machine

I need to run a bash script that periodically deletes old git branches. I am having trouble finding a way to connect to the git repo via the execute shell option.
Currently I am using cygwin in order to run git commands. Here is what I have in execute shell:
#!c:\cygwin64\bin\bash --login
git ls-remote git#
This command is throwing the following error.
[Delete Branches] $ c:\cygwin64\bin\bash --login
Host key verification failed.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
I have tried running this command in the command line and am prompted for a password. Could this be the issue?
I have the git plugin configured within Jenkins and the connection works perfectly when using Source Code Management Git.
Any suggestions on how to make this connections work in the execute shell field would be greatly appreciated.
I solved this problem by passing my credentials to my execute shell script through the Credentials Binding Plugin in Jenkins
It's simple enough to create an SSH key associated with your user.
Try here :
Put keys under %userprofile%/.ssh and try running it again.
You can also use the same credentials used in your Jenkins configuration
I use SSH keys for auth to Github and had this same issue. My Jenkins configuration has EC2 slaves, so the default SSH key on the machine wasn't correct for Github.
I fixed it with the SSH Agent Plugin. In the job, enable the "SSH Agent" setting and choose the stored SSH key for Github authentication. It should be the same one selected for the Git-SCM configuration used to clone the repo.

Run Jenkins' Cygwin script as user

I have Jenkins running on Windows, and I have a build that works fine under CygWin bash from the CygWin terminal, so I now want to automate it. However, using this script:
The system reports me as nt authority\system, not the ken that I get when using an interactive shell. Is there an easy way to persuade Jenkins or CygWin to run as me?
Most likely you are running jenkins with default installation. You have two options. First is mentioned in the comment. Change the "Service account" to be same as yours.
Second option is derived from best practices. Run the jenkins master on a system with backup etc. Configure slave node with your account credentials. Change the project configuration to build on the specific node.
(It is possible to run slave and master on same machine with different credentials - just in case you want to try out things)
The real problem I was having was not that the shell script was running as the wrong user, but that the shell script was not executing the default /etc/profile. So, the solution was simply:
#!C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -l
I was still nt authority\system, but now I had the correct environment set up and could run make successfully.
Note also that if I create a /home/system directory I can add .bash_profile, etc, to that directory to further customise the build environment.

Changing the user executing the build script in Atlassian Bamboo

Here is my problem:
I have a python build script building a .air package and deploying it on a server. If I run this script from a cmd.exe window, there is no problem, the files are correctly created and deployed.
But I would like to use Bamboo to be able to build my app everytime I commit/push changes. I configured it but have a serious problem: the .air package is created but the deployment (with a fabric script) doesn't finish... I noticed that the process is launched by 'Administrator' in a cmd.exe and by SYSTEM trough Bamboo. I think that this is the problem (maybe SYSTEM cannot find the ssh host or whatever), so I wanted to know if someone knows how to change the user executing the script to 'Administrator'.
Yes, you can change the user that your bamboo server runs as. I recently posted an answer with details on how do just that in Windows Mercurial global keychain . All the documentation for the windows stuff in the wrapper file can found at .
