wp7 listpicker on button click? - windows-phone-7

In windows phone 7, I want to show a full screen mode of a listpicker control on a button click (ideally application bar button click). Is it possible to do that?
I do not want to display the listpicker as it is kind of redundant in my app. I could have something like "goto" in the application bar and when the user clicks on it, show a listpicker fullscreen mode directly. Thanks.

Correct me if I'm wrong but if all you want is a ListPicker, but without any of the functionality of the picker - just the list of items - isn't what you want just a ListBox?
You could lay a ListBox control over the top of the entire phone page with it's Visibility to Collapsed. When the user presses your application bar button change the Visibility to Visible and your list will appear in full screen. When the user selects an item, set the Visibility back to Collapsed to have the ListBox disappear again.
If I'm understanding you correctly that should give the effect that you are looking for.


Windows Phone 8: Display on screen softkeyboard after pressing a button on screen in WP8

I am implementing search functionality on a given list,and the requirement is: right at the moment while search button is pressed the search textbox will be focused and the onscreen softkeyboard will be available. Creating focus is easy but Any idea guys how could display the onscreen keybard?
I am not aware of any way to control the onscreen keyboard. I think the only way it is displayed is when the user clicks on control like a textbox

How to enable scrolling when input panel is open in windows phone 7

I am developing an application for windowns phone 7. On the screen I have 4-5 text boxes and at the end I have created one button. Now when I enter data for first text box, input panel gets opened. Now unless and until I close the panel, I can not scroll further. I want the functaniolality that even when the panel is open I can scroll and can click the last button.
Note: I am creating all the controls at runtime. Controls are not created by drag and drop the control from tool box.
Put controls into ScrollViewer. When TextBoxex will be in scroll panel, you can scroll them up and down without closing a SIP.

Detect that the onscreen keyboard has been displayed on Windows Phone 7

Simple question:
How do I detect that the onscreen keyboard has been displayed on windows mobile 7? Is there an event I can add a listener to?
It takes up about half the screen and I want to scroll the view up when it gets displayed...
A comment below indicates more clearly what I'm trying to do: I have a textbox input, and as the user types into it an autocomplete dropdown appears below it (like google suggest). By default, the active control (the textbox) scrolls into view when focussed, and the onscreen keyboard is directly below it. The onscreen keyboard appears in front of my autocomplete dropdown - what I want to do is make the screen scroll a little further up, so there's some room for my dropdown to be shown.
The windows phone UI design guidelines say: "When the keyboard is deployed, the application should scroll to ensure the active edit control and the caret are in view". This happens fine, it's just the non-active dropdown gets hidden behind the onscreen keyboard.
The guidelines also say that an application can choose to show the onscreen keyboard, and can also choose to close it.
At the moment i'm stuck, and I don't think (based on my research and the replies to this question) that it's possible to detect that the onscreen keyboard has been displayed. I'm moving my investigation to see if it's possible to determine the "visible area" of the page (width & height in pixels for example), and combine this with an onfocus for the textbox... not sure if this will prove fruitful though.
Detecting when the virtual keyboard is displayed won't be possible in 7.0, as confirmed by Microsoft's Peter Torr in the WP7 forum on MSDN.
Maybe, as a dirty workaround, you could detect when the position of your text box (or its parent scroll viewer's offset) has changed, as this would indicate that the virtual keyboard has appeared or disappeared.
You can listen to the TextBox.GotFocus and TextBox.LostFocus events to detect when a text box in your application acquires and looses focus.
If an editable element gets focus then the framework will automatically scroll the element into view. So you really shouldn't have to do anything.

Programmatically controlling a Cocoa Button on OSX (making it invisible and pressed)

I am trying to interface with a cocoa popup menu from an OpenGL button. The actual button needs to be in OpenGL and I cannot stick an actual Cocoa button in its place but when this button is pressed I would like for a Cocoa menu to popup just like the one that comes up when you press the nspopupbutton. It seems that there is no way to get this popup window to come up by itself so I wanted to just insert an invisible button and have it be pressed automatically when the popup menu method is called. Is there a way to programmatically set a button to pressed (this will bring up the menu from the popupbutton) and make the button itself invisible without making the resulting menu invisible?
It seems that there is no way to get this popup window to come up by itself
Sure there is. See + popUpContextMenu:withEvent:forView:
Have you thought about just using a regular NSMenu, rather than trying to finagle the menu from an NSPopupButton?

BlackBerry - Disable show default menu on screen open

I have labels and fields in my application screen. When i launch to a particular screen which has many labels and editfields and buttons. The problem is, when i launch a particular screen, default menu is popping up with "Show Keyboard", "Switch Applicaiton" and "Full menu" automatically when launching a particular screen. I don't want to get this menu when launching a screen. How do i ignore showing it? How to do that. Please advice.
Note: Eventhough there is no controls in the same screen, Menu is still popping up this.
If you're using a ButtonField to launch the new screen, make sure you add the ButtonField.CONSUME_CLICK style to its constructor so that the click event is not passed on down to the screen.
