Xcode source code directory - xcode

ToDo: compile the files from a directory that is outside of my Xcode project.
How to tell Xcode the path to look for source codes to compile (like the VPATH in a makefile)?
Note1: Right-click the target and it is easy to add the search path for header files or lib, but there I havent found any option to add a new source code directory.
Note2: I havnt found an answer in the xcode build documentation for this issue.
P.S.: I hope that I can do it without copying all the files to the xcode explicitly.
Thank you!

Drag the directory containing the files into your Xcode project. The only way Xcode knows it needs to compile the files is if they are contained in the project and a part of the target.

You indicated that you wanted to use at least some of the source files in a project and intend on using some set of the same source files for other future projects.
Create a new static or dynamic library using the external collection of source files and then just link this project to it and future projects to it
The design of most build environments encourages the use of code in reusable libraries.

By the way (for those who are still searching and have problems with this issue), i have Xcode 4.5.2 and when i drag the items they are not linked! It seems that xcode's getting worse with each new version.
In case of xcode 4.5.2 if i copied class files into the separate folder i had to do right click to the group and choose 'add files to ""'


xcode 5 - compiling source without including the files

I am creating a library for Mac using XCode5 which is using some code (c++) that is being developed and maintained by other developer and is at a different path than my library project.
e.g. my project is at /svntrunk/../../mylibraryproject/
The code I want to compile(use) in my library is at
/svntrunk/../../../utils/networkutils/src/source files here
I have tried following approaches
Refer the source files into my project but don't copy them into my project, that way when the other developer updates his code that is automatically reflected since I am pointing to his location. But in this case the linker fails to find the symbols from networkutils code.
Here while adding the file to the project I don't select 'Copy items ..' option
Second approach I took is to select 'Copy items..' option while adding the source files from networkutils to my project. This way the files is copied to my project and the compiler is able to find the symbols. But now if the other developer updates networkutils code I have to manually copy the updated code files which doesn't seem to be right thing to do.
It seems that to move forward I will have to go with option 2. Please let me know if there is a better way to approach this problem.
If he's developing using Xcode as well and has a project, you could link to the project, build that as a lib and include it in the build dependencies in your project.
I do this for Cocos2d.
Failing that, I would pursue option 1 and try to figure out why it's not finding the symbols. Are you sure you have the correct headers included? One reason the compiler fails to find symbols is that you're using functions whose headers are not included.
Extra info here:

Automatically link sources file to an XCode project

Im auto-generating C/C++ source code from another IDE and would like to add/remove the source(s) files automatically to an open XCode project to be compiled.
What I would like to know is if it is possible to "link" to XCode a folder where it can find all the source files to compile?
Or I absolutely need to write and manually run an AppleScript each time?
After more research I found that basically parsing and editing the .xcodeproj package content is the easiest route.

Can Xcode Use "Folder References" for Code?

Like many people, I would love to have Xcode use a folder structure that mirrors the folder-structure on disk. However, I cannot get the code in "folder references" (the cyan folders) to show up in my project targets under "Compile Sources." Is there any way to do this?
I have managed to even add a cyan folder to the "Compile Sources" build phase, but that does not result in the contents of that folder being added.
How can I use folder references for code?
The simple (and very unfortunate) answer is that Folder References under Xcode remain broken and buggy, they don't work. Tested 04-Mar-2017 in Xcode 8.2.1
Below is an example exploration so you do not have to waste your time replicating the Xcode failure.
(incidentally buggy Xcode crashed twice while I was producing this example)
Per the question, the overall desire is to use a folder reference in Xcode so Xcode picks up all the files in the folder and includes them in the project, and by proxy will update automatically based upon any Finder or Xcode changes of the folder. In this way 50 projects all leveraging the same set of common source code files do not have to be individually updated when those folders get changed. Below explores how this is broken in Xcode (tested in 8.2.1)
The example: ViewController.m includes NSError+Core.h so we want everything from the folder "NSError+Core" to be added to the project.
NSError+Core.h is in this centrally located development folder
Drag the source folder from the Finder into the Project under the "Support" group (nothing up my sleeves, simple drag)
Xcode dutifully offers to add the drag to the target, note the "Create folder references" is selected, not "Create group references". Note also it is clear that Xcode is offering and is told to add this folder and files to the targets.
Although everything looks like it should work, the compiler does not pick up the header file and a recompile yields the same results... can't find header. Ditching the DerivedData does not help either.
So doing a double check, we check the "Compile Sources" under the project and sure enough, the source file is not there either. Remember, Xcode 'added' it to the target...
So what if we drag it from the folder into the "Support" group...
It offers to add them to the project again?! Note that the settings are identical to the first time they were drug in by virtue of the parent folder drag instead of files...
And now the source file shows up in the "Compile Sources" list. Note the bizarre double listing of the files in the project.
(Xcode crashed shortly after snapping this screen shot)
And of course the compiler can now find the header file and the error clears on the import as it should have the first time we drug it in...
Did it just need a little help to "find" the file? If so, the "Create folder references" does exactly what?
So we try and tidy up and drag the files back from the parent "Supporting Files" group to their rightful folder. Without any confirmation, indication, notification, the files just vanish from the group and nothing happens in the NSError+Core folder.
Oh by the way, it really did delete them from the project too... The Compile Sources no longer has the NSError+Core.m reference.
SO to sum up, "Folder references" as implemented thus far do not seem to have any useful purpose... It would appear to be a 6+ year old dunsel on the USS Xcode.
Kevin - linked source folders, folder references, etc, are super useful for when you have a common code base shared across different IDEs, like I do for my games that I compile on Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Linux, etc. I have 3 different IDEs all building the same shared codebase, so it's very helpful when one automatically picks up on a new file and adds it right into the project after I merely run svn update, and I svn commit from one IDE (say XCode) and my Eclipse in Windows project picks up the change. I have a different project for each because each IDE likes the project files in a certain configuration so it's easier for me to have multiple SVN directories (base-project, project-ios, project-android) that all share code in base-project than to have one mega project directory with the different IDE bits unhappily all shoved into subdirectories (which is what I tried the first time around).
Furthermore - it used to work fine in XCode 3. They seemed to not like that useful of a feature so it is no longer working in XCode 4 as I've just found out.
I just tried doing this to share code across multiple Xcode projects, and our team came to the conclusion that it's better to create an Xcode project that contains all of your shared classes, compiles them into a static/dynamic library, and then add that as a subproject to those that need the shared code. Then you can set up target dependencies and link your shared library. This will get you the "automatic updating" every time you add a new class to the shared library project.
This approach also works well with submodules or even cocoapods/carthage.
You can't. Why are you even trying? A folder reference's job is to embody a folder, without having entries for all the individual files in the folder. It's primary use is for copying an entire folder of resources verbatim into a project. If you want to compile the sources though, then those sources must be referenced in the Compile Sources build phase of the target, which requires having individual entries for each file.
Depending on what's in the folder, it might make more sense to have a Makefile or some other external build process that builds the content in the folder into a static library. This way you can invoke that build process from a Shell Script Phase, and then just link in the resulting static library. Alternatively if you're using this folder as a way to have a shared bit of code (e.g. an svn:externals or git submodule), you could give that folder its own Xcode project and then embed that project into any of your other projects which share this folder.

Source Directory MSVC

argh, this should be an easy one. How can I set the directory that a MSVC project uses to store source files? I wish to use a directory outside the project dir, As this is a multiplatform project which will also have an xcode directory.
I don't think there is a per-project setting for this. What however works in any IDE i've encountered, including MSVC and Xcode, is to simply use the "Add existing file(s)" features and just create them where they are supposed to be before-hand.

Xcode 3.1.1 and static libraries

I'm an experienced VS.NET user and trying to get up and running on Xcode 3.1.1.
Here's what I'm trying to accomplish:
I'd like a static library ("Lib") to have its own xcodeproj file. I'd an executable application ("App") that makes use of Lib to reference Lib's xcodeproj file so that changes to Lib cause App to relink. Ideally, I'd like to be able to edit Lib's source files inside App's Xcode workspace so I don't have to task around all the time to make changes.
I figured out from the online help that I can simply drag the static lib xcodeproj in to my app's project and it gets the reference. I see that once my static lib xcodeproj is in my app's project, I can simply drag it to the App's target and it understands that App depends on Lib. This seems like the right path, but things aren't quite working the way I'd like yet.
Here are my questions:
It seems that simply having App depend on Lib doesn't cause App to link with Lib. It seems that I have to explicitly drag libLib.a from the Lib folder into App's "Link Binary With Libraries" build stage. In VS.NET, simply specifying the project as a solution dependency adds it to the link line. I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything.
When I have App open in Xcode and I drag Lib.xcodeproj into it, I don't get any of Lib's source files there. I only get libLib.a under the "Lib.xcodeproj" folder. In VS.NET, I can edit Lib's source files right there and rebuild it, etc... but with this approach in Xcode, changes to Lib.cpp don't cause Lib to rebuild when I rebuild App. Ideally, I'd get all of Lib's source files and targets to show up when I drag Lib.xcodeproj into App. Is there any way of doing this?
Thanks in advance for any responses!
You're correct that making target A depend upon target B (whether within the same project or across projects) does not cause target A to link against target B. You need to specify them distinctly; this is because they're separate concepts, and you might have dependencies between targets that you don't want to link to each other — for example, a command-line tool that gets built by target C and is used as part of the build process for target A.
Also, you're correct that referencing project B from within project A will not let you see project B's source code in project A's window. That's because Xcode does not have the same "workspace" model that Visual Studio and Eclipse do; you above alluded to the existence of "a workspace containing project A" but Xcode doesn't really have any such thing, just a window representing project A.
Open the App project. Right-click on the App target and choose "Get Info." Then go to the "General Tab" and find "Direct Dependencies." Click the ( + ) (plus sign) button to add a direct dependency. The Lib.xcodeproj should appear among a list of possibilities for you. Choose the Lib target from that list.
That should accomplish that the Lib project must build (or rebuild) when you build the App target.
(Editing my own post now. I realize I said nothing about point number 2 in the question. I am actually still thinking about number 2. I am not sure if that is possible or not.)
I'm also novice to Xcode 3.1, just played with mentioned by you issues and found that there is no problem regarding to your second question. Whatever application you use to edit the dependence library source code, your main project will rebuild the dependence target. I checked it by:
edited the source file, of the library your app depend on, by notepad application.
Selected dependence library project reference, mouse right-click, and select 'Open With Finder', then selected wanted source file and edited it.
Everything working well.
I am also a fairly new user of Xcode. Most of what I know I learned from an Xcode book by James Bucanek (ISBN 047175479x). It is an older book that was written for/with Xcode 2.2, but I find that pretty much all of it still applies for me today, and I currently use Xcode 3.1
You can probably find a cheap used copy if you are interested.
