Why is xcode giving me these building warnings and errors? - xcode

I created an app that plays a sound when you press a button and it was working fine initially. I'm not sure what happened, I deleted one of the files and now xcode keeps giving me a warning in reference to a file Not being found. I've deleted and recreated the file, commented out the code using the file, and cleared but build but nothing seems to be working. I'm new to xcode and app development. Here's the errors I keep getting:
Check dependencies
[WARN]Warning: Multiple build commands for output file /Users/adrienneiverson/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SpeakUp1-aoakahingahxuwfhopwfckqlxewc/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/SpeakUp1.app/Bye.mp3
Warning: Multiple build commands for output file /Users/adrienneiverson/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SpeakUp1-aoakahingahxuwfhopwfckqlxewc/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/SpeakUp1.app/Bye.mp3
CpResource ../../Sounds/Mp3/Bye.mp3 /Users/adrienneiverson/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SpeakUp1-aoakahingahxuwfhopwfckqlxewc/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/SpeakUp1.app/Bye.mp3
cd "/Users/adrienneiverson/Desktop/SURE PROGRAM 2011 - GA TECH/SpeakUp1"
setenv PATH "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin:/Developer/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
builtin-copy -exclude .DS_Store -exclude CVS -exclude .svn -exclude .git -resolve-src-symlinks "/Users/adrienneiverson/Desktop/SURE PROGRAM 2011 - GA TECH/SpeakUp1/../../Sounds/Mp3/Bye.mp3" /Users/adrienneiverson/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SpeakUp1-aoakahingahxuwfhopwfckqlxewc/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/SpeakUp1.app
error: /Users/adrienneiverson/Desktop/SURE PROGRAM 2011 - GA TECH/SpeakUp1/../../Sounds/Mp3/Bye.mp3: No such file or directory
error: /Users/adrienneiverson/Desktop/SURE PROGRAM 2011 - GA TECH/SpeakUp1/../../Sounds/Mp3/Bye.mp3: No such file or directory
I have no idea what multiple build commands they're talking about and the file is located in the directory that they're saying its not in...I'm lost....

Have you cleared the build folder?
Or is that what you meant by I've deleted and recreated the file, commented out the code using the file, and cleared but build but nothing seems to be working.?


Pentaho data integration, Move Files ERROR: Could not rename file

I'm running a job with Pentaho Data Integration 8.1, I retrieve a file frop ftp, work on it and move it to a folder.
I tried, as I did many other times with no problems, to use 'Move Files', but I get this error:
Move Files - ERROR (version, build from 2018-04-30 09.42.24 by buildguy) : There was an error moving file [file:///C:.../file.csv] to [file:///C:.../file.csv] : [Could not rename "file:///C:.../file.csv" to "file:///C:.../file.csv".
I checked permissions on the file and on the destination folder, everything's fine.
I tried to use "Process result filenames" step with no success.
I tried to rename or delete the file instead of moving it, same error.
I tried to move this job into a new parent one, with "Move Files" step in it, same error again.
I also tried not including the filename to result prior to the Move Files step: nothing.
Then I wrote a simple shell script:
cd C:\...\working_directory
move "filename with spaces.csv" /destination_folder
and I get this (I translated it from italian):
ERROR (version, build from 2018-04-30 09.42.24 by buildguy) : (stderr) No access to the file. The file Š is used in another process.
The file isn't used in any other process, I can move it manually without the spoon process running, so I think the ftp step, or the transformation one I use to work on the file (simple 'CSV Input' and ETL) somehow keep the file open.
Any idea as to how to "unlock" the file, so that it can be moved?

LibClamAV Error:cl_load:No such file or directory: C:\Users\my-pc\Desktop\clamav-win32-clamav-0.99\contrib\msvc\Debug\Win32\db

I downloaded Clamwin source code and loaded the clamwin solution to visual studio(2010 professional) and successfully built all project without any errors. After clicking start without debugging(seting clamscan project as startup ) I'am getting bellow error on cmd-prompt.
LibClamAV Error:cl_load:No such file or directory: C:\Users\my-pc\Desktop\clamav-win32-clamav-0.99\contrib\msvc\Debug\Win32\db
-----------SCAN SUMMARY-------------
Known viruses: 0
Engine version: 0.97.8
Scanned directories: 0
Scanned files: 0
Infected files: 0
Data scanned: 0.00 MB
Data read: 0.00 MB (ratio 0.00:1)
Time: 0.003 sec (0 m 0 s)
Press any key to continue . . .
I searched solution online and I got Clam is looking for it's database files and the directory doesn't have them, doesn't exist, or Clam doesn't have sufficient rights to access the files.
But how should I solve this? should I create file or directory in that path or should I make it find itself?
Just run freshclam -> downloads fresh vc db to predefined dir (DatabaseDirectory in freshclam.conf). Before you do this, you must set up the freshclam.conf.
Then set up the same DatabaseDirectory in clam.conf.
(There was a bug here for me. I was installing on Windows and used forward slashes all over the config files as dir delimiter of path. At DatabaseDirectory value i had to change my forward slashes to backslashes to be able to run clamdscan successfully)
Finally, try run clamscan.
Please, tell me, if it did not help.
As specified in question Clam is looking for it's database files and the directory, directory /db should be updated with database by Running the freshclam tool,to run freshclam(if there is an Error), download the freshclam.conf file and edit the file as required.Then click on start debugging from the debug menu. Clamscan scans current working directory. For more information on clamscan

unable to build OpenH264.lib for windows

I followed all the instruction mentioned in https://github.com/cisco/openh264 but I am unable to get through. The information is cited in link but its quite confusing.
Alternative Way:
You can build Openh264 using visual studio in windows. Here are the steps..
i) Download OpenH264 source code provided by cisco (that already you
mentioned https://github.com/cisco/openh264).
ii) Now you will find two visual studio compatible projects in
directory /OpenH264/codec/build/win32/dec and
iii) You will need to download NASM software from http://www.nasm.us/pub/nasm/releasebuilds/2.12.02/
iv) Install NASM software on the directory C:\NASM or wherever you like.
v) Then Add NASM executable path to all these visual studio projects.
vi) Then You can either select static or dynamic library in general
vi) If you are able to perform all these operations successfully, you will have 5 different .lib or .dll files named welsdcore, welsdecplus, welsecore, welsencplus, welsvp and those
are usable in any visual studio projects.
Now if you want to get openh264 features, just add all these libraries to your project and enjoy.
Hope it will help you.. :)
I also had some difficulty building openh264 on Windows using the recommended mingw approach.
In my case make crashed for all configurations I tried:
bash -c "make OS=msvc ARCH=x86_64 USE_ASM=No BUILDTYPE=Debug clean"
bash -c "make OS=msvc ARCH=x86_64 USE_ASM=No BUILDTYPE=Debug"
0 [main] make 3888 handle_exceptions: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
564 [main] make 3888 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to make.exe.stackdump
0 [main] make 5448 handle_exceptions: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
561 [main] make 5448 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to make.exe.stackdump
copying dll files to destination folder...
FullDestDir is E:\projects\openh264\bin\x64\Debug
current dir is:
DestDir is bin/x64/Debug
cp: cannot stat `openh264.dll': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `openh264.lib': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `openh264.pdb': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `codec_unittest.exe': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `h264enc.exe': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `h264dec.exe': No such file or directory
BuildDebugFlag =1
BuildReleaseFlag =0
BuildDebugInfo ="build debug--failed"
BuildReleaseInfo =NULL
aBuildFlagList is 1 0
ReturnCode is 1
I resorted to converting the existing solution/projects (VS2008) to VS2013 and linking/building with the created .lib files.
You can find the solutions in {openh264_dir}\codec\build\win32\enc and {openh264_dir}\codec\build\win32\dec.
Building the solution will create .libs and .dlls in {openh264_dir}\bin\Win32\Release
To link to the lib, you need to link to welsenc.lib.
When running, you need to have both the welsenc.dll and welsvp.dll in your application directory. So far it seems to have worked fine for my usage.
I'm assuming that building the decoder will be similar.

Qt 5.3.1: macdeployqt tries to include everything on my hard drive; how to fix?

I'm running Qt 5.3.1 on Mac OS X 10.8 and 10.9 I'm trying to use the macdeployqt tool to bundle libraries and plugins with my executable, but it's apparently trying to include everything on my hard drive.
I invoke it with:
/Applications/Qt/5.3.1/5.3/clang_64/bin/macdeployqt /Users/adamwilt/Desktop/temp/DesktopPixie.app -verbose=2
and get lots of normal, expected log messages like:
Log: copy: "/Applications/Qt/5.3.1/5.3/clang_64/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Styles/Base/images" "/Users/adamwilt/Desktop/temp/DesktopPixie.app/Contents/Resources/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Styles/Base/images"
...and all runs fine until I start getting messages like:
Log: copy: "" "/Users/adamwilt/Desktop/temp/DesktopPixie.app/Contents/Resources/qml/MessageBoxUI/Enums"
ERROR: file copy failed from "/do-gst"
ERROR: to "/Users/adamwilt/Desktop/temp/DesktopPixie.app/Contents/Resources/qml/MessageBoxUI/Enums/do-gst"
ERROR: file copy failed from "/rescuepro.properties"
ERROR: to "/Users/adamwilt/Desktop/temp/DesktopPixie.app/Contents/Resources/qml/MessageBoxUI/Enums/rescuepro.properties"
ERROR: file copy failed from "/rescuepro34act.lic"
and then the fun begins:
Log: copy: "/Applications" "/Users/adamwilt/Desktop/temp/DesktopPixie.app/Contents/Resources/qml/MessageBoxUI/Enums/Applications"
Log: copied: "/Applications/License.rtf"
Log: to "/Users/adamwilt/Desktop/temp/DesktopPixie.app/Contents/Resources/qml/MessageBoxUI/Enums/Applications/License.rtf"
Log: copy: "/Applications/0xED-1.0.7.app" "/Users/adamwilt/Desktop/temp/DesktopPixie.app/Contents/Resources/qml/MessageBoxUI/Enums/Applications/0xED-1.0.7.app"
It appears it's trying to copy everything (that is, "") into the app, but I ^C out of it while I still have disk space left!
It didn't do this at first; then it did so for a week; then it stopped; now it's back. This is a distributed development project; I'm doing the QML stuff and folks elsewhere are doing the C++. It's possible the other folks are changing a configuration somewhere that's causing this to occur, but I'm the only one doing Mac deployments, so I'm the only one who sees this.
Is there a config file of some sort for macdeployqt where this might be getting triggered? Or is it more likely a problem related to the C++ object MessageBoxUI, which defines several Q_ENUMs (apparently correctly, as it compiles without warnings or errors, and appears to run properly), since that's the target directory when it starts going mad?
Sussed it (well enough that I can go on):
The Qt app I'm trying to deploy lives in ~/Desktop/temp. If I set my current directory to ~/Desktop or ~/Desktop/temp before I run macdeployqt, it runs as expected.
If I run it from from my home directory ~, or ~/Documents, macdeployqt tries to pull in everything it finds in /Applications, /opt, and/or other directories unassociated with the app.
Setting cwd to most other paths, including ~/Downloads, /Applications, subdirectories of ~/Documents, etc. also seems to work; it's only running macdeployqt from ~ and ~/Documents that causes the problem.
No proper explanation as to why this is happening, but just a warning in case someone else sees this sort of weird behavior: try changing to the apps's location before running macdeployqt.

Problem with Subversion and Build event under Visual Studio 2008

I checked out
In pre Build there is
SubWCRev "$(SolutionDir)\" "$(SolutionDir)FlashDevelop\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs.rev" "$(SolutionDir)FlashDevelop\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs"
I changed SubWCRev to "c:...\SubWCRev.exe" because it's not in path env variable. But I got
"subwcrev ... exited with code 6."
Error code 6 means "SVN Error" as seen in the source code of SubWCRev.
That means that the status couldn't be fetched for some reason.
Maybe one of the files is opened in another app, the folder is read/write protected, ...
Or maybe the version of SubWCRev is not the same as your svn client with which you checked out the working copy - in that case the wc format may not be the same.
In my personal experience, "subwcrev ... exited with code 6." error occurred when I haven't added folders/files to the svn. After adding required folders/files to the SVN Repository this error is resolved.
