How does DispatchMessage decide which WndProc to use? - window

I'm going through some code for an open source project and this is my first time dealing with a Win32 app (mostly did console stuff). I see that several functions within the code are windows procedures because they return LRESULT CALLBACK.
Is there something the programmer has to do to make sure DispatchMessage invokes the right WndProc or is DispatchMessage coded in a way that it can determine the right WndProc all on its own?
I'm guessing that the way DispatchMessage(const MSG*) chooses between different WndProc's in an application is based on the window handle member (HWND) of the MSG object passed to it.[Hope previous sentence wasn't too confusing.] If the message was for the edit window for an application, for example, (and not for its main window,) then DispatchMessage will choose the WndProc member function for the particular class for which the edit window is an object of. If the message was for the main window, then it would choose the WndProc member function for the class that the main window is an object of (for me, this class would be the Notepad_plus_Window class). This is only a thought, though. I haven't found much to back it up so I'd be glad if anyone could confirm this.

Yes you are right, it uses MSG.hwnd to send the message to the correct window. One thing to be noted, it will use the WndProc associated with the window, not the window class. A window is an instance of a window class.
This article of Microsoft's "Under The Hood" illustrates this with rather detailed pseudo-code of DispatchMessage() that might be worth taking a look as well )


CreateWindowEx lpParam for button, etc in WM_NCCREATE

I pass the pointer to the class wrapper instance pointer for controls as lpParam parameter and catch it when receiving WN_NCCREATE.
This message does not get send when creating controls like static or button (so far).
So I create a Window, a static and a button, log the pointers of the instances and only one WN_NCCREATE message is received with the windows pointer.
My question is: How can I get the passed parameter?
In my previous attempt several years ago, I used an std::map hwnd -> ptr which worked fine. In this attempt, I am trying to get a little deeper in WinAPI and try a different approach. Now I'm stuck with this, Google results didn't help much so far.
Should I stick with the map or is there another solution?
To do what you are attempting, you can do the following:
Call GetClassInfo()/GetClassInfoEx() to get the default WNDCLASS/WNDCLASSEX registration details for the pre-existing class you are trying to wrap, such as BUTTON.
Change the WNDCLASS::lpfnWndProc field to point at your own window message handler, and change the WNDCLASS::lpszClassName field to your own custom class name. Change any other WNDCLASS fields as needed.
Call RegisterClass()/RegisterClassEx() with the modified WNDCLASS/EX.
Now you can call CreateWindow/Ex() using your custom class name, and all creation messages, including WM_NCCREATE, will go through your window message handler.
This is how Embarcadero's VCL framework subclasses standard Windows controls.
Also see: How can I make a WNDPROC or DLGPROC a member of my C++ class?.

Child windows does not receive WM_DESTROY?

I packaged the winapi CreateWindowEx into a simple class. Since every window sharing a same wndProc(hwnd,msg,wparam,lparam), I put every window created by CreateWindowEx into a map to distribute msg, like this:
wndProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam){
And each time a window or its parent window being destroyed, remove it from the map:
case WM_DESTROY: delete(map, hwnd)
But things like buttons do not receive WM_DESTROY. I printed all msg in WM_NOTIFY and WM_COMMAND but i got noting.
So how can I remove those child windows form the map at the right time? Or a way distribute the msg without creating a hwnd map?
They certainly do get that message. But their window procedure is inside Windows, not inside your program. So you never see it. Something you can read in the MSDN documentation, note how WM_DESTROY doesn't get any special treatment. Nor generate a notification that your parent window can see.
Short from automatically removing all the child windows when you see the parent window destroyed, subclassing controls is a pretty standard requirement for C++ class library wrappers. Best to not invent your own btw, this has been done many times already.
So how can I remove those child windows form the map at the right time?
You have to subclass every window you create, either with SetWindowLongPtr(GWL_WNDPROC) or SetWindowSubClass(), then you will receive all of the WM_DESTROY messages.
Or a way distribute the msg without creating a hwnd map?
Frameworks like ATL and VCL handle that by dynamically allocating a thunk for each window and putting the object pointer right in the thunk, then use the thunk as the window procedure. That way, whenever the thunk is called, it passes the message directly to its associated object.

What is the relationship of CloseWindow and WM_CLOSE

I'm a bit confused currently: Are WM_CLOSE and ::CloseWindow in any way "related" or are for completely different things?
The docs for Closing Windows don't mention the API function CloseWindow at all. Should CloseWindow be really called "MinimizeWindow" or what am I missing?
CloseWindow and WM_CLOSE are completely unrelated. The CloseWindow function is badly named. Its inverse function, OpenWindow is similarly badly named given that it restores windows.
I suspect these names dates back a very long way indeed, probably to Windows version 1 or 2. I'm speculating that what we now call minimize and restore were, back then, called close and open.
The usual way to minimize or restore a window is to call ShowWindow passing SW_MINIMIZE or SW_RESTORE.
I suggest that you forget all about CloseWindow and OpenWindow.
CloseWindow is an unusually poorly named winapi function. It doesn't actually close a window, it just minimizes it. What you possibly meant was DestroyWindow().
WM_CLOSE is normally a message that's generated by default window procedure, in response to the user pressing Alt+F4 or clicking the window's close button. The underlying message is WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_CLOSE. It can be generated in code as well, like a Window + Close menu item.
You can listen for WM_CLOSE in your window procedure or the MFC message map. The user will expect the window to be closed. So you normally call DestroyWindow(). You don't have to, you might display a message box for example and ask the user if data should be saved. And if he clicks No then you don't call DestroyWindow().
I would say ignore CloseWindow and OpenWindow() for the reasons the previous poster suggested. However, while technically doable, it is considered bad form to handle whether to save or actually destroy a window (ie prompting the user) during WM_DESTROY. Once DestroyWindow is called and the OS sends a WM_DESTROY message, the expectation is to prepare for the destruction of the window. So the workflow should have be like this:
Send a WM_CLOSE to the window handle in question. CloseWindow SHOULD do this, like DestroyWindow sends a WM_DESTROY message or ShowWindow sends a WM_SHOWWINDOW message. But again, since it doesn't, send the WM_CLOSE to the window.
Next, during the processing of the WM_CLOSE message, you can ask the user if they wish to save anything, or if they intend to actually close the window. If they cancel closing the window, simply return ZERO to tell the OS you processed the message. If the user indicates they wish to proceed, THEN you can call DestroyWindow OR simply pass the message to DefWindowProc, which the promptly do the same. Any saving of files should happen during the processing of WM_CLOSE. During the processing of WM_DESTROY, you should delete any dynamically allocated memory associated with the window and free resources. And finally FYI, WM_NCDESTROY is the last message a window receives.

How to subclass Windows Explorer's window

I want to change color of listview of explorer.exe like this
I got the handle of listview window by GetTopWindow function and his family.
To subclass listview window of explorer.exe, I injected my dll code to explorer by following code.
SetWindowsHookEx(WH_GETMESSAGE, GetMsgProc, g_hInstDll,
My dll is loaed by explorer.exe well.
And I subclassed the window procedure by SetClassLongPtr(for global subclass) in injected code.
SetClassLongPtr returns success but my subclass function(SubclassProc) receives only WM_CREATE WM_DESTROY and WM_MOVE messages. What's wrong? I expected to get WM_NOTIFY and NM_CUSTOMDRAW.
The problem is that this is not a ListView in the first place; it's instead using Microsoft's internal "DirectlUI" framework, which is used in several places in explorer. It doesn't use any of the Common Control messages such as NM_CUSTOMDRAW. There's pretty much no reasonable way to change the colors it uses.
(Also, generally it's best to use SetWindowLongPtr instead of SetClassLongPtr for subclassing a HWND: SetClassLong only changes the underlying template that is used for creating new windows, but may not end up changing any instances that were based on that. And you should not be using the same function - GetMsgProc - for both the hook callback and the subclass proc; they need to handle the message in different ways, the hook callback needs to call CallNextHookEx while the subclass proc needs to call CallWindowProc with the original wndproc. But none of this really matters since the control isn't a ListView in the first place...)
I think and suppose that the OS has special protections for the explorer.exe process, because otherwise it would be an easy target for malicious code or just applications that think they are more important than they actually are (if some people insist on putting back a shortcut on their desktop every time you start the application, imagine what they would do when they had this sort of access to explorer.exe - everything in the shell).
EDIT: I was intrigued by the question and did some more research, I think there is a more mundane reason, see (basically: explorer.exe is the window manager so doesn't know about message routing yet when it receives certain messages, which is why they can't be intercepted with message hooks).

Win32 , WndProc, and parent-child windows

I'm developing in C code that uses the Win32 Api to create multiple windows.
I used createWindow twice - to create parent and child windows.
I have a message loop
while ( GetMssage (&msg, NULL,0,0)){
But I only get the WND_Proc function called once, instead of twice for each of the windows.
What am I doing wrong?
If I'm understanding your question correctly, you should expect your WndProc to receive a single WM_CREATE message for each window created of the window class for which the WndProc is registered.
Your WndProc will not receive a WM_CREATE for a window you create of a different class (like the standard Windows UI controls, for example), even if it is a direct child of a window of the WndProc's class. If you gave us some more specifics on what you are trying to accomplish we could provide suggestions or workarounds.
This question may also shed some more light on your situation.
