Xcode EXC_BAD_ACCESS after playing external Video - xcode

I have a problem with external videos. Whenever I want to play videos from my server, the videos start and work, and when I go back to the page where the video is linked everything is fine. But when I go back to the main menu, the app crashes or better: it crashes at this time, I can't press any button to go back to the main menu.
I am not a programmer, so I would like to know if this has something to do with the xml-file or maybe the project/ active target settings. I am testing the apps on an iPod touch 2nd generation with software version 4.2.1
We already changed the rights on the server, so the videos play.
If it is a programming error, I will have to give it to our programmer.
Thank you for your help.

EXC_BAD_ACCESS is typically when the code tries to read/write memory no more allocated or never allocated.
Then it is a bug in the application, then a programming error (note the cause can be an error in your XML file not properly handled by the code). In all the cases, contact the programmer.


Minmizing OpenGL app while preserving EGL Context results in HUGE PROBLEM

I'm using opengl es 3.0 API with the android studio ndk to create apps.
But I've encountered a very huge problem. I've created a demo app, all it does it change the background color of the screen from white to black and vice versa, every frame. And so when I go to minimize this app, I still see it rendering the background, mostly at the edges of the screen, and not in full color but still very strongly apparent. And it doesn't go away when I close the app, when I restart the device, or when I run "kill apps" on it. Only a factory data reset fixes the issue, so it's not easy for me to debug this.
This is the relevant code that I'm using for when the app is minimized and receives the APP_CMD_TERMINATE event:
engine->display = EGL_NO_DISPLAY;
engine->surface = EGL_NO_SURFACE;
I've error checked that eglDestroySurface() is successful.
And I've put debugging messages in to make sure that the main draw loop is NOT executing when the app is minimized. But the problem persists and I don't know what to do about it. Thanks for any help.
UPDATE: well, no one has responded, and I still don't know what to do. Could it be related to threads?
UPDATE: Still can't determine what it is, but for some reason it's messing with the System UI. Willing to upload my entire source code somewhere if someone would be willing to go through this with me, as I'd really like to be able to continue working on my game engine.
Is it the "Strict Mode" developer option on the device settings, perhaps?
That one flashes the screen if an app is blocking.
It would explain why a factory reset changes behaviour.
The answer is not a solution here. The above comment by the user columbo was correct.
I've demoed switching from black to white at high framerates on 3 different android devices, and also my Linux Desktop, all via the openGL api, and it has exhibited this issue on all the devices. So what he said must be correct: this is a problem with LCD monitor technology itself. Interestingly, doing completely random colors does not cause this problem.

View loading as blank/white screen in Mac desktop application Xamarin.Mac

I have a Mac desktop application developed using Xamarin.Mac and XCode. The application is loading views that should have a considerable amount of content as blank/white screens for a select few end users. While I've not been able to reproduce the issue locally and it doesn't appear to be impacting many people, it does happen consistently for a handful of users(6 out of over 4,000 at the moment). The app works just fine for the vast majority and uses a main window controller that sets the content view as needed by calling the applicable ViewController. When the views in question are loaded for the given users, it renders as a blank white area.
I did notice however that at least some of the objects in the views are actually there, just not visible. For instance, one view has buttons that are still "there" as you can click on them if you know where they are supposed to be positioned(and they also fire correctly) but they are not actually visible as the area is all white with no visible content. It's as if everything is loading properly but the UI just isn't cooperating in displaying objects that are actually there. The closest thing I could find was this Diagnosing run loop issue (partially frozen UI) in Cocoa application
However I'm not sure it's the same problem and there was no resolution for that either. Has anyone else ever encountered something like this?
Ok, got some new info. After doing a remote session with a user we had no luck with the hardware and the console didn't provide much insight, however we did stumble across a workaround that fixes the issue and may give some clues as to the real problem.
When the application is initially installed, we prompt the user to ask if they want it moved to the default Applications directory. They do not have to move it as it will work the same from pretty much anywhere but we do this for convenience. For the users having this problem, we noticed that they all had the app installed in the Applications folder. By sheer luck, one user accidentally chose to not move the app after reinstalling it per our support team. When the app was installed in his default Downloads directory, the problem vanished and the app worked as expected.
After testing various other directory locations(Downloads, Documents, etc.) we found that the issue only seemed to exist if the app was installed in the Applications directory. Furthermore, if the app was installed in the Applications directory, we could simply move it or copy/paste it to another directory outside Applications and when launching it from that new location the issue was resolved.
Seems like there is something specific to the default Applications directory that is causing this to happen(as odd as that sounds). Keep in mind that even when the app is installed in the Applications directory, this issue only happens to 7 people out of over 4,000.
Any ideas as to what might be special about that directory that could explain what we're seeing?

Unable to test application on TV

i am trying to develop an app for LG WebOS TV. For the begining I just want to get an idea how to run/test application on real TV (in emulator it works fine), i am following the manual on LG Developers site (link) but it does not appear on TV (can not install) as it is said in the manual. so i am kinda stack what i am missing or doing wrong.
i am downloading DRM from test site and copying it to USB stick in this path
'/developer/apps/usr/palm/applications/DRMZIPEXTRACTED' but it does not work
i am trying to test/install on my LG TV. but still no success.
i am following this instructions. but still can not see application on tv when pluging in USB
Any ideas will be appreciated what to consider or do next coz i am realy stack.
Are you making a app with Enyo or without?
If you are making one without, have you set the App type to web, and then sub type to all?
And as you say, you have made the dir's as in the description, but in the final folder applications, you only need to have the folder com.xxx.appname.
Is that done aswell ? or do you have the zip-name as a folder, before the com.xxx.appname?
It should look like this: /developer/apps/usr/palm/applications/com.xxx.appname
I've made one yesterday, and it all worked just fine.
I try to test an app to and can't see in the smart menu, I change the name com.mycompany.app.test in the folder applications and now is showing in my stmart menu, i hope you can too
bye sorry for the bad english (tryhard)

App approved, but crashes

I have made a Windows Phone app (for WP7.1) that uses BackgroundAudio for streaming, nothing too complicated. It was approved and made available for download in the store. However it no longer works, i.e. the app worked in debug+release when run from VS2012, and I assume the .xap I uploaded worked since microsoft approved it (they rejected it once and I was able to reproduce and fix the bugs they reported).
When downloaded the app simply bails on load on WP8 (lumia 820) i.e. flips back to the tiles immediately.
On WP7 (lumia 800) but the playbutton ignores input, however it downloads and displays the playlist, so some kind of functionality+network connection works.
I have tried the basics: installing using the application-deployment tool (app working), running the "Store Test Kit" which reports some slowdowns in the UI animations, but nothing serious (I hope).
Any ideas how to reproduce ".xap approved and downloaded from store but not working" or getting debug info from the phone without VS? Or any other things i can try out?
Every time your app crashes it will be logged and reported on your Windows Phone Dev Center Account. Just go in there and export the details to excel. Get the stack trace and put it in here. Maybe we can help.
The very first thing i can tell you is the opening page has some exceptions and that too it doesn't go well with some phones. Seriously there are concerns when a wp7 app is ported on wp8 device and vice-verse. To the extent of my knowledge there might be some binding issues. make sure you got the binding class to be public. And just as #AMR mentioned go the dev center and export the stacktrace. Try resolving them. Moreover if an app get certifies, it doesn't mean it is completely error free. The tests are limited to very coomon errors only.

Flash CS6 not displaying AS3 projects (OS X)

Flash CS6 won't display any AS3 projects while debugging anymore. When compiling for debugging it turns up white in the default "debug window" inside of Flash. If I right-click in the debugger window it says "Movie not loaded". No compiler errors are shown. The resulting swf file only runs if opened with the Flash Player from Finder.
This applies for all projects that I know have been working fine up until now. I've also tested to create a new, blank FLA on which I only draw a rectangle with the same result.
If, however, I select a Flash Player version prior to 10 (falling back to AS2) as the target for the test file containing only a rectangle, it does compile and show up fine.
I've uninstalled Flash and Flash Builder (and deleting any trace of the applications in the Library folders) and then reinstalled it multiple times without any result. I've also tried to uninstall Flash Player and Flash Player Debugger to no avail. For this I'm following the advice on Adobe's site and are using their Flash Player uninstaller applications, but it doesn't seem to uninstall all instances of the Players...
I believe the problem lies in the version of Flash Player Debugger that Flash uses internally to display the swf when debugging and it seems to somehow persist between re-installations. Is there a sure-shot way to reset this entirely?
Has anybody encountered this problem before?
I finally found the problem myself. It seems like the Chrome extension called FlashFirebug randomly causes these issues. When I deactivated the extension Flash started working properly again.
