Include dir in makefile - makefile

I am compiling one C file in Ubuntu but I am getting an error in including a header file. My Makefile is as follows:
obj-m := ov7725.o
CC = /opt/arm-linux-gnueabi/bin/arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc
EXTRA_CFLAGS +=-march=armv5
CFLAGS += -I /usr/local/arm/3.3.2/arm-linux/sys-include/linux
#LINUXKERNEL_INSTALL_DIR = /lib/modules/2.6.32-21-generic/build
KDIR := /home/mayank/DM355SDK789311old/fs/fs/lib/modules/2.6.29-ridgerun-davinci1/build
PWD := $(shell pwd)
# $(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) M=$(PWD) modules
make -C $(KDIR) ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/arm-linux-gnueabi/bin/arm-linux- gnueabi- M=`pwd` modules
# $(CROSS_COMPILE) gpio_custom_dir_driver.c -o hello
rm -rf *o user_gpio
But even after including the line with CFLAGS in the makefile, I am getting an error for one header file not included which is present in the included directory.
Is there any other way, how can I include header files in a makefile?

Your CFLAGS and EXTRA_CFLAGS are not applied correctly. In makefile they are just common names for C compiler options/definitions and have to be added into command line invoking compiler (CROSS_COMPILE), but not through environment variables (as you tried to do with export - which is apparently wrong in makefile). You have to have something similar to the following in your makefile:


How should I set extra include path for linux kernel module build?

This is the Makefile that I'm using for cross-buildig a kernel module.
export CROSS_COMPILE:=aarch64-none-linux-gnu-
export ARCH:=arm64
obj-m += chr_drv_ex1.o
export KDIR:=linux-source-5.4.0
all: test_chr_drv map_hugetlb test_ioctl_drv
rm -f test_chr_drv map_hugetlb test_ioctl_drv
%: %.c
$(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc $^ -o $#
Now in my chr_drv_ex1.c file, I want to include a header file placed in ../../qemu-5.1.0/hw/misc directory. What is the correct method to add this path? I saw this and tried setting EXTRA_CFLAGS and ccflags-y but none of them works(those are commented out above). Of course if I use #include "../../qemu-5.1.0/hw/misc/axpu_regs.h" in the chr_drv_ex1.c source I can compile it. But I want to use #include <axpu_regs.h>.
I changed the ccflags-y from
ccflags-y := -I../../qemu-5.1.0/hw/misc
ccflags-y := -I../../../qemu-5.1.0/hw/misc
So the include path should be specified as seen from the kernel make directory (where the Makefile for linux kernel is located. in this case linux-source-5.4.0 directory which is one step below from where I am now).

How to use python "include" and "libs" path in a windows makefile to compile all python embedded C++ program in a folder?

Makefile specified in this question, compiling all the cpp programs in a folder but not with python embedded cpp programs.
all: myUB
sourcesC := $(wildcard ../src/*.cpp)
objectsC := $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(sourcesC))
#echo 'Building target $#'
g++ -O0 -Wall -c -g3 -fmessage-length=0 \
del *.o
Your final makefile could look somthing like:
all: myUB
sourcesC := $(wildcard ../src/*.cpp)
# Not used
#objectsC := $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(sourcesC))
INC = -IC:\Python27\include
LIBS = -LC:\Python27\libs -lpython27
#echo 'Building target $#'
g++ -O0 -Wall -g3 -fmessage-length=0 -o myprog.out $(sourcesC) $(INC) $(LIBS)
rm myprog.out
For the undefined ref to WinMain(), it means the linker can't find this function in your code. Either you need to include a library/object that contains it or you can define it yourself in a cpp file like:
#include <windows.h>
int WINAPI (*MyDummyReferenceToWinMain)(HINSTANCE hInstance, ..., int
nShowCmd ) = &WinMain;
I got the function template from here.
But this seems to mean that you are creating a windows application instead of a console app which uses int main(...) entry point.
I have made a new makefile to do what you have asked for in your latest comment which seems to be to create one executable per source file - I am assuming each source file has its own main.
# Build vars
CXX = g++
CXX_FLAGS = -O0 -Wall -g3
INC = -IC:\Python27\includ
LIBS = -LC:\Python27\libs -lpython27
# Sources
SOURCES = $(wildcard $(SRC_DIR)/*.cpp)
# Executables
EXECUTABLES = $(subst $(SRC_DIR)/,$(EXE_DIR)/,$(subst cpp,out,$(SOURCES)))
$(info ----)
# Directories
# Rule to create folders and compile executables
# Pattern rule to build each executable
$(EXE_DIR)/%.out : $(SRC_DIR)/%.cpp
#echo "compiling $< --> $#"
#$(CXX) $(CXX_FLAGS) -o $# $< $(INC) $(LIBS)
# Rule to create output dirs
#echo "Creating output folders"
#mkdir -p $(EXE_DIR)
# Rule to clean up
#echo "Cleaning"
#rm -rf $(EXE_DIR)
This should create one executable in the folder bin/ for each source file (.cpp) in folder src/.

How can I run a pattern rule within another rule in a makefile?

I am looking to write a makefile to automate the compiling of a project that I am working on where the files may, or may not, change in number. I also need to be able to quickly tell make to compile the files as a debug build or a release build (differentiated by a command line define). After some research, I came upon pattern rules and made one. Here is the code I have so far:
# Our folders
# ODIR - The .o file directory
# CDIR - The .cpp file directory
# HDIR - The .hpp file directory
ODIR = obj
CDIR = src
HDIR = inc
# Get our compiler and compiler commands out of the way
# CC - Our compiler
# CFNO - Our compiler flags for when we don't have an output file
# CF - Our compiler flags. This should be appended to any compile and should
# have the name of the output file at the end of it.
# OF - Object flags. This should be appended to any line that is generating
# a .o file.
CC = g++
CFNO = -std=c++11 -wall -Wno-write-strings -Wno-sign-compare -lpaho-mqtt3c -pthread -O2 -I$(HDIR)
CF = $(CFNO) -o
OF = -c
# Our project/output name
NAME = tls_test
# Set out Debug and Release settings, as well as any defines we will use to identify which mode we are in
# NOTE: '-D[NAME OF DEFINE]' is how you create a define through the compile commands
# Our two compile modes
# eval allows us to create variables mid-rule
$(eval DR = $(DEBUG))
$(eval DR = $(RELEASE))
# Our compiling commands
$(CC) $(CF) $(NAME) $(ODIR)/*.o
# NOTE: $# is the end product being created and $< is the first of the prerequisite
$(ODIR)/%.o: $(CDIR)/%.c
echo "$(CC) $(DR) $(OF) $(CF) $# $<"
The issue that I am having is with the order that I need things to run in. The command line call should tell make to use either debug or release, which sets a make variable, then call all. all should then run the pattern rule at the bottom before running the line currently in the all rule. So, how do I make a pattern rule a dependency and how do I call a rule from another rule?
Use target-specific variables
While not strictly necessary, separating your flags goes a long way in managing build options, you can then use target-specific variable appends to toggle the flags. While you're at it you might as well use the built-in variable names.
I've also added dependency generation (-MMD -MP) because it's always useful.
ODIR := obj
CDIR := src
HDIR := inc
SRCS := $(wildcard $(CDIR)/*.cpp)
OBJS := $(SRCS:$(CDIR)/%.cpp=$(ODIR)/%.o)
DEPS := $(OBJS:%.o=%.d)
CXXFLAGS := -std=c++11 -Wall -Wno-write-strings -Wno-sign-compare -pthread -O2
LDFLAGS := -pthread
LDLIBS := -lpaho-mqtt3c
NAME := tls_test
.PHONY: debug release clean
debug: CXXFLAGS+=-g
debug release: $(NAME)
$(NAME): $(OBJS)
$(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(LDLIBS) -o $#
$(OBJS): $(ODIR)/%.o: $(CDIR)/%.cpp
clean: ; $(RM) $(NAME) $(OBJS) $(DEPS)
-include $(DEPS)

The makefile creates the object files in the src directory rather than objects folder

Thanks!, I have updated my makefile now. And the .o are created in the src directory.
here is the makefile and output. The makefile throws the error because all the .o are created in the src folders. I don't know why? I am new to Makefile so kindly please bear with my silly questions.
# This is the Vpath; as my source directory is in the src folder - all the .c files
#folder structure
VPATH = src:include:objects
CFLAGS = -I ./include -g -Wall -DDEBUG
OBJS =./objects
# Look at the CFLAGS here; it has -DDEBUG because in my code, I have #ifdef DEBUG
# Look at the CFLAGS here; -Wall : To generate all the compiler warnings.
# include is required as my compilation depends on the .h files.
# The LD flags to link the shared objects
#in my mini-project, I am using maths library, Thus, I have lm.
# lc to link my main function with crt1.o
#what is the compiler, am I using.
#This is a good practice since I can modify these flags when cross-compiling.
cc= gcc
#PATH for the LIBS
#This might be useful while cross-compiling.
LIBS= -lm -lc
target: $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard ./src/*.c))
#echo "making target"
#mkdir -p ./objects
$(cc) $(patsubst ./src/%.c,./objects/%.o,$(wildcard ./src/*.c)) $(LIBS) -o gif
./objects/%.o: ./src/%.c
#echo "making objects now"
$(cc) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
#It is always better to write a PHONY rule for a rules like clean.
#It may happen that in source sandbox, you have a clean file. This may invoke the clean file.
#In order to prevent invoking a clean file during make clean; We give this general rule as PHONY
#PHONY tells the MAKEFILE that there is a rule clean, not a file called clean.
#Generally use PHONY for all, install, clean, distclean,
.PHONY: clean
#echo "cleaning everything"
#rm -f *.o
#rm -f gif
#echo "clearning .o from src"
#rm -f ./src/*.o
#rm -f ./objects/*.o
$make target
cc -I ./include -g -Wall -DDEBUG -c -o src/sysm.o src/sysm.c
cc -I ./include -g -Wall -DDEBUG -c -o src/x86_main.o src/x86_main.c
src/x86_main.c:11:9: warning: second argument of ‘main’ should be ‘char **’ [-Wmain]
src/x86_main.c: In function ‘main’:
src/x86_main.c:16:9: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘display_init’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
src/x86_main.c:19:9: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘Gif_Read’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
making target
gcc ./objects/gif_display.o ./objects/gif_lzw.o ./objects/gif_read.o ./objects/sysm.o ./objects/x86_main.o -lm -lc -o gif
gcc: error: ./objects/gif_display.o: No such file or directory
gcc: error: ./objects/gif_lzw.o: No such file or directory
gcc: error: ./objects/gif_read.o: No such file or directory
gcc: error: ./objects/sysm.o: No such file or directory
gcc: error: ./objects/x86_main.o: No such file or directory
make: *** [target] Error
You need to fix your patsubst to change the directory part of the filenames as well as the suffixes:
$(patsubst ./src/%.c,./objects/%.o,$(wildcard ./src/*.c))
You have other issues in your makefile too, e.g. this target has the wrong prerequisite:
./objects/%.o: %.c
The source file should be something like ./src/%.c
And the rule for that target is wrong, it outputs to ./objects/$# which would expand to something like ./objects/./objects/x86_main.o

Make won't accept appended CFLAGS value

I've searched around for this issue, but nobody but me seems to have it, which is why I'll now ask.
If have this basic makefile:
CCPP = arm-none-linux-gnueabi-g++
LIB = lib/libarm.a
LDFLAGS = -lpthread
OBJECTS = $(wildcard ./*/*.o)
PROG = /exports/appl
MODULES = lib src
all: $(PROG)
#for i in $(MODULES); do (cd $$i && $(MAKE) \
#for i in $(MODULES); do (cd $$i && $(MAKE) clean) || exit 1 ; done
rm $(PROG)
ar cr ../lib/$(LIB) $(OBJECTS)
This works. It takes whatever source file is within lib and src and compiles and links it nicely together. (By using local makefiles found in these folders which I can post too if need be)
Anyway, what I WANT now, is add more -D directives conditionally.
I've tried:
LDFLAGS += -rdynamic
and also:
or by putting the whole thing in quotes etc...but each time I try, it brings up the help page of make, telling me that it can't 'recognize' the new define.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Any help is much appreciated.
Okay, this should be a more correct version of your makefile, I can not test it though because I don't have your sources:
export CCPP := arm-none-linux-gnueabi-g++
# Note that -pthread is required for both compiling and linking.
export LDFLAGS := -pthread
LIB := lib/libarm.a
PROG := /exports/appl
MODULES := lib src
all: $(PROG)
$(CCPP) -o $# $(LDFLAGS) ./*/*.o $(LIB)
$(MODULES) : % :
$(MAKE) -C $#
touch $#
$(MAKE) -C $* clean
clean : $(MODULE:%=clean-module.%)
rm -f $(PROG)
.PHONY: all clean clean-module.%
What I changed:
LDFLAGS = -lpthread: when building multi-threaded applications you need both an extra compiler and linker flag, which is what -pthread/-pthreads gcc options is.
Contents of OBJECTS = $(wildcard ./*/*.o) are only correct when $(MODULES) built correctly. Removed it.
$(PROG) commands actually build $(PROG) target as it should.
$(MODULES) commands build the modules by invoking make in the corresponding directory. And then they update the timestamp of the directory to force rebuild of $(PROG). Since it is a recursive make it can't know whether anything have actually been updated in the module, hence it need to trigger the rebuild of anything that depends on the modules.
I still have a feeling that this won't work for you because your original makefile is missing dependencies.
Try doing this -->
You've got to be KIDDING me!
Ahem. I seem to have found the solution to my own problem. I don't quite get it, but whatever works, right?
Anyway, here's what I did:
LDFLAGS += -rdynamic
LDFLAGS += -lpthread
#for i in $(MODULES); do (cd $$i && $(MAKE) \
First thing: -rdynamic needs to be the first flag in the linker, otherwise it refuses to work. (Don't ask me why, if anyone could enlighten me, be my guest.
Second: I had to put quotes around the expanded $(CFLAGS) in my actual build step. As soon as I did that, it worked like a charm...probably because it had a problem with the spaces.
Thanks to everyone, who went to the trouble of trying to help me.
