How to create custom pin Start Button to my app? - windows-phone-7

I want to create my custom pin Start Button to win phone 7.
For example in windows phone 7 i have the button of Marketplace pinned. When i receive update the pin button shows the number of updates i received.
Another example is the calendar, when i create some appointment, these appears in pin button.
I want create something similar. I want a big pin button with some information. Any direction?

The answer to this will probably depend on whether you are targeting Mango or not.
If you are targeting v 7, you will need to look into Notifications. This MSDN article will give you some good information as a starting point.
In Mango (7.1) you can accomplish a lot more manipulation of tiles from inside your app. This MSDN article is a great start point for that.
Please note, however, that your user will need to have the application tile pinned in order to get the behaviour you are describing.


Image Slide Show in Windows phone

I am New to Windows Phone Dev. I like to Do one App after Using this App in Windows Phone
EspnCrickinfo App. When I use this App,i seen Very cool feather that Image in gallery Swiping Left and Right. I am trying this Functionally But I am Not Succeed.
I have Some JSON Link Contains Images
For Reference
I follow this MSDN But I am Getting Btns on App bar.
Please can any one suggest Me how can make this Easy.
Hear is the Perfect Answer for This Question...Image Slide Show with Swipe Effect in Windows Phone
Well if you want to have swipe effects go for microsoft toolkit and use gesture listener.
register to a flick event and you have your desired effect. This link will help you.
how to get swipe in windows phone 7

Windows phone 7 Jump List control

I have a question. In a windows phone 7, Will i be able to navigate from the jumplist control to another page. For example i have some data in the jumplist control, and then once i click on one of the data, will i be able to go to another page from there? if it is possible, can someone show me some links for it? sample codes would be helpful
You can use the ListPicker from the Silverlight Toolkit and use the SelectionChanged event.
Tutorial :
Download the project in this link an enhance by add selected index and page navigating option.

Changing the Application Icon, Splash Screen etc through code in Windows Phone

Is it possible to change Application Icon, Splash screen etc through code, My requirement is i need to change these items after reaching a specific date say (jan-21-2012). Is there any provision present change these contents through code?
No, you cannot change these through code. These components of your application are specified via the manifest file. Regarding the Application Icon, you can have a 'live tile' for your application which is dynamic and can be changed. See MSDN:
How to: Create, Delete, and Update Tiles for Windows Phone
Maybe this blogpost about the dynamic splashscreen can help you?
I don't think you can change the application icon this way. Do you have to change the icons multiple times through the year? Or is it one rebranding action? In that case i would suggest submit it with the new icons/splashscreen to the marketplace when you want it to change.
Here there are couple of articles about changing Splash screen:
Creating Animated Splash screen in Windows Phone7
Windows Phone 7 better Splash screen
You can extend techincs from articles above and implement your functionality.
Regarding to "Icon" use well known WP feature - Live Tiles (nice links in answers above).

can anyone show me how and How they have 5 button on the title bar instead of 3 max, resize, close in Windows?

mostly in all article i found that everyone show that their OS give them 5 button. can anyone explain how
in this article every window's title bar have 5 button on top whenever i can see only three button in my windows [close, restore ,maximize].
can anyone show me reason behind it.
They're running UltraMon, which is a utility that provides enhancements for multiple monitor support.
In particular, it adds extra window management buttons to the title bars of all applications, which make it easy to move windows from screen to screen.
You can download a free evaluation version from the vendor, but the full version will cost you $39.95 US.
He has multiple screens on his computer, those buttons mean move to next screen.
Extra buttons in the titlebar come from utility applications that hook into every process.
Take a look at this tutorial for a basic example, you also need to register a hook with SetWindowsHookEx (WH_CBT or WH_SHELL)
For Windows Vista and 7, Microsoft has provided detailed guidance in the article Custom Window Frame Using DWM.
Copied from my answer here.

How to filter contacts by name

I'm developing a windows phone 7 application.
I'm trying to understand how I'm supposed to filter contacts by letters. I want to display the keyboard to the user and show all the contacts. If the user pushes "a" everyone with an a in the name should be shown.
Please tell me this is possible. I'm getting more and more frustrated with this API..
It might be easier if you actually show us some code to show where you've got to so far.
It sounds like what you need is the AutoCompleteBox from the Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone 7. There's a good post on AutoCompleteBox for WP7 in depth, which should show you how to use this control.
