Blank login page on CSWinPhone7SimpleApp - windows-phone-7

I'm trying to use the Facebook C# SDK from Codeplex on my WP7 app. I managed to build & run the application by manually adding Facebook.dll and Microsoft.Contracts.dll. But I only see a blank login(?) page :
The code enters FacebookLoginBrowser_Navigated, after loading this url :,read_notifications&client_id=119779898114420&redirect_uri=
but the URL seems to have been redirected to this one :
The important part is "User denied access", which I didn't, since I don't see anything except a blank page.
Thanks in advance !
edit: pasting the first url into an iPhone simulator, I see the Facebook login screen, then after login, I see the grant permission screen...

your browser is not script enabled, try to set the flag at true :


Why cypress loads login page again instead of home page?

I wrote a cypress script to log in to the application ( enter the user id, password and click the log-in button), and expecting to load the home page. Cypress enters the user id, password and clicks the button but, loads the login page again instead of the home page.
Below is my script to login:
cy.enterText(txtUserID, userid);
cy.enterText(txtPwd, 121212);
Has anyone faced a similar issue? And, Does anyone knows the solution? Please assist.
The nature of the application forced me to log in first without account no- " cy.visit(''" and reload the app with account number after that - "cy.visit('')" ).
I made mistake of doing the refresh immediately after clicking on login button as below:
cy.enterText(txtUserID, userid);
cy.enterText(txtPwd, 121212);
Somehow cypress unable to respond to the refresh and loaded the login page again. As a solution, I did validate whether the app is loaded or not after clicking login button. Then proceeded with refresh as below:
cy.enterText(txtUserID, userid);
cy.enterText(txtPwd, 121212);
cy.get(#testElement). should('have.length',2);
This approach resolved my issue.
Try this cy.reload(); this will work.
If you want to reload the page with cache then try this cy.reload(true)

Is it possible to force fail a recaptcha v2 for testing purposes? (I.e. pretend to be a robot)

I'm implementing an invisible reCAPTCHA as per the instructions in the documentation: reCAPTCHA V2 documentation
I've managed to implement it without any problems. But, what I'd like to know is whether I can simulate being a robot for testing purposes?
Is there a way to force the reCAPTCHA to respond as if it thought I was a robot?
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
In the Dev Tools, open Settings, then Devices, add a custom device with any name and user agent equal to Googlebot/2.1.
Finally, in Device Mode, at the left of the top bar, choose the device (the default is Responsive).
You can test the captcha in
(This is a demo of the Invisible Recaptcha. You can remove the url invisible parameter to test with the captcha button)
You can use a Chrome Plugin like Modify Headers and Add a user-agent like Googlebot/2.1 (+
For Firefox, if you don't want to install any add-ons, you can easily manually change the user agent :
Enter about:config into the URL box and hit return;
Search for “useragent” (one word), just to check what is already there;
Create a new string (right-click somewhere in the window) titled (i.e. new
preference) “general.useragent.override”, and with string value
"Googlebot/2.1" (or any other you want to test with).
I tried this with Recaptcha v3, and it indeed returns a score of 0.1
And don't forget to remove this line from about:config when done testing !
I found this method here (it is an Apple OS article, but the Firefox method also works for Windows) :
I find that if you click on the reCaptcha logo rather than the text box, it tends to fail.
This is because bots detect clickable hitboxes, and since the checkbox is an image, as well as the "I'm not a robot" text, and bots can't process images as text properly, but they CAN process clickable hitboxes, which the reCaptcha tells them to click, it just doesn't tell them where.
Click as far away from the checkbox as possible while keeping your mouse cursor in the reCaptcha. You will then most likely fail it. ( it will just bring up the thing where you have to identify the pictures).
The pictures are on there because like I said, bots can't process images and recognize things like cars.
yes it is possible to force fail a recaptcha v2 for testing purposes.
there are two ways to do that
First way :
you need to have firefox browser for that just make a simple form request
and then wait for response and after getting response click on refresh button firefox will prompt a box saying that " To display this page, Firefox must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier. " then click on "resend"
by doing this browser will send previous " g-recaptcha-response " key and this will fail your recaptcha.
Second way
you can make any simple post request by any application like in linux you can use curl to make post request.
just make sure that you specify all your form filed and also header for request and most important thing POST one field name as " g-recaptcha-response " and give any random value to this field
Just completing the answer of Rafael, follow how to use the plugin
None of proposed answers worked for me. I just wrote a simple Node.js script which opens a browser window with a page. ReCaptcha detects automated browser and shows the challenge. The script is below:
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
let testReCaptcha = async () => {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: false });
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto('');
Don't forget to install puppeteer by running npm i puppeteer and change to your page address

xcode project always gets facebook login fail status

I encountered a facebook login problem. I installed FB SDK 3.0 and sample projects seemly run well --- not quite sure though. When I create a button in my own project and try to log in to Facebook, I always get FBSessionStateClosedLoginFailed from sessionStateChanged method, although I apparently get the page "You have already authorized this app. Press Okay to continue". I also tried log out through Simulator Safari facebook page, and re-launched my project and I got new username/password page and I then logged in, but I still get FBSessionStateClosedLoginFailed!
A few more observations.
1, I got FBSessionStateClosedLoginFailed thru NSLog, the log comes up right after I clicked Okay button on the Facebook page "You have already authorized this app.
2, I tried clean xcode project cache, but no help.
Kind of frustrated. I wonder if any of you can help on this problem. Appreciated!
I did a bit more research, and I found what I have is probably a typical problem, as Facebook highlight here ("Pro-tip 3: Complete all iOS App Settings" section in page The image with a big red cross over iPhone is exactly what I have. From xcode project, I click my login button, and I'm directed to this page, and every time I have to click "Okay" on this page (let me call it Okay_page) to go back to my app in Simulator, however with login status as FBSessionStateClosedLoginFailed. I checked bundle ID, I have it correct. I don't have a 'YOUR_IPHONE_APP_STORE_ID' yet, which I believe I need pay Apple to get and I will do it later but not while I'm still working on it.
Now get a couple of questions:
1, Do I have to have YOUR_IPHONE_APP_STORE_ID to skip this Okay_page?
2, Does this (not automatically re-directed back to my app from this Okay_page) have anything to do with that I always get a login status of FBSessionStateClosedLoginFailed when I manually click Okay in this Okay_page and return to my app in Simulator? In another word, is (that I have to manually click Okay to get back to my app in Simulator) (the reason I got a status of FBSessionStateClosedLoginFailed)?
Did you have set this function in AppDelegate?
-(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation {
return [FBSession.activeSession handleOpenURL:url];
I had the same issue:
We created the facebook app ( setting our
bundle id (ex. com.MyCompany.MyApp)
Off course, created our iOS app with the same bundle id
After delivered our app to the client, he changed the bundle id
without notify us.
Obviously he started to get FBSessionStateClosedLoginFailed errors!
So, you probably have different bundle id's between your iOS project and your Facebook App.
I had this error and couldn't resolve it for quite some time. It turns out that if you are using the native iOS Facebook account in settings and choose "no" for allow Facebook for this app, the app is blocked by the OS. You will always get the FBSessionStateClosedLoginFailed error and there is nothing you can do inside the code to fix this (99% sure). The best you can do is alert the user to check out the settings.
i am typing wrong line in given below method. self.session was nil
return [self.session handleOpenURL:url];
it should be
return [[FBSession activeSession] handleOpenURL:url];
Use Following Method.
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
openURL:(NSURL *)url
sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication
annotation:(id)annotation {
// attempt to extract a token from the url
return [[FBSession activeSession] handleOpenURL:url];
// return [self.session handleOpenURL:url];
I fixed this problem after I reset the simulator. iOS Simulator - Reset Content and Settings..., hope to help.
I had this issue because I was calling [FBSession.activeSession close] in my applicationDidEnterBackground: app delegate callback. This closed the session so that when the redirect brought the app back up to open the session, it failed because it had been put into the closed state.
Make sure that you're not closing the session anywhere before you get to the Okay page.
go to Open your application on the left panel -> Status & Review -> there is a toggle with text "Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public?". Turn it on
well. I followed FBLoginCustomUISample somewhere on and it was a working example of facebook login implementation from facebook itself. You can also read my workaround while creating facebook login feature in a iOS app. Here is a link form me:
Native iOS Facebook SSO won't return to app

how to make a Location Service Permission MessageBox

I have submited a App but is not certified because this:
"This application uses the Location Service API to determine a user's location and show them events taking place nearby
however, it does not appear to contain a privacy policy that is accessible to users explaining how the application uses the
Location Service API."
And what i want to do is something like this
When user clicks in Policty Statement open a new window with settings page with my app location policies.
Can anyone help me? How can i add a link like in image?
You can navigate to a page using the Hyperlink control
<Hyperlink NavigateUri="/PrivacyPage.xaml"
TargetName="_blank">Privacy Statement</Hyperlink>
See MSDN for more info
I don't think you can put a hyperlink in a call to MessageBox.Show() though so you have to create your own Messagebox-like page.
The first time the app is launched you direct the user to your message page. E.g. using this in MainPage.xaml
NavigationContext.Navigate(new Uri("/MessagePage.xaml", UriKind.Relative));

FB.ui permissions.request issue in new OAuth window

I having an issue with FB.ui permissions.request window.
method: 'permissions.request',
perms: 'publish_actions',
display: 'popup'
},function(response) {
// This function is never called ? });
Context :
I use the new OAuth window (with timeline), i have configured my apps to work with it.
I'm french and use Facebook in French.
First issue :
- My callback function is never called ...
Second issue :
- The new OAuth window, seem to be not the good window.
It's called 'permission request' but inside it is the copy of login window. And no permission request is displayed.
So, my question is : how can i do the permission request in js ?
How displaying this window : ?
The reason you are not seeing it is because the application process has become a two step process.
Being that the person accepts to login into your application.
Being the person accept your extended permission which is where the callback url comes into play.
Documentation can be found here.
So the reason your callback isn't being called is because the two step process. I would suggest making the response attached to second page that is called.
I am not sure how the JS SDK works but it is how I managed to do it.
Disable "Enhanced Auth Dialog" in your app's advance settings and see if it works. If you want to stick with Enhanced Auth Dialog then checkout Setup Auth Dialog Preview for Authenticating user section of this tutorial.
