Issue when using Galleria theme with ASP.NET MVC3 -

I am trying to use the galleria photo gallery.
Issue: The theme loading code
Galleria.loadTheme('/galleria/themes/classic/galleria.classic.min.js'); works fine only when we are using it in the default action of home controller i.e. Home/Index
I was using the theme on a View called Display. so i wrote an action in Home to return Display view.
The images must be showing in the Galleria theme photo viewer, but they show up as images one after other instead.
If i try and call the display view from Index action, it works fine. but i want to do something else in the Index view.
any help will be greatly appreciated.

The theme script does not seem to be loading. The cause can be a virtual path issue.
I´m used to use the Galleria plugin in this way:
<script src="#Url.Content("~/Scripts/JQuery.Galleria/1.2.5/galleria-1.2.5.min.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var virtualPath = '#Url.Content("~/")';
$(document).ready(function () {
Galleria.loadTheme(virtualPath + '/Scripts/jQuery.Galleria/1.2.5/themes/twelve/galleria.twelve.min.js');
// Initialize Galleria
$('#galleria').galleria({ autoplay: false, /* true, miliseconds */
thumbnails: true, /*true, false, numbers, empty */
imageCrop: true, /*true, false, height, width */
transition: "pulse", /*fade, fadeslide, slide, flash, pulse */
trasitionSpeed: 500,
thumbFit: true
Hope this helps.


Masonry images overlapping

so I'm working on my Tumblr Theme right now. I'm using Masonry to have all my posts in a 5-column grid and the infinite scroll script to load new images into the grid when I'm scrolling down. Unfortunately, most of the time as I scroll down images are overlapping. I figured out that the problem may be Masonry triggering before the images are loaded, but right now I have no idea how to fix this. I'm already using (window).load instead of (document).ready but the pictures keep overlapping nonetheless. Here's the full code snippet:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(window).load(function () {
navSelector : "div#navigation",
// selector for the paged navigation (it will be hidden)
nextSelector : "div#navigation a#nextPage",
// selector for the NEXT link (to page 2)
itemSelector : ".entry",
// selector for all items you'll retrieve
bufferPx : 10000,
extraScrollPx: 11000,
loadingImg : "",
loadingText : "<em></em>",
// call masonry as a callback.
function() { $('.posts').masonry({ appendedContent: $(this) }); }
<script type="text/javascript">$(window).load(function(){$("p").remove(":contains('Source:')");});</script>
Does anyone have an idea on how to get it working? Any help would be appreciated!
Masonry is placing the items absolutely before your images have loaded and take more space.
Utilize Jquery imagesLoaded to overcome this. You may want to initially hide your elements and then show them after they have finished loading. Try something like this:
//Wire masonry onto the photolist with whatever defaults you need
$photolist.imagesLoaded(function () {
// options
itemSelector: '.photo',
columnWidth: 226,
isFitWidth: true,
gutterWidth: 12

MVC Action getting called twice?

I am using Asp.Net MVC3, for a project.
In one of the page, I am using MS Charts. In View I have a Image which shows the chart as follows:
<img src="#Url.Action("RenderCharts", "Home", new
XAxisColor = ViewBag.XAxisColor,
YAxisColor = ViewBag.YAxisColor,
})" alt="Charts" runat="server" />
I have 2 CheckBoxes, which is used to change Chart Axes Colors. When the checkbox is clicked, page is submitted and checkbox status is stored and based on that Chart is rendered:
bool XAxisColor = (#ViewBag.XAxisColor) ?? true;
bool YAxisColor = #ViewBag.YAxisColor ?? false;
#Html.CheckBox("chkXAxisColor", XAxisColor, new { #Id = "chkXAxisColor",
onClick = "this.form.submit();" })
X Axis Color
#Html.CheckBox("chkYAxisColor", YAxisColor, new { #Id = "chkScatter",
onClick = "this.form.submit();" })
Y Axis Color
When first time the page is loaded, RenderCharts() Action gets called and Chart is rendered.
But when i Click any of the CheckBox, RenderCharts() Action gets called twice.
I could not understand this issue. I have created a sample Application which can be downloaded from here
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
This appears to be something to do with Internet Explorer. Using your sample application, everything works fine in both Google Chrome and Firefox, but when using IE9, there are two Action requests on a postback.
Using the F12 developer tools on the network tab, it shows an initial request to RenderCharts which appeared to be aborted:
The (aborted) line in the middle is, I suspect, the additional request you're seeing. Why this happens, I don't know!
Finally got the answer. The problem was
in the Img tag.
Removing runat fixed the issue.
I can eliminate the IE issue in the following manner by simply using a bit of JQuery instead. A few possible advantages...
It eliminates the cross-browser issue.
It is an unobtrusive approach (not mixing javascript and HTML in the view).
You can update the image via ajax.
Create a new file in the scripts folder (e.g. "chart.js") which will simply attach an anonymous function to the the click events of your checkboxes from the document ready function. You would obviously need to include the script reference in your page as well:
$(document).ready(function () {
// Attach a function to the click event of both checkboxes
$("#chkXAxisColor,#chkScatter").click(function () {
// Make an ajax request and send the current checkbox values.
url: "/Home/RenderCharts",
type: "GET",
cache: false,
data: {
XAxisColor: $("#chkXAxisColor").attr("checked"),
YAxisColor: $("#chkScatter").attr("checked")
success: function (result) {
$("#chart").attr("src", result);
Best of all, you get to eliminate the javascript from your view :)
<div style="margin: 2px 0 2px 0">
#Html.CheckBox("chkXAxisColor", XAxisColor, new { #Id = "chkXAxisColor" })
X Axis Color
#Html.CheckBox("chkYAxisColor", YAxisColor, new { #Id = "chkScatter" })
Y Axis Color
This is of course a very basic example which does eliminate the IE issue but you could get fancier from there in terms of how you update the image + show a loading gif, etc with only a few more lines.
Hopefully it is a workable solution for you!

ColorBox JQuery Form Plugin Post To Same ColorBox

I have been trying for two days to get ColorBox to return post results back to the same open box but it just will not do it.
I am using Jquery Form Plugin to Post from a ColorBox. It seems to work in IE 8, but not Safari or FireFox.
In IE 8 it returns the result from the post page "action" and returns the result in the same ColorBox but in FF and Safari it closes the box and sits on the load page (i.e. process1.php)?
I have a page say "process1.php" which loads the ColorBox onLoad (it does this no problem)
Load Page ColorBox Code For process1.php:
var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
$j(document).ready(function() {
escKey: false,
overlayClose: false,
width: "60%",
height: 350,
title: "Process Secure Order",
Upon Page Load it will load the "process2.php" displaying a form for the user to submit data.
This is my JQuery Form Plugin Code:
var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
$j(document).ready(function() {
var options = {
beforeSubmit: showSpinner,
success: showResponse,
//resetForm: true,
timeout: 3000,
target: '#output1'
function showSpinner() {
$j('#sterms, #accept, #decline, #side-cart').hide();
$j('#working').show().html('Please Wait');
return true;
function showResponse(){
return true;
// bind form using 'ajaxForm'
It posts fine and then just tries to reload the same page with out the ColorBox opening on Load.
It has me stumped why it works in IE and nothing else, any help would be appreciated.
Using JQuery 1.5.2 (JQuery Form Plug In is not working with anything higher has permission issues)
Reference For JQuery Form Plugin
This issue has been solved.
It turned out that the Jquery Form Plugin did not like the 1.6.1 JQuery version so I did the code using Jquery Post and it worked in all browsers.
ColorBox plugin big rap, great and easy.

Popup window in Telerik MVC Grid without using Ajax

In telerik mvc grid i want to display some data in popup window when i click on a link button. But not using Ajax. Below is the code i am using but it is not working. Any help is appreciated
#section JavaScript{
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
$(function () {
function (e) {
var WShortCodeAndKeyword = $.telerik.window.create({
name: "ShortcodesWindow",
title: "Shortcodes",
contentUrl: $(this).attr('href'),
modal: true,
resizable: true,
draggable: true,
scrollable: true,
width: 960,
height: 600,
onClose: function () {
If you are not using the Window component anywhere on your View (by using Html.Telerik().Window() for example) you will have to manually add the required JavaScript files when you define your ScriptRegistrar. Normally, if you declare the components on the page the ScriptRegistrar takes care of everything for you, but if you just try to create this on the client-side you will have to do something along the following lines:
#(Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar().DefaultGroup(group => group.Add("telerik.common.js").Add("telerik.draganddrop.js").Add("telerik.window.js").Combined(true).Compress(true)))
As you can see I just manually defined the JavaScript files I wanted to load. Keep in mind to not add the "min" suffix as the ScriptRegistrar takes care of this as well (.min.js will only be used in production code and not debug).

Getting jQuery TipTip to work with ajax loaded content

I am using the jQuery TipTip plugin to display tooltips on hrefs using data from the "Title" tag.
Here is the code i am using to invoke TipTip
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.tipTip.js"></script>
<!-- ToolTip script -->
<script type="text/javascript">
$(".someClass").tipTip({maxWidth: "auto", edgeOffset: 10});
<!-- End ToolTip script -->
and in the body
sample content. sample,stuff.
This works fine as standalone example. However, when i set the script up to load the content into the body via ajax (using sample.html that contains the original body code), the ToolTip stops working.
<script type="text/javascript">
//loading sample ajax data
Browsing in the TipTip forums, someone mentioned this could work using the jQuery .live function, but having read the documentation, i dont understand how im supposed to implement this with my code. I understand that jquery-live is an event handler, so supposedly, i could call in the data via ajax as the primary event and then apply TipTip as a secondary event, but i cant figure out how to implement this, and dont know if im definitely going down the right path.
Could someone please advise me?
An easy solution would be to create a function that activates TipTip:
function activateTipTip() {
$(".someClass").tipTip({maxWidth: "auto", edgeOffset: 10});
$('#remote').load('sample.html', function() {
Not very elegant, but should work though.
This code will make it so that any link that has a title attribute will have TipTip's functionality applied to it:
$('a[title]').live('mouseover', function()
delay: 200,
maxWidth: '400px'
This is my solution for this problem:
$(ElementParent).on('mouseover', YourElementSelector, function()
if($(this).data('hasTipTip') !== true)
$(this).data('hasTipTip', true);
