AJAX replace content in DIV not by ID or class - ajax

Can some one help me..
I have a script who generates code like this >>
<div id="imageok">img1.png</div>
<div id="imageok">img22.jpg</div>
<div id="imageok">img333.gif</div>
In AJAX the name of the image is called imgname its equal to content of the div.
I want to replace the text inside the div but I can't use the id because its the same for each div.. I tried to search for div by it content (I have the name of the image in the AJAX)
Perhaps its something like..
GET element where content =="img1.png" > replace
I just can't write it correct..
Please help me .

I think what you are trying to do can be accomplished more 'neatly' with jQuery.
Have you used jQuery before? If yes, then you can do something like this:
// get content into a variable called 'result'
$('div').each(function(i) {
if ($(this).text() == 'img1.png') {
I haven't tested this code. Hope it helps.


How to create a simple ajax form in Drupal 7?

I want to create a simple form in Drupal7 with only one field. When hitting the submit button I need to call an ajax function with the field value and update a DIV on the page without reload.
I'm not familiar with Drupal form API, and I tried to implement the examples form the form api documentation but I always get errors like this:
Notice: Undefined index: #title_display form_pre_render_conditional_form_element() függvényben (/var/www/nmtest/includes/form.inc 2986 sor).
Notice: Undefined index: #value theme_textarea() függvényben /var/www/nmtest/includes/form.inc 3727 sor).
I can do it by creating a custom page and simply use native PHP but this is not an "elegant" way.
I want something similar like the one here, but without form valitation, page reload or so: Create a VERY simple form in Drupal
I only want one button that calls an ajax function. Shoud I do this with forms API or just use plain old native PHP and jQuery?
Edit: Looks like I don't even need a real ajax call, because I only need to change an SRC of an IMG tag.
Here's what I did in native PHP. I want to achive this trough forms api:
function getstar() {
starpoints = jQuery('#starpoints').val();
rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9999) + 1;
src = "test.php?star=" + starpoints + '&rand=' + rand;
return false;
<input type="text" name="starpoints" id="starpoints" />
<input type="submit" onclick="return getstar();" />
<img src="/test.php?star=5" id="starimg" />
Edit: Ok, I managed to render a form with the Drupal API. Now the only thing is that I want to insert the placeholder for the IMG via my module, but I don't know how to do it. The form renders fine, but I want to add a HTML block after it. Currently I do it by javascript:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery('<div><br /><img id="starimg" src="" /></div>').insertAfter('#drawstar-form');
What hook should I catch to render this HTML block after the form? I tried drupal_get_form but that returns an array and I cannot attach the HTML block.
The Form API provides everything that you need to do this without writing a single line of JavaScript code. See http://drupal.org/node/752056 and http://api.drupal.org/api/examples/ajax_example!ajax_example.module/function/ajax_example_simplest/7 and .

CkEditor Doesn't post value

When a form with a textarea using CkEditor is submitted using ajax the post is empty on the server side.
If I remove CkEditor, the value is posted. Any ideas?
On submit, run this code:
for (instance in CKEDITOR.instances) {
.. basically for AJAX, you need to force CKEditor to update your textareas so they contain the data you see in the CKEditor windows. See this question for more details.
You don't really need to update anything with JS. All you have to do is to make sure your textarea (the one you replace with CKEDITOR.replace() on $(document).ready()) has the same name as the property you want to set value of, e.g.:
<textarea id="editor" name="Body">#Model?.Body</textarea>
This works for me:
CKEDITOR.replace( 'content' );
function updateAllMessageForms()
for (instance in CKEDITOR.instances) {

Reloading everything but one div on a web page

I'm trying to set up a basic web page, and it has a small music player on it (niftyPlayer). The people I'm doing this for want the player in the footer, and to continue playing through a song when the user navigates to a different part of the site.
Is there anyway I can do this without using frames? There are some tutorials around on changing part of a page using ajax and innerHTML, but I'm having trouble wrapping my head aroung getting everything BUT the music player to reload.
Thank you in advance,
Wrap the content in a div, and wrap the player in a separate div. Load the content into the content div.
You'd have something like this:
<div id='content'>
<div id='player'>
If you're using a framework, this is easy: $('#content').html(newContent).
This syntax works with jQuery and ender.js. I prefer ender, but to each his own. I think MooTools is similar, but it's been a while since I used it.
Code for the ajax:
'method': 'get',
'url': '/newContentUrl',
'success': function (data) {
// do something with the data here
You might need to declare what type of data you're expecting. I usually send json and then create the DOM elements in the browser.
You didn't mention your webserver/server-side scripting language, so I can't give any code examples for the server-side stuff. It's pretty simple most of time. You just need to decide on a format (again, I highly recommend JSON, as it's native to JS).
I suppose what you could do is have to div's.. one for your footer with the player in it and one with everything else; lets call it the 'container', both of course within your body. Then upon navigating in the site, just have the click reload the page's content within the container with a ajax call:
var page = $(this).attr('page');
// Using the href attribute will make the page reload, so just make a custom one named 'page'
<a page="page.php">Test</a>
The problem you then face though, is that you wouldnt really be reloading a page, so the URL also doesnt get update; but you can also fix this with some javascript, and use hashtags to load specific content in the container.
Use jQuery like this:
<div id="content">Content</div>
<input type="submit" id="generate" value="Generate!">
<div id="player">...player code...</div>
What you're looking for is called the 'single page interface' pattern. It's pretty common among sites like Facebook, where things like chat are required to be persistent across various pages. To be honest, it's kind of hard to program something like this yourself - so I would recommend standing on top of an existing framework that does some of the leg work for you. I've had success using backbone.js with this pattern:
You can reload desired DIVs via jQuery.ajax() and JSON:
For example:
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.4.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="ajax.js"></script>
<a href='one.php' class='ajax'>Page 1</a>
<a href='two.php' class='ajax'>Page 2</a>
<div id='player'>Player Code</div>
<div id='workspace'>workspace</div>
$arr = array ( "workspace" => "This is Page 1" );
echo json_encode($arr);
$arr = array( 'workspace' => "This is Page 2" );
echo json_encode($arr);
jQuery('.ajax').click(function(event) {
// load the href attribute of the link that was clicked
jQuery.getJSON(this.href, function(snippets) {
for(var id in snippets) {
// updated to deal with any type of HTML
jQuery('#' + id).html(snippets[id]);

Getting raw text using #Html.ActionLink in Razor / MVC3?

Given the following Html.ActionLink:
#Html.ActionLink(Model.dsResults.Tables[0].Rows[i]["title"].ToString(), "ItemLinkClick",
new { itemListID = #Model.dsResults.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ItemListID"], itemPosNum = i+1 }, ...
Data from the model contains HTML in the title field. However, I am unable to display the HTML encoded values. ie. underlined text shows up with the <u>....</u> around it.
I've tried Html.Raw in the text part of the ActionLink, but no go.
Any suggestions?
If you still want to use a helper to create an action link with raw HTML for the link text then I don't believe you can use Html.ActionLink. However, the answer to this stackoverflow question describes creating a helper which does this.
I would write the link HTML manually though and use the Url.Action helper which creates the URL which Html.ActionLink would have created:
<a href="#Url.Action("ItemLinkClick", new { itemListID = #Model.dsResults.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ItemListID"], itemPosNum = i+1 })">
MVCHtmlString.Create should do the trick.
Using the actionlink below you do not need to pass html in the model. Let the css class or inline style determine how the href is decorated.
#Html.ActionLink(Model.dsResults.Tables[0].Rows[i]["title"], "ItemLinkClick", "Controller", new { #class = "underline", style="text-decoration: underline" }, null)
those are the cases that you should take the other path
string title = Model.dsResults.Tables[0].Rows[i]["title"].ToString(),
aHref = String.Format("/ItemLinkClick/itemListID={0}&itemPosNum={1}...",
Remember that Razor helpers, help you, but you can still do things in the HTML way.
You could also use this:
<a class='btn btn-link'
href='/Mycontroler/MyAction/" + item.ID + "'
data-ajax-update='#Mymodal'>My Comments</a>

How can I make an AJAX link work once it is moved out of the iFrame?

I am using an iFrame with a form that return some content with an AJAX link.
I am then moving the returned content out of the iFrame into the main page.
However, then the ajax link does not work and the error "Element is null" is created once the link is clicked.
How can I move content from the iFrame and still have the AJAX link working?
Here's the code returned by the iFrame:
<span id="top">
<a id="link8" onclick=" event.returnValue = false; return false;" href="/item_pictures/delete/7">
<img src="/img/delete.bmp"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
parent.Event.observe('link8', 'click', function(event) {
new Ajax.Updater('top','/item_pictures/delete/3', {
asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true,
onCreate:function(request, xhr) {
document.getElementById("top").innerHTML = "<img src=\"/img/spinner_small.gif\">";
requestHeaders:['X-Update', 'top']
}, false);
I see two problems with your code.
First the solution (I think :-))
When your iframe loads, the javascript in it runs. Javascript attaches an observer to parent document's link8.
Inside the observer you define another function (onCreate). This function will run in iframe context, making document object refer to iframe and not to main document. When you remove link8 from iframe to move it to main document, document.getElementById("top") will become null - hence error.
Perhaps change it to:
parent.document.getElementById("top").innerHTML = "<img src=\"/img/spinner_small.gif\">";
Second problem (that is not really a problem in this particular case) is, if you move whole span (including the script) to main document, the javascript will run again in main document's context. In your case, you should see an error or warning after you move the content, stating that parent is null (or similar).
To remove the second problem, return your iframe data in two divs or similar. Then copy only div with html to main document.
What I did was move the AJAX call out to an external js file and called the function once the link was clicked. It works now.
