WiX WebSite creates second duplicate binding when ConfigureIfExists set to yes - visual-studio-2010

I have an installer I am modifying where we are modifying a web site in IIS. The requirements state that the end user must create the site first in IIS. We read the site information they choose from a dropdown in the installer for their site, and store the information in properties in WiX.
I have a WebSite element under a component, and have the ConfigureIfExists set to yes. A lot of this seems to be working great, it resets the directory of the site to where the website is on the drive.
The problem is that when I check the set up in IIS, the web site is not started, even when I have AutoStart = yes and StartOnInstall = yes. The problem I am seeing is that, since it is an existing web site, it creates a duplicate binding for the site, same port and everything, which is causing the site not to run.
Does anyone know why this is happening, or how to resolve it? I need it to not duplicate the binding so that the web site can be restarted when installation is complete.

I advise you to try this scenario with WiX v3.6 (take the latest available build). There were lots of fixes in IIS7 extension, and it's very likely your problem will just go away.
EDIT: now WiX 3.6 is in official beta. It is quite stable and contains lots of fixes to IIS extension.

I had a similar problem. I was able to work around it with the following method, but be advised, it is kind of a hack.
For my existing website, I match it on SiteId and set whatever configuration properties I want to change with the WebDirProperties attribute. Then, in the iis:WebAddress element, I set the Port number to some unused port (I used 8081). This will add an extra http binding in IIS7 (as you saw in your question). Then, I create a custom action that I run before InstallFinalize. The custom action basically loops through the site Bindings, looks for the one that matches the bogus port that I entered in wix and deletes it. Then the custom action starts the website and everything is good.
This was the only way I could find to get it to work in Wix 3.5. It is not the best method, but it worked for me.


Changing Sharepoint Web part to Sandbox solution

Attempting to migrate a web part solution from farm solution to sandbox solution. The steps I have seen online outline changing a property at the project level which is a boolean called 'Sandbox Solution'. However I do not see this option when I view the properties of the project. Does anyone have and ideas on how to migrate a solution which contains multiple web parts from a farm solution to sandbox?
I am afraid this can't be done. When a farm solution is created and deployed it loads extra controls into the solution that allows the solution to easily access data outside of its container. An example is the user control. This control is not allowed in a Sandbox solution as it allows access to the SharePoint root. Just changing that option isn't going to revert that option because the entire solution is geared around it even if you don't use it. It will be deployed. I found the blog post you are talking about or one similar to it and have never seen that work. This is why you define your project type at the beginning because Visual Studio applies the different controls depending on your selection. Removing the sandbox and recompiling will not work.
On another note, you can however convert a sandbox solution to a farm solution. This is because you are moving from stronger security to "less"

Can sites built with Rapidweaver be worked on without Rapidweaver?

A friend has asked me to do some work on his existing site which was built in Rapidweaver. I'm on Windows, so is there another way I can access and edit his site?
The Rapidweaver project file is meant to be edited only in Rapidweaver, really. As far as I know, the only way around would be to use an HTML editor to modify the pages that are already in the server. However, I would not reccomend you to do it unless you are not going back to Rapidweaver anymore. Because changing the files in the server does not update your local Rapidweaver files. So, you could end up editing something in the server, then getting back to Rapidweaver and upload a "new" version that would not be completely up to date (the previous changes in the server version would be overriden by the older rapidweaver project).
For that kind of work, a CMS (Content Management System) is a more flexible way to work. Nowadays, one of the most common is Wordpress. It will require an inicial setup but after it is working it can be updated from anywhere via web browser, or even from an app in your iPhone. But it is not a Rapidweaver based sollution.
There are a couple CMS related plugins or stacks (Dropkick CMS, Armadillo, Easy CMS, Total CMS...) for Rapidweaver that could also be useful in this context. Once again, first you would need to buy a licence and to setup the website using one of those plugins or stacks. Only then you would be able to edit on the go.

User Settings Not Working When Deployed By Setup Project (C# VS2013) *FIXED

I have made a few setup projects in my time, but this is a first for using User Settings. I may be using the wrong "words" when searching since I cannot be the only person with this issue.
The user settings I am talking about, are the settings you define in the Project Properties -> Settings. They work like a charm inside VS, but when I make the installer (using the free setup project extension, not the WiseInstaller LE that is included) and run the EXE, nothing takes.
I tried including the settings.settings file, and the App.Config file but that idea did not work.
What am I doing wrong? If I need to convert these to registry entries, then I need to do a lot of recoding. These are scoped to User, not Application.
I figured it out, it had nothing to do with the setup project, but rather my code flow. The settings form first tried to connect to the DB, since the connection information is entered on that form, it threw a cannot find error, so thinking that is what it should do, I hit continue. Well I was a bit wrong.
That error kind of made the form stop working since the information comes after the DB connection. I added a trap, and changed the code flow and all is good again.

Install Modx on FTP Server

I am pretty new to cms and hope you can help me. I'd like to install modx on a ftp server. My problem is my predecessor created a website with joomla. Now I want to create a completely new website out of the old one (just content, layout and design will be new), but with modx. I know how to built it, but i do not understand how to install modx and building the new website without crashing the existing.
Can someone give me a little step by step (if possible as simple as you can, cause i'm really not so familiar to the topic) on where to install (some kind of subdirectory?!); and what i have to adjust in modx so while developing the old website can be used without some kind of crossing (or if possible, to install modx localy on a flashdrive and upload the website somehow when finished?).
And how, if the website is finished, to delete the old one (deinstall joomla,...) and get the new one to the root directory.
Ps. Sorry for my English, isn't the best... I am a German :)
Thanks :))
I you have access to the server management or some kind of control panel, I would suggest create a new subdomain, such as new.yourdomain.com and install MODx there. I would also suggest using a separate database, evenou though that is not crucial as you can use the default modx_ prefix to easily tell one set of tables from the old joomla ones.
Once you are happy with the new site, either transfer it:
or just change the DNS of your server to point the main domain to the new subdirectory. That would depend on your hosting prvider.

How to test the newly added functionality in a Joomla 2.5 site which is live

I am working on a dynamic site on Joomla!, most of the coding is done in Juni module and component.
I have some dynamic features which I want to test it on my already published site, I fear that if any thing goes wrong by attaching it to the published site.
I want to ask is there any modules of plugins for Joomla! which allows me to test my dynamic functionality on the published site, and Is there any extension to recover my site to previous state(like version control system of my site...)
Where is a quick checklist with what you can do:
The easiest way to play around is to install Joomla! on your own computer where you can test everything without any worries
To get your websites like "versioned" or to have a complete backup, the most used and trusted solution is AkeebaBackup.
My advice would be NOT to play directly with the live website without doing a backup, especially if you are "testing" stuff.
I actually think it makes more sense to test first on a copy that is in the exact same server environment as the live site.
How to test live is always a hard thing, sooner or later you have to do it, but you want to get as much testing done as you can without doing it. Depending on how the feature is being rendered you may be able to use acl to prevent it being rendered to normal users.
