Is there some well-known algorithm which turns user's drawings into smoothed shapes? - algorithm

My requirements:
A user should be able to draw something by hand. Then after he takes off his pen (or finger) an algorithm smooths and transforms it into some basic shapes.
To get started I want to transform a drawing into a rectangle which resembles the original as much as possible. (Naturally this won't work if the user intentionally draws something else.) Right now I'm calculating an average x and y position, and I'm distinguishing between horizontal and vertical lines. But it's not yet a rectangle but some kind of orthogonal lines.
I wondered if there is some well-known algorithm for that, because I saw it a few times at some touchscreen applications. Do you have some reading tip?
Update: Maybe a pattern recognition algorithm would help me. There are some phones which request the user to draw a pattern to unlock it's keys.
P.S.: I think this question is not related to a particular programming language, but if you're interested, I will build a web application with RaphaelGWT.

The Douglas-Peucker algorithm is used in geography (to simplify a GPS track for instance) I guess it could be used here as well.

Based on your description I guess you're looking for a vectorization algorithm. Here are some pointers that might help you: - open source vectorizer of the edges in the raster pictures. - describes different vectorization algorithm implementations
There are a lot of resources on vectorization algorithms, I'm sure you'll be able to find something that fits your needs. I don't know how complex these algorithms are to implement them, though,


Removing skew/distortion based on known dimensions of a shape

I have an idea for an app that takes a printed page with four squares in each corner and allows you to measure objects on the paper given at least two squares are visible. I want to be able to have a user take a picture from less than perfect angles and still have the objects be measured accurately.
I'm unable to figure out exactly how to find information on this subject due to my lack of knowledge in the area. I've been able to find examples of opencv code that does some interesting transforms and the like but I've yet to figure out what I'm asking in simpler terms.
Does anyone know of papers or mathematical concepts I can lookup to get further into this project?
I'm not quite sure how or who to ask other than people on this forum, sorry for the somewhat vague question.
What you describe is very reminiscent of augmented reality marker tracking. Maybe you can start by searching these words on a search engine of your choice.
A single marker, if done correctly, can be used to identify it without confusing it with other markers AND to determine how the surface is placed in 3D space in front of the camera.
But that's all very difficult and advanced stuff, I'd greatly advise to NOT try and implement something like this, it would take years of research... The only way you have is to use a ready-made open source library that outputs the data you need for your app.
It may even not exist. In that case you'll have to buy one. Given the niché of your problem that would be perfectly plausible.
Here I give you only the programming aspect and if you want you can find out about the mathematical aspect from those examples. Most of the functions you need can be done using OpenCV. Here are some examples in python:
To detect the printed paper, you can use cv2.findContours function. The most outer contour is possibly the paper, but you need to test on actual images.
In case of sloping (not in perfect angle), you can find the angle by cv2.minAreaRect which return the angle of the contour you found above. (part 7b).
If you want to rotate the paper, use cv2.warpAffine.
To detect the object in the paper, there are some methods. The easiest way is using the contours above. If the objects are in certain colors, you can detect it by using color filter.

Implementing guided view technology programmatically for a variety of panels

I just read Scott Hansleman's post on Guided View Technology in comics
and I though that this would be awesome if implemented in other avenues (specifically in manga )
I mean reading right to left in itself can be a little weird to start with and this would lower the barrier to entry for new readers.
I was wondering if there was possibly an open source project out there in the wild or if not then possibly a means to get started with something like this as I am not an image processing guru. In particular I just really would need to figure out which lines are panels and where to slice into smaller pictures. Because comics all have their own prefs as far as line thickness I'm not sure if there is a simple way to do this that works across many different border thicknesses and styles. Language doesn't matter so much here, I'm really about dealing with concepts and patterns of attack.
You can start by looking at the Duda-Hart implementation of the Hough transform for lines.
The Hough algorithm will yield equations for straight lines. From that you can find intersections, identify rectangles, etc.
You can also use a kernel-based corner detection to find T-, L-, and X-intersections.
One difficulty is that some panels in comics won't have "hard" edges, or may have edges that are squiggly, circular/elliptical, French curvy, etc. You can find particular algorithms for particular problems, but it would be hard to generalize these algorithms in a set of rules and programmatic logic that will work for all (or even most) samples. It seems that a hallmark of a good comic could be considered to be the elegant and sometimes surprising panelization, "surprising" being a synonym for unpredictable. Although there are many methods to "segment" an image into different regions, this is still an active area of research.
But if you start with Hough lines you'll have a good start and learn a lot about image processing.

Convert polygons into mesh

I have a lot of polygons. Ideally, all the polygons must not overlap one other, but they can be located adjacent to one another.
But practically, I would have to allow for slight polygon overlap ( defined by a certain tolerance) because all these polygons are obtained from user hand drawing input, which is not as machine-precised as I want them to be.
My question is, is there any software library components that:
Allows one to input a range of polygons
Check if the polygons are overlapped more than a prespecified tolerance
If yes, then stop, or else, continue
Create mesh in terms of coordinates and elements for the polygons by grouping common vertex and edges together?
More importantly, link back the mesh edges to the original polygon(s)'s edge?
Or is there anyone tackle this issue before?
This issue is a daily "bread" of GIS applications - this is what is exactly done there. We also learned that at a GIS course. Look into GIS systems how they address this issue. E.g. ArcGIS define so called topology rules and has some functions to check if the edited features are topologically correct. See
This is pretty long, only because the question is so big. I've tried to group my comments based on your bullet points.
Components to draw polygons
My guess is that you'll have limited success without providing more information - a component to draw polygons will be very much coupled to the language and UI paradigm you are using for the rest of your project, ie. code for a web component will look very different to a native component.
Perhaps an alternative is to separate this element of the process out from the rest of what you're trying to do. There are some absolutely fantastic pre-existing editors that you can use to create 2d and 3d polygons.
Inkscape is an example of a vector graphics editor that makes it easy to enter 2d polygons, and has the advantage of producing output SVG, which is reasonably easy to parse.
In three dimensions Blender is an open source editor that can be used to produce arbitrary geometries that can be exported to a number of formats.
If you can use a google-maps API (possibly in an native HTML rendering control), and you are interested in adding spatial points on a map overlay, you may be interested in related click-to-draw polygon question on stackoverflow. From past experience, other map APIs like OpenLayers support similar approaches.
Check whether polygons are overlapped
Thomas T made the point in his answer, that there are families of related predicates that can be used to address this and related queries. If you are literally just looking for overlaps and other set theoretic operations (union, intersection, set difference) in two dimensions you can use the General Polygon Clipper
You may also need to consider the slightly more generic problem when two polygons that don't overlap or share a vertex when they should. You can use a Minkowski sum to dilate (enlarge) two and three dimensional polygons to avoid such problems. The Computational Geometry Algorithms Library has robust implementations of these algorithms.
I think that it's more likely that you are really looking for a piece of software that can perform vertex welding, Christer Ericson's book Real-time Collision Detection includes extensive and very readable description of the basics in this field, and also on related issues of edge snapping, crack detection, T-junctions and more. However, even though code snippets are included for that book, I know of no ready made library that addresses these problems, in particular, no complete implementation is given for anything beyond basic vertex welding.
Obviously all 3D packages (blender, maya, max, rhino) all include built in software and tools to solve this problem.
Group polygons based on vertices
From past experience, this turned out to be one of the most time consuming parts of developing software to solve problems in this area. It requires reasonable understanding of graph theory and algorithms to traverse boundaries. It is worth relying upon a solid geometry or graph library to do the heavy lifting for you. In the past I've had success with igraph.
Link the updated polygons back to the originals.
Again, from past experience, this is just a case of careful bookkeeping, and some very careful design of your mesh classes up-front. I'd like to give more advice, but even after spending a big chunk of the last six months on this, I'm still struggling to find a "nice" way to do this.
Other Comments
If you're interacting with users, I would strongly recommend avoiding this issue where possible by using an editor that "snaps", rounding all user entered points onto a grid. This will hopefully significantly reduce the amount of work that you have to do.
Yes, you can use OGR. It has python bindings. Specifically, the Geometry class has an Intersects method. I don't fully understand what you want in points 4 and 5.

Position elements without overlap

I have a number of rectangular elements that I want to position in a 2D space. I calculate an ideal position for each element. Now my problem is that many elements overlap as very often the ideal positions are concentrated in one region. I want to avoid overlap as much as possible (doesn't have to be perfect, though). How can I do this?
I've heard physics simulations are suitable for this - is that correct? And can anyone provide an example/tutorial?
By the way: I'm using XNA, if you know any .NET library that does exactly this job - tell me!
One way the physics engine can be used:
Put positive electric charges (or some kind of repulsive force) on each rectangles and simulate the forces and movements. Also, as Eyal was kind enough to point out, you also need some attractive forces to keep them from drifting away. This can be modelled by springs (again as Eyal points out). They will hopefully end up in some sort of equilibrium which might involve non-overlapping rectangles.
I believe similar ideas (force based heuristics) are used in determining nice looking layouts of graphs (the nodes and edges one).
Disclaimer: I haven't used this myself.
Hope that helps!
Box2D is a widly used (free) physics library that can achieve the needed task: Link
The algorithm that you are looking for is linear interpolation. XNA has its own lerp function.

What is currently considered the "best" algorithm for 2D point-matching?

I have two lists containing x-y coordinates (of stars). I could also have magnitudes (brightnesses) attached to each star. Now each star has random position jiggles and there can be a few extra or missing points in each image. My question is, "What is the best 2D point matching algorithm for such a dataset?" I guess both for a simple linear (translation, rotation, scale) and non-linear (say, n-degree polynomials in the coordinates). In the lingo of the point matching field, I'm looking for the algorithms that would win in a shootout between 2D point matching programs with noise and spurious points. There may be a different "winners" depending if the labeling info is used (the magnitudes) and/or the transformation is restricted to being linear.
I am aware that there are many classes of 2D point matching algorithms and many algorithms in each class (literally probably hundreds in total) but I don't know which, if any, is the consider the "best" or the "most standard" by people in the field of computer vision. Sadly, many of the articles to papers I want to read don't have online versions and I can only read the abstract. Before I settle on a particular algorithm to implement it would be good to hear from a few experts to separate the wheat from the chaff.
I have a working matching program that uses triangles but it fails somewhat frequently (~5% of the time) such that the solution transformation has obvious distortions but for no obvious reason. This program was not written by me and is from a paper written almost 20 years ago. I want to write a new implementation that performs most robustly. I am assuming (hoping) that there have been some advances in this area that make this plausible.
If you're interested in star matching, check out the blind astrometry solver and the paper on it here. They use four point quads to solve star configurations in Flickr pictures of the night sky. Check out this interview.
There is no single "best" algorithm for this. There are lots of different techniques, and each work better than others on specific datasets and types of data.
One thing I'd recommend is to read this introduction to image registration from the tutorials of the Insight Toolkit. ITK supports MANY types of image registration (which is what it sounds like you are attempting), and is very robust in many cases. Most of their users are in the medical field, so you'll have to wade through a lot of medical jargon, but the algorithms and code work with any type of image (including 1,2,3, and n dimensional images, of different types,etc).
You can consider applying your algorithm first only on the N brightest stars, then include progressively the others to refine the result, reducing the search range at the same time.
Using RANSAC for robustness to extra points is also very common.
I'm not sure it would work, but worth a try:
For each star do the circle time ray Fourier transform - centered around it - of all the other stars (note: this is not the standard Fourier transform, which is line times line).
The phase space of circle times ray is integers times line, but since we only have finite accuracy, you just get a matrix; the dimensions of the matrix depend on accuracy. Now try to pair the matrices to one another (e.g. using L_2 norm)
I saw a program on tv a while ago about how researchers were taking pictures of whales and using the spots on them (which are unique for each whale) to id each whale. It used the angles between the spots. By using the angles it didn't matter if the image was rotated or scaled or translated. That sounds similar to what you're doing with your triangles.
I think the "best" (most technical) way would to be to take the Fourier Transform of the original image and of the new linearly modified image. By doing some simple filtering, it should be easy to figure out the orientation and scale of your image with respect to the old one. There is a description of the 2d Fourier Transform here.
