Data sharing in GUI, Matlab - user-interface

now I'm developing a GUI with pop-up windows, so actually it is a workpackage with multiple GUIs.
I have read thorough the examples given in help files (changme, and toolpalette), but I failed to animate the method to transfer data from the new one back to the old one.
Here is my problem.
I have two GUIs, A, the Main one and B that I use it to collect input data and I want to transfer the data back to B.
Question 1:
I want to define new subclasses of handles in A.
lets say,
how can I define its properties, e.g. 'Strings'?
Question 2:
In A, a button has the callback
B('A', handles.A);
so we activate B.fig.
After finished the work in B,
it has collected the following data (string and double) in B(!)
title_1 itle_2 ... title_n
num_1 num_2 ... num_n
I want to pass the data back to A.
Following the instruction, I wrote the codes shown below.
mainHandles = guidata(A);
title = mainHandles.title_1;
However, when I go back to A, handles in A was not changed at all.
Please someon help me out here.
Thank you!
The solution I found is adding extra variables (say handles.GUIdata) to handles structure of one GUI, and whenever the data are required, just read them from the corresponding GUI.
And It works well for me, since I have a main control panel and several sub-GUIs.

There is a short discussion of this issue here.

I have had similar issues where I wanted external batch scripts to actually control my GUI applications, but there is no reason two GUI's would not be able to do the same.
I created a Singleton object, and when the GUI application starts up it gets the reference to the Singleton controller and sets the appropriate gui handles into the object for later use. Once the Singleton has the handles it can use set and get functions to provide or exchange data to any gui control that it has the handle for. Any function/callback in the system can get the handle to the singleton and then invoke routines on that Singleton that will allow data to be exchanged or even control operations to be run. Your GUI A can, for instance, ask the controller for the value in GUI B's field X, or even modify that value directly if desired. Its very flexible.
In your case be sure to invalidate any handles if GUI A or B go away, and test if that gui component actually exists before getting or modifying any values. The Singleton object will even survive across multiple invocations of your app, as long as Matlab itself is left running, so be sure to clean up on exit if you don't want stale information laying around.

Regarding Question 2, it looks like you forgot to first specify that Figure A should be active when setting the title. Fix that and everything else looks good (at least, the small snippets you've posted).


Novice question about structuring events in Tcl/Tk

If one is attempting to build a desktop program with a semi-complex GUI, especially one in which users can open multiple instances of identical GUI components such as having a "project" GUI and permitting users to open multiple projects concurrently within the main window, is it good practice to push the event listeners further up the widget hierarchy and use the event detail to determine upon which widget the event took place, as opposed to placing event listeners on each individual widget?
For example, in doing something similar in a web browser, there were no event listeners on any individual project GUI elements. The listeners were on the parent container that held the multiple instances of each project GUI. A project had multiple tabs within its GUI, but only one tab was visible within a project at a time and only one project was visible at any one time; so, it was fairly easy to use classes on the HTML elements and then the e.matches() method on the to act upon the currently visible tab within the currently visible project in a manner that was independent of which project it was that was visible. Without any real performance testing, it was my unqualified impression as an amateur that having as few event listeners as possible was more efficient and I got most of that by reading information that wasn't very exact.
I read recently in John Ousterhout's book that Tk applications can have hundreds of event handlers and wondered whether or not attempting to limit the number of them as described above really makes any difference in Tcl/Tk.
My purpose in asking this question is solely to understand events better in order to start off the coding of my Tcl/Tk program correctly and not have to re-code a bunch of poorly structured event listeners. I'm not attempting to dispute anything written in the mentioned book and don't know enough to do so if I wanted to.
Thank you for any guidance you may be able to provide.
Having hundreds of event handlers is usually just a mark that there's a lot of different events possibly getting sent around. Since you usually (but not always) try to specialize the binding to be as specific as possible, the actual event handler is usually really small, but might call a procedure to do the work. That tends to work out well in practice. Myself, my rule of thumb is that if it is not a simple call then I'll put in a helper procedure; it's easier to debug them that way. (The main exception to my rule is if I want to generate a break.)
There are four levels you can usually bind on (plus more widget-specific ones for canvas and text):
The individual widget. This is the one that you'll use most.
The widget class. This is mostly used by Tk; you'll usually not want to change it because it may alter the behaviour of code that you just use. (For example, don't alter the behaviour of buttons!)
The toplevel containing the widget. This is ideal for hotkeys. (Be very careful though; some bindings at this level can be trouble. <Destroy> is the one that usually bites.) Toplevel widgets themselves don't have this, because of rule 1.
all, which does what it says, and which you almost never need.
You can define others with bindtags… but it's usually not a great plan as it is a lot of work.
The other thing to bear in mind is that Tk supports virtual events, <<FooBarHappened>>. They have all sorts of uses, but the main one in a complex application (that you should take note of) is for defining higher-level events that are triggered by a sequence of low-level events occasionally, and yet which other widgets than the originator may wish to take note of.

How to get Core Data to make only one instance of entity of type

So. Before I get singleton pattern hate on this message hear me out. I'd love to hear ideas. I'm making a program that I think I need to use core data for, because later I want the status of some variables to be easily accessible from OS X, and multiple iOS devices.
What I'm making is an OS X program that will control phidgets ( to control and listen for status changes in real world objects. Example: whether a motor is turned on or not. Turn a motor on and off. Turn on status lights, etc.
I originally thought I'd just make global variables that I change, poll and manipulate in order to have a central status board for the logic of the program to work off of. But, because of the engineering that is put into core data every year by apple, I am assuming making this work with core data will allow me to more easily have options to sync this later with iOS devices that could control or monitor the said status' remotely.
Is there a nifty way you can imagine to:
-startup the program, confirm there is only one entity of type "SystemStatus", if there isn't one, make one. is there is one, we continue and are able to let the program update it's attributes with status of the real world objects it's controlling.
using core data was something I thought of also, because it will allow me a place to persist stored history of data gathered too. Example: motor bearing temperature over time.
If you ensure that access to this object is done through your API, Core Data becomes an implementation detail behind the getter method of the singleton object. There are no facilities in Core Data to tell it to create only one object, but if you ensure access to the object is done through a wrapper of your own, you can fetch it on demand and if it doesn't exist, you can insert it, save, and pass it to the caller.
An important thing to consider when using Core Data objects is multithreading. Passing the same object to multiple threads is very error-prone and requires locking mechanisms (or use of Apple's block-based API). This is not very straightforward for what you describe. Consider either a wrapper object which uses Core Data objects internally (wraps access to properties in block-based API) or using a different approach than Core Data.

Extending functionality of existing program I don't have source for

I'm working on a third-party program that aggregates data from a bunch of different, existing Windows programs. Each program has a mechanism for exporting the data via the GUI. The most brain-dead approach would have me generate extracts by using AutoIt or some other GUI manipulation program to generate the extractions via the GUI. The problem with this is that people might be interacting with the computer when, suddenly, some automated program takes over. That's no good. What I really want to do is somehow have a program run once a day and silently (i.e. without popping up any GUIs) export the data from each program.
My research is telling me that I need to hook each application (assume these applications are always running) and inject a custom DLL to trigger each export. Am I remotely close to being on the right track? I'm a fairly experienced software dev, but I don't know a whole lot about reverse engineering or hooking. Any advice or direction would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: I'm trying to manage the availability of a certain type of professional. Their schedules are stored in proprietary systems. With their permission, I want to install an app on their system that extracts their schedule from whichever system they are using and uploads the information to a central server so that I can present that information to potential clients.
I am aware of four ways of extracting the information you want, both with their advantages and disadvantages. Before you do anything, you need to be aware that any solution you create is not guaranteed and in fact very unlikely to continue working should the target application ever update. The reason is that in each case, you are relying on an implementation detail instead of a pre-defined interface through which to export your data.
Hooking the GUI
The first way is to hook the GUI as you have suggested. What you are doing in this case is simply reading off from what an actual user would see. This is in general easier, since you are hooking the WinAPI which is clearly defined. One danger is that what the program displays is inconsistent or incomplete in comparison to the internal data it is supposed to be representing.
Typically, there are two common ways to perform WinAPI hooking:
DLL Injection. You create a DLL which you load into the other program's virtual address space. This means that you have read/write access (writable access can be gained with VirtualProtect) to the target's entire memory. From here you can trampoline the functions which are called to set UI information. For example, to check if a window has changed its text, you might trampoline the SetWindowText function. Note every control has different interfaces used to set what they are displaying. In this case, you are hooking the functions called by the code to set the display.
SetWindowsHookEx. Under the covers, this works similarly to DLL injection and in this case is really just another method for you to extend/subvert the control flow of messages received by controls. What you want to do in this case is hook the window procedures of each child control. For example, when an item is added to a ComboBox, it would receive a CB_ADDSTRING message. In this case, you are hooking the messages that are received when the display changes.
One caveat with this approach is that it will only work if the target is using or extending WinAPI controls.
Reading from the GUI
Instead of hooking the GUI, you can alternatively use WinAPI to read directly from the target windows. However, in some cases this may not be allowed. There is not much to do in this case but to try and see if it works. This may in fact be the easiest approach. Typically, you will send messages such as WM_GETTEXT to query the target window for what it is currently displaying. To do this, you will need to obtain the exact window hierarchy containing the control you are interested in. For example, say you want to read an edit control, you will need to see what parent window/s are above it in the window hierarchy in order to obtain its window handle.
Reading from memory (Advanced)
This approach is by far the most complicated but if you are able to fully reverse engineer the target program, it is the most likely to get you consistent data. This approach works by you reading the memory from the target process. This technique is very commonly used in game hacking to add 'functionality' and to observe the internal state of the game.
Consider that as well as storing information in the GUI, programs often hold their own internal model of all the data. This is especially true when the controls used are virtual and simply query subsets of the data to be displayed. This is an example of a situation where the first two approaches would not be of much use. This data is often held in some sort of abstract data type such as a list or perhaps even an array. The trick is to find this list in memory and read the values off directly. This can be done externally with ReadProcessMemory or internally through DLL injection again. The difficulty lies mainly in two prerequisites:
Firstly, you must be able to reliably locate these data structures. The problem with this is that code is not guaranteed to be in the same place, especially with features such as ASLR. Colloquially, this is sometimes referred to as code-shifting. ASLR can be defeated by using the offset from a module base and dynamically getting the module base address with functions such as GetModuleHandle. As well as ASLR, a reason that this occurs is due to dynamic memory allocation (e.g. through malloc). In such cases, you will need to find a heap address storing the pointer (which would for example be the return of malloc), dereference that and find your list. That pointer would be prone to ASLR and instead of a pointer, it might be a double-pointer, triple-pointer, etc.
The second problem you face is that it would be rare for each list item to be a primitive type. For example, instead of a list of character arrays (strings), it is likely that you will be faced with a list of objects. You would need to further reverse engineer each object type and understand internal layouts (at least be able to determine offsets of primitive values you are interested in in terms of its offset from the object base). More advanced methods revolve around actually reverse engineering the vtable of objects and calling their 'API'.
You might notice that I am not able to give information here which is specific. The reason is that by its nature, using this method requires an intimate understanding of the target's internals and as such, the specifics are defined only by how the target has been programmed. Unless you have knowledge and experience of reverse engineering, it is unlikely you would want to go down this route.
Hooking the target's internal API (Advanced)
As with the above solution, instead of digging for data structures, you dig for the internal API. I briefly covered this with when discussing vtables earlier. Instead of doing this, you would be attempting to find internal APIs that are called when the GUI is modified. Typically, when a view/UI is modified, instead of directly calling the WinAPI to update it, a program will have its own wrapper function which it calls which in turn calls the WinAPI. You simply need to find this function and hook it. Again this is possible, but requires reverse engineering skills. You may find that you discover functions which you want to call yourself. In this case, as well as being able to locate the location of the function, you have to reverse engineer the parameters it takes, its calling convention and you will need to ensure calling the function has no side effects.
I would consider this approach to be advanced. It can certainly be done and is another common technique used in game hacking to observe internal states and to manipulate a target's behaviour, but is difficult!
The first two methods are well suited for reading data from WinAPI programs and are by far easier. The two latter methods allow greater flexibility. With enough work, you are able to read anything and everything encapsulated by the target but requires a lot of skill.
Another point of concern which may or may not relate to your case is how easy it will be to update your solution to work should the target every be updated. With the first two methods, it is more likely no changes or small changes have to be made. With the second two methods, even a small change in source code can cause a relocation of the offsets you are relying upon. One method of dealing with this is to use byte signatures to dynamically generate the offsets. I wrote another answer some time ago which addresses how this is done.
What I have written is only a brief summary of the various techniques that can be used for what you want to achieve. I may have missed approaches, but these are the most common ones I know of and have experience with. Since these are large topics in themselves, I would advise you ask a new question if you want to obtain more detail about any particular one. Note that in all of the approaches I have discussed, none of them suffer from any interaction which is visible to the outside world so you would have no problem with anything popping up. It would be, as you describe, 'silent'.
This is relevant information about detouring/trampolining which I have lifted from a previous answer I wrote:
If you are looking for ways that programs detour execution of other
processes, it is usually through one of two means:
Dynamic (Runtime) Detouring - This is the more common method and is what is used by libraries such as Microsoft Detours. Here is a
relevant paper where the first few bytes of a function are overwritten
to unconditionally branch to the instrumentation.
(Static) Binary Rewriting - This is a much less common method for rootkits, but is used by research projects. It allows detouring to be
performed by statically analysing and overwriting a binary. An old
(not publicly available) package for Windows that performs this is
Etch. This paper gives a high-level view of how it works
Although Detours demonstrates one method of dynamic detouring, there
are countless methods used in the industry, especially in the reverse
engineering and hacking arenas. These include the IAT and breakpoint
methods I mentioned above. To 'point you in the right direction' for
these, you should look at 'research' performed in the fields of
research projects and reverse engineering.

How would you implement a Workflow system?

I need to implement a Workflow system.
For example, to export some data, I need to:
Use an XSLT processor to transform an XML file
Use the resulting transformation to convert into an arbitrary data structure
Use the resulting (file or data) and generate an archive
Move the archive into a given folder.
I started to create two types of class, Workflow, which is responsible of adding new Step object and run it.
Each Steps implement a StepInterface.
My main concerns is all my steps are dependent to the previous one (except the first), and I'm wondering what would be the best way to handle such problems.
I though of looping over each steps and providing each steps the result of the previous (if any), but I'm not really happy with it.
Another idea would have been to allow a "previous" Step to be set into a Step, like :
$s = new Step();
$s->setPreviousStep(Step $step);
But I lose the utility of a Workflow class.
Any ideas, advices?
By the way, I'm also concerned about success or failure of the whole workflow, it means that if any steps fail I need to rollback or clean the previous data.
I've implemented a similar workflow engine a last year (closed source though - so no code that I can share). Here's a few ideas based on that experience:
StepInterface - can do what you're doing right now - abstract a single step.
Additionally, provide a rollback capability but I think a step should know when it fails and clean up before proceeding further. An abstract step can handle this for you (template method)
You might want to consider branching based on the StepResult - so you could do a StepMatcher that takes a stepResult object and a conditional - its sub-steps are executed only if the conditional returns true.
You could also do a StepException to handle exceptional flows if a step errors out. Ideally, this is something that you can define either at a workflow level (do this if any step fails) and/or at a step level.
I'd taken the approach that a step returns a well defined structure (StepResult) that's available to the next step. If there's bulky data (say a large file etc), then the URI/locator to the resource is passed in the StepResult.
Your workflow is going to need a context to work with - in the example you quote, this would be the name of the file, the location of the archive and so on - so think of a WorkflowContext
Additional thoughts
You might want to consider the following too - if this is something that you're planning to implement as a large scale service/server:
Steps could be in libraries that were dynamically loaded
Workflow definition in an XML/JSON file - again, dynamically reloaded when edited.
Remote invocation and call back - submit job to remote service with a callback API. when the remote service calls back, the workflow execution is picked up at the subsequent step in the flow.
Parallel execution where possible etc.
stateless design
Rolling back can be fit into this structure easily, as each Step will implement its own rollback() method, which the workflow can call (in reverse order preferably) if any of the steps fail.
As for the main question, it really depends on how sophisticated do you want to get. On a basic level, you can define a StepResult interface, which is returned by each step and passed on to the next one. The obvious problem with this approach is that each step should "know" which implementation of StepResult to expect. For small systems this may be acceptable, for larger systems you'd probably need some kind of configurable mapping framework that can be told how to convert the result of the previous step into the input of the next one. So Workflow will call Step, Step returns StepResult, Workflow then calls StepResultConverter (which is your configurable mapping thingy), StepResultConverter returns a StepInput, Workflow then calls the next Step with StepInput and so on.
I've had great success implementing workflow using a finite state machine. It can be as simple or complicated as you like, with multiple workflows linking to each other. Generally an FSM can be implemented as a simple table where the current state of a given object is tracked in a history table by keeping a journal of the transitions on the object and simply retrieving the last entry. So a transition would be of the form:
nextState = TransLookup(currState, Event, [Condition])
If you are implementing a front end you can use this transition information to construct a list of the events available to a given object in its current state.

How to "bind" a persistent data structure to a GUI in Scala?

I need a GUI control to update whenever a persistent data structure (PDS) is updated.
I need to have the PDS updated when the user takes certain actions.
So, for example, an SWT Tree and a simple tree data structure.
There are lots of manual, ugly ways to do this, but it seems to me this is a very common situation and there would likely be a very clean approach out there.
I've been reading about FRP, Lenses, Actors, etc... seems like there could be a very simple, clean, effective approach to handling this type of situation.
What I can think about is having a component with a mutable reference to the PDS. This component could raise an event with the new version of the PDS every time it changes the value of the var. Your GUI control could be listening to that event and react to it by redrawing itself with the new info. Other option is that the component that listens to the event be the parent of your GUI control, reacting by creating a new instance of it, so the control can receive the PDS in the constructor and draw itself only once.
A persistent data structure never updates. You probably have a reference to a persistent data structure that changes to the new version, when you change it. If you want to track incremental change in the PDS, it's going to be awkward. The thing is, at the point you're storing the new version of the PDS, you still have the old version. Maybe you can run a diff to produce the incremental change.
Yes, there is a nice and clean approach: ValueModels. It should be pretty easy to implement in Scala (I've found nothing in a quick search). AFAIK there is a Java implementation embedded in Spring Rich Client.
How you describe it, it seems that the user calls takes certain actions inside the GUI, and then the GUI and the Database has to be updated. As long as the database update is a side effect you could completely rely on all SWT events.
