Testing the Oracle to_date function - oracle

I'm writing an integration test in Grails using GORM.
I want to do something like the following:
delete from Statistic
where stat_date = TO_DATE(:month_year, 'MON-YYYY')
But I get the following error:
java.sql.SQLException: Unexpected token: TO_DATE in statement [delete
from statistics where stat_date=TO_DATE(?, 'MON-YYYY')]
I think the error is caused by the in memory database used by GORM (is it H2?) not supporting the to_date function.
Any ideas on how to write the delete SQL so that it works in a test and in live?
As I only really care about the Month and Year one thought I had would be to delete the records where the stat_date is between the first and last date of the given month.
Can any one think of a better way?

This still comes up as number 1 on google searches so here's what worked for me.
My unit tests/local environment build and populate a schema using sql files. I created the following alias in the sql file
drop ALIAS if exists TO_DATE;
import java.text.*;
java.util.Date toDate(String s, String dateFormat) throws Exception {
return new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat).parse(s);
Notice the use of single quotes instead of $$ in h2 user defined functions as that is the only format that worked for me.

I had to adjust bluesman's answer in order to make it work for the date formats that are commonly used in our Oracle sql.
This version supports dateFormats like 'DD-MON-YYYY'
drop ALIAS if exists TO_DATE;
import java.text.*;
java.util.Date toDate(String s, String dateFormat) throws Exception {
if (dateFormat.contains("MON")) {
dateFormat = dateFormat.replace("MON", "MMM");
if (dateFormat.contains("Y")) {
dateFormat = dateFormat.replaceAll("Y", "y");
if (dateFormat.contains("D")) {
dateFormat = dateFormat.replaceAll("D", "d");
return new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat).parse(s);
I found the tips on this blog post http://javatechniques.com/blog/dateformat-and-simpledateformat-examples/ helpful in figuring out how to translate the Oracle date formats into SimpleDateFormat's formats.

Yes, H2 doesn't support TO_DATE, it's in 1.4.x roadmap. Instead you can use the EXTRACT function that exists both in Oracle DB and H2.

java.util.Date toDate(String dateTime, String dateFormat) throws Exception {
if (dateFormat.contains("MON")) {
dateFormat = dateFormat.replace("MON", "MMM");
if (dateFormat.contains("Y")) {
dateFormat = dateFormat.replaceAll("Y", "y");
if (dateFormat.contains("D")) {
dateFormat = dateFormat.replaceAll("D", "d");
if (dateFormat.contains("HH")) {
dateFormat = dateFormat.replaceAll("HH", "hh");
if (dateFormat.contains("hh24")) {
dateFormat = dateFormat.replaceAll("hh24", "hh");
if (dateFormat.contains("MI") || dateFormat.contains("mi")) {
dateFormat = dateFormat.replaceAll("MI", "mi").replaceAll("mi", "mm");
if (dateFormat.contains("SS")) {
dateFormat = dateFormat.replaceAll("SS", "ss");
return new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat).parse(dateTime);

Or you can define your own TO_DATE like
java.util.Date to_date(String value, String format) throws java.text.ParseException {
java.text.DateFormat dateFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat(format);
return dateFormat.parse(value);
see http://www.h2database.com/html/features.html#user_defined_functions


how to convert HAC flexible query to DAO query

I'm using below flexible query in HMC and it's working fine.
The same query needs to convert the DAO layer and input is a data parameter.
Please any help on this?
SELECT * FROM {Product} WHERE {creationtime} >= TO_DATE('2020/02/19','YYYY/MM/DD')
The complete and definitive guide for the creation of Flexiqueries and corresponding DAO code.
Refer DefaultProductDao and create one for your requirement or you can extend it if you want to reuse any function. I hope by looking at the class, you'll have an understanding of how to write and execute the flexi query in the SAP Hybris.
Converting your query to DAO
Here, I would suggest avoiding using TO_DATE or any DB function to ensure that the query is not DB dependent. In your case, you can parse string date to Java Date object and pass it to the query something like below
String query = "SELECT * FROM {"+ ProductModel._TYPECODE +"} WHERE {"+ ProductModel.CREATIONTIME +"} >= ?"+ProductModel.CREATIONTIME;
final FlexibleSearchQuery searchQuery = new FlexibleSearchQuery(query);
final Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put(ProductModel.CREATIONTIME, getDateObject("2020/02/19"));
final SearchResult searchResult = getFlexibleSearchService().search(searchQuery);
return searchResult.getResult();
private Date getDateObject(String date)
// logic to parse your string date (YYYY/MM/DD) to java Date object
return new Date(); //return your parsed date object here

spark jdbc api can't use built-in function

I want to get subquery from impala table as one dataset.
Code like this:
String subQuery = "(select to_timestamp(unix_timestamp(now())) as ts from my_table) t"
Dataset<Row> ds = spark.read().jdbc(myImpalaUrl, subQuery, prop);
But result is error:
Caused by: java.sql.SQLDataException: [Cloudera][JDBC](10140) Error converting value to Timestamp.
I can use unix_timestamp function,but to_timestmap failed, why?
I found code in org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.JDBC.compute() exists some problem:
sqlText = s"SELECT $columnList FROM ${options.table} $myWhereClause"
$columList contains " like "col_name" , when I delete " it work fine.
I solve this problem by add dialect, default dialect will add "" to column name,
JdbcDialect ImpalaDialect = new JdbcDialect(){
public boolean canHandle(String url) {
return url.startsWith("jdbc:impala") || url.contains("impala");
public String quoteIdentifier(String colName) {
return colName;

input date using jdbc to hsqldb

How do i get all the rows having endDate greater than current date? do i have to use setString() or setDate()? they are both not working!!!
What is the correct way to do it?
ResultSet is empty but database contains data for the given sql statement
public ArrayList<AddBean> listPendingTasks() {
java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date();
String modifiedDate= new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(date);
Connection con = JDBCHelper.getConnection();
PreparedStatement ps_sel = null;
ArrayList<AddBean> c = new ArrayList<AddBean>();
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
ps_sel = con.prepareStatement("select * from tasks where enddate > ? order by enddate");
ps_sel.setString(2, modifiedDate);
rs = ps_sel.getResultSet();
AddBean ab = new AddBean();
return c;
} catch (SQLException e) {
return null;
try this
If your table has a column of type DATE:
Query : SELECT * FROM [values] v WHERE date >= '2013-06-03';
Then use this method java.sql.Date.valueOf(java.lang.String)
ps.setDate(2, java.sql.Date.valueOf("2015-09-13"));
Updated with Date and Time Types:
The DATE type is used for values with a date part but no time part. MySQL retrieves and displays DATE values in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format. The supported range is '1000-01-01' to '9999-12-31'. MySQL retrieves and displays TIME values in 'HH:MM:SS' format. TIME values may range from '-838:59:59' to '838:59:59'.
String QUERY = "UPDATE TABLE_NAME SET dateValue=?, timeValue=?, timeStampText=? WHERE rowIdentify=?";
PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement( QUERY );
pstmt.setDate(1, java.sql.Date.valueOf( localDate )); // DATE Type
pstmt.setTime(2, java.sql.Time.valueOf( localTime )); // TIME Type
pstmt.setString(3, localDateTime ); // TEXT Type
pstmt.setString(4, conditionValue );
Sample code to get the above Date fields value. getDateFromEpochTime()
long startTime=System.currentTimeMillis();
String str = getDateFromEpochTime(startTime);
CharSequence charSequence = str.subSequence(0, str.length());
String pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
DateTimeFormatter dateTimeFormatter = java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern( pattern );
LocalDate localDate = java.time.LocalDate.parse( charSequence, dateTimeFormatter );
LocalTime localTime = java.time.LocalTime.parse( charSequence, dateTimeFormatter );
LocalDateTime localDateTime = LocalDateTime.parse( charSequence, dateTimeFormatter);
Java SQL driver doesnot support java.sql.Timestamp for DATETIME or TIMESTAMP type of Table column. Try to use PreparedStatement when query contains Date and Time Types types.
learn the date format of the db. hsql db supports 'yyyy-mm-dd'. If you are using prepared statements, then you can input date as a String or a date. that is not going to make a difference. I recommend using string. Using date is a little complicated for beginners because its not util date. Its sql date. Date formats can sometime be troublesome.

Unable to call stored procedure in oracle through JDBC

I am trying to call a stored procedure where i am inserting 7 values into a table. But the below code is not working, please tell what am i doing wrong ?
i do not get any error, the page just remains static though after successful query execution it is suppose to redirect to a new page.
public class admincontrol extends TagSupport
HttpServletRequest request;
HttpServletResponse response;
String msg="";
public int doStartTag() throws JspException
return EVAL_PAGE;
public void check ()
JspWriter out=pageContext.getOut();
Connection con;
CallableStatement stmt;
ResultSet rs;
catch(ClassNotFoundException ex)
HttpSession mysession=request.getSession();
String sess=(String)mysession.getAttribute("user");
String rr=(String)adminmodel.time.trim();
String tempid=(String)adminmodel.employeid.trim();
String tdept=(String)adminmodel.department.trim();
String tsup=(String)adminmodel.supervisor.trim();
String tact=(String)adminmodel.action.trim();
String tdate=(String)adminmodel.date.trim();
HttpSession session1=request.getSession();
Random rand = new Random();
int r= rand.nextInt(80001) + 19999;
String reff = String.valueOf(r);
if (!tempid.matches(".*[%#^<>&;'\0-].*") && !tdept.matches(".*
[%#^<>&;'\0-].*") && !tsup.matches(".*[%#^<>&;'\0-].*"))
if (tempid.equals(sess) )
if (adminmodel.department!="" && adminmodel.supervisor!="" && adminmodel.action!="" && adminmodel.date!="" && adminmodel.time!="")
con= DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:#localhost:1521:XE","gaurav","oracle");
stmt=con.prepareCall("begin requestdetail (?,?,?,?,?,?,?); end;");
catch(SQLException ex)
catch(Exception ex)
out.println("Enter complete details");
out.println("Incorrect Employee Id");
out.println("Invalid Details ");
catch(Exception ex)
public int doEndTag() throws JspException
return super.doEndTag();
Below is the stored procedure
create or replace procedure requestdetail (id number, sup varchar2, department varchar2,aaction varchar2, adate number,atime number, ref number)
insert into myadmin(employe_id,supervisor,department,action,sdate,stime,reference_no)values (id,sup,department,aaction,adate,atime, ref);
You can't use a procedure in a query, only a function. To execute a procedure you need to do:
stmt=con.prepareCall("{ call requestdetail (?,?,?,?,?,?,?) }");
Or if you prefer you can pass a PL/SQL block:
stmt=con.prepareCall("begin; requestdetail (?,?,?,?,?,?,?); end;");
You will also need to commit at some point, unless you have auto commit turned on for the connection.
Also, you're setting all the parameters using setString, and you said in a comment that the table was created with all varchar2 columns; but your procedure is expecting numbers for the id, adate and atime columns:
create or replace procedure requestdetail (id number, sup varchar2,
department varchar2, aaction varchar2, adate number, atime number,
ref number) is
That will get a numeric or value error if the values you pass in for tempid, tdate and rr are not actually numbers. It looks like you're expecting tempid at least to be a string.
But if they are numeric (or, as the name suggests, date) values then your table columns should be of the appropriate type anyway, not all varchar2. Always use the correct data type; don't try to store numbers or dates as strings, it will only cause you pain later. It affects performance as Oracle can't optimise execution plans and indexes based on the actual data type. But more importantly because you can get invalid or just bad data, which you might not notice until much later, and will struggle to correct.
If someone inserts a string into your 'number' field nothing will stop them; but at some point when you query with where adate = 1 it'll throw an error. Same with dates, but even worse depending on the format(s) used - even with a single format, if you think everything is DD/MM/YYYY and someone puts in a value by mistake as MM/DD/YYYY, again you won't know; and it'll either work when retrieved (if the DD and MM are both <= 12) but have the wrong value and you will have no way to tell; or it'll fail when retrieved. If the column was DATE then it's up to the person inserting to get it right, not up to you to try and fix mistakes when you retrieve the data.

C# linq dates between

I am tring to get a list of dates from my db that will eventually be used to populate a calendar. Each 'calendar event' has a start date & end date, i need to get all dates between & including the start & end date.
i am stuck on the WHERE statement, as i am not sure what to use for this
public List<EventFeed> GetCalendarDates()
return (from eventsList in GetEventsList()
select new EventFeed()
//EventDate = todo
just to be clear, if i have a calendar event called foobar which starts on 22/08/2010 and ends on 24/08/2010, then i want my list return:
I had to do something similar recently, I used a Func<> to extract the dates from the range and used the result in the linq query.
I have added the same Func to your Linq query below. You didn't specify the name of the object that is returned by GetEventsList() so just replace the EventItem type for the first type parameter in the Func<> with whatever type you need.
public static List<EventFeed> GetCalendarDates()
Func<EventItem, List<DateTime>> extractEventDates = eventItem =>
var dates = new List<DateTime>();
for (var date = eventItem.StartDate;
date <= eventItem.EndDate;
date = date.AddDays(1))
return dates;
return (from eventItem in GetEventsList()
from eventDate in extractEventDates(eventItem)
select new EventFeed
EventDate = eventDate
You mean you want to select all the events that started on or after start date and ended on or before end date!
If yes, then this will help
var query = from #event in events
where #event.Start.Date >= startDate.Date
&& #event.End.Date <= endDate.Date
select #event;
