Lion Osx Crash all Applications sometimes when i launch iphone simulator - macos

it happened for me a lot but it's not happening every time ..
some times when i launch iphone application from xCode 4.1 in lion osx it closes all application and can't reopen them again unless i restart the machine.. what the wrong
is this happen to me alone?

File a bug at and hopefully the issue can be triaged.
The more info you provide in a bug, the better chance there is to figure out the cause.


On Starting mac and running xcode simulator Consume around 500MB Internet Data

For Past 4 week i observer when i run my Xcode application on simulator on first time simulator launch it consume around 500MB internet data.
This is not project specific issue. Every time when i shutdown and start the mac and run Xcode as soon as simulator open it will consume same amount of Data.
Can any one help me What is the issue?? or any background service run??
Xcode version: 11.6 (11E708)
simulator: 13.6
OSX: 10.15.6
Please help me unnecessary every time my Internet Data is consume i have to fix this
This issue is still persist after updating to xcode 11.7
Thanks For #Rado for suggesting the
After posting the question on i fond the answer.
Orginal Answer: Xcode simulator constantly download something
rename the file delete) in
to something
and also the file nsurlsessiond(Dont delete) in
to something -nsurlsessiond
Apps with admob works perfectly also no problem with safari
If you don't need an internet connection for testing you application, you could simply disable the network.
You could run wireshark and see what it is actually doing, or at least see where it is connecting to.
I used tripmode firewall don't give simulator internet access only give when you need it.
Works fine but when you forget to turn it off and start the simulator next time, you feel horrible :(

Run debugging on device cause Xcode 6.0.1 to crash

Yesterday i updated to the latest version of Xcode, since the update i experience a very strange glitch:
When i try to run the app on a device the Xcode start with the process and say "finish run the app on iPhone" and then the Xcode crashes.
what could cause this problem?
before the update everything worked perfect.
I was seeing this same issue and even trying to view the device from Window -> Devices would cause Xcode to crash. I updated the device to the latest version of iOS (8.0.2) and that seems to have fixed the problem (for this afternoon at least).

Debugging hanging app on OSX

This question involves Unity3d, but it's not specifically about it.
I'm building a Unity project for OSX; as a result, I get complete .app that I can run — without xcode project in between, as on iOS. Everything goes OK, but my app hangs up from time to time, forcing me to kill it.
What OS X tools can I use to help with debugging such a situation? May be there's something in xcode instruments that can help me?
You'll want to get the crashlogs, which will give you the callstack, and therefore the location in the code of the crash.
Here's some info on how to find the crash logs:
And here's some info about what to do with them once you have them:
How to symbolicate Mac OSX crash reports issued by Apple?

Xcode 5 won't even open in OS X 10.8.5

I recently updated my Mac OS to 10.8.5 and installed Xcode 5. First couple of times it opened but it was excruciatingly slow. Actions like cleaning, building the project took ages and when it finally ran, even the app won't function properly. It was like the app was frozen. So I quit Xcode to re-open it but now even Xcode won't start. I had to force quit every time I tried to open it.
I removed Xcode and installed it twice. One time from the .dmg I downloaded separately and the other time, through the Mac App store. But both time the same not responding issue persisted.
Can anyone please tell me how to rectify this issue? I'd really appreciate any suggestion.

XCode 3.2.6 hangs up

My Xcode 3.2.6 is hanging up constantly.
While I'm coding with no apparent reason it starts consuming more and more CPU, CPU temperature rises up to 80 celsius, the fan get exhausted and I'm forced to "force-quit" it and relaunch it to be able to continue working...
It start happening this week and nobody else on my project is having the same troubles.
My OS is Snow leopard 10.6.8
Any ideas on what could be happening?
I had the same exact issue with my Xcode 3.2.6 project... Would start out using one core and if I let it sit, would use all 8 cores of my i7 MBP. Very frustrating having to restart Xcode every 5 minutes.
My issue actually was resolved when I removed an iPhone from the Organizer that was running iOS 5.0.1. Xcode was trying to get information from the iPhone, and wasn't able to, since the iOS SDK requires Xcode 4.x
I also removed all the user settings from within the project's *.xcodeproj package as well; not sure if that had additional effect. removing those without removing the iPhone had no effect, though.
Have you tried doing a "clean" on the target? Have you tried checking your disk with Disk Utility?
