XCode 3.2.6 hangs up - xcode

My Xcode 3.2.6 is hanging up constantly.
While I'm coding with no apparent reason it starts consuming more and more CPU, CPU temperature rises up to 80 celsius, the fan get exhausted and I'm forced to "force-quit" it and relaunch it to be able to continue working...
It start happening this week and nobody else on my project is having the same troubles.
My OS is Snow leopard 10.6.8
Any ideas on what could be happening?

I had the same exact issue with my Xcode 3.2.6 project... Would start out using one core and if I let it sit, would use all 8 cores of my i7 MBP. Very frustrating having to restart Xcode every 5 minutes.
My issue actually was resolved when I removed an iPhone from the Organizer that was running iOS 5.0.1. Xcode was trying to get information from the iPhone, and wasn't able to, since the iOS SDK requires Xcode 4.x
I also removed all the user settings from within the project's *.xcodeproj package as well; not sure if that had additional effect. removing those without removing the iPhone had no effect, though.

Have you tried doing a "clean" on the target? Have you tried checking your disk with Disk Utility?


Xcode 9.3 - terrible performance

MBP (mid 2015) 16GB i7
After updating Xcode to 9.3, Xcode becomes very very slow and always in high (400%) CPU usage which makes everything get stuck. Just look at those screenshots.
After quitting Xcode:
Auto-complete and breakpoint just can't be used. I need to wait tens of seconds until Xcode has a response. It's not endurable.
Relaunch and reboot doesn't work. And before Xcode 9.3, these issues existed but didn't appear so often.

Xcode 8.2.1 Performance issue with Macbook pro

I have a MacBook pro(mid-2012)with following configuration(8GB RAM, MacOS Sierra, and 512 GB HDD). I updated my Xcode version from 8.2 to 8.2.1. After updating to that version system not responding properly (till 8.2 it works properly), I have to wait 5 or more minutes for one click. So please help me on that to fix that issue. For that performance issue,
Note: I reinstall MacOS twice but getting the same performance issue again and again when I open Xcode before that it works properly.
Steps to Reproduce:
Open Xcode with any existing project and open simulator from Xcode developer tools then you will see that system is not responding properly.
Expected Results:
If it will work till 8.2 then it will also work in Xcode 8.2.1 in MacBook pro
Following is my system configuration and activity monitor results.
CPU Usage
enter image description here
2: https://i.stack.imgur.com/0lEj3.png system configurtion
4: https://i.stack.imgur.com/WdoZW.png before xcode start
after xcode and simulator both starts cpu usage in activity monitor
CPU usage when both are running.
Check your "Activity Monitor" Mac App, monitor which tasks are taking more memory (%CPU). Try to force quit unused apps / tasks. And try again.
Finder -> Applications -> Activity Monitor
I have a macbook pro(middle-2012) in my home, and I can not use it to write the code any more, because it is too slow, I promise, if you replace a newer macbook pro, I think the issue will not comes.
In my company, I use the company's Macbook pro(2015) or Mac Mini(2014 late), with Xcode 8.2.1.
These there will not get slow, improve the configuration of your hardware.

Very slow tab switching in Xcode 4.5 (Mountain Lion)

I recently updated my MacBook Pro (2.3 GHz Intel Core i5) from Lion to Mountain Lion and simultaneously upgraded Xcode to the latest 4.5 version. I've experienced one very irritating problem. While programming I'm used to have a couple of tabs opened at a time. Ever since I updated, each time I switch tabs, Xcode freezes up for a bit (a couple of seconds). Does anyone have a suggestion to solve this problem?
I followed a tip on deleting project.xcworkspace to improve performance. Which seamed to help, but only for a short period of time.
It's a common issue and was fixed in XCode 4.5.1.
If you have multiple partitions (maybe a backup of Lion was kept) ensure that xcode really comes from the Mountain Lion partition.
The App Store App update for Xcode seems to take the first Xcode.app it finds and will apply any update to that version. In my case it updated the (inactive) Lion partition, even so I booted from the ML partition.
xcode-select did not complain when I tried to change it to the ML version.
So I ended up doing the great housekeeping:
do a chmod 000 /Volume/<old Lion partition>/Applications/Xcode.app
installed a fresh copy on Xcode.app into /Applications
verify the destination of the dock icon (must point to the ML Xcode.app)
My Xcode is now fast as before and it remains fast. You can get the Xcode dmg and the command line tools from https://developer.apple.com/downloads/index.action. I don't think there is a difference in the binaries, but with the DMG I could see where I dropped the Xcode.app.
I found your question before I discovered a partial solution.
As of today, I find XCode 4.6.1 GUI dog slow for my taste, specially considering that I run on a one year old mac, SSD, compile to a 2GB RAM disk and still have 6GB RAM left. Even Eclipse runs lightning fast compared to XCode
4.5.1 did improve something, but after a long time using XCode I do not have any hope for some of its problems being solved ever.
That being said, I have noticed that "Live issues", the main tool bar and all the panels slow down tab switching to same degree. The biggest offender so far are the navigator panels.
Once I got used to a minimalistic Xcode window, layout some specific task tabs, keep a separate window for xibs and learned the shortcuts to enable/disable the panels, I no longer suffer so much with XCode responsiveness, but there is still some lag that can be clearly felt.
Check that there is not heavy coding on ViewWillDisappear.
Also if you have NSURLConnection or any other having delegate methods should not get called while switching tabs.

Xcode 4.4 - There was an internal API error

Hi I just upgraded to Mountain Lion. I created an empty Single View Application and run it. The first time it runs fine but the next runs will give me the "There was an internal API error" pop-up warning TWICE. It's the same with my other projects. They run okay once but gets this error the next runs. There was no warning or any specific warning message of any kind.
Any idea how to solve this?
Would really appreciate your help.
I have it working on iOS6 Beta 4!! This is what I did but other variations may also work:-
Install XCode 4.5 Developer Preview 4
Delete your app from the device
Run your app from Dev Preview 4
Delete your app again (not sure if you have to do this)
Return to XCode 4.4.1
Run your app, stop running, run again!!!
Of course you could continue developing in 4.5, but I prefer to wait.
Installing 4.5 Beta 4 installs updated device support. Once this is done once (possibly on any device) it should work fine. If you use the same device on a different machine you will have to again run it once from 4.5 Beta 4 before using your preferred version of Xcode (You do not need to delete the app from your device this time).
Edit: I am pretty sure that if you make a change to your core data you will need to run from 4.5 for the first time also.
Don't know if this helps, but I've deleted all files in ${HOME}/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport and it worked as a charm (Xcode 4.4.1, OSX 10.7)
I had this problem when I upgraded my device to Preview4 but had my MBP still running Xcode Preview3. Updating to Xcode Preview4 made the problem go away for me, no restarts necessary.
Deleting the app manually from the device/simulator will allow you to build and run successfully. A long term solution is to not use a Beta Xcode :)
Sounds crazy but you can also not use the Beta version of XCode 4.
However, you must keep it in your left hand to authorize your iPhone to compile with the non Beta version (don't ask me why, it works).
If you run your app with XCode 4.5 preview & IOS6 Beta 4, the second time you run your app on the device, you'll get the internal API error.
In theory, you cannot use XCode 4.4 to compile on your iOS6 Beta 4 iPhone.
It seems that, if you launch XCode 4.5 Preview, connect your iPhone (so it is recognized), run the application on it (even if you get the error), quit XCode 4.5, launch XCode 4.4 and .. tadaaaa... your iPhone is now recognized as an authorized device to compile on...
And of course, XCode 4.4 doesn't generate the api error...
I have Xcode 5.0.2 and iPhone with iOS 7.0.6.
Every time when I launched my project on iPhone, I saw "There was an internal API error". And it was launched on simulator without any problems.
I did all the stuff that usually helps (like remove an app, clean, restart Xcode, restart a mac, etc.).
This problem went away only after I restored the iPhone. Sad but true.
I don't know so far, why it appeared.

XCode 3.2.4 iOS 4.1 (Final) and CoreData Crashes in Simulator

I've got 2 applications using Core Data with a sqlite persistent store. I've got a data loader routine that I run to populate the CoreData DB from csv files. During development, when my data changes I run the routine from the simulator to generate new databases and copy the new one into the project.
This has been working quite well for XCode 3.2.3 and iOS 4.0. It even works in the XCode 4 Preview 2 and 3. I just installed the final version of XCode 3.2.4 and iOS 4.1. Now my db loader fails. It gives me no message, no warning, no nothing. It just dumps out to the spring board and XCode gives me the "Debugging Terminated" message. It will fail at different times during the load so I'm pretty sure it's not a data issue. I'm not doing any threading. I assume the issue has to do with either Core Data or sqlite, since that's when the crash occurs, but with no info reported I can't tell for sure.
I uninstalled everything. Xcode 3.2.4, Xcode 4 preview (assuming it was an issue caused by XCode 4) and reinstalled XCode 3.2.3/iOS 4.0. Things returned to normal. After getting some work done I attempted to upgrade to 3.2.4/iOS 4.1 again. I uninstalled 3.2.3/iOS 4.0, rebooted. Installed 3.2.4/iOS 4.1, rebooted and tried again. No luck. Same hard crash. Same lack of messaging as to the cause.
I have determined that this only happens with the Simulator with XCode 3.2.4, the device is fine as is XCode 4 and 3.2.3. I've tried playing with the target OS selection (3.0,3.1,4.0,4.1). I've tired adjusting the Compiler from GCC 4.0, GCC 4.2,LLVM GCC 4.2, LLVM 1.5. I've tried setting the Base SDK to iOS Simulator 4.1. Interestingly enough it will work in the iPad simulator when using the 3.2 SDK. So I've at least go that as a work around.
I guess there is one of 3 issues:
An issue with my code that has been uncovered by 3.2.4.
Bug in 3.2.4.
A configuration issue that I've missed.
If anybody has any troubleshooting ideas or answers I'd love to hear them. I've been doing iOS full time since V 2.1 and I am seriously stumped.
Thanks in advance,
I figured out my issue. It looks like the CoreData/Sqlite connection was a total red herring. Following a tip I read on SO, I used OSX's Console application and got a critical message "Failed to launch in time" that was not being displayed in XCode's debugger console.
It looks like the process was being killed due to what is essentially a timeout error. The iPhone will kill an application that takes too long to complete "didFinishLaunching." That's where I was kicking the data load routine off from. The new version of XCode must have adjusted it's timeout values.
So my takeaway is give OSX's console a shot if XCode isn't telling you everything and watch out for those red herrings.
When I upgraded I ran into troubles in the simulator when saving the managedObjectContext. I finally deleted my sqlite CoreData store file and have not run into similar problems. Try deleting your data file (well save a copy of it before deleting to see what is different).
