How to get the return address on the stack on LLVM - stack-overflow

I want to implement the Xor random canary, so I have to get the return address in the prologue and epilogue of the function.
In the prologue of the function, before I insert into the canary on the stack, I can get the return address by:
ConstantInt* ci = llvm::ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(RI->getContext()), 0);
Value* Args1[] = {ci};
CallInst* callInst = CallInst::Create(Intrinsic::getDeclaration(M, Intrinsic::returnaddress),
&Args1[0], array_endof(Args1), "Call Return Address", InsPt);
callInst will get the return address and it works.
While, in the epilogue of the function, due to the canary has been inserted. I write the similar code:
ConstantInt* ci2 = llvm::ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(RI->getContext()), 1);
Value* Args3[] = {ci2};
CallInst* callInst1 = CallInst::Create(Intrinsic::getDeclaration(M, Intrinsic::returnaddress),
&Args3[0], array_endof(Args3), "Caaall Return Address", BB);
But it does not work this time. I cannot get the return address.
What is problem? How can I get the return address?

I don't know why you do this but in the epilogue, you are calling
llvm.returnaddress i32 1
which tries to get the return address of the previous function on the call stack. Even though you inserted a canary, you still want the return address of the current function in the epilogue. So you should, like you do in the prologue, call
llvm.returnaddress i32 0
Just as a side note, calling llvm.returnaddress with an argument other than 0 will probably not work. From the docs:
The value returned by this intrinsic is likely to be incorrect or 0 for arguments other than zero, so it should only be used for debugging purposes.


passing pointers

I have this declared above:
char PandaImage[] = "images/panda.png";
SDL_Texture* PandaTexture = nullptr;
I have a function to create textures:
void LoadMedia( SDL_Texture *ThisTexture, char *Image )
SDL_Surface* TempSurface = nullptr;
ThisTexture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface( gRenderer, TempSurface );
I call it as:
LoadMedia( PandaTexture, PandaImage );
It builds, logs the image loaded and texture created, but no image
If I hard change the line ( use Panda directly instead of This ):
PandaTexture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface( gRenderer, TempSurface );
My image is there.
I have always had trouble with & * and passing.
Is there a good, simple help for me?
Thanks for your kind help - back to Google for now
In short, I think you could solve your problem by changing the function to:
void LoadMedia( SDL_Texture** thisTexture, char* Image)
(*thisTexture) = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface( gRenderer, TempSurface);
And by calling the function using:
LoadMedia( &PandaTexture, PandaImage);
An explanation:
Variables and Pointers
A variable is used to store data (a primitive or a class instance). For example:
int a = 10;
stores an integer in memory. This means, that symbol 'a' now represents number 10, which is stored somewhere in your computer's memory as 4 bytes.
A pointer is used to store an address (this address points towards a variable). For example:
int* a_address = 1234;
says that there is an integer stored at address 1234 in your computer's memory. A pointer always takes up the same amount of space (4 bytes on a 32 bit machine and 8 bytes on a 64 bit machine), as it simply stores an address.
Getting the Address of a Variable [&]
You will rarely ever set the address of a pointer yourself. Often, pointers are the result of a "new" call. Using "new" reserves memory to store an instance of the class you want to create, and returns the address of the object. In essence, it says: "I created an object for you, and you can find it at this location in your memory".
Alternatively, when you have a normal variable (primitive of class instance), you can find its address by using the & character. For example:
int a = 10;
int* a_address = &a;
says: "store the location of variable a in pointer a_address. Why would you do this? Say you have a very large instance (for example an SDL_Texture consisting of many, many pixels) and you want to pass it to a function (or pass it back outside of the function). If you were to pass it to the function as SDL_Texture thisTexture, you are copying the entire object (a so-called pass by value). This is time consuming. Alternatively, you could simply pass the address to the function, as an SDL_Texture * thisTexture. This is a so called pass by reference, and it is much faster as you can imagine.
Getting the Variable at an Address [*]
Obviously, if you have an address, you also need a way to get the actual variable at that address. This is done using the * character. It is called "dereferencing". For example:
int a = 10;
int* a_address = &a;
int b = (*a_address);
This last line says: "Give me the variable, stored at address a_address, and put it in b".
Function Parameters Going Out-of-scope
When a function ends, its local variables (including parameters) go out-of-scope. This means that their memory is freed (for variables, not for dynamically allocated objects stored as pointers!). Their values will be forgotten. In your case, you are passing an SDL_Texture * as a parameter. This means, a copy is made of the address stored in PandaTexture. This address is copied over to thisTexture. You then write the return value of SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface to thisTexture. Next the function ends, and thisTexture goes out-of-scope. As a result, the location of your SDL_Texture (the SDL_Texture * pointer) is lost forever. You actually want to store the address to pointer PandaTexture, but as you can see, the address is only written to thisTexture.
Solution: How to Fix your Function
We can fix this by passing a pointer, to your pointer called PandaTexture. A "pointer to a pointer" is written as:
SDL_Surface** thisTexture;
We want to pass the address of pointer PandaTexture to this. This way, we can write to PandaTexture from inside your method! After all, we know where PandaTexture stores its pointer in memory, allowing us to change it. To actually put the address of PandaTexture in it, we need to use the & character in the function call as such:
LoadMedia(&PandaTexture, PandaImage);
Next, inside of our function, we want to change the value of PandaTexture. However, we were passed &PandaTexture and not PandaTexture itself. To write the value of &PandaTexture (the address where our texture will be stored), we need dereferencing, as such:
(*thisTexture) = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(gRenderer, TempSurface);
This works because: "thisTexture is a pointer to a pointer to an SDL_Texture (aka an SDL_Texture**). By dereferencing it, we obtain a pointer to an SDL_Texture (aka an SDL_Texture*). Here we can store the return value of the SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface function.
Why do we not run into out-of-scope issues here? Parameter thisTexture will still go out of scope, and its value will be forgotten. But! We didn't write to thisTexture, instead we wrote our SDL_Texture * pointer to the address that thisTexture points to! This bit of memory is not cleared due to scoping, so we can view the results from outside the function!
In summary, you can solve your problem using a pointer to a pointer. I hope the above clears up the concepts of pointers, variables, addresses and dereferencing a bit!

how to create a dummy node and set it to NULL?

I am trying to create dummy node in my createList() function, however everytime I run the program, it results in a segmentation fault. Here is my code so far for createList();
dummyNode->next = NULL;
return dummyNode;
any help would be appreciated.
This line
creates a local variable that lives only inside your function createList. After the method is left, the variable is freed. I assume you use C or C++, thus you have to allocate memory with malloc
node*dummyNode = malloc(sizeof(node));

How to use wake_up_interruptible

I wonder how can I use wake_up_interruptible, if it returns void: (_wake_up function returns void). For example, down_interruptible function returns int: This allows to write such code, for example:
if ( down_interruptible(&dev->sem) )
// continue: down_interruptible succeeded
When I call wake_up_interruptible, and it is interrupted, how can I know this, if it returns void?
i suppose normal usage scenario would be, in one thread:
for (;;) {
wait_event_interruptible(wait_queue, condition);
/* Some processing */
and from some other thread:
if (something_happened)
which will result in one process from wait_queue which is in TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE state to be woken up and evalueate condition
see some more examples here, a bit dated bit gives an idea

Identifying the EINVAL in a Kernel Control ctl_enqueuedata call

I want to send messages from a kernel extension into a userland program using kernel controls. I'm experiencing an EINVAL error when calling ctl_enqueuedata.
I've set up a Kernel Control and I'm trying to send messages through it using ctl_enqueuedata. I'm setting
ep_ctl.ctl_flags = 0
before passing to ctl_register, which, the documents suggest, should result in ctl_unit being automatically set.
To quote kern_control.h:
For a dynamically assigned control ID, do not set the CTL_FLAG_REG_ID_UNIT flag.
static struct kern_ctl_reg ep_ctl;
static kern_ctl_ref kctlref;
errno_t error;
bzero(&ep_ctl, sizeof(ep_ctl)); // sets ctl_unit to 0
ep_ctl.ctl_id = 0;
ep_ctl.ctl_unit = 0;
strncpy(ep_ctl.ctl_name, CONTROL_NAME, strlen(CONTROL_NAME));
ep_ctl.ctl_flags = 0x0; // not CTL_FLAG_REG_ID_UNIT so unit gets supplied. Not CTL_FLAG_PRIVILEGED either.
ep_ctl.ctl_send = EPHandleSend;
ep_ctl.ctl_getopt = EPHandleGet;
ep_ctl.ctl_setopt = EPHandleSet;
ep_ctl.ctl_connect = EPHandleConnect;
ep_ctl.ctl_disconnect = EPHandleDisconnect;
error = ctl_register(&ep_ctl, &kctlref);
printf("setupControl %d\n", error);
When I call ctl_register it returns 0 ok.
When I call ctl_enqueuedata, passing in my struct kern_ctl_reg I'm getting 22, which is EINVAL. One of those arguments appears to be incorrect. The other arguments I'm passing are a static test string and its length for data, and zero flags.
int result = ctl_enqueuedata(kctlref, ep_ctl.ctl_unit, filename, length, 0x0);
The value of my ep_ctl's .ctl_unit is 0, the value of .ctl_id is 6. Could it be that the ctl_unit value being passed to ctl_enqueuedata is invalid / un-initialized?
kern_control.h says of ctl_unit:
This field is ignored for a dynamically assigned control ID
Which suggests that it isn't required anyway?
Have I missed something in initializing my ep_ctl?
I believe you supply wrong value as the 2nd parameter of ctl_enqueuedata(). Instead of ep_ctl.ctl_unit, you have to remember struct sockaddr_ctl::sc_unit in the EPHandleConnect() callback and that's what you are supposed to pass into ctl_enqueuedata().
I suggest using OSX's kernel debugging facilities to figure out what's going on here. That will let you walk through the relevant kernel code, and should tell you where it's rejecting your input.

emit code crashes at runtime but not in debug, why

I have some code, that build up a proxy from a type. It work perfekt.
Then I have add in the setter emit code, that it has to push a isDirty bit, when it is call. This fail, why?
If I run the code without the isDirty bit, it works.
If I run the code with the isDirty bit, it works in debug, but is start the disassembly window up in visual studio.
If I run the code with the isDirty (without-debug) the program crash (not responding) but when I hit cancel, it starts working and show all de rigth data.
PropertyBuilder property = proxy.DefineProperty(propertyInfo.Name, propertyInfo.Attributes, propertyInfo.PropertyType, null);
MethodAttributes attributes = MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.HideBySig | MethodAttributes.SpecialName | MethodAttributes.Virtual;
MethodBuilder setMethod = proxy.DefineMethod("set_" + propertyInfo.Name, attributes, typeof(void), new Type[] { propertyInfo.PropertyType });
ILGenerator setIL = setMethod.GetILGenerator();
setIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); // load this on the stack - where this is the type we are creating
setIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1); // load first parameter on the stack
setIL.Emit(OpCodes.Call, propertyInfo.GetSetMethod());
//error here: when this is uncomment, it fails
// // set the isDirty bit
// setIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); // load this on the stack
// setIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1, 1); // push a number on the stack
// setIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, isDirtyField); // save the value on the stack in field
I have a hard time, seeing why this fails? Need some help from the experts :)
// dennis
I'm not sure if this is your only issue, but you are using the wrong Emit overload when emitting your Ldc_I4_1 opcode. You should do either:
setIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, 1)
The first option will result in a slightly smaller IL method body since it uses a specialized opcode, whereas the second one is not specific to the number being loaded.
